Average Investor
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I feel so recharged and motivated after my trip! I read 100 page today of Steve Job biography and it was great! Normally if I read that much I would feel strained, or tired. I felt great and could actually read some more if I decided to. I am going to take it easy on it though as I don't want to burn myself out on it. Instead I am going to do some NLP, then I am going to head to bed. I got some really good work done with photoshop today. I am working on a whole new graphics layout and going to start a facebook page and a group for my reselling business. This is going to help me drive a lot more traffic as I will be able to retain customers that are local and get them to look at my online listings. Not only that, but they will have more chances of being repeat buyers. I am going to design my own business cards as well. I am going to set all of it up and make it nice. I am going to follow through with more of my plans with it. Set up more platforms for cross listings. Then I am going to still aim to hire. Once I set up all of the systems and make it more efficient it will really help. As I keep growing it I should be able to work a bit less on it and focus more on my LP work I am doing. But it still does excite me and I think it is worthwhile for me to advance further in what I started for the experience, money, and enjoyment. I am really really recharged it feels like. I am really excited to start working more on my LP stuff. I feel like I am starting to carve out more of a direct that I want to go now. I am finding it really interesting to work on. This trip really gave me some more clarity on it and I was hoping that it would. I am really enjoying the process of building up my skills. I really like the process of it. I want to get in the habit of going the extra mile and make my work top notch. There is really unlimited ways that I could get better and improve. It has only been less than two months and my growth has exploded in that domain. I know that either way I look at it I am not going to regret doing it. There experience and enjoyment are well worth it to me. It will be really interesting to see where this leads me. Today I am thankful for Feeling much better! Reading New ideas! My top 9 values Personal Development Knowledge Adventure Fun Creativity Connection Contribution Productivity Honesty
Average Investor replied to TheUniverseIsLove's topic in Life Purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship, Finance
@TheUniverseIsLove 100% true. Oh so you do plays? That is awesome. I would set up a camera and add clips of your plays to youtube. Like popular scenes and things that people might be looking for. I mean you can do whatever you want with it, but with that you are already doing it and it only takes a little extra effort to get a shot and add it. You could do anything though. -
@Ibn Sina Not trying to make a claim at you doing anything as I cannot see your interactions in person, I am limited to what is written here. That list is from Napoleon Hill. I suggest his book think & grow rich heavily. One of those key principles is also tolerance. You are in the most control over your reactions and emotions, but not the other persons. By self reflecting and enhancing your own qualities you will have much less negative interaction overall. Not only that you will also achieve more success as a byproduct. I don't know you or the qualities you have, so I am not here to judge you. But I want to share how I have found it in my best benefit to maximize my personality through studying those and I think everyone could. I am sure I could have done better with the wording though. I would suggest giving the book A New Earth a read By Eckhart Tolle. It has some really sound ways of interacting with others and how to see a bit from their point of view. Basically assume that every person is having the worst day of their life. It is so hard to know why someone is really doing the things that they are doing. If you try to aim more to bring happiness into their lives regardless you may find it is really easy to have good interactions with most people. I practice giving a smile, nod, gesture, or greeting to people passing by, when I go out for a run and after so many I notice that many are quite pleased to interact. You have a couple who may ignore, or seem uninterested, but that is okay. This might be a good practice to try. I am not immune to other peoples actions though either. Some things do have a lasting effect of hurt from others, but you are in control on how far it gets. I think the practices in that book would give you much more control over those thoughts and emotions towards it. It has really helped me.
@Hardkill I know @Sahil Pandit does fitness coaching, he would be worth reaching out to if you considered it a pursuit of interest. I imagine fitness coaching can be plenty lucrative if you you take the time to build an audience to get clients. Not to mention there is plenty of market space online doing it. If I recall right you really enjoyed the idea of voice acting? Can I ask how many of these pursuits you have ever tried out? Have you tried much other than what you schooling permitted? I found that dabbling has helped me a lot. Not mention I still dabble a bit, but keep things as tight as I can to pursue my passions at a max. So it is not like I have everything figured out myself. But I do have a good sense of direction and what it takes to turn a passion into business.
@Raptorsin7 I have to admit even this trip blew me away, but I handled it well. I will keep it on my radar for now. I do not really want to trip more than once a month I think. I also kind of want to explore the tabs a bit more. We will see. If I go into the dmt I am just going to plug it and dose properly. I would test it with the test kit as well. It sounds really interesting. I think if I go to do it I am not going to fill my mind with what it will do as much. I did that with this trip and I feel like it helped. Granted I have seen some stories and stuff, but I keep the effect part minimal and just went in accepting death. I think the music is crucial for the trips too. I had some issues on thought loops with shrooms, but I did no music and just sat in the recliner and had a shower. No audio or video going of anything.
