Average Investor
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Average Investor replied to Average Investor's topic in Life Purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship, Finance
@d0ornokey Yes, it is guaranteed. Check online for the details for it. The person would need to have filed taxes in 2018 or 2019. Should be able file $1 if that is the case though and receive it. But please do the research on that. @TrynaBeTurquoise Yeah, $1,200 does not go too far in general unfortunately. This list would assume the person has their basic needs meet. @Chumbimba Depends what you are doing I suppose. I would prefer vanguard by far because of the fees. I would research some platforms though. But from my research Vanguard is one of the best. @UDT Yeah, will be interesting to see how things go after this is all done. -
Do some studying into Martin Luther king and JFK. I think those two can really highlight what it means to live like that to the fullest. If you can pick up biographies.
Average Investor replied to Average Investor's topic in Life Purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship, Finance
@Worldclassbullshit I'm not an expert on stocks myself. But I recommend researching Jack Bogle And Warren Buffet. I also recommend reading unshakeable by Tony Robbins as a start. A lot of the larger index funds perform really well over time. I would start in those areas. I think a lot of the principles you can learn from the above mentioned will really help too. But I would not just follow someone to the T. -
Getting a lot of stuff done it seems like. Really enjoying listening to a lot of John Bogle. I find it so intresting how he used running an investment company as a way to impact so many positively. I feel there is a good correlation between how long someone lives and how meaningful they find their work. When I listen to him I can really tell the he cares so much about the average investor. I think he is someone to look up to for sure and I do want to read some of his books. I am really enjoying the sun and the good vibes lately. I feel like I am getting all of the stuff done that I need to and getting a good amount of items up for sale. I am working on getting the most expensive ones up for sale right now and a good amount of workout stuff since that seems to be hot right now. I finally started selling on mercari too. I am going to see if it will be worth it for cross listing software or not, but even if I did just copy and paste it could be worth it I could see. That is a pretty big step for me to help increase my overall sales. I have a few other things I am trying to work on to make this more efficient. My meditation has been going really well. Practicing the kryia yoga has really been worth it so far. I am trying to get it to where my legs don't fall asleep though. I worry it could damage them, so I have been cutting the end of the session short by a minute or two. I found some stretching helps, but I want to see if I can position better to avoid it. I am sure probably nothing bad would happen, but I think it is worthwhile to have some caution over it. Today I am thankful for Toastmasters Plenty of items to sell SUN
Absolutely, I think you should work on building a routine that sets up time for both and some time with the girlfriend. I mean it is as true as you want to make it. Create the life style that you want to live! In my experience I have found some benefits from abstaining from some of lifes pleasures. But I think there is also some benefits of enjoying them too. I have not seeked truth as deeply as some here, so I cannot fully say yes or no, but I think each path is unique and I think you can craft it anyway you like and get the results you seek if you are determined enough. You don't have to not make any money to be an artist. Find ways to transform your art and make it profitable. There are people that charge hundreds of thousands of dollars to design logos and such. I am not saying you have to do that, but there is a lot of ways you could offer art in freelance while working towards what you think expresses your artistic abilities fully and find ways to make it profitable. I would say that the main thing is to stick with it and get really good. No artist was just born good that I know of. I took a lot of years and patience. You will want to decide on your own the level that makes you the most happy. Although, I think just the pursuit of material items can consume much of so many lives before they realize there can be a bit more. I also think there are a lot of things that one can enjoy with the right amount of them. It is not an all or nothing, but just be aware of the fact it is a lot easier for most to seek all.
Glad that you were able to move on from that! That sounds like a big piece of growth for you to make that commitment. I am happy for you! You could consider to get a job in the industry that you want to have your business in. It could help you collect ideas and thoughts by just being there at any level. Keep in mind the job market would be a little more tough for awhile because of the Covid-19, so don't be hard on yourself if you don't come up with what you want fast. You could also consider something that just trains or hones a skill that you might want to use in you future adventure too.
