Average Investor
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Getting a lot of work done it feels like. I still need to find a bit of a balance for all of the stuff that I am going it seems like though. I have quite a bit of tasks that I am doing. I suppose you never really can get everything done, so it is better to just look at what can be done instead. Seems like things are holding them self up pretty well without as much attention from me either. Although, I need to stay on top of my game to make sure I am progressing. It feels really good to work on my skills and practice for coaching. Took the time for several hours of calls over the weekend and was really mindful and toke notes about what was going on and what I need to look into. I know I am not going to monetize this all that soon, but it does seem like something that does attract me. I of course need to learn more and really just need to practice more. I think it will help me improve my own life a lot as well. Plus it really does feel like it leaves an impact. I feel like I am working with my top values and strengths. Got a lot of stuff to ship today, so I am happy things are picking up. I still need to list some more stuff that I have ready to go as well though, but this still works for now. I sold a single music cd this morning for $44.99, so I was pretty happy to see that. That is quite a large amount for one music cd and definitely the highest. Need to keep up the pace and I do feel like I need to slow down on bringing in new inventory still. I have a lot of stuff that is going to take me awhile to get around to. I need to clear up some space at that because I have some other projects in mind for some of my space that I have to use. Today I am thankful for Friendship Improving my self Light snow My top 9 values are Personal Development Knowledge Honesty Adventure Fun Connection Contribution Productivity Creativity
@DreamScape That's what I like to hear! Glad the tip went to good use. You definitely did it if you experienced that. You are going to have a good time if you can already go that deep with it. It's hard for most to fly etc at least that early on it.
Feeling pretty good today. I am going to give myself some extra time to relax today, but I still have a few things that I want to accomplish. Going to do some more work on the life purpose course. One chapter left of A New Earth, then I will decide what I want to read next. I have a lot of options it seems like, but kind of debating on reading his power of now while I am at it to help give more effect to the processes in the book I just read. I think that would probably be the most beneficial. I seem to get a lot out of repetition, so I think it is important for me to exploit that for the most growth. I still see a lot of stuff to work on in myself. It is really never ending. There is always something that I could learn to do better or work on within myself. I have been working on highlighting some things that would be super beneficial for me to work on more. I think me working through the small stuff is always worth it. I have to always look at things in a learner mindset to get the most out of anything. Even if I want to teach something it is going to require me to always be a learner myself. Finishing up Leo's awakening video. I can get a fair grasp of what he is saying in this part. It does make some sense to me. But I know that it is going to take some time to work on these things and integrate them. I do want to have some more trips soon as I think that would benefit my growth a lot right now. I have waited a few months and worked through all that came up from the last one and it was totally worth it. Today I am thankful for Reselling business Day off Dried mango My top 9 values are Personal Development Knowledge Honesty Fun Connection Contribution Creativity Adventure Productivity
I have skipped on music for 16 days right now. I think it is quite powerful. There is some addicting traits to it as well.
It was nice to get some good meditation in this morning. I am going to make sure to take it fairly easy today and focus in on as much healing and reading that I can do. I will make a video still because that is a habit that I am serious about right now, which has been wearing me down a bit. But I still want to keep working towards my goal that set. I am really happy with the progress I have made within just the last week or so. It blows me away how there is so much depth within self improvement. It is seemingly never ending. I really do like the toast masters a lot and it really keeps me improving myself. I can't believe how much better I am on public speaking in a week. But I have put almost all of my energy into it. I am exciting just deciding what I want to learn about next. I am closing in on finishing A New Earth. I could probably finish the book today once I get some time. I learn a lot from it. I have been trying to be more conscious during the day, which has helped. I am starting to improve my control over my reactions and emotions. As well as trying to bring more happiness towards others. I have a few more of his books, but not sure if I will read them right now. But definitely one of my favorite authors. Today I am thankful for Light rain hopefully lol Good influences Knowledge My top 9 values are Personal Development Knowledge Honesty Productivity Fun Adventure Connection Contribution Creativity
It's okay to fail in business. I have done it plenty of times and I am still here. It might be worth it for you to do the 9-5 and save up cash. If you are really not feeling college and have no goal for being there, then I would leave. But I will admit there is usefulness to college, but you can teach yourself a vast amount of information. I have been kind of playing around with the idea of trying to help people with their business stuff. I am no expert, but I have some experience. If you like you could message me some of your interests/hobbies and I could try to help you generate some ideas for your first business.