This was my first time giving this a go. I had a hard time sleeping with the anticipation that I was going to get up at 2am and drop acid, so I missed a bit of sleep. I took a half tab right away and let it sit for 30 minutes while meditating. I felt light effects and right away put a tab of like a paste based lsd? It was not on blotter paper, but was a little block that looked like candy, but turned to mush fairly fast. I tested both to be sure of the substance though. After waiting the first hour things started to kick in. It was fairly reminiscent of my shroom trip. I sat for awhile and turned on some music to help set a good vibe for the trip. I figured I would be in for something good. For a bit it seemed a bit overwhelming. Hard to concentrate and keep out of my mind. I decided to head to the shower as it was getting pretty strong and wanted to go to a place I would feel good. It amplified the feelings heavily. I hit a point in the shower, where I just decided I was okay with dying and to let this take me where it wants to go. The effects super intense. It took me awhile to adjust to how I was feeling. It felt acutely familiar to depersonalization, so I was not really having much trouble controlling it as the peak began to wear off more, but it was still really intense. I had some visual movement on things and just some intense thoughts. I found a sweet spot as the effects were not too overwhelming to work on the questions I had preset for myself. Master using my power of knowledge to teach others and create powerful businesses. Learning Live to my highest potential It is to create (This was accompanied by visuals of things evolving from others and the planet and all things producing creating in various arts and births) Some other thoughts I had: You are in certain control of your own future (accompanied by visuals of me achieving anything I had set my mind to) Be more grateful. Intense visions of Steve Jobs and how he effected the world. I thought how I could really teach myself to learn the masterful showmanship he had of presenting a product. That and accompanied by many other things around him. This felt extremely powerful and insightful. This was all accompanied by strong visuals of of me achieving anything I wanted. Hearing quotes from Napoleon Hill and Earl Nightengale fully in their voices. These even seemed to guide me away from any bad thoughts as I was harnessing the power of taking control of my thoughts. I came up with about two pages of business ideas and notes. Even writing out strategies and coming up with ideas that should surely help me out tremendously. This seemed to help me care a lot less about what people think of me as well. I thought a lot about interactions I have in my personal life a bit too. There did not seem to be anything too significant to come of that. After about 8 hours I was still feeling some effects and decided to go on a walk. I did a 6 mile walk and really enjoyed it. I timed it perfectly as I knew the rain and time would keep most away from where I wanted to go. I am probably going to spend the rest of the day meditating and maybe doing some stuff in photoshop as that sounds really enjoyable to do right now. I can dose this same amount exactly, so I know a bit more for the future. I think this is a really sweet spot for me to trip.
Average Investor replied to TheUniverseIsLove's topic in Life Purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship, Finance
Wow, love the way you articulate your craft. I feel like I was reading a poem for part of that. I have a bit of a hard time expressing emotions as much. I am working on it though. I notice they are gradually coming in more, while I continue this work. I can't really do any of that on command, but I suppose I have never really tried to do it. What kind of stuff do you enjoy acting out in? Or particular character? I thought it was quite interesting to see a guy with a successful yotuube channel, who could not get acting gigs, but went his own route and does comedy acting. That might be something worthwhile to think about if enjoy that type of thing. But it really shows that you don't have to go the "normal" route to reach Independence in that field either. -
@Raptorsin7 Yeah, I am already working on some of the business ideas that I had thought of from it. Some things were really reinforcing what I needed to do or things I already knew, but had no clarity on. Some things are not going to be easy to do, but I could do them. I could try 5meo, but probably going to hold off on that for quite a bit.
