Average Investor

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Everything posted by Average Investor

  1. That's really awesome! Good work on all of that. How long have you been into this kind of work?
  2. Wow, did some speed reading testes and I getting about 275-315 WPM with about 75% comprehension. That is a really big boost just from adding a bit more techniques to practice with. I think when I last tested I had about 230 or so. I am starting to not have as much dialogue, but it is still there of course, but it is moving faster and only shows up on some words. Kind of thought about not making YouTube videos and just reselling full time while exploring new stuff. I mean I like the idea of the Youtube and it is going pretty well. I have learned a lot of stuff and I find enjoyment in some parts of it. I suppose I just don't know what else I could want to explore. I would assume I should be excited to do some work on it, but that is not always the case. I ran into a piece in a book that just made me question it. I feel like I don't have much of a vision for what I want is the main issue, but I have not explored a lot of stuff. I spend most of my time working during the week and never think about it much. Plus right now I have massive opportunities with my reselling business. I am just not sure. I have a video practically ready that I put a bunch of work into it. I am just not sure. It's a lot of work to just not really be that sure about it. I want to contemplate it more and I though about tripping this weekend and seeing if I can explore the idea more. Maybe I am just burnout on it, but I am not sure. I don't feel as enthusiastic about reselling, but I enjoy it. I guess I have not really decided fully how I want to make my dent here. I do want something more than just selling people stuff online. I don't like watching most of society fall into a lot of issues that they could fix either. Which to be fair the biggest impact in my life has been this work I just don't know what I want to do. I might just be hitting a wall and if that is the case I could try to power through. But if I am not I am okay with just moving on. I am not going to guilt myself into doing something I am not wanting to do. I'll explore it more and see what happens. It might just be a wall since it is a few months in and a project like this is obviously going to be straining and hard to push through while running a whole other business at the same time. I think I am going to at least finish this video and just see how I feel and if I reset from feeling like this. I should be able to easily just record and edit this tomorrow and just see how it goes. I suppose part of me is intrested in starting some other form of business, but I don't really know what. I probably just explore these ideas more and do some more LPC, which actually lead me to this thinking here lol. Sales are good and I can't complain. I really getting something solid set up for listing stuff. It sucks in terms of money because it feels like I just spin the wheels a lot when it comes to taxes and all of that with bills. I did spend a fair sum on stocks though, so I would have a good amount of extra cash had I not bought those, but I don't regret that. I still have not got the stimulus either, but I plan to just save the whole thing I think unless stocks just get decimated more lol. Today I am thankful for Feeling a bit better from allergies Exploring a bit what I might want. Good sales
  3. Took some more time to read this morning and it was really worth it. It spawned quite a few good ideas that I think will be really helpful for my journey. It seems like I can find good nuggets of wisdom in any book it seems like. I am going to investigate an Ashram a bit more that I think is local to me. I am just going to try it out without trying to form an opinion of it prior. That and I think I want to start painting a little bit just because I had a bit of an urge to, when I had seen a painting kit. I think I might just do it in photoshop now and just see how that goes. I am going to try to fix a few kindles I have in old inventory today. I got them cheap and had them up for parts, but now that I really though about it I really doubt someone owned four of them and all stopped working that easily. I think they might just need a full charge or new firmware. If they don't work not a big deal, but now that I am more familiar with one I am not really sure how someone would break that many so easily lol. Probably just more of a user error. One looks fairly high end compared to mine it has a camera and stuff it looks like. I would likely just sell them as I am pretty content with this one, but who knows they might be better. I am getting stuff moving pretty effectively now. I am really investing into the infrastructure of my reselling business. It is starting to pay off quite well I think. I would like to get it rolling really well hopefully in the near future. I just need to invest back into a lot of materials mostly I think for now. I am kind of stuck between that and stocks it seems like, but if I manage to sell off some more stuff, then I would be moving in the right direction a bit faster. Today I am thankful for System clearing up from allergies Some time to relax and read Funds coming in
  4. It's something that you can do at your own pace. I have taken over an extra month just to nail down one piece of it heavily. I have been really putting in a ton of work into my businesses on top of that. I would not worry yourself with that. I plan to redo it at some point probably anyway. It has been well worth the money to me. Not to mention if you have got value already from the stuff he has given. Also, building a powerful vision is really going to make a huge difference. That should be a high focus. Easy read on the topic is Steve Jobs Innovation Secrets. I am reading that right now and it is an easy read and has a few good insights on the topic.
  5. Practiced my video in front of this toastmasters group, now going to try to do it again on Thursday. The quality of this should turn out excellent I think compared to what I had before. I think this will be a really good way to get myself more and more comfortable with speaking like this. It will really help me get good feedback and really practice my speech and get everything solid. Granted I did not want as much of a delay in release time, but at least I have all of my systems set up in place and now I know what it will take to produce something like this in the future. It is a ton of work, so I give anyone credit who is able to do the same thing. Really starting to bust out more items and get them listed. I really want to keep sales up as much as I can and keep the ball rolling. Ebay put out 5% ebay bucks today, so that should help keep up the sales for a few days I imagine. Really would like to get as much of this stuff moved as possible and start clearing up space for newer inventory. Not only that I want to come up with more money to invest into shipping gear that is going to cost likely about $600 or so. That will set the stage to sell a bunch of inventory I have and really help me get the ball rolling. Going to try to stick down this meditation habit a bit more. It is fairly difficult to sit for as long as I do in the posture, but so far it has really been worth it. It is just a bit more taxing and hard to get myself to want to do it as much sometimes. I thought about just cutting the time down a bit more and adding in one more session, but we will see. I see how much it impacts my day if I meditate vs if I do not and it is a huge impact that it will make. I am so much more grounded with meditation. Going to do some now actually. Today I am thankful for Getting bill stuff settled Researching stocks a lot Lots of opportunities
  6. I thought it was an enjoyable read. While there is not a lot of stuff in there that would be life changing I would read his other book just for enjoyment. He is a good writer for sure.