Average Investor replied to ilyas dolliazal's topic in Life Purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship, Finance
Lots of different ways to do that. Podcasts, videos, blog, tutoring, writing books, and you can do it on any level locally with different groups and such. You could also do some sort of website or similar where you can blend the perspectives and studies together. A lot of it will come down how you enjoy to express yourself. You might already find that you are engaging in one of these too. Those are what come to mind, when I think about expressing and sharing that type of stuff. -
I have not played any video games in 5-6 months besides one arcade game with my little sister. A good portion of my day is filled with a morning routine. I spend about 1-2 hours making healthy food. One hour of meditation. Usually about 30 minutes of reading unless it is the weekend, then sometimes like 4-5 hours. Then I spend a big portion of my time or regular week days working on either of my businesses. I also spend a good portion of time researching stocks and stuff too. This stuff seems to take up the bulk of my time. I don't really find myself thinking about games.
Going to stay off Facebook until the Covid stuff is over. I really need it mostly to learn reselling stuff and to buy and sell stuff. Neither of those are really needed from it right now, so it is just wasting time mostly. I am going to cut off all pc usage on the weekends as well. I am going to just read, clean, and relax. I really liked how it went this weekend and I read about 400 pages in two days. That was by far the most I have ever read in a weekend. Going to try out a kindle reader to see if I can enjoy reading on that. I really like the feel of the actual book in my hand, but who knows. I think it will be just fine. I have a ton of books that I want to put on it and start reading for sure. I hope that I will enjoy it though. How the screen stuff looked I think that I will like it though. Working on really getting myself on track a lot more lately. Started with the cold showers again and will do one hot shower once a week. Although, I am not going to remove a bath if I want to do that since I like reading there. But would still end up taking a cold shower after. But just by doing this I bet it would add nearly 2 hours of time to put towards other stuff each weeks. That and it is just something to help push me out of my comfort zone more. I want to keep increasing my capacity to do more and do better. I am doing my intense workout every other day now too and it is really helping me do that. I feel awesome from doing it. Getting back to work on a lot of stuff. Feels good to have cleaned my room and set my green screen up on the wall instead of right directly in the middle of my room lol. Every time I pass by where it was it feels great to not have to squeeze by. I need to work on organizing a lot more of my reselling stuff too. Going to get rid of the storage unit, so will need to work on that stuff soon. But for right now it is not a top priority. I have a bunch of stuff that I want to get up for sale. I am going to sell most of my large and expensive items. I think once people get those stimulus checks that most will blow them on frivolous things. Today I am thankful for SUN! Great walk Good mood
I have found building up discipline in multiple places in my life really help with this. I would recommend cutting out whatever is distracting you and eating up your time. I would try to document all of your time usage for a week and see where it all goes. I know even with myself I could use some improvement, but I am pretty on top of it and can get done in a few days what would take weeks before.
I have had some really big opportunities. Investing is one of the big ones. But really maxing out my reselling business right now as a lot of my products are in higher demand than usual. Keep on a look out for how you can expand from your position. Those pursuits you mentioned are great though too. But during this time you might find a whole new bundle of opportunities just waiting for you in your career or business pursuits. This type of time motivates me to make more money and get my businesses performing great.
Average Investor replied to Worldclassbullshit's topic in Life Purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship, Finance
The best thing to do would be to give it a shot and start doing it. Wondering if it is too saturated and what not is not going to get you anywhere. Not to mention there are a lot of eyes on that field in general and it seems to be growing well. Especially with the younger generations. A lot of it will come down to how much you practices and what type of uniqueness you can offer to the viewers. The other pursuits sound great that you want to try out. I would give some stuff a shot and stick with it and practice at it and see how it goes. Make sure to stick through it even if you feel like quitting. Keep yourself inspired especially in the first few months while making it a habit. -
I would not say that is is procrastination, but making money is something that you are going to want to figure out sooner rather than later. Following spiritual pursuits seems to be well worth the time from what I have gathered so far. I think that you are on the right track with maintaining that. But you should consider working on finding a better balance between the two. It's going to get much harder as you get older to produce income to survive. It would not hurt to do the course again at all. I think that it could be beneficial to do that. But I also think that it would be worth giving some pursuits a shot that do revolve around that and really see what you like. Go actively try a pursuit for 12 months and see where it really takes you. If you don't discover your LP, then at the very least some experience and you will start to see what you don't want to do.