@Ibn Sina I sometimes will just flat out not respond to someone if they are acting negatively towards me. It all depends on the situation though. A lot of it is just learned really. Try to imagine what things might be like for the other person and their views. I am not sure of the drama that is occuring, but a lot of the time you might be better avoiding it all together. I would suggest just not supporting it or giving it a big reaction really. People start to pick up, when you set a boundary for something and lot of the time they just stop doing it. If this happens frequently, then I would analyze if you are lacking in one of the list of pleasing personality traits A Positive Mental Attitude Flexibility of the Mind Sincerity of Purpose Promptness of Decision Common Courtesy Tactfulness Pleasing Tone of Voice Facial Expression and the Habit of Smiling Tolerance Frankness in Manner of Speech A Keen Sense of Humor Faith in Infinite Intelligence A Keen Sense of Justice Appropriateness of Words Effective Speech Control of the Emotions Alertness of Interest Versatility Fondness for People Control of Temper Hope and Ambition Temperance Patience Humility of the Heart Appropriateness of Dress Effective Showmanship Clean Sportsmanship Ability to Shake Hands Properly Personal Magnetism I think most of us are not perfect, so I imagine there is stuff for improvement with anyone in the list. I find stuff for myself to work on as well and I seem to have no issues getting a long with others typically.
@dimitri It came really quick to me, but without any substance I would not have came up either much of an answer. That was a really interesting insight.
@Raptorsin7 Thanks, I am excited to see how it evolves from here. Yeah, I think it was something quite notable in his biography. I can definitely see how it could help. Not only that just an enjoyable experience all together.
Going to rest up today had a trip and don't want to spend a lot of time wiring in journal as I already wrote this out: https://www.actualized.org/forum/topic/46369-lsd-trip-report/
You would be surprised at the quality of people you can meet. I made friends with a guy that is over 70 years old and I am 24. We hit it off really well and he is the leader of a club I am in. We have a lot of similar interests in personal development and he is a great speaker. I have went many months without really having many close friends. Especially not any that I could see in person. It just takes the right time and place. Find out where you could meet higher quality people at. Also, never assume the issue might not be you as well in the relationships. A lot of being a good friend is being able to tolerate peoples faults. That goes for really any relationship in life. But I am not saying to allow yourself to be in toxic relationships either.
Almost done with all of the tax stuff, so that will be a big relief. I am going to be able to put all of my energy into more important tasks. I think I know how to do it well enough, that next time it will be really fast. It just annoys me how much little things are there and just different terminology. I am happy I did put the time into learn it though, so it will not be too big of a deal. Now it will just be plugging in some numbers and I will not have as much headache. Really happy with how much I have been able to accomplish in the last month or so. I am surprised I have got this far. I am really getting so much growth doing this work it blows me away. I can't believe how lucky I am to live this life that I have been given. I want to make the most out of it no matter what hand I get dealt. I want to make a lasting change to this world. I think that I can have an impact and help many people. I just need to make sure that I stick to my goals and not let the negative thoughts get to me. I am going to be tripping on LSD later. I am excited to see how this experience goes. This is going to be my first time giving it a go. I did not fill my mind with too much of other experiences. I am going to ask myself questions that I think will be interesting to answer. I have some good music picked out that I am going to give a shot while tripping this time. I think is going to be a great experience. I did test my tabs and make sure that everything was legitimate too. I think I am ready to see where this will take me. Today I am thankful for Getting the tax stuff mostly done Making progress Feeling better! My top 9 values are Personal Development Knowledge Honesty Creativity Connection Contribution Productivity Fun Adventure
@Mohammad That looks good! I went ahead and added that to my car on ebay. Thank you for the suggestion!
There is always survival advantages to being around others and being liked. That can come in the form of promotions, more pay, and just more opportunities in general. I notice the more I am around people I usually end up with a network of stuff that benefits my survival. The more people, then the larger that network becomes. I don't try to aim for anything like that in a friendship anymore, but more in the fact if I enjoy the persons company or not. I think a good pleasing attitude and character will get you plenty far in that industry along with some good skills built up.
Starting to build up energy and momentum again. It sucks having so many tasks that just suck up time it seems like. I think that is one of my larger issues with not getting as much done sometimes. Granted I do get quite a bit done in a single day. It just seems like I waste a good chunk of it on useless stuff. I am going to try to see what I can do to cut out more that stuff. I imagine if I have to I can just pay for stuff like taxes and things like that. I will see how it goes, but honestly that seems like the best route. I want to focus on the quality of my work. Not only that, but really lay out what I want for it in the future. I want to build goals that I am going to reach. I want to set things up to be the best that I can do. I don't want my work to be half ass. I want to learn to produce the highest quality that I can. I know it will take me some time to improve, but I want to improve at least a little each time I do something. I think that is the right mindset for me to stick to for getting the best results. I am starting to get really good at the toast masters from going so much. I mean sure I have a lot of improvement to go, but I hardly have much of a hang up at all speaking lately it seems like. I am excited to see how it goes in the future. I am a member of both of my local clubs now, so I will be doing longer speeches now as well as the shorter impromptu ones. I am excited to see how I progress. I can't even imagine how it would be if I kept this up for a year. I would be quite the speaker I imagine. Today I am thankful for Feeling better Making progress to LP Finding a good mouse for my laptop My top 9 values are Knowledge Personal Development Honesty Productivity Creativity Fun Adventure Contribution Connection
Yeah, that is why I do not enjoy being around negative people. I don't think that many really do. The energy is really powerful and it starts to get to you after awhile. It might be worthwhile to try to find someone motivated in similar pursuits as yourself that pushes you to do more. I found that to be really powerful.