@Nahm Haha I will try not to. I really appreciate what you do here, not just for me either.
@Nahm I see a lot of beauty around me, that's for sure. I realize that no matter what the person is like or what they do it contributes to the greater good in some way it seems like. I couldn't really say we are not all god. I have not had the realization within myself that I am god. I do find it only strange though how everything is so interconnected that it could make sense even from a less spiritual angle. I had the realization that really everything is infinite. I mean look how water works, it seemingly replenishes itself repeatedly. Our solar system seems to be forever expanding. The mind itself seems to work in some weird way connecting to all of this. It seems to all have infinite depth to it. I had the idea that there was more versions of me out there. But maybe that just means everyone else is me like I have seen mentioned here. It's not a realization I have had yet though. I am going to start working more on contemplation. I probably should have a few trips while I work through more of that as well. I do want what I provide to the world to be more conscious. But I know that growth will take time. I have been trying to smile at everyone. I say good morning to every person I walk past on my morning runs as well. I am working to bring more love into my life in those types of way so far. I really do notice it is rarer that people reactive negative to me know. So maybe the energy that I bring now is much more positive. I guess when I see someone who is harming their health or mind it bothers me in the way that I think they are wasting what they have. Not that I don't like them, but I wish that they could see the beauty in treating their body or mind with higher regard. I want the ability to look past those things.
@Nahm That's a good way of putting it. I can't say my mind is free of judgments, but it is something I have tremendously improved. I try to interact with anyone and really get a sense of the person and not some sort of idea that has popped in my head. What kind of practice have you found that allowed you to transcend this? I have watched Leo's judgment video a few times and it has helped for sure. @d0ornokey @purerogue I will be more mindful about that with other content. I really appreciate that. @Commodent I like that. That is a very good way of looking at it. I think more of that is what I was meaning, without being able to articulate it fully. I will try to look at things as observations more. @d0ornokey I have been wanting to dive into more depth with this. Not everyone is going to be on the exact same level as you. You definitely can't get everyone into personal development either. It really depends on where you are at. I would say you kind of do have to have a cut off line that you define for yourself. @Keyhole Yeah, one thing I had happen was a lot of people would continually reach out to me. I removed over 10 people from my life and people will try to bring you back. I had just had my ex try to reach out to me just the other day after a year. It is really important for people to value themselves high and work towards collaborating with healthy and like minded people.
Got some extra rest today. I think I have been going to hard for a few days and not getting quite enough sleep. But it has been worth it. I am going rest up more this weekend though. I am going to spend some more time on the life purpose course and reading again. I am actually quite far along the life purpose course now. I would say more than 75% I believe. I think if I have the chance I am going to have that girl mentor me from toast masters with speaking. It is genuinely hard for me to find anyone pursing their purpose, let alone working on similar things to me. I am not sure if she will be offering it or not though. But I do know that I can get a mentor though my toast masters once I become a member, so I will see what happens. At the least it will be nice to communicate with someone with these interests in person sometimes. I have definitely put off some of my ebay stuff this week. It is really hard to focus in this much on my speaking skills, learning, and habits with trying to do ebay. I am going to do the best that I can. I think just making sure that I maximize how I use the time is the most important thing. I feel like I could make enough from ebay working fairly minimal hours a week if I really needed too, but I would like to keep pushing towards the savings, so it is hard to say. I will do the best that I can though. I just need to make sure that I don't burn myself out too much. Today I am thankful for Rest Persistence Finding new people My top 9 Values are Personal Development Knowledge Honesty Fun Adventure Creativity Connection Contribution Productivity
@Recursoinominado That is the one on the shelf right now haha. That's pretty big, so I imagine a lot of good information in it. @Chumbimba I will look into that, thank you! @hyruga Just picked that one up recently, so will see how it is. @Arzola Thanks, I will check out those too!
I am seeing a higher value in really jumping into contemplation more. Curious if anyone has any good books on it? I have one sitting on my shelf I have been thinking about getting to.
