Average Investor
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All bodies react very differently. All nootropics themselves are very different as well. I find that build up of Lion's mane for example over time causes me to have better memory. I found this simply just by remembering things that I would have just disregarded because they were unimportant, but with taking lion's mane I would remember them better. I would not really be able to pinpoint if I took it one day vs the next. You have to experiment with them and be able to find out what really works. I also really recommend that you spend a long period of time just focusing in one one, so you know all of the effects from it. It will really help you identify the benefits and possible negative effects of them. That and you will be able to tell if one just has no effect on you. Of course really do your research before you take them. I have had bad reactions to two nootropics so far them being hyprezine-A, which was likely because I dream often anyway, but this one really would make me instantly sick. That and reshi mushroom, however it was common side effects they were just quite unpleasant and I am sure if I would want to stick it out and keep going with an initial reaction like that.
@Ferdi Le There is a ton of bullshit delusion that there is not a ton of work involved with sourcing and what not. I had a relative tell me I was able to work 80 hours a week because it was easy. You're right though there is a lot of other options out there. But for someone who is getting the ropes and wants to be independent reselling is fine. Not to mention start up costs are quite low and it has a low barrier to entry.All of that other stuff is pretty costly to get into you mentioned. I just got a $300 pc set up for free the other day because I knew it was worth money, but looks like junk. People can dumpster dive and get inventory to sell if they want too. Most people do not understand the learning curve and work required to actually make any good money though. The drop shipping is mostly bullshit. The platforms don't really allow it either. So you would need your own site shopify etc. There is people who make big money on it though.
Ebay is a good avenue too. You can get a storage unit pretty cheap and run your business out of it. I make a full time living with mostly ebay, supplying local stores, and facebook market place. I am not knowledgeable on amazon. I have a few thousand music cds as potential candidates for fba soon though. If you are serious you can message me and I can help teach you. But don't waste my time if you don't really want it.
Unless you have some sort of kindey issue I would not worry about it. Healthy adults would consume about 3,700-4,700mg. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002413.htm
@soeasy Give it a try on Etsy and ebay. I bet you could do great if you keep up at it. Selling a product you make is great once you scale it enough. Large batches and bulk inventory start cutting out the time taken to make each thing individually.
@Serotoninluv How do you usually set up a psychedelic trip to work on that type of stuff? I thought about writing a biography during it.
I mean everything is living really. It's more on a level of how conscious the thing your eating is I suppose what most worry about. The farming of animals causes a lot more environmental impact, than just growing the plants. Because with the live stock you have to farm the plans for them to eat as well and account for all of their waste and housing. Also, on higher scale there could be things like advanced hydroponic farms and stuff that could go upwards structurally etc. Do your research on actually maintaining the diet before you jump in if you decide to.
@Girzo All it takes is the right positioning to get seen and you can sell the products. For OPs health issues he has curbed it is possible he could easily build out of a little niche dedicated right around that. I use to sell products like OP is describing although more low conscious and did just fine in a crowded market.
@JonasVE12 Great, I am glad that you are pursing something you are passionate about. It sounds like you already have you answer on buying the product.
You can find something working and just copy it if you want to make money. Look how he is getting you to want to buy his course in the first place. You don't need to pay for anything. With that said there is a lot of excellent information you could purchase out there in the form of books and what not. Courses could be good, but really depends on the integrity of the creator of the product. I think that you might be quickly deciding to go into this field as a reaction to the pregnancy you mentioned on your other thread. Really take the time to contemplate what you want to do. You're in college, so what are you pursuing there and why? What do you want to teach about and why? If you just want to get rich or pull together money there is a lot of jobs for that as well. Although, I believe business is one of the better routes for long term prosperity and self sufficiency.
You need to start positioning your money in ways that will help you break free from the 9-5. Not only that working on getting the business stable enough to produce income. I personally would start by selling off the stuff you don't need. Selling off stuff that is distracting you. Minimizing expenses like phone bill (youtube cheaper plans), car insurance, etc etc. Seriously renegotiate or remove any subscriptions gym etc. Down sizing anything like a car with a car payment. Downsizing even a house if you need to. Own all of your stuff. Get rid of any high interest debts. You could live in a trailer and make it work if you really want to. Stop wasting your money on bs and get serious about it.
People owe me thousands of dollars. However, I only lent out very little mostly my time. I would not trust the average person with a $5 bill.
You'll probably find just eliminating garbage out of the diet will give you the results you are looking for. There is not enough research to show what it does long term that I know of. I am sure you could be fine. But you would likely need supplements. The factory animals are given b12 supplements for example, so you don't have to worry about that. Not to mention if you just eat cheap meat at the store all the time I imagine that would be low nutritional value. If you are planning on eating brains, liver, etc you could probably get most of the nutrition you need. But if you just want to buy a steak I doubt it's going to give you what you need. I'd say you would be missing out on the most healing foods going this route and would probably only be worth it for an extreme case like hers. But that is just my opinion.