@ElenaO I did not even think about that! Yeah, I love his work. I have think and grow rich spoken by him on the podcasts app (like 2 hours long) and I love it! Thanks so much for the suggestion.
@Robert Leavitt I would be curious to see some of your work. If you want to show me it. Yeah, I agree with you in the fact there is not really a need to reinvent the wheel. There is a lot of working things out there that can work for anyone. It is good to add your own touch and personality to it of course though. I have just had some product ideas come to mind and I think that last part of what you talked about would be useful for me to think more about while doing it. Not sure if you directed it at OP or myself. If myself I have not fully went to where I am going for sure. I am more or less just getting the ground work to build up some larger ideas of what I want to do. I have thought about doing a lot more business stuff. But I enjoy personal development stuff as a whole and I notice if I teach and share things my knowledge and retention of them skyrockets.
@electroBeam I see what you mean now. I mean something like that I don't really think is that big of a deal. I would just see how you can make your service more unique or more deserving. If there is really only a couple other options for that service in that area the people giving the grants are already going to be familiar with how they conduct their service. What I would try to do is win over smaller grants that they might not be as after to help establish your non-profit more. Once you have more funding it will be easier to show the value of yours. Also, when you look at it you all want to help in the same way. So really no one is losing by you just doing your thing. I feel as if there is enough demand for more of that service, then there will be more money for grants towards it over time.
Let myself sleep a couple extra hours to heal up a bit more. I actually feel a bit better today. Not quite as fatigued from being sick. I imagine if I give it another day or two I will pass it completely. I managed to almost finish up some tax work I had been working on for awhile. I am happy to have that just about done finally. That has been a big headache. But I know a lot more for next time, so I suppose I always learn something new while I am going doing this. I kind of want to just hire someone for next time I think lol. It just depends though. If I have two businesses operating at once it might be too much for me. Going to do some video editing work tonight. Then I feel like I have got a few big tasks off my list this week. That is something I have been trying to get to for a few days and just never really got around to it. Being sick and just not having the energy makes it a bit hard. I hope I can maintain better health coming soon. I do kind of suspect some of the issues is from doing too much work and causing myself to get sick in some way. I get some exposure to more people as well now too. I had a really good idea today. I think I want to start working on this project a bit. I am not sure 100% what route I want to go. I do find some importance in helping people with business stuff. I think that is something I can put more efforts into and get really good at doing it. I like knowing that I have really made an impact with a few peoples businesses so far. I think that is probably one of the more meaningful things that I could do right now. I think having a business is one of the best experience this life has to offer if you love what you do. That and if you can get away from something that is sucking your energy out of you that you do not like. Today I am thankful for More energy Rest Finally getting this tax crap done My top 9 values Personal Development Knowledge Honesty Fun Adventure Productivity Connection Contribution Creativity
It all comes down to the market you are trying to enter. Steve Jobs was pretty spiritual and yet Apple needed to make sure it would stand out from IBM, Commodore, Xerox, etc. It is hard to make a balance. Because most of the most effective marketing is lower conscious. You will have to come up with a balance that best suits you. I would not just allow yourself to just not sell your product. You have to play to some of things the industry is doing. Take a look at Eckhart Tolle's thumbnails on YouTube for example. He does a lot of current marketing with that kind of stuff and keeps up with other channels, but the content is much high conscious once you click into the video. You can't really reach anyone lower on the spiral without effectively doing that. Now if you plan to sell products that are not really raising consciousness at all, then you will have a much harder time trying to avoid that kind of marketing. You have to remember that a very small portion of the population is even at stage yellow. If you want to attract stage orange investors, then you probably are going to have to meet them on that level in some regard.
@Cocolove Nice, no debt and you can explore what you would like. Congrats! That is is awesome opportunity.