Average Investor

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Everything posted by Average Investor

  1. @Amandine Thanks for reading! Yeah, we jogged over 3 miles straight today and walked the other 3, then she got to go on a run with someone else. She has been resting for a few hours now. @Thittato The other friend I hang out with now is pretty good. He is not really into any of the self actualization type stuff or anything. But he also isn't a loser and keeps himself well. I enjoy climbing mountains with him and going bowling. I would enjoy some company of people striving for more in there life though too. His friends are into more low conscious kind of stuff and I just don't get a kick out of that stuff anymore. Going to parties or similar things. I don't really go to meet a bunch of new friends. I have tried the meet up app and stuff and there is nothing local. I really don't want to drive an hour out of town to make new friends right now. I do have two friends I keep up with virtually that are into this work though, so that really does help too. Especially just communicating with people who are going through the same hoops or striving for greater things like me. I sometimes feel lonely, but not really that much anymore I really made myself face it and confront it.
  2. @Amandine I appreciate it! I think a big thing with diet and everything is finding what works best for you. I think people get way to caught up in the tribalism of following certain diets and what not. Diet is very complex and there is always new research and new ways of eating being done. Your skin is one of the ways your body removes toxins, so a big thing that produces acne and all of that stuff in food. A lot of typical American style diets contain tons of things that cause inflammation. I had acne issues when I was younger, but I would not have even thought it had anything to do with food. I ate a ton of cheese, drank milk all the time, etc. Same with all of the sugar intake. That 3 day plan looks well rounded. I would always recommend as much veggies and fruits as you are wanting to add the better. But that still contains some and I see nothing processed, so that is a big plus. Fish is good, but I do see some stuff suggesting of over eating it they contain some mercury. So for fish it may be best to have maybe a couple times a week. Also, wild caught is always the way to go for the healthiest. I have not tried the sharon fruit yet, but I believe I had seen one before. I have not seen custard apples that I know of. I am not a huge apple fan though. But on occasion I like to have some with peanut butter or almond butter. Yeah, it is really too bad that we have to rely so much on junk foods and chemicals to feed the masses. It will take some time for things to really advance to a level where farming is much more efficient without causing that much harm. Wow, that sweetsop looks amazing I have never seen one before. Unfortunately, some of the most exotic I find is a papaya around my local town. Which, I did really like that papaya it was almost like a fruit that kind of tasted like coffee lol. Health food is very low value to most here. Almost all of the groceries stores besides one carries a decent amount of even organic stuff and of course the price is quite a bit higher to match that. I do like traveling into Oregon to get bulk food. I want to try to find some more specialty type shops to get some different kinds of veggies and fruits that I commonly can't get access to. For my local town I actually do not eat out at all. I would only eat out in Oregon if I do. There is not really any options that really accommodate what I eat here that I am aware of.
  3. @Amandine Lol I did do the cold showers for a month or so. I might do them again, but usually after I run in the cold I am already pretty cold. I have not explored Seattle a whole lot, but a few times. It's really cramped and parking is expensive in my experience. I like Oregon a quite a bit though. quite a bit of places showing a bit more SD green. Kind, friendly, and unique people there. Of course there is bad apples too though lol. The town I live in has very little diversity. It's a pretty good place, but a lot of low conscious stuff here. Personally I would recommend other types of lettuces just because of low nutritional value in iceberg. I would recommend maybe even trying a variety and spinach is super health as a good one to add. If you like it keep eating it no problem, but try to explore some other ones that might be of interest. I buy organic when I can get it. Foods where the content is directly exposed end up with higher amounts of pesticides. So things like spinach, strawberries, blueberries, etc end up with the most. While pineapple and others with strong exteriors or removable exteriors end up with less. In the case of the pineapple it has some of the least. But I imagine in it's climate it naturally grows fine especially with that tough exterior keeping bugs away too. So typically something like spinach I put as a high priority for organic. However, I would say just consuming fruits and vegetables all together is better. I did eat a bit of lettuce recently that was not organic. I would wash it just because of the fact you can't really know what was on it and in my case mine still had dirt on it. You might be able to remove some pesticides by just washing with water, but I had seen some videos showing removing higher amounts with baking soda and water and letting them sitting. You would really have to look into that though because I don't know how valid those claims are. Yeah, I imagine lettuce is also high up on the list of the most contaminated. I made an exception