Average Investor replied to nowimhere's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Bno Not trying to beat a dead horse here, but was watching this and thought of this conversation. Don't just appeal to authority here though either. I am guilty of the same thing, actually everyone is. Just continue to open up to exploring and recontextualization. -
Not Leo's content, but these are good quality. You can pick some of Leo's videos to go with these. These will make a big difference. Especially a good quality mediation habit will help you out tremendously. https://chopra.com/articles/5-healing-modalities-that-could-change-your-life
@Anna1 Yeah, most of the news around it is just propaganda. I could jog 5 miles straight when I was vaping still. The stuff saying people dying was also just black market THC vapor products. Not E liquid products. To my knowledge there has never been a single death relating to vapor products. Some injuries from devices from poorly educated users though. If most users are able to quit it will lose billions of dollars for the medical industry and tobacco companies. There is so many hands in the pockets of things like other pharmaceutical drugs that supposedly work to make people quit, but they almost never work. It hurts a whole lot of companies not just tobacco companies. If you look into it the state of California actually owes tobacco companies millions of dollars. Tobacco companies paid out settlements before they even happened. So if you notice California is one the first places that places to start banning flavors. You also see a lot of misinformation about the vaping products themselves coming from there. I believes they owe them something like hundreds of millions and they already spent that funding that was suppose to go to tobacco prevention related stuff. Not sure a quick internet search would show you what I am talking about though. California is not the only state like that, but they owe the most. Now I have to say that a good portion of the vapor industry is a big pile of bs. Shops hosting competitions for clouds and tricks. Companies literally ripping off candy packaging labeling and using it on their products is completely irresponsible. But it still comes to the fact it is getting people to quit cigarettes. My town had like 5+ vape shops not including mini marts that had dedicated sections for it, head hops, etc. It was getting pretty out of hand in my opinion. Now with flavors banned it is pretty much gone, but I wonder if users will go back to cigarettes or not.
@Anna1 Yeah, I vaped for about 5 years as well. I weaned down on nicotine content and just cut it off completely, but I would usually do that anyway. I would go down to 1mg, then back to 6mg to get effects again. But going down to 1mg for a week or so, then just cut it out. The thing is with going down to 1mg is you tend to vape more, so hard to say how much less you really get. I had been running and stuff and just came to the realization it was time to stop. It is an annoying habit.
@silene @28 cm unbuffed Royal College of Physicians found vaping not likely to exceed 5% of the harm of cigarettes. It is a good tool to get completely off of it for good. Actually has the highest success rate to stop smoking.
Also, your calorie needs are going to vary. You likely will find yourself not needing as much as before because you are eating less calorie dense foods. Also, eating high volume foods like watermelon, cantalope, etc will make you full longer. But I still recommend that you keep things like nuts in your diet especially because it is a more calorie dense food. There is a big variety of nuts to choose from, so you will have many options to cycle through. I find costco to be one of the better sources for them for the price.
Fruits and veggies will take awhile for you to adjust your taste. It could take months for you to actually acquire taste for them and it will develop more over time. I highly recommend that you start your day with a smoothie to bring in a higher intake of fruits and veggies. You can use hemp seeds and chia seeds to bring up the protein and omega 3/6. My smoothie today contained 15g protein without any sort of processed powders. That also does not include any protein occurring in the fruits and veggies. I might up that a bit to start trying to pack on some muscle though. My diet has a good amount of protein in general though. Check out 150 healthiest foods on earth book and cycle through many of the fruits and veggies into your smoothie. Also, if you have stomach issues try to add in some ginger into your diet. I have a good sized chunk of it I put in my smoothie daily. Try to replace the rice with brown rice and qunioa they are much better alternatives. But no harm in enjoying some jasmine or white rice every now and then, but they fall short of what I mentioned. I feel very sluggish if I eat any wheat anymore, but to be fair go at your own pace of removing the pasta and bread. It is essential that you figure out a good meal structure as well as supplements.
@IChoseTheRedPill I am not an expert with shopify for sure, so I cannot really say. It would be a new place for me to try out. Ideally I would direct traffic from google and ebay customers to it. I am full time selling as my only income right now. I am not an expert, but I know quite a bit. I really just use ebay right now, but I need to diversify. I have nearly half of my businesses income coming from local sales though too. Ebay is not very user friendly unfortunately. I am wasting an hour or so just phoning between them and paypal to literally just change my automatic payment method this morning. I cannot ship until they change it over to my bussiness paypal. That and I am on managed payments and I am having buyers tell me that they are not able to pay me, so I missed out on two sales just because of their technical issues. I love the platform too it just seems like every month now it seems there is a new issue I have to resolve with them. Definitely message me though. Maybe it would be a good hobby or business for you to try out. I love going out and getting items it is really fun for me. In the summer I travel hours out of town to garage sale events.
