Average Investor

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Everything posted by Average Investor

  1. I have watched some of his videos. I think that he has a lot of issues built up against women that are toxic. However, every now and then he does give some good advice. I would tread carefully listening to him in my opinion. I think there is a lot more quality dating channels out there. He is a good speaker and can tell a good story, but be careful what those things can bring you into.
  2. The ones with the most error and mistakes are usually the most successful. Being willing to accept loss and failure will really make a huge difference in your path of business. I realize that the idea of shooting right for success is always what everyone wants. No one wants to invest years of their life and a bunch of money to get seemingly no reward or lose money. But that is just the reality of it. You are likely going to evolve as a person and your business will do that too. Work on renegotiating all of your reoccurring expenses too. You would be surprised what you could lower your bills to with shopping around. I pay under $15 a month for my phone with data etc. I pay $80 for car insurance and only because I had a ticket I fought and lost lol. Would be around $50 otherwise. I went with a business insurance for my car. But nearly all of my driving is business related.
  3. Four days into no listening to music and I do find it slightly hard. I do feel like I want to listen to some music right now, but it is not really a big deal. I am interested to see how this impacts me. Once the month is over I am going to go through and try to clear out a lot of the more negative and unconscious music. I do have a lot of music that I really enjoy that would be hard to discard. Not sure that I want to get rid of that or not. I think it might be more beneficial if I get that much enjoyment out of it. Who knows though maybe I can just full reset it. I imagine music will be amazing when I come back. I need to invest into some aloe vera for my skin. I am pretty sure that is my entire issue in the morning with meditation. I did an hour NLP last night in the same position I meditate in no problem. But even like this morning I had to break the meditation into three segments from overwhelming itching. I imagine even a quick shower would stop it, but I do kind of want to see how powerful it can be doing it firs thing in the morning. It is quite a bit more of a challenge, usually after about the 20 minute mark I would not really have much irritation sensations at all in a regular session. I do think this could be a way for me to grow my meditation skill. But I have to admit I do really enjoy just being at peace. I think the NLP is going to be a really effective tactic for me to work and grow through past trauma. I am going to aim to do it once each weekend I think. It seems to have a very powerful effect on me and I am able to nearly full immerse myself in it due to my ability to be a strong mediator. I do plan to give some other methods a shot, but I want to keep doing this for now. I think it is an especially good time while I have been working on the subconscious mind daily. I am going to do a lot more work on the life purpose course today. I got a good amount of work in on it yesterday and that worked out quite well. I am really starting to form a bit of a vision of what I would like to do for a purpose. I do know that I have a good chunk of limiting beliefs towards this thing I might want to pursue. I don't think I should start it yet though. I think that it would be wise for me to continue to work on the course and keep reading the books and really keep building a vision and see if it really changes. I still have to determined that route that I exactly want to go with it either. I will allow it open to change course over time, which I think is essential for it. I am starting to really live most of my life with a more mastery mind set towards it as well. I think that gives life a good amount of juice and sense of fulfillment. I am going to start adding a review of my top values in here daily to help imprint them into my sub conscious mind. I am going to do this for at least 30 days and pause and think briefly about each value. I am going to do this to help me align my life more with my top values Today I am thankful for Waking up early easily! Early run NLP Top 10 values: Personal Development Knowledge Contribution Connection Fun Honesty Productivity Creativity Adventure
  4. This is the lesson I was able to draw from a childhood traumatic event when I was about 5 years old using NLP. I remember vividly standing in the hall way powerless to the situation, while my dad was strangling my mom in front of me. Her screaming of fear from the attack from my dad. My sister running to call 911 and I was scared of what might happen if the police were to come. What might happen if my dad were to get in trouble. I can see more clearly that my dad was not effective in how he wanted to show love to himself and others. I can see that he really was loving life in most loving way that he knew. No matter how much harm he created I can still love him regardless of the choices he made and what impact it has on others and I can. I can learn to love others who seek to hurt me for whatever reason that they find useful to themselves. I can love others who attack me. I can love others because maybe deep down this was how they were taught to love.