this time for just a couple leafs haha. I made a vegan sloppy joe that contained all organic red lentils, tomato paste, maple syrup, mustard, apple cider vinegar, onions, garlic, and chili powder. I went a little overboard on the maple syrup and it ended up on the sweeter side. Still was really good. Then just stuck that on to a lettuce leaf. Will definitely make this again as it was really good. Oh and one avocado slice per leaf. I was the same way with getting into salads at first. Loaded them with cheese, meat, and the dressing all of which ironically make it harder to lose weight. But the salad was much less calorie dense than my taco bell or other stuff I regularly ate haha. Yeah, a lot of the time I eat generally around the same stuff with a lot of fruits and vegetables. If I eat out at a unfamiliar place I am sure I end up eating some, but I usually only go to a familiar place if I do and that is maybe once a month. But yeah, I have to check every label and it is good to I think in general anyway a lot of stuff is sneaked into products. I was going to buy some mango that was organic stored in a jar and I read the ingredients and it had a chemical in it that would de-ice roads. Not sure how bad it was, but that really did not sound healthy at all lol. But I usually would prefer to just buy fresh fruit. Sometimes dried if I want treat to eat. Dried mangos are probably my favorite. Have to be careful even with the dried though because a lot of companies like to add sugar on those too.
  4. Growth is never linear. If you continue to work at it you are planting the seeds now. When the growth really comes it will come explosively if you keep tending to it now. As for backsliding it is hard. I have done a lot of back sliding with habits and there will always be a time where something kind of falls off a little easier than usual. I like to watch Leo's back sliding video if I am in a rut, but it seems that I don't usually need it anymore. You have to really create a vision for your life of why those things are important. You should really try to focus in on one thing or one habit and get that really strong before you try for other ones. It take a lot of time and patience. I have been mediating for over a year and it still is not easy. Today was a more difficult session and I did not complete the full hour. But I gained some progress in resisting temptation of itching and what not. I am mastering that control more and more. But it nicks at it a little piece at a time. When I really started seeing mediation results it came big, when my sessions seemed almost useless for most of that year. You should watch Leo's video on patience. I think that is one of the most important things you can master in life if you want to get good results.
  5. @Amandine When I did the salads I did not know much about nutrition. I just had like iceberg lettuces and they were store bought ones. They had junk on them. But their high water content made it easier to lose weight. I am in the united states. West coast, in a high rain fall area. So usually "gloomy" but that is just perspective haha. I like it here now. I go for runs in the rain and even in freezing etc. I just enjoy that stuff at this point so much, but a lot of that is a result of removing all adding sugar I think. That and taste adjusts if you just eat that kind of stuff.
  6. I have definitely over done myself on inventory. I should not depend so much on others to get things sold because of having high volume. I suppose too much inventory is better than no inventory. Getting a bit of flow from the business here and there and it feels good. Working down as much stuff out of the way as I can to redo my new work area. It will be really good for my productivity and especially efficiency. I really wonder how my life would change if there was no money incentives. Like right now I kind of just feel like doing stuff. A positive force to produce something. I don't really think of the result of money because of the fact that this work usually never pays you upfront. It seems like when it decides to come it does when it feels. Although, the more consistent the work, the more consistent money becomes. It's almost been exactly one years since I left my ex. It feels so good to be free from that. I just need to be more mindful to not get into something similar. The brain is a strange thing that gives you chemicals that distract you from truth. But it seems that consciousness can triumph even those powerful chemicals and feelings. I am incredibly lucky to do the work that I do. I don't like that I still live at my moms place all that much. But really I don't hate it. It's really super charged me to change my life. I don't even think I would have found this path without it. It's allowed me such great opportunity. Something I feel that I should be more grateful for than the fact I try to make it seem bad because of society. I mean sure it would be great to move on. But most people my age are in debt and struggling in so many facets in life. I do not have those issues and work to create a beautiful life. I pay my way, but it still feels like I would like to be more independent. It is what it is though. I need some more time to get this right to keep things smooth. I don't want finances to be a hurdle that hinders me in life. So many of the greatest things I think come after survival. I think this journal helps me output my need to talk as much. I talk too much to people in conversation I think when I am really into something. I imagine they do not enjoy the conversation as much although maybe some appear to. I need to be more conscious of that. I do try to work on it though. I suppose I can't be perfect.
