Average Investor

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Everything posted by Average Investor

  1. @Hansu This has pretty much all of the info you need. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/dried-fruit-good-or-bad#section6
  2. @StarStruck I have flat out just not answered people, when they have mentioned stuff trying to poke at what I do for a living. It really all depends on who is asking you the question. I would recommend you watch Leo's video on how to not give a fuck what people think. It really helped me break past that more. I still have more levels to go though.
  3. Having a pretty good day so far today. I kind of doubt myself slightly about attaining the goals, but I know that if I really put everything into it, then the rewards would be massive. I think it is wise to analyze what I am doing though to really come up with the best route of what I want to do. I know that fear and doubt are going to arise though. But part of me still knows that it is just useless thoughts. I do need to figure out a better strategy to bring in some extra money with the amount of time I am putting towards my reselling business. Kind of wish I had already hired before this, but I suppose I need to bring this to the top of my list of things that I need to do. It will probably eat at my time heavily for a bit, but will really be worth it in the end. I just simply cannot get to everything at this rate with the amount of time I am putting in on it. Hopefully sales increase a bit fairly soon, but it is steady enough for now. Going to try and spend a little extra time to relax this weekend, but I have been really putting in the work these last couple of weeks. I feel like I have been doing really good all around. I did kind of ditch a couple habits I was into, but I can see now they were not as high of a priority. I do think that I am doing optimal stuff to make myself well and keep my body healthy. I still want to do more research on what I can do for improving my performance all around. More nootropics will probably be worthwhile of researching. I only have 3 I am taking currently and they seem to work quite well. Today I am thankful for Scenic views Opportunity Positive thoughts My top 9 values are Personal Development Knowledge Adventure Connection Contribution Creativity Fun Productivity Honesty
  4. @kamill He wants what he thinks is best for you. The problem with that is you're going to have to carve your own path in life. Listening to someones directions is just going to get your further from your path you really want to take.
  5. What do you want to do for your life purpose? You can make the choice to bail out of that stuff and pursue it, but that is up to you. Most people are going to encourage you to get a regular good paying job.
  6. Dried fruit is a nice treat every now and then. I like to have a variety of nuts on hand. One of my favorites lately is to have a fresh pineapple too.
  7. Thanks for the review. Have your read any of their other books? I had one I recall adding to my eBay cart, but did not dive too deep into their work.
  8. Sounds like a pretty good idea. It kind of automates itself in a way because there is a lot of consumer spending as it is. I would try to see if you can build partners in the future to gain commission directly at checkout as an option even with smaller retailers. You likely could find a lot of success working with stage green+ business doing that. I would try adding right near the top that the user can plant trees by shopping on sites they love and only need to use our commission link to do some or something like that to get the user knowing the purpose right off the bat. I have not really heard the term jumpbox, but I feel this would get the message to the user faster instead of having to look through the site more and would result in a higher conversion rate. I also like the extension idea because it would just automate the process. Good work.
  9. Finally getting back on top of my schedule. I feel like I have recovered from the lack of sleep and extra expended energy. I have been doing pretty good with my toast master speeches. I do need to a get a membership probably sooner than later to start practicing longer speeches. But it can wait a little bit. I don't really feel the need to rush into it. I am enjoying meeting different people that are more mature than the people that are my age. My eBay business is still running fairly well without being able to put too much time into it. So I can't really complain that I have been diving into other projects. I do want to see what I can do to make it a bit more efficient though. It seems like I have so much stuff I would not really even need to consider to go pick up new inventory at the moment. I want to try to spend an hour a day most week days listing and I think even that will help me keep on top of everything. Then anything else I do with it will just be a bonus for the most part. I don't really feel much of a need to have really any friends locally it seems like. It seems as if I have just blown through most of the loneliness. I am sure though that eventually I will hit a low again mood wise and maybe think differently. However, where I am right now it does not really feel like some sort of need. Granted I do see a bit more people and interact with them more often that I was and that probably has an effect on that. I talk more with people on the phone and such too. So who knows. It seems to myself though that it really is not much of an issue anymore in my life. Today I am thankful for Waking up on time Having time to myself to invest in my future Quality books My top 9 values are: Personal Development Knowledge Honesty Adventure Fun Connection Creativity Productivity Contribution
  10. Whenever I have felt a job was not right, I just left and moved onto the next project. If you don't have the money to just leave right away, then make sure you have something else going that will pay the bills. Go put in some other job applications, or even consider starting your own business.
  11. There is no point in lying about it. I would just say that your are pursing your degree. I don't see any reason to add anything more or less to it. If someone wants to dig deeper you can just say that you are in the practice of discovering yourself as well.