  5. @Raptorsin7 I cannot say that reselling really is my life purpose, but I do enjoy it. I had already been involved in it in various ways since high school really. Some of the earliest entrepreneurial stuff I did was reselling. I remember reselling a broken ipod I bought for $3 for $10 in the same day at school and they knew it was broken of course. I was excited that I could even make money doing that. I began selling headphones and stuff all the time. I bought from school and sold at school. That and really just ever since I had a time I collected video games for a long time. I always tried to acquire things at the best deals I could and I gradually became very knowledgeable on video games. I can sort through a stack of games with ease and pick out the highest value games with good accuracy. Same with obscure and rare consoles I know quite a bit on. I am fairly educated on flipping 90s computers and videos games as well. I have sold a single computer game for $275 that I got for $1. I am good at reselling though because I am always learning new product categories and expanding my knowledge on the ones I do know. There is really a never ending amount of mastery of items and collectibles. I always have the mindset that I am leaving more money behind than I am getting with the items I have. So I am ready to continue to keep learning and researching more and more items. I will admit I kind of jumped quickly in it full time because I wanted to leave my last business. It was a really good decision for me. My life is so much more well rounded and healthy now with this. I have a lot more power throughout my day of what I want to do. I am thinking about dedicating one day a week to life purpose work and doing the other 4 days of work on my reselling business. Especially once I am able to hire soon. Then I take both days on the weekend off now, which might rotate once garage sale season comes back. I have got it to the point in the business where I should be able to get it more passive as I go. If I want to stop buying items at some point I could still have thousands of items for sale and just ship them on week days, but pursue whatever else I want to do. I could stop buying items right now and have well over a thousand items to list for sale. However, for me I love the hunt of chasing the items. I can't really say I consciously decided that I should do reselling initially. I had just already built the foundation, when the time came to move to something new. I was actually pretty resistant and upset to go full time when I did. I was becoming lazy with my old business that I did not want to have to put in the massive amount of emotional effort and labor I had to do to really get this thing going. I worked my ass off the entire summer to get it going without being able to really pay myself anything for a long time. I burned through all of my savings multiple times to get it fully going. What ultimately happened though was I found a really good sense of happiness and accomplishment as I do my work now. I am good at my work, it will pay me well, and I do love doing it. I will get up at 5 in the morning and travel a couple hours out of town to garage sale events and love it. But the only real thing I feel like this work is doing is missing a big impact on the world. I could teach others how to resell, but I am not sure if that is what I should dedicate my whole life to. Check out this video and do the work with it, then get back to me on some ideas you have. I don't want to portray myself as some expert in life purpose, when I am not sure yet I found mine. But I am heavily studying this part of self help at the moment and I have about 7-8 years of business experience at this point and I am 24. I also pretty much used college to dabble in fields of work as well.
  6. 48 laws of power has been fairly useful every now and then something comes up and I utilize the law of power, not in some sort of evil way though. Mastery George Leonard is amazing I think is going to have a long lasting effect, I read it twice, but would read it again. Think and grow rich is useful for me, but I need to go back and integrate more of the stuff into my life. Rich Dad's guide to investing is useful especially if you are just starting investing, it will save you a lot of time and money. I enjoyed the way of the superior man. I will definitely reread that once I go back to dating and it had some good bits of life purpose in there too. I highly recommend that you watch or re-watch Leo's video This video can be used as a powerful tool to help you pick out books for even more categories that could really help explode your growth.