  7. @Amandine You seemed pretty accepting of the first tip, so I figured I would give it a go haha. When I was quite a bit over weight I did lose my first initial 5-10 pounds with salads and walking. Salads were definitely helpful.
  8. I know you said no advice, but I thought you might find this quite practical. Adding in more high volume foods for your calorie limit will keep you full longer and suppress the need of feeling hungry. Stuff like cantaloupe watermelon, honedew, etc. I find my hunger satiated for a long time after a smoothie with a mix of those kinds of foods that do not contain many calories. I like eating pineapple and stuff like that a lot too. Good luck!
  9. I like to think I would live a a more quality life by deciding to be healthy. Especially as we start to age many problems will show up from living a poor lifestyle for a long time. A huge abundance of the issues you see people having is from the foods and such they decided to eat for many years. Two of the top killers in the United States are heart attack and diabetes. That and I have to say there is so many upfront benefits in mood and energy. I do like the idea of this existence continuing longer, but mostly if it were to be in good health. It's kind of like saving for retirement you could spend it all having fun now, but in the event you do last long enough you might have wanted to take care of yourself early on. It won't matter what route I decide to go really. But I would like to enjoy myself while I am here.
  10. @DrewNows Yeah, it does really feel awesome! I have been doing 16-18 hour fasts now everyday too and I seem to like it. I feel pretty good even jogging without eating yet. Makes the first meal much more desirable. I drink more water though if I feel hungry close to the end time of it.
  11. I find it strange how little anxiety I usually have anymore. It seems I have worked through a lot of the root issues causing it. I looked back on a situation last night and noticed I never really felt any anxiety even in situations that usually would provoke it. I just feel like I really don't give a fuck what people think usually now for the majority of stuff. I can't say that what someone does or says never gets to me, but for the most part I act without any regret. I am going to try to take down more of anxiety related issues with conscious breathing, but even so far I feel much better mentally everyday. I still need to work at building a better relationship with work and finding the root cause of the need to work so much. I've worked on my last couple birthdays and holidays etc. Maybe to some degree I want some approval, but I know that even if I got some from the people I would even think about getting it from I really don't care about them anyway. I think it is more rooted on a need to do something or the feel to achieve something. It ties into my happiness a bit too. I had been trying to take two days off a week instead of one. I really usually end up just doing work though regardless. I actually worked 12 hours on my day off saturday. Granted I really liked what I did saturday, which was to go get new inventory. But it really takes a lot of work. I loaded 1000lbs of product in my suv. I went bowling last night and went out the day before though, so I am getting out a little bit more. Maybe I will go bowling or something by myself. I do go running every other day, but right now I don't really relax during it I jog 4 miles straight of 6. I do really get a good sense of satisfaction though from my work right now overall. I don't really focus in on money much for anything besides the survival need for it. Just the growth and the expansion of it makes me happy. Same with the level of mastery I have with it. I enjoy business itself I think. Really I just want to have impact on the world and I don't think this business holds me to my highest potential. I really could become a millionaire within 10 years of doing this if this is all I did. I just don't think that is what I want. While I think I can still enjoy it as a hobby and who knows maybe I will have this business running on the side in the form of a shop or something. Although, online seems to be the best way to maintain the best profit margins and shift through economic changes. I could get a girlfriend to give me other things to do, but I think that would really just be running away from the root problem. I had seen this really beautiful girl running the other day and I waved to her and was checking her out, which she noticed and gave me a big smile. We were both jogging though, so I had given her a smile and just kept jogging. I was going to jog 10 miles straight and I was on like mile 8-9, so stopping her was not really what I wanted to do. Not sure if I will see her again, but I have had situations like that with more frequency come up. One when I climbed my last mountain and I just let her be. I don't want to create what they could be just off of their looks though. I think I still have some limiting beliefs around relationships. I think part of me just wants to have sex with them as well. Which I really don't want to hurt them. I probably should just hold off though and do more theory on relationships instead of just getting one. I have had a few and have a pretty good basis of how to maintain them. I don't want to make my growth still from one as I feel I have a lot of time to grow and work on myself without one. Even if I spend a lot of my time alone I think it is better for me. I just don't want to give into my desire for one when it arises.