  12. The schooling system is not good at helping people find their purpose at all. It sounds to me like you would enjoy doing something like one on one teaching or something like that. Have you ever though about teaching this stuff? I mean you would have to see if the fire is still there with it since it sounds like you have put it down for awhile. You could also pursue counselling or something like that from the sounds of what I have in your text. But do not just pursue something because you are nearing having a degree in it. You have plenty of time in life to change what you want to do. So I would not burden yourself too much. You need to go out and possibly discover more of your passions it might sound like. The very system you are working with is draining you of your creativity and life force.
  13. What do you enjoy doing right now in your everyday life? What is something that feels like play rather than work? Any hobbies? What is your current profession and how do you like that? What do you dislike about it? I think psychedelics could help, but I would not solely bank on just that. You might even already be doing the activity that would be your life purpose, or doing activities that are around it. Finding your inner purpose will effect this as well. Working on your spiritual work might lead you to finding this. It all depends on where you are at. It can seem kind of frustrating to find it, but if you can find comfort in not knowing, then it will come to you. That is not to say that you should not contemplate it.
  14. @Chumbimba Work on self esteem for sure. Finding a way to love yourself no matter what. That will really boost your confidence, when you talk to anyone. You could consider to try some public speaking to help bust you out of your shell too. My 1 on 1 talking has improved fairly fast doing that.
  15. @Ibn Sina Try to find 3 things every day that you are thankful for and write them down. You will start to realize how lucky your are yourself, when you start to analyze the great fortune you have. Which I am sure is great, just because you are able to post to me on here. You have a huge amount of opportunities and likely comfort than most in the world. But I have struggled with the same thing and it is okay, you will work through it. You will find yourself much more successful once you move past that. You are right though too that stuff will not help your progress too far in life. Just getting your survival in order is important really.
  16. Struggling a bit with my new habit, but I still have things going for it. I also need to make sure that I am right when my alarm goes off, but I did kind of let myself catch up on sleep, which seems to be a good thing. I don't really seem to have that hard of a time having a good sleeping schedule anymore though. I think a lot of that really just has to do with getting my reading before bed it seems like. Just finished a a new earth last night and I already got a good start into a new book. I decided to go into more reading on life purpose relating stuff I think instead. I think this will be some of the more beneficial stuff for me to read right now. I like being able to help people work towards finding work they enjoy as well, so I think this information is going to be really valuable over time. Not only that, but to help me solidify what I want to do with my own and making sure that is really where I want to be at. I enjoy what I do right now though and I seem to have a lot of ideas flowing for it. I think it will really pay off if I am able to stick with my goals and follow this vision. I would like to make some extra money and keep getting myself ahead on savings. I did add some into savings they other day, which I am happy about. I feel like I really wan to build up a good safety net and keep working on this goal of getting a larger savings by the end of the year. I feel like this is really going to open up a lot of doors for me if I can do this. I really want to have my own place too, but this is really what is working best for my growth right now. I just feel like if I was out on my own I would have more time to myself and create better ideas. I need the space though to operate my business I run now. I will get there in time. I suppose it is not a big rush. Today I am thankful for: Rest Determination Meditation My Top 9 Values Are: Personal Development Knowledge Honesty Fun Adventure Productivity Connection Contribution Creativity
  17. It is likely a form of jealousy that you feel viewing those photos. Even if it seems like it does not really make any sense to feel like that it can easily happen. If you want to continue to use social media and not remove it, then I suggest you really go through and cut all of the bullshit out of it. All of the people you know locally besides friends and only add in stuff that is inspiring and you learn stuff from it. If you do find that it is jealousy that you feel viewing it, then try to find ways to think positively towards that person and how they are deserving of their fortune. Find reasoning for what made them successful or even their parents maybe in this case view it in a way that makes you happy for them. View their success as something that they have earned and acquired and so can you. It will take some time to do this. Try cutting out that type of media, but you will likely find it in other things on there. If you do see someone with a nice car or something like that, then imagine how much value they bring to the world. How hard they have worked towards reaching their goal. Go actually look into it and really investigate your feelings. It does not hurt you, when another has success.
  18. I have had good luck with meditation before eating, but it is really up to you. You could give it a short for first thing when you wake up too, but make sure you do something where your have to maintain posture, or it could be easy to fall back asleep. That sounds really good. If they are all new habits though, then I would not really advise it because it is going to be harder to maintain. I would just try add in something extra on thing at a time and let it form a good habit. Waking up early is really powerful, but focusing in on mediation, exercise, and good eating will see big results. Then adding in stuff like reading and waking up at a good time. But it just depends on your self discipline too. Just in my experience making one thing solid at a time makes it really easy to have a lasting routine. However, I have no idea what you have already been doing or not.
  19. Those pictures are definitely not a way to measure someones happiness. Money can help in some ways because you have less worries about money, more opportunities, and you have access to nicer things. But really most of that is just external stuff that really cannot make you truly happy. A nice car only has a lasting effect for so long. Same with any of those trips or anything else. Just being able to get past monetary survival needs you will likely see a boost in your well being. But you can learn to be happy with any circumstance or money.