  7. Thanks for the share. Good quality information.
  8. Allowed myself to sleep in a bit today and am taking the day off from exercise. I want to try to take one day break each week from exercise as I think it is important with how hard I work out. As a result from this stuff I did notice I had a much better meditation session even with the improved posture. I was quite pleased with how it went today. I had a realization while meditating that it really did not matter if the session went well or not. I will get better and better each time I do it. Making a bit of progress on getting rid of the second car. Just going to pull valuable parts of it and sell it. Seems I might already have some buyer lined up for a good chunk of the parts. That will really help me boost my savings up faster. I came to the realization it was not worth fixing it even with not much less. I can easily just pull the parts off it because they are hard to find and get good money off of it. I think having this gone will help me clear my mind for what I want to do with it and thoughts about it as well. I don't want to think about the car anymore. It was enjoyable while I did drive it, but anymore I just don't need excess stuff in my life right now. In the future it would be fun to have a secondary car that I could enjoy for trips and stuff. But I really don't need it. Too much time and energy that I don't want to commit to something like that. Going to work on the life purpose course again today. I have been stuck on wanting to do more NLP because I really think that could help me change my values a lot. I am not really sure what way I want to go in life. I see self help work as something that is majorly important. It has really changed my life into something awesome. There is a small part of me that still wants to make a lot of money or have some success. So it does kind of pull at me a bit by not pursing it. I know that I really don't need those things. I do want my finances to be well though. But it really does not have to be excessive. I don't want to spend my whole life hunting down more money. I am going to take some more time to read more spiritual books. I want to read some books on Nlp, trauma recovery, Ocd, and denationalization disorder. I think tackling these subjects sooner could prove to be super effective in improving my life. I do kind of want to research relationships more as well. Today I am thankful for Mastery Rest Meditation
  9. Work up at 5 today and just laid there until 6 with the alarm off. Not getting as many hours of sleep, but the quality is pretty good. I feel well energized so far today. Meditation went decent. The better posture during meditation is going a bit better. I have still been struggling with having good sessions, but that is alright. I might give it another try a bit later today as well. I use to have better sessions after exercise and shower. I really need to aim my attention to getting stuff listed more. I have a good chunk of stuff ready to go. Mostly my best items, so I will get them listed up today. I have not really spent as much time working this week. It has not really bothered me, but I do need to get the ball rolling more. I want to hire sooner, so need to get everything moving smoothly. My reading habit is still doing really well. It feels great to just be positively motivated to do it. No pressure at all to read, but I just feel like doing it. I have been doing no fap again too. Trying to see if I can really maximize my amount of energy. Hard to say if it distracts me more or not though. I kind of feel like it could be more positive though. I want to undo the habit of being aroused by thoughts as much and image in my mind. I don't watch any porn, so that is good, but I think I could learn ways to be much more present in sex. I am not really pushing to have any sex for awhile anyway, so not too worried about it. But would be something nice to have in the future. I am pretty excited to spend some time reading this weekend. I might find some other things to go out and do, or other self actualization practices. But so far it has been really good. I really enjoyed it last weekend and I am almost done with my third book for the year. Today I am thankful for Positive thinking Peace Exercise
  10. It all depends on how you want to go about it and use the information really. You have to make your own path of what you want most in life. I think in business it is especially good to have some test runs at stuff. Most importantly to explore what kind of business you are into. Even if you found your purpose you are going to want to find the medium to share it on. So maybe I decide I want to provide the world with high quality food, so I have an operation like that. Or I want to provide new medicine, systems, various products, services, knowledge, etc. I am going to have all different ways I could get my purpose out to the world and ways of communicating it. For me I have tried a variety of stuff. I do like sharing information with people and I do like helping them to a degree. I enjoy one on one connection with people. It is really easy for me to interact with other people and enjoy it. I do also like delivering products to people even without the direct connection. It helps me narrow down what I would want to do and what I would not want to do and how I would go about sharing it. Most businesses take about year to become profitable. I am in my first year full time with reselling and just barely turning a profit right now. However, I expect this coming year to be good. You are going to want to get your feet wet a bit and look at some various businesses. You might consider looking into some business groups and see what people do there. Consider some things like your hobbies and stuff like that could help you get ideas. Also, if you really just want to make money there is a plethora of businesses you could hop into without reinventing the wheel. You can literally just find someone making money doing something and learn what they do, then go do it yourself. Something that will happen a lot too is a big spur of energy initially starting the business. You may get quite deep into it for several months or more and realize that this is not what you want to do. It might be best to stick things about a bit longer. But I found this when I had a car detailing business. I wasted a good bit of money on gear and stuff. But I will tell you my car looks spectacular when I give it a cleaning lol. I also learned that I would not want anything to do with that kind of service for someone. I invested a lot of time looking at the best guy and going off of what his business does. My area particularly does not have a lot of high end cars and that is what I wanted to build a service catering more towards. Something you would expect a premium service from. That and my state gets like 30-40 inches of rain a year, so that does not help. I surely could have powered through and continued doing it though even with those factors. But really it reminded me of having a boss with that type of business. Especially if the person is picky. I have also had experience with fixing and selling cars. Kind of what lead me into the detailing stuff. Just a headache of an industry to be in for me. I hate fixing cars for the most part. I find some relaxation in maintenance and cleaned them sometimes though. But I could not even imagine pursuing that day to day. At the time it sounded good because there is some easy money in the cars. Flipping cars is a quick way to make cash if you are savy in them. But you can be savvy in anything. I am savvy in "junk" and make a living selling that now. From how you talked before it seemed like you had some disposable income. It could be worthwhile for you find ways to put that to your best use towards your financial freedom. To me there is a few elements of that freedom that would be important. Assets, business, investments, and savings. Assets and savings I would say are not quite as important for a few reasons. Your monthly cash flow coming from business and investments will be crucial. Most regard stuff like their car or house as an asset. Which yes by definition can be, but maintenance repairs, insurance etc will just eat at you. Interest rates especially will eat at you as well. Sometimes those will do the opposite of making you actually financially free. Money in savings actually losses value every year from inflation, but it is important to have savings for buying things at the right price and unexpected situations. Take the time to really explore these avenues.