  12. @DrewNows That sounds pretty cool. I just do a vegan diet with no sugar, wheat, processed foods, etc. Maybe on a rare occasion eat something a little off track from that, but almost always consistent. I was probably going to completely remove any oil from my diet too. I like it quite a bit for what I do. I do a lot of physical activity. I would like to try to be more conscious during daily activity and I think breathing would help a lot with that. I struggle with breathing with more upper body type work outs. Running it is not an issue though. What kind of breathing exercises do you do?
  13. @DrewNows That's fair enough I watched some of her other stuff. Do you practice breathing and eating similar to her? I had seen you post something one time about trying a fruit diet for a retreat or something.
  14. I think I have found a hidden or suppressed value of mine. Possibly creativity. This might be a clue in the right direction for life purpose. I recall creating youtube videos on an old channel and producing over 100 videos of content. It was just me playing video games and talking about stuff. I could not even afford a tv to record my xbox play. So I would just play anything I could record like minecraft, super mario world, etc. I stopped enjoying that process when I made videos that were geared to get high views to make money. I did make a couple hundred bucks back at the time. I actually abandoned this purist all together to make quick cash in a devilish way. Not to mention I have had several youtube channels at this point. But they all lacked something I was willing to master or only had temporary passion for.
  15. @DrewNows Do you follow any of the stuff she does? I am not sure I could live like that, but it sounds interesting. I do try to remember to be more conscious of my breath more often though.
  16. @Raptorsin7 I mean in terms of value if that is what you have access too I would not worry about it especially if you are not worried about $400. You could gain plenty of value of insights on them. I thought the same about the shrooms, but you really should have an easier time with LSD from what I read. You are going to be in more control with your mind than compared to shrooms, so you could guide yourself out of a bad trip if you are not comfortable with it. Defintely, work your way up with it and take time to heal and process after each too will be essential to having good trips. Same with being in a good mood leading up to the trip. I mediate into the trip.
  17. @Raptorsin7 I think out here $10 a tab is about the going rate. But I suppose it really depends on the area. Strength and everything will play a big role. Yeah, I have been thinking about tripping again soon to dive deeper and explore. I definitely needed a break for awhile since last time though. I took a couple months off. I was thinking about death everyday for quite awhile after my last trip, which was good in a lot of ways, but definitely did not need to do anything else on top of it. Some of the trip reports I have read blow me away on the insights that can be gained. Just keep a slow pace going though. Because I know how it feels to want to up dosages faster etc. Take time to heal and expand.
  18. Hopefully you got a bulk deal haha. I have not tried LSD yet. Just shrooms a few times. Do you test yours? If I get some sometime soon I will test it and see how everything goes.
  19. I found an easy solution to bypassing disruptive itching during meditation. I have a massage feature on my recliner I mediate in and will just run it for 15 minutes to take off the initial focus of repetitive disruptive itches. The suffering is good sometimes, but a day like today it would have hindered me from reaching a meditative state altogether. I become sick from eating lower quality food anymore it seems. I believe I might be ready to completely remove oil from my diet. It's hard though because if I do want to eating certain things oil can be hard to avoid. But in the stuff I actually cook and make I never need oil. I feel negative effects of oil within 30 minutes. My body will start to expel it through my pores in my face it seems. I feel more compelled to do the life purpose course than my actual work I do to make money right now. I guess the main thing I don't like about reselling is actually selling it. I really find a good connection with the people I meet and buy stuff from. The ability to travel and take risks. The education of items is always fascinating. I love finding good deals on items. I never don't get excited to find something unique or expensive. But when it comes down to listing it for sale it is very tedious it almost attacks my mind putting so much energy into it. If I spent all of my time just listing the stuff I could sell right now I probably would not really need any inventory until the summer time or even next year. When I pull this extra money together to hire, she will probably just be listing the stuff for sale. Although, I will still have to list certain items. It sounds like I may be doing a smaller hike sooner, than later. It will be good for me to reset creative and inspirationally more often. Time to get into the groove and listing some products for sale for awhile.