I skipped out on watching this guy for awhile because it seemed like his practices were a bit shady. I did see him transitioning to this type of life style and it seems like he is doing well with it. It is definitely and interesting thing to see him growing from where he was. I do quite a bit of similar stuff to him. I find a lot of it to be very beneficial to me. But there is some temptations of the other things. I actually had some cashews that had salt and noticed how enjoyable they were because I just get unsalted for all. Granted I still get some salt in because it is needed. I have to admit though he is good at getting results in business. But I would still question following him for anything aside from that. It will be interesting to see how he grows. Hopefully this brings him some great experiences. Sacrifice is crucial to success though. My results have exploded from doing that.
I have found it interesting to see how well I am able to stay up and running with selling online. Granted sales are not explosive, but I think they will do fairly well. I want to share how to make some money while you are inside. So I primarily sell things on eBay and I imagine with spring cleaning here that you probably have some excess stuff to sell. You can schedule a pick up order from door from USPS, Fedex, Or UPS. I have orders going out this morning and they are saying that they all intend to stay open during this time. Some hot items right now are board games, video games, media, but you could list whatever you like. Those are just a few that have been selling well for me right now and I sell a big variety of stuff. I would be happy to help you with any questions you might have about selling some this stuff or listing it right. From how to get prices or how to ship specific items. I think this could help anyone who might be struggling right now to make ends meet. This could be a real boost in revenue for you while you wait to see what happens. If you do not have any shipping supplies, then there is free supplies you can order from usps. I can walk you through what boxes would be good for the items you want to sell on there as well. You can make some out of old product boxes, paper grocery bags, etc too. Also, if you have some other ways for others to make some money right now feel free to post them in this thread.
I have found cutting out fluoride, junk food, and media stuff helpful in this area. It is not always a cure all. As suggested above mediation is great for this. Try to get in some on your breaks. I would try to find some work that you are more passionate about though mostly. If I am really into something it usually has my attention.
You are going to have to decide what is the best route for you. I would highly suggest using a N95 mask with a face shield if you plan to be in close contact a lot. You chances of getting it do go up though by being around it of course. That is something you will have to decide for yourself. It sounds like you are pretty young and the mortality rate is quite low on younger people, especially if you are in good health.
Average Investor replied to Thewritersunion's topic in Life Purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship, Finance
The college environment is nice in some aspects. I did enjoy it myself for the feeling and experience of it. I have to admit though if I really dedicated myself to self teaching I get way better results. I would try to find out how you learn best and maximize that path for the best results. Also, there is no better way to get started, than to start publishing whatever it is you're trying to do. By getting in and getting the experience first hand you are going to see some big improvements there alone from just that. If you decided to go to college for it or not I would highly recommend that. I did actually enjoy English in college, there was quite a bit of good stuff to learn from it. I feel like to become a good writer you should find the work of the best in the field you want to go in and study all of it too. Find out as much as you can about those writers and get a good sense of what they did to create their work. Make sure your work reflects you, but using this will help you learn a lot. I love when I find a good author and I just want to read all of the work they make. I just read a short book and I felt the need to buy their other book that was about $16. Their writing style was very good and it keep me enticed through the whole read. If you figure out what can get someone to do this, then you will be well on your way to success. -
Really starting to get the ball rolling with ideas and infrastructure. Going to try to get enough room to clear out my storage unit before it is due this month too. That would start saving me an extra $80 a month. That will start to add up fast. Even if I have to spend a few hundred in supplies to get my stuff organized enough to fit in the space I have. I want to buy some business insurance too. Really enjoying the kriya yoga so far. Really the main problem I have right now is my feet will fall asleep towards the end of the meditation, but seems to get better each time I try it. I am really sticking with it and it seems to pay off. Much more powerful meditation sessions that seem to come a lot easier than before. It has been worth the extra bit of pain to do it like this. I think my posture is going to benefit a lot from this. Really working on making the extra money right now. Kind of struggling a little with the video stuff it seems like. I am going to spend today and tomorrow on it though. No bs excuses or anything. I want to do it and do it will. I am going to try some new seo stuff and some new recording styles as well as a different topic than normal. It will be a bit a of a push out of my comfort zone, but not too much. Today I am thankful for Good sales Making progress Good meditation
Average Investor replied to Average Investor's topic in Life Purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship, Finance
@supremeyingyang No worries. Feel free to message me, when you get started up! -
Getting a ton of work done lately it seems like. I am really blowing though stuff that I was struggling with. I am starting to see myself getting close and close to my goals. I am glad that I have been putting in the time lately and feeling well and up to it. I am really lucky that the market is really needing my services right now. I have so much inventory that is in high demand it is great. Really trying my best with these kryia yoga practices. This is quite a bit harder than my regular meditation sessions, but so far when it is going well it is amazing. I just struggle a lot with the strength to keep really good posture like that for the entire 25 minutes, then 3X. I am going to keep at it though. I can see the value in it so far, so I hope that I can keep up. I have been missing a lot of posting here. It seems like I am keeping myself really into all of my work, reading, etc. I am trying to cut out the bs as much as I can. I have some hours where I do sit around though it seems like during the day. I can't do work the entire day most of the time. But I am going to try to keep up more with posting as I can. I think it is still a good reflection regardless. Not a lot changes daily it seems like. Today I am thankful for Kicking ass on my work! Getting my work space more and more clear Good sales!!!