  11. You might want to consider looking into psychedelic mushrooms. However, if you do I highly recommend that you do the research before you do. These could be a massive aid in quitting that stuff altogether. But please take serious precaution. You might have some root issues that you still need to work on why you need these substances. I have been in a similar position with a few various substances. I found the more positive habits I bring into my life, then the easier it is to get rid of bad habits. In fact I crave bad habits less and less every time I add new good things in, or consume more time in the good things. It is kind of like a domino effect. I highly recommend physical exercise to help with any sort of cravings. That really could be a big powerful mover for you to possibly kick those habits. I have used things like candy to quit nicotine that I had a 5+ year addiction to, but I also had the positive momentum going as well with other good habits. I have now managed to completely remove added sugar from my life as well. In your case though with alcohol being addictive I would not recommend trying to do it that way. But maybe there is something else you could fill that time with that is healthier. I hope you have great success in quitting.
  12. Still struggling quite a bit with posture meditation. It is quite difficult. I think that learning it will have a good pay off in the future though, so I am going to keep trying it. The only mediation I am really good at is the do nothing method. I think a big thing is just me simply not having a good posture in general. I might buy one of those back brace things and give that a shot. I did actually wake up pretty early today. 6am and laid their until 6:30, but did not fall back asleep, so that is an improvement from the last couple days. I did manage to fall into a deeper sleep after not being able to sleep for a few hours in the night, so that gave me a good boost with how I was going to fall asleep. It feels really awesome to have so much time in the morning to do whatever. I want to keep it for knocking out my routines though ideally. I have been on fire going to the local goodwill lately. I stop by when I have an errand out by it. I seem to be able to consistently find good stuff to resell nearly every time I go now. I do have a good idea now too of when they stock the shelves. That makes a huge difference because left overs from the day before are not going to have a ton of new options to look through. Cranking out a lot of items to get ready to put up for sale. Things are going really good organization wise. I am going to be in full motion once tax season comes around. Still having a lot of fun doing my work. I need to focus in on getting all of my stuff in order though. I have a lot of stuff to sort through it seems like. I am getting through it though item by item. I need to work on setting up some more efficient systems to make the time I spend on my business more effective. I have not really been overworking at all. It makes the time I do spend working really enjoyable and something to look forward to every day. I am really thankful for the fact that I don't have to work really long hours anymore unless I want to. I can't imagine having a full time job or something right now. I notice in my daily life it is much more issue to be peaceful with others. I am not perfect for sure. But even when people intentionally try to irritate me I can just let it go and not have it bother me. I get tested for this daily and it seems to help a lot. In certain situations it is not always easy to do. I want to start pausing and thinking more of my reactions before I do them. I notice there is so many sad people in the world and all they want to do is hurt others it seems. I understand though especially if the person is just living the mundane everyday life. No exercise, shit job, shit food, and etc. I know how that can effect well being, so I can understand more where they are coming from. I am lucky to be able to see these things and work on myself to where it is not as much of an issues interacting with others. Today I am thankful for Basic utilities that make my life simple Mastery book Good habits
  13. @DreamScape Glad I could help. If you figure out what your purpose is I would love to hear it.