Seems like I have lost track on time quite a bit today, so not quite able to keep up with everything I would like to. But I did get some of my main tasks I wanted done completed, so I am happy about that. I think tomorrow will go smoother as I don't have anything specific on the schedule aside from habits and such. I have actually noticed a few "withdraw" symptoms from music, which I find pretty interesting. I deleted all of the music off my phone and I am thinking about removing all of my 200 song playlist from youtube. Then contemplating this more once I reach the 30 day threshold of no music. I do still find myself with some of the tunes stuck in my head, but not all that much. I cannot really say the urge to listen to music is all that powerful, but there is urge to do it every now and then. I kind of feel like I am trying to add a bit too much habits at once, so some of the stuff I had been doing is falling off a little. I think I need to sit down and write them all out and decide the most important things to do for me each day. I want to maximize my time that I have for the most gains. I am happy with how things are going overall and I am happy with my progress in various areas. It kind of feels slightly limiting with some stuff right now though, but I am really trying to work on my speech skill as I think that will prove to be very valuable to me over time. Toast masters went really good tonight. The group really seemed to notice how much progress I have made with my speaking since last time, but I did not mention I went to a different club too. I meet a girl that was super into health and her life purpose was spreading awareness of the dangers of vaccines and etc. She was really awesome and we actually had a long conversation about personal development and stuff, so that was pretty exciting. She is taken though, but to be fair that gives me some hope that I could find a high quality woman. Not really pushing to find any right now though. But to be fair all of that stuff she was talking about seems like things that I would definitely look for in the future. Today I am thankful for Toast masters Rest Progress My Top 9 Values Are Personal Development Knowledge Productivity Connection Contribution Honesty Fun Adventure Creativity
@Raptorsin7 I will keep it in mind. I just have had a couple mushroom trips so far, but really want to dive in deeper. I am okay with going into them slowly for now.
@K VIL Thanks! @mandyjw You are definitely right with that. I think it is really situational. I don't cut out people if they are not on the same level as me, but eventually you can get tugged back down if you are not aware enough. I noticed especially when I went vegan that people were quite reactive to that. Even after a year I could still have someone offer me ice cream or something like that. While maybe it is always not always their intention to do something like that, they likely do it without much thought. I think a lot of the effect is even on the subconscious level. Like if you have someone smoking or drinking by you, then my guess would be the chances of you joining in on that are higher. Same with their attitudes and perspectives. A lot of negative things build up in your subconscious. It is really easy to pick up someone else's bad habit or their negative values. I suppose my experience may differ. I was a bit of a door mat at one point. @Khaimer Glad to hear it! Keep on making your life the best. @Recursoinominado I hear you! I have done a good chunk of solitude and it was huge for my personal development. It could be a bit ruff, but the growth was really worth it for me. Happy to hear you are doing well. @Nahm I suppose in this sense I used the word toxic as it does appeal more to others. A level of judgment would be beneficial for survival for a few reasons. But I would suppose even a spiritual being could have to worry about some of those aspects. But for the right person I suppose what could a "toxic" being take from a monk? There would be no effect I would assume.
@LfcCharlie4 I have been around Bitcoin since 2013-2014. Always has been rather fascinating to me. Wish I had more money in it then of course, but I can't complain. I have a variety of coins. I took a gamble on some small ones that did not really pan out too. One of my favorites mid cap ones is BAT through Brave browser, but to be fair I could see the coin not really mattering all that much. It is just the community coin for this specific browser. The coin can be earned by watching ads though if someone wanted to. But the coin does not particularly offer something special itself, but the platform it is tied to does. The browser is awesome. The coin does retain value in the fact that people would buy it to put the ads out though too. Read their white paper and see what I mean. I like Bitcoin as a hedge against USD and to have assets that are valued globally. I think it is a good piece of any profile. Having the longest history and being extremely secure. Not to mention how it rolls out updates makes it much less prone to risk. A small update could be the end of a coin if something bad happens. There was a fatal mistake that almost went through a bitcoin cash update that you could look into to see what I mean. While I had invested prior to the bull run I had bought a bit early on into that and early on into it. It is something that you need to go though as an investor in my opinion. You have to reach a level where emotions and greed are not running your investment strategy. I have always been a big believer in having your own private key. But it comes at a great responsibility and you have to learn how to properly store it. Learning how to make your own paper wallet or buying a hardware wallet is what you would want. And paper wallet will require some more hoops. There is a trade off though. It also depends on how you plan on using the coins as well. If I were trading them regularly, then I would use Robinhood. But DO NOT stick high amounts of money onto platforms that could be a big risk. I had just seen a guy in one of my groups lost $36,000 worth of ripple due to having it on an exchange.