@IChoseTheRedPill Definitely give it a shot! I have noticed that I will now ever remember things that I would have just disregarded because they were not important anymore. Like how much I spent on something etc, but it became important for whatever reason. I would not have been nearly as successful in remembering prior to it. Ebay would be good to drive traffic to your own site as well, so no point in not using it to be honest. I was going to move onto amazon a bit and mostly just try to sell big ticket electronics there if they let me. I doubt I will get ungated for collectibles. I am working on investing into a better structure for my listings on ebay to get on several platforms and possibly my own shopify store, which is suppose to be easy to sync listings over to. I do intend to list thousands of items though, so a subscription to cross listing might not be worth it depending on your frequency of listings. I was thinking about putting out a video this week maybe. I am going grinding quite a few hours out for reselling this week though too, so we will see. I am pretty well versed with selling on ebay. Would be happy to provide you a lot of resources you could find useful and teach you some stuff if needed. Feel free to pm me if you want. Take it easy.
@Raptorsin7 I have it. I am only 7 sections in so far. A lot of content in there for sure. So far it seems high quality. I have actually developed further ideas about 3 different businesses and how to make them more impactful to the world. Now maybe I would have got those ideas without it I don't know. I had ideas surrounding the businesses themselves to create them though prior. I would get the feeling it is more designed around how to make the business impactful to the world. I get the feeling from other reviews I read you are still going to have to search for the medium for that impactful business, but I feel like it should steer you in the right direction. If you are just looking for business fundamentals there is a lot of free content that would get you going good. Learning: Taxes How to properly form LLC and operate Marketing Building business infrastructure How to maintain and interact with clients How to figure out what the client needs How to deal with changes in the industry Building contacts to help grow your business There is so much business theory out there, but nothing better than running out and starting a business to get you a taste of it. I have had a variety of businesses at this point. More failure than success for sure, but I definitely know some stuff. I especially know what I like to do and not do. I have done product and services. But I will say that especially learning things like taxes gives you a massive upper hand in businesses. I will say though even just getting several hours into it could help you visualize ideas about what you want to do and picking that. So that alone could be really valuable. I don't want to be bias for it just because I purchased it. I have only done so much of it to say how effective it could be for your situation. If you have the money, time, and dedication then sure go buy it. Leo puts out good content in general and this so far does not fall short of that. It really is a few hundred hours worth of content, when you do the assignments and what not. So keep that in mind. That and I really suggest finding fundamental content to read and research building up to it. If I had to be honest I felt the need to just pay up the $250 when I started to get more financially comfortable just because of how much my quality of life has improved from this work. $250 is a drop in the bucket comparatively. That and I really did get curious how he is able to dedicate this much work into his business. But I have to say that might not be the case for everyone. I had just hit a massive amount of self growth being able to integrate the work I was being taught and taking the path with the most pain and suffering to get the most improvement.
@IChoseTheRedPill Yeah, I had been in a similar space when I was younger, so I know how it can feel to be at that point in life. Sorry for your loss as well I can imagine it carries a burden. Do you think the book is worth it compared to online searching? I have watched Paul Statments on Joe Rogan and I actually buy his host defense brand of lions mane, which is super awesome if you have not looked into that. I have checked out their site, but I think I will register and dive in a bit deeper one of these days. I have actually wondered about growing my own lions mane. We have been talking about getting my own green house here and maybe that would be a good place to work on growing some. I don't do any crypto videos now. I have been kind of playing around with maybe showing how to grow various businesses and what not on there. I recommend looking into Andreas Antonopoulos and Data Dash. The blockgeeks site looks pretty good. I did try to find your youtube, but did not come back with a channel.
It sounds like you are really trying to work through your issues going through the last few of your threads. I hope you have an excellent healing journey. I am working through depersonalization disorder right now. I am taking it down piece by piece. I am highly focusing on ocd right now and only have one slight ocd action yesterday that I caught myself in. A lot of it depends on where the person is at emotionally and their habits. I had a close friend kill himself and I was one of the last people he talked to a few years ago. It really was not all that easy process to be honest with you. But how I would have handled it then versus now is much different. I think a lot of those life style changes I showed you would really help you move in the right direction. That and really facing the emotions of the loss is important. It might help you to write out a letter to here that you just keep for yourself. Maybe explain all of the emotions you feel. Maybe even write the story of your relationship out as a whole. Really delve into it and not avoid it. But really know that she would not have wanted you to be hurting. Try to focus in on all of the good things that you have going for you in life. Maybe write out 3 things every morning that you are thankful for. I know this might sound a bit further out and you would want to do your research. It might be worth it to research psilocybin mushrooms. I am going to be using some to face some trauma. I am going to do it next time and write out a biography of my childhood. However, I would really urge you to be in a good mood for two weeks at least and working on all of those other things I had sent you in the link. But if you decide to go this route please do the research. Be open minded to it too. I have heard of people equating it to 5 years worth of therapy. I have had luck with it reducing my ocd as well as well as others who have had the same findings. Also, I would highly recommend avoiding any mood stabilizers or anti depressants. This is really going to hinder your growth and healing in my opinion.