  14. Still struggling to fall asleep even with scheduling my time early. Probably going to have to suck it up and lose a bit of sleep for a few days to get up at the time I want to. The posture meditation is going pretty good, but I have to do 20 minutes at a time to do the whole hour right now. I do enjoy having the fully relaxed mediation, but I can see that this will be a lot more beneficial for concentration and my posture in the long run. I feel more alert and focused in it. I do notice though I can start to slip in posture a bit and it can be harder to notice sometimes. I would like to work on other stuff to really help maintain my posture. I am really trying to work hard on my powerful daily routine. It felt amazing to have all of my core stuff done early in the day, so even when a bunch of distractions came up I was already done with the primary stuff I wanted done. Meditation, exercise, journal entry, smoothie, etc. I think that is part of why I can get frustrated is when this stuff gets moved off track. My main focus should be to keep myself in good health and well being. Not to get sucked in to a sea of small tasks that end up ultimately pissing me off. I am really starting to get good at my reselling business it seems like. I have been finding items right in front of the rest of people who want to do the same. It seems like I can go into a goodwill and come out with a couple hundred dollars worth of profit every other time I go in there. That and just all of the inventory and stuff I have to keep this moving it does not seem like it has slowed down much at all in terms of inventory coming in. Summer time is always the best time to get inventory though. When people start moving and stuff they just toss out a lot of their stuff to do that. The flow of money is going pretty well for me lately. I have been putting anything extra into buying bulk groceries that are a good deal and buying a year of phone service in a few days, so it equals out to less than $15 a month. That and trying to bulk up on inventory, buy trying to spend it where I don't have to spend a ton of energy to get the results I want. I am pretty happy with this so far this year. I haven't really saved up much in personal savings just business savings. A big obstacle that will come up after awhile is the business will start to make me too much money. Right now expenses and such keep it down from what I personally make. But once I make too much I will start having to pay for health insurance out of pocket. That is going to be a fairly hefty expense every month. It says supposedly the average cost is nearly $500 a month, which is insane. I think I could probably hunt for cheaper though and I definitely would. Just saving $500 a month would be 25%+ of my goal by the end of the year. So I really have to be smart about it. I think that is why it is more important to stuff the costs into building the business to sustain itself better and not take the money and save it for as long as possible. I am going to sell more of my personal stuff I don't want/need and make a good layer of personal savings though while I am at it. I think ideally my strategy should be to keep adding expenses to the business as it generates more like insurance, payroll, inventory, hiring help, my own site, anything to make it more efficient, etc to keep the money into the business. Then about 3 months before the dead line of my goal just put in 1000% effort and generate most of this profit within the few month window. So I would pay for insurance for a few months, then naturally sales will drop down after the holiday season and I could return to reinvesting profits. I will have to see how it all works though. I assume this is how I could go about doing it legitimately. I find it very unfortunate that health care is a barrier like this. I wish I could be in a society where the value of human life could get closer to that of what the potential profit of this stuff is. I think it is very tragic that people end up homeless just to receive treatments that they desperately need. Regardless of this I will do my best to live to my highest values. I am not going to let a bump in the road stop me. I will make enough eventually where I will not worry about how much health insurance costs. I will pass these threshold guardians to get to my highest purpose in life. Today I am thankful for Actualized.org Routine Alone time
  15. @DreamScape I love music. I am just going to try to make it filled with more positive messages. I am working on subconscious mind stuff and I think this type of stuff would have an impact especially with repetition. Really take your time to feel out what you want to do though. It might take you longer than you think to fully figure it out. I found it book that said purpose can have many layers to it. So while you might spend some time doing what you're doing now, you might move to music, other ventures, to family, and so on. I think this is a pretty important no matter what you decide to do. I have been kind of thinking about doing something with self help myself just because I enjoy it. If I were to master it I could probably provide a lot of value for the world. I want to really make sure that is the route I want to go though. I suppose it would not be time wasted though if I improved myself a lot in the process. It could be worth it to start a business just for the income to escape wage slavery. However, I do want to note the importance of life style minimalism and how that could really help you cut down expenses to make it more feasible. You can make money doing anything really though. You can start certain businesses without a lot of money up front too. I think the most important part will be you having purpose in that work that you do to become free. What I do is something to tide me by, but I really do enjoy it. It became a business from a hobby. If I just had to just grind out to only make money and hate what I do I am not sure I would have the same ability to do as much as I have for this business. If you are able to take out making money and life purpose at the same time it would be the best route though. It could be really easy for you to get lost in the pursuit of money for the freedom and keeping you further and further from your purpose. It's also hard to not cling to a business that is already making you money. I am sure I will have this issue once again once I decide to switch over. But if what I do is going to take a long time to build up I will need money to be made while I am doing it. I have thought about doing some mediation retreats, solo camping retreat with no distractions, etc. To really try to contemplate this purpose. Your life is significant, so really make sure that you don't just skip past this part with a quick result. Be willing to do whatever it takes to discover it.