I am only invested into crypto currency right now. I do that and focus on my business primarily. Not sure how the housing market is where you live, but on the west coast here prices are quite up there. I personally if I had opportunity I would probably hold off on real estate currently, but I am also no expert on it. It is something that I do want to learn more about though moving into the future. I should note that I am not actively adding money into cryptocurrency right now. I think there was better deals to be had last year with it and with how volatile the market can be it is not like you will not ever see low prices again. You will have to decide what is best for your strategy though as I have no clue what time of time frame and money you have to use on it. I am long term on cryptocurrency. I see a lot of potential with platforms that you can build stuff on in particular. I would say the lower the market cap, then more risk/return you have on any given coin. The lower you start to go though it becomes more risky. But there is some really cool stuff that is not super popular. There really is not much value in coins that look to replace solely payment processors in my opinion. Look at the largest players in those fields currently and you will see that there is just not that much value in it. It is a nice perk that coins move efficient, but most run off of a larger platform or can be upgraded, so I would not look into that as a selling point for any of them. I definitely don't think the last run will be the end of big numbers for the coins. But there was really a lot of false factors causing prices to get that high. Also, the bottleneck on the available amount of exchanges etc. I think if someone were to dig deep enough they would find some coins that will be as big as Amazon and other big giants in the coming years, but it will be awhile for sure. The coins seem to have similar cycles in terms of price fluctuation too if you look back over the years if you are looking for short to mid terms gains. I think one of the most important investment vehicles you can have is your business really. But having some assets in various places is always a good way to do things. Really focus in on the areas that you want to invest your money and learn as much about them as you can.
Average Investor replied to Chumbimba's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Chumbimba Everyone has to make a living doing something. There is a ton of teachers out there making nothing. If someone wanted to scam you, then they most likely would not be making products that help you improve yourself in the first place. Someone who is receiving a lot of money is providing a lot of value. His book in particular is only a few bucks used on eBay, so not really anything I would worry about. Leo makes money off the life purpose course. You most likely would not consider him a scammer if you are here on the forum. You have to pick and choose who you want to listen to. I have received immense value from that course. I would say even one of the videos itself on the course gave me enough value for the $250. It is all in how you use the information that you receive. If Leo made another product I would gladly buy it. -
Average Investor replied to Chumbimba's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Chumbimba I think it is an excellent book. I am almost finished with it now. While you read it he has a good walk through with Oprah on podcasts and probably other platforms that you can use to review it. The more that you grow in that domain the easier it will be to see value in it. I was initially resistant to his teaching as well. I notice that I am able to use his teachings well as I have worked on other domains of Self-help that have allowed me to prepare for it. I would not really worry about where you are at. I would say to buy 3 books on spirituality and see how it goes. -
@Raptorsin7 That's awesome. I wouldn't really say I am depressed. But don't usually feel more intense emotions often. I wake up looking forward to the day though.
I feel so on track with life it feel excellent right now. I felt excellent emotions of happiness and excitement yesterday. Generally I am not happy or sad really. I would say though overall it leans into happiness. I would like to keep working on that as I go though. I realize that is one of that big things in life that help you achieve them most and get the most enjoyment and fulfillment. I am improving on not becoming as reactive to negative energy and emotions. It is not always the easiest thing to do. I working on doing that and focusing in on it more. I can see that this is one of the most powerful things I could learn to do in my life. The control over your own emotions is something I would not have thought possible. But you can really do so much with your mind it blows me away. The key to everything seems to lay within the mind, and not so much the external world. Starting to heal up a bit, so I did jog a little bit today. I was quite relived to not feel really any pain. I still need to make sure that I recover right with this. My day is filled with stuff that I enjoy to do and feel like I am making progress at everything I do. It is a really good feeling. I feel like I am bringing out a lot of potential that I did not know I had. It seems to be a reoccurring thing though, because I always seem to find more. I have to stay consistent and keep holding myself to a high standard. I want to keep things at a level where I enjoy the process of things though. I want to enjoy each stage of mastery and life. Today I am thankful for Happiness Peace Life purpose My top 9 values are Personal Development Knowledge Adventure Creativity Adventure Connection Contribution Productivity Honesty