  20. @StarStruck Will do. Having a good start to the year so far in terms of mindset and happiness.
  21. I don't spend enough time allowing myself to be creative or relax. I do get out a little bit, but need to find some things that are not just pushing me to my limit all the time to try and bring in more creativity and just better well being. I have become a bit of a workaholic over the last year. Going to spend more time learning too even if it possibly comes at the cost of the savings goal. Although, I am sure I make it happen. Once garage sale season comes in I can start finding big ticket items to bring the numbers up. I did actually take a few hours out tonight at a bar even though I just drank some water there. It feels weird to almost not even want that because I know how much bullshit is in it. But it is nice to visit with my friend. We would have went bowling instead, but it was filled up.
  22. I'm going to aim to save $20,000 this year with my reselling business. Will be quite a task, but I think if I plan well enough I should be able to get there or at least close. I want to have this money to allow me to pursue whatever I want. I might buy a blank property with a trailer and use that to live with low expenses while working on LP would estimate to save some thousands a year just doing that. But maybe get an apartment and use the money offensively into new ventures, which could yield much greater rewards. I should be able to accomplish this hiring my sister and continually bringing in product that she can list. If I do my numbers right I think we can produce $50,000 net income between the both of us on one particular product category, but that still does not include her pay and maybe some other random expenses. If I am able to run that and keep up with other products and make thing more efficient I should be able to do it. Those products have to actually sell though, so most likely I am going to be listing over $100,000 worth of inventory to make this happen. My living expenses are only about $10,000 per year right now, so this leaves me some room to save up. I really like this business, but not all aspects of it. I do feel like I am selling a lot of low conscious stuff (sometimes high conscious) and it does save a lot of stuff from going to the landfill. So I try to make it something good overall for everyone. I was actually surprised not even one customer returned an item so far from this holiday season, so I am really keeping a high quality. Usually, there is at least a few bs ones. I am going to keep selling my personal items to help build into these savings as I don't really need a whole lot of extra stuff these days. So I should be able to save a few thousand more towards this goal just from that as well. I am going to run a marathon this year for sure. I already jogged 10.7 miles straight and I am sure I can beat this goal with a few more months of training. It will be totally worth it to me as this is on my list of life accomplishments and it will be great to actualize it. I am going to do no video games this year at all. I was already cutting them off pretty good, but I am going to dive in and just say no to all of them all together this year. I am selling my playstation as I won't be needing it. I want to read at least 12 books this year minimum. Going to focus into all of the book off the life purpose course. Most likely more since a handful of them are pretty small. I want to find my life purpose this year, but I will keep studying and see what I come into. I do want to work on some spiritual stuff, but I think personal development will be dominant this year again for me. Although, I love to learn about the concepts of both. All of this stuff will keep me really busy I imagine. I am excited to see what this new year will bring for me.
  23. @Sleyker I mean you can make money off of awakening if you position it correctly. I would like to focus in on something through a business or some sort of teaching I think. Once I go through with more personal development and pursue my life purpose, then I think I will be ready for awakening. I feel like it is too much stuff at once and really I think I have a lot of stuff to work on right now. You might be in a different position than me though, so really decide what will work best for you. I feel the venture of finding life purpose itself can take 10 years and so can enlightenment. I think Leo said it or I heard it somewhere here. But basically you chop wood and carry water before awakening and you chop wood and carry water after.
  24. @Javfly33 No problem. Try to mix in some other delicious fruits and veggies while you are at it, so you don't get bored. Although I am not so sure I can get bored of avocados. Best of luck.
  25. @Raptorsin7 Thanks! I am going to set some goals and stuff around for this coming year, but this already took me a bit to write lol. I'll probably update or post some more tomorrow.