  16. I woke up a bit earlier today. I did lay there for quite awhile, so I did not really count that. I am going to keep working at this better sleeping schedule and working out earlier in the day. I have been working on posture meditation for an hour this morning. I find it a bit difficult because I normally don't have that great of posture, but it is something that I want to work on. The session did go quite well today. I did it before looking at and monitors, phones, etc. So that was a different start for me. Usually, I would do it after a workout session. I am going to go a month without listening to regular music. Just binural beats and will still listen to podcasts and things like that. I am wondering at what degree music has an effect on my mind. I notice the more that I do this work a lot of garbage in the music I use to listen to more heavily stands out to me now. I am not sure why I should be listening to things that are not bringing positive words into my life. I don't abuse drugs or do anything like that and that is a lot of what this music portrays. I have to admit I enjoy a lot of the beats of the music and emotion in music. I am curious to see how this experiment goes and maybe I will try and cut all of the crap out of my music as well. I am on fire with the reading it seems like lately. Reading mastery is awesome as it is such a good book to read. But I am already 1/3 through it just from reading for a little while last night. I might have to raise the goal of 12 books this year. 12 is definitely more than I read last year, but I am starting to build a good habit with this and I really do enjoy a lot of the information that I can get from these books. I am going to aim for 20 at least and I know that there is some larger ones that I will want to read as well, so I will see how it goes. I might read more than that depending on what I want to do on weekends and stuff. But for the most part I am just doing personal development related stuff on them and occasionally go out to do something. I will try to watch myself to not overdue it though. I am practicing picking up a little bit more on my reading speed, so I don't get caught in my thoughts as much. I am going to start working on treating myself better if I forget something or I cause an issue to happen. I am going to work on setting better systems in place to not forget things. I just set an alarm daily to help keep that system in place. So as long as I do what I can there is no reason for any sort of negative self talk. I think that if I do some more NLP work it will help me have better self talk. I notice it is only really negative for the instant reaction, which tells me that it has to do with the subconscious mind. Today I am thankful for Mastery Book Goodwill Motivation
  17. That is something personally that you will have to decide. I think music can have a very heavy impact on lives. You would be surprised at the amount of influence it can create. I am impacted daily by people who create binural beats especially. I am actually cutting out normal music for a month to see what happens. I think I have a lot of influence from lower consciousness music itself, so even just from that I can see it has high power. I am going down the same path as you for finding an impact. A big thing is going to be deciding the medium that you want to share that with the world. A musician can have all sorts of impact especially with the more fans that they are able to get. I know what you mean though it can sound daunting to try to start something up that is quite hard to be successful in. The major things will be trying stuff out and seeing what you enjoy. Then testing to see if it will be a realistic way for you to make money. Once you have those settled it would be time for you to decide if you want to commit to the path of mastery. I assure you that if you became a master at your craft that it would start to become harder and harder to ignore your work no matter what medium you decide to choose. Also, there is a lot to the business side of music anyway, so one way or another it something that you are going to want to learn. Business can have a larger variety of different impacts that you could make. All industries could use higher conciseness businesses. Right now I am running a business and working on life purpose. I can sustain myself while looking for the purpose currently, so it works well for me. I have tried a good variety of businesses at this point. I am reaching a point where I really want to become a master at something. I have limiting beliefs and fears as well here too though. It is something I am going to work through to discover what is best for me to bring to the world.