Working though some of the emotionally difficult stuff to start working on my life purpose. I got up at 5am today, to go to Toast Masters at 6am. That was a really good experience today. The people there are more serious about going, which I kind of assumed if they are meeting together at 6 in the morning. I talked twice and did really good. Pretty surprised I had no "um" recorded. Going to likely get the membership for both groups, so I can present and keep working on my speaking skill. I feel like I already improved a lot just from going twice, so I am excited to see how it will go for me. Did not get quite as much eBay work done today, but I will have to find a balance somewhere with that I want to do with all of this. I will make it work and I will get some eBay work done today still. I did ship stuff, but I don't count that quite as much because that is something I generally have to do all week days. I am excited to still keep working on the eBay stuff. So it really does not bother me that this will pay my bills. I seem to have enough time for both projects currently. I made my own sauce, so ZERO oil in my diet, which is exciting. I am thinking a should feel even better and have more clear skin. Typically cooking oil and such makes my skin break out, so I assume having none of it will help me even more. Who knows though, but I am excited about it. I will also be saving nearly $40 a month just from making my own sauce instead of buying one at the store. Plus it is way more healthy. I did have to buy a lot of organic spices upfront, but they only came to like $12 or so and I already had some. I am going to keep working on adding more sauces. I did pick up some organic butter leaf lettuces that was on sale. So I might try a salad for dinner if I end up with a different sauce that would work good with it. It makes me feel really good about my health going this route. I am really taking it to the next level I feel like. Mediation practice is going pretty good. The posture meditation is still difficult, so I usually cut it into 3 20 minute sessions. I am going to keep working on it every day even though it can be difficult. I am hopeful that this will bring me much more peace in my life and more mastery of my emotions. I seem to feel a strong force over them from doing meditation it seems like. Today I am thankful for Encouraging friend Facing fears Positive emotions My top 9 values are Personal Development Knowledge Adventure Honesty Fun Creativity Connection Contribution Productivity
Average Investor replied to Pilgrimage of Self's topic in Life Purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship, Finance
Well, it is against eBay's policy to drop ship. If you are not in the country you are drop shipping in, then I would give you a few transactions before you get banned if you can make the account. Think outside of the box a little more, there is a full world of possibilities. You will waste so much time and energy, that you likely would have been better off just figuring out your purpose and pursing it. However, it is good to have some experience in business. But why not pick the thing that you think is your purpose? -
I have come to the realization that I want to wrap up my ebay business sooner. I can still operate it as I do need an income. But I want to get it out of the way for my life purpose. I enjoy the business and I will keep shipping stuff out even if I am basically out of it. I can always grab some more inventory if I need the money. I am going to put full focus on getting my items onto the market. I need to put a system in place to back up my listings and to cross list to as many platforms as I can. Ideally this will really start to pump up my business as I have been letting it slide for quite awhile. I will still run it out for the year most likely, but I will see how it goes. I put to of work into the life purpose course this weekend. I really put my mind to use, which it feels like I have not really ever used it like that. Even in college etc. I want to really begin to contemplate more and use this brain I have been gifted to it's highest potential. I am starting to get a clearer and clearer image of what I am going to do for my life purpose. It really is not going to be easy, but I think this is something that I am going to be able to achieve. I want to build something great in the life. I don't want to let it go to waste. No matter if it is meaningless or not, I want to die knowing that I was really giving my best efforts to do the most. I am going to cut the crap yumm sauce out of my diet. I realized how low of quality it is now for my standards and have not looked at the ingredients in a long time. I was unaware there was oil in it, but it makes sense that there is. I am going to make a fresh sauce myself. I am going to look at some videos today and get the ingredients to make some and see how it goes. I want to possibly have a big salad or something once a week too if I can. I think that would really be a great healthy meal for me to add. I want to keep progressing with the quality of my diet. I cut out soy recently as well. I think it is going quite well. I want to throw some money into testing for heavy metals as well too. I think that would be really important. I want to have the maximum amount of energy and brain power that I can possibly have. I am going to try and give it the best I can this month on working in all of things that I do. Really try to give it a good push, but not over work myself. I want to get as much stuff listed that I can and as much stuff processed for sale. So when tax season comes in I will be moving a lot of inventory. I have a ton of stuff ready to list it seems like. I need to build a little better photo booth and make something to take good pictures of posters. I have a few systems that still need to go into place, but everything is going smoothly at least. I kind of question if I need to hire my sister, but it would probably be best to do it. So I can maximize my efficiency this year. Today I am thankful for Motivation eBay Exercise My top 9 values are Personal Development Knowledge Adventure Honesty Fun Creativity Connection Contribution Productivity
I would be careful with stuff like doordash. You can actually lose money with some of those types of things if you are not tracking your expenses right. Also, depending on the area and what not it might even make less than minimum wage.