Average Investor replied to Average Investor's topic in Life Purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship, Finance
@montecristo That makes sense and how you could use that to hedge your investment. I like the sound of that. I will do some more research on that in the future. I did see oil prices were taking a beating. I am trying to just stick to areospace, but that did look appealing too lol. -
Average Investor replied to Average Investor's topic in Life Purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship, Finance
@supremeyingyang It is good to have a good balance. I try not to do more than 6 hours of so of constant work with reselling, when I go to do it in a day. I find that I can get a lot done with that many hours though if I am fully engaged the entire time. Well rested and I take plenty of breaks through the week before I come back. If you are looking for a price guide I would honestly suggest watching youtube videos. Don The Auction Professor is probably my favorite. See if he has any videos on books and it would be well worth your time! I bet he does have some. -
Average Investor replied to Average Investor's topic in Life Purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship, Finance
That and having a lot of something makes the difference. I can buy picked through lots of dvds that require more work as I buy them 100 0pounds at a time mixed with music cds and load them into my car, which takes about an hour and half. But sometimes I hit it really good on those. But I always profit from the common stuff. I bundle 100 random movies together with a dvd player that I pay about $3 for and sell the bundle for $45 locally. I put in 4 good seasons to up the value too lol. I can also buy 4000 dvds delivered and easy to unload. I actually take a good amount of those to the panw shop and get .5 each for the good ones and I am only in .1 each. I can pay off all of them almost entirely through them and have a ton of lots locally to sell. Not to mention the app decullter would typically pay me more money than I paid too. Good for you! I have been there a lot. I am starting to see more value in focusing in one one thing, but it is rough to do so. I now that if I just did reselling I would be doing really well right now. But I am going to be hiring help to assist me in the time I am using for other ventures. I also need it to pay the bills. But do what you think works best. I think investing is always wise as that will help prepare your financial future and I see that as a very good use of time and energy now because it is more valuable the sooner you start. Old bibles do well I know for sure. It is not my category at all, but you can invest in like a $40 scanner and get the app scoutiq and quickly scan through books. There are certain first editions that bring in a ton of money. For example earlier editions of alcoholics anonymous can bring in thousands for example. But that is not one that will have a barcode. I should mention too that you can find big things of free books from colleges possibly that are worth a lot of money. There is a lot of educational media items out there. If you look around enough you might find a big gayloard of books from a whole seller who would deliver. The most important tip I can say is find what is in abundance in your area. I would not particularly chose dvds for example because I can count on my hand how many times a year I really sit down to watch a show. Oh and dvds, cds, and books qualify for media mail with usps and that is the cheapest shipping option! -
Average Investor replied to Average Investor's topic in Life Purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship, Finance
@montecristo I never really understood options. But I suppose leverage would cause you to have the high risk? I have not really researched it that much either. I am fairly familiar with price trends and such from watching price predictions and stuff on cryptocurrency for so long. I do have robinhood, but have not logged on in years. I am more worried of that fact of adding more taxes and more complications for filing.