  18. I try to eat high quality food all the time. You will hit a point it makes you sick to try to eat anything else after you have done it for so long. And you feel almost instant negative effects of low quality food. Once you have it sorted of what you eat and what you don't it is pretty east to keep around good stuff. You won't miss all of the junk if you really explore all of the healthy options out there. https://minimalistbaker.com/1-pot-everyday-lentil-soup/ Give this a spin without the oil too. I like this quite a bit. I have even made some vegan sloppy Joe's with a piece of lettuces for the bun and it was excellent. It just takes more time and learning to make tasty healthy food. I don't think this was exact recipe, but skip the sugar added crap for this and olive oil: https://minimalistbaker.com/vegan-sloppy-joes/
  19. Going to try to work on my sleeping schedule a bit more. I think that is probably one of the main things I need to focus on more. I want to be able to get up at 6 daily. My main issue with it is actually falling asleep when I try to. I think if I focus all exercise strictly in the morning that will help too. I am going to try to mediate right after I get up as well. I have been trying to keep my spine more erect while mediating and sitting up more. It is a bit more a challenge, but I really want to be able to improve my mediation. I do like to be able to relax completely while doing it though too. I removed all fluoride last night. I mean I am sure a little bit will sneak into my filtered water and what not, but for the most part it will be removed from my life 99.9%. I did ask them not to use it at the dentist as well when I went there. I hope this will help improve my cognitive function more. Looking at the health risks of it seems like a wise choice overall even if I don't notice some cognitive gains. It is shocking at how much crap the public will use and consume and be totally unaware about and accepted as the normal thing. Definitely, a bit off schedule today. A bit of agitation from time wasting stuff, but not too bad I suppose. I got most of the stuff done that I need to. Just going to go on a run and take a shower, then I can give into some work of getting items ready to sell. I think I should do really well once tax returns start coming in. I have a few bigger ticket items I want to unload. Had a really good weekend of just relaxing and reading. I read the entire book of the way of the superior man from start to finish. I got some good notes and some really good insights about how I should go about relationships. It was a little disappointing that there was not a ton of content on life purpose in there, but it was more suggestive of how to focus in on it and not just women and sex. I am going to reread mastery by Gerorge Leonard next. That should be a pretty easy read. So far out of my goal of 12 books this year I am starting my third, so off to a great start. I think I should be able to keep up more with reading. If I focus in on it more at night I think it will help me get better sleep too. Today I am thankful for My $160 printer not breaking. Guy returning my card at the bank that the machine ate Guy returning money that the machine spit out
  20. Going to keep using NLP sessions to see if I can break through a lot of negative subconscious thoughts. I had quite good results. My meditation practice seems to make it quite a bit more beneficial too. Starting to envision more of a higher purpose in life. I think that dedicating the rest of my life to the right thing is the most important route for me to go. I don't want to have my life just be about having a wife and kids. I think there is a higher calling for me to do while I am here. I think it will be a lot more pain and endurance to go this route, but I think of how lame my life will be if I just go the regular route. How impactful will I be if I just become a millionaire selling "junk" to the world. I think that is the easy route if I decide to take it. I will continue the work to get me where I want to be financially though. I obviously am not going to just stop my business without anything going. But one day when the time comes I will be ready to pull the plug. I think I should wait until I am in my 30s to really consider a family or maybe even a serious relationship. I have kind of rethought the idea of having kids. I mean the only thing I would think is that maybe I would get some fulfillment out of it. I imagine it comes at a lot of high costs though, so I can't really say if it would be worth it or not. It's hard because I meet quite a bit of good prospects right now and my confidence is through the roof lately. I completely don't give a fuck if they are interested in me or not. They seem to be able to tell too. I like just chatting them up occasionally just because. I just know that I need to put my purpose first. No matter how big the desire gets. I've really been enjoying reading and taking the learning a lot more seriously. I find even more joy in this stuff than before. It's a really good feeling. I think a large chunk of this is due to mediation and diet as it was much harder to be still and concentrate. I am kind of considering something along the lines of personal development work or life coaching just because of the fact this interest has not faded at all. I know there would be many peaks and plateau, but that will be with anything in mastery. I see some of the work these spiritual coaches and stuff put out and it is really inspiring to me. I think it would be amazing to be able to help people even after I die too. Regardless if I could feel a satisfaction from it or not. I don't seem to feel lonely very often anymore, which is good. I would enjoy some more friends I could see in person, but I don't try to acquire them. When I do find some though I want to find people that are really pursuing purpose in life. People that are on a similar path to me. No more garbage in my life. Today I am thankful for Lion's mane Customers My day off