  20. It sounds like you really want to pursue music. If that is the case you really need to put all of your effort into that. All of the people around you are going to want you to do what 95% of people are doing. Most of those people are not successful or creative. So you surely don't want to be like them. They just want to bring you into their way of life, or what they think society should do. You could teach music if you want. There is a lot of places on the internet where you could do that and make money doing that. There is also the option of becoming a music teacher. You could also produce your music and share it with the world. But by that I mean that you are really going to have to spend time doing this everyday and work towards the goal that you want, which is to make money doing something that you love. You can even make money by producing music on the street corner if you had to. But there is much better ways in modern society, but there is still many who make good money even doing that. You really have to practice and master your skills before you can start to make money with it. If you are not willing to take the risk to do what you love, then you will be stuck living like the rest. You should work towards finding what you want to do and set a goal to do that one thing. Once you have that make plans on how you are going to obtain your goal. If you are actively acting on your plan, then I don't see any reason you cannot succeed.
  21. You will be much more hungry for success if you are willing to go all out. I turned my reselling business full time by being willing to go 60-80 hours a week right into the start of it. You should be careful on what you decide to go into though as well. Make sure that it is something that you will want to be willing to do at least until you are done with your studies if not longer. What do you enjoy to do? What are you good at? What do you get paid to do? What does the world need? I find that you answer might be within these questions possibly. If you like you can message me an I could help you generate a few ideas to make some money. However, I ask that you at least spend some time into finding the answers to the questions above.
  22. I am going to keep my work independent. I think working with that guy just really goes against my values for what I want for my future. I am not going to be distracted by "quick" riches or anything of the like. I have made a goal to myself and I am going to stick to it no matter what. I want to bring great value to the world and I will not be able to do that by participating more in selling stuff that does not raise the collective consciousness. Today is going pretty well. It was kind of hard for me to get things into gear this morning, but I was able to push through it. I feel really good now and I have some good new ideas flowing. I have been trying to focus a bit more on the time that I use to create more ideas that could enhance my life. I know that I am capable of coming up with great things that will get me all of the things that I am looking for in life. I just have to maintain my strong persistence. I want to find more ways to make what I do more unique and creative. I don't want everything I do to be following someone else. While there definitely is some amazing ideas worthwhile that others have created as well. I would be unwise not to use their knowledge they have achieved to my benefit, but I do want to create more original thoughts and ideas. I think just in those things alone that access to anything I desire is within them. Today I am thankful for Well being Time to do things that I find meaningful Time to expand my mind My top 9 values are Personal development Knowledge Honesty Creativity Productivity Connection Contribution Fun Adventure
  23. Got an award today in toast masters for having the best impromptu speech, so that felt pretty good. I thought I did a pretty good job. All of this pratice is starting to show more and I am growing a lot from it. I already feel way more confident in my speaking skills in only a week, but I have been working my ass off for it. I got an interesting offer from one of the guys in my toast masters group. I went to his house today and talked with him about it. He is interested in having me be a contractor to his business and helping people liquidate their business since he had seen my selling skills. This sounds kind of interesting, but I feel like I have really been busting my ass into my life purpose. This could bring in some extra money though and give me the opportunity travel. The first liquidation would be 4 1/2 hours away and I would still keep doing my life purpose work. I really need to think about this before I decide what I want to do. I would have my lawyer look over any contract and really make sure I want to do it. I have plenty of stuff to sell of my own too, so not really sure. I have been really tired lately and I think I have been doing too much work without enough sleep. I am really enjoying the work that I am doing though. So it is not terrible. I just need to set up better systems to make everything more efficient. Today I am thankful for Toast Masters Persistance New opportunities My top 9 values are Personal Development Knowledge Honesty Adventure Fun Connection Contribution Creativity Productivity
  24. Everyone faces resistance. You can become a master at anything you want really. What do you value most in life? Do you feel like your beat boxing will make a lasting impact? Do you love it? Does it pay well? Are you good at it? You will be the one to decide what is most important to go through with your life. Things don't have to be cookie cutter, and you don't have to rush into something just because a lot of people on here are. You have been doing the mastery process on things your whole life. But you can take it to another level and do it more consciousness. Really finding what is worthwhile and most fulfilling will be your best bet.
  25. There is quite a bit of pressure in American culture for that here. I am not sure where you live though. These sound really nice and is what is perpetuated to be success, but really these will become pretty dull. Looks and money are not permanent and will just be a waste of your time to pursue. Same with the girls looks, but you should be attracted to her. It sounds like you want a lot, but are not really focusing in on one thing. I would personally start by raising your self esteem. That will make it much easier with women and getting things like a promotion etc. Also, just for your general well being. A lack of results could be due to many things. I am not sure how hard you are working now, but that could help. You can only realistically work so hard though. It's important to enjoy your everyday life and not just feel as if you have to suffer to reach something, that inevitably does not make you happy. There is nothing that is going to make all of this happen instantly. You are going to have to focus in on one thing at a time and get that down.