  21. This is the positive lesson I learned using NLP on a past trauma. I find this very significant moving forward and looking at how a I want to create my life. I want to be my best that I can be and enjoy this life to the fullest. I want to use my gifts to create a meaningful powerful life. I want to create something that really up lifts society. Something that is full of passion and joy. In middle school I had promised my dad that I had done good on a test. At this point in my life I had a fear coming home everyday about what I did wrong or how I was late to a class. Never knowing what would happen. Of course I did not do well on the test. I was instructed to leave my door open. My dad was at work at the time, and I drifted into sleep as it was taking too long to receive my punishment. I awoke by being thrown out of bed onto the floor being screamed at. After recovering and my father leaving the room I went back into my bed. Only later to be thrown in the same way except this time I hit my back on the chair in my room causing injury. I was forced to withdraw from playing football at this time as well. Being even belittled from the coach for not being able to commit to playing in front of a class. Cps had even come to talk with me at school, but in the end result they did not believe me. I believe a big piece of my fear of failure was drilled into my subconscious mind from this incident. I can take from it that I can be my best. Be my best and live the best life that I can regardless of the situation. It's important to not let these great resources and opportunities that I have go to waste.
  22. Thanks so much for providing this for us. Thanks to everyone who contributed. I am going to see if I can print this out sometime.
  23. I have found Think and Grow Rich, Authentic Happiness, and The 150 Healthiest Foods most useful for me currently. But Starting to read more and more.
  24. Getting in a bit of a flow state much easier now with taking more breaks. I am really enjoying doing my reselling work lately. I just feel like getting it done, so that is a really good feeling to want to just keep doing my work. I notice I speed less and less time a day on wasteful stuff now that my day is really filled with meaningful stuff. I spend 30-60 minutes on facebook, which in some cases it does benefit me a good amount because I just learn reselling stuff there and I find local items. But that is my most wasteful thing I do I feel like. I browse the internet a bit, but usually I try to focus in on learning something. I think I should try to have some more stuff I could do to relax I suppose, but I enjoy how my days are right now. I go out to the thrift store for something to do for fun now too. I went yesterday and found about $500 worth of inventory for $75, so I was quite pleased. It was fun trying some new items out of my comfort zone that I know to look for now. I am starting to get a lot better the more I go to do it for sure. I am really starting to go back over the core concepts of self actualization. I realize it will feel easy to pass up a lot of super valuable stuff just from the idea of thinking I might be ahead of those things. There is so many techniques to explore and learn. As well as a lot of different teachers to learn from as well. I am trying out a bit more new teachings. I have kind of slacked on the life purpose course for a few days, but I have at least been reading books relating to it. Going to get a lot of hours in on it this weekend. I am still not really sure what I want my purpose to be, but I am only half way through the course and only one book in out of nearly 30 I think. So no big rush. I like what I do to make a living right now, so it is not like I need to immediately drop it. I'm not so sure how I want to go about doing the purpose yet though. When I figure it out I need to dedicate and hour a day at least to it to get it going. I've really been kicking some ass with exercise it feels like lately. All of my habits seems to be going quit well. My mood overall is quite good I would say. I rarely think about being sad or sad things. I think a good part of that is my day is filled up with a lot of stuff. I am starting to build a really heavy desire to learn, which is good for me. I blew off a lot of stuff in school, but I don't regret that. I mostly found the year of college I did useful. It's an interesting change to make for sure. I feel excited to make little improvements in myself each day. Today I am thankful for The way of the superior man book My phone Happiness
  25. @Amandine Absolutely! It was a good read. I found the book authentic happiness really impactful to me too. Worth a read!