  7. Happy birthday, Leo. Thanks for taking the hero's journey.
  8. Working on packing a lot of orders this morning. This weekend was great for sales. Definitely taking some time and muscle to get all of these going. I finished up the intelligent investor this morning and that was definitely an excellent read. I am starting to build up a better investment strategy and better ways of going about it. I think mostly what I want to do it just aim for good and great companies that are cheap make a portfolio of those to help produce dividends and potentially better gains. But not going to shy away from utilizing good mutual funds as well as that is a lot more sound and protected way of growth. Still a lot more research to do, but I feel a lot better about the couple companies I bought so far as they are great values. Still want to add more to start doing the S&P 500 as well, but have quite a bit of expenses to knock out before I get to it. Going to start using video scrips for speeches in my toast masters. Going to be a bit of extra work, but my quality for those should go up a lot that way. It works out well with it all being online right now too. A bit of shortage of members in both of my groups, so there is plenty of space to kee doing speeches. That will really help me maximize the use of the time in the groups as well. Stuff is going pretty good with that. I did not realize that my friend was fairly high up in the toast master stuff actually runs the contests and stuff. Going to keep up the pace and keep getting as many products as I can moved. I think this is the best opportunity in front of my right now to get a bunch of inventory cleared out because so many are at home and bored. I have had stuff flying off the shelf it seems like. A lot of my slow movers are moving fast now and it is really helping boost everything. I want to get caught up on all of my taxes, expenses, and reinvest into a bunch of gear to maximize the amount of products I am moving. As bad as it sounds this virus stuff as fairly heavily benefited me. I am going to be making a lot of extra money not to mention tax free stimulus checks on top of it too boost it. Today I am thankful for Great sales Rain coming (I will actually be able to jog outside again, but tree pollen is stopping me lol) ironic with how much I wanted the sun Things going well.
  9. Yeah, just be willing to put in the work and if you love what you do it sure makes it a lot easier. I'd suggest working on it now in any way that you can and the finances will come in time. That is just going to take up a bunch of time and resources and won't make you anything unless you seriously grind as hard if not harder than you would on any other business you might choose. Most of the programs and results are BS for this stuff. Not to mention platforms like eBay will ban you for drop shipping. You can do it on Amazon though. The process of getting ungated, finding niches, etc is a lot. Not to mention there is a lot of vicious sellers on there who will buy your products and try to get you banned if you are in their category. The more you learn on the industry you are in, then the faster you will grow and you will enjoy it more as a result. Keep adding to your library of books with various business books. I really found incorporate and grow rich useful and only the paranoid survive as some of my favorites. Steve jobs biography is really good too.
  10. @Chumbimba Go to a credit union and get a small credit card. You can make small purchases and pay it off regularly. If you research it enough you can actually make money from using a credit card too, which sounds counter intuitive but you can. They mostly rely on people not making payments to generate a profit.
  11. Well, I tried as best I could to get the video out, but I am redoing the entire recording again. The audio is not that great and the other stuff was not great. But the information is good and the speaking is getting a lot better. I made a really bad ass thumbnail too, which is honestly becoming one of my favorite parts. I am for sure taking tomorrow fully off. I am just going to be reading. Curious might get to me and I could consider watching Leo's video too lol. As much as I want to complete this now it is just not realistic for me to do it over my days off. I am going to make some less complex ones in the future that and it will just get easier for me over time. Today was actually really good. I am really doing well with the reselling business it seems like. I almost debated on just pursuing that because it seems like I am hitting a sweet spot for growth on it and I am enjoying it. I know that I am not going to let myself get pushed off from the videos though. If anything the videos are just a hobby at this point. I am not really concerned if that produces any income or anything for me, but I do gain a deeper satisfaction from it. Mostly what gets to me is the fact that I want to produce quality that takes full time and I try to do it in two days and my routine takes up a lot of time as it is. I think that is where there is a issue mostly. I can't just squeeze out my best work on a day of the week, but more with a reset. I am going to schedule like an hour probably earlier in the morning to just do video stuff. I did want to try to bust out more reading a day, but it seems like everything takes up a lot of time lol. I am probably getting in at least 600 pages a week it seems like though. Not sure how to track it on my kindle, but that sounds about right from the sizes of the books. Not bad, but I honestly enjoy reading more than doing much other stuff it seems like. Depends on my mood though. That and I just feel like books can allow me to figure out and get good at really anything. This is really having a big snow ball effect on my life a long with my other habits. My life feels fucking powerful at this point. I feel like a machine that can conquer pretty much any task it seems like. Today I am thankful for Not as bad of allergies, this tree pollen is kicking my ass Good sales Feeling like I am making big progress
  12. I would never finance a car personally. I buy only a car I can buy in cash. Consider one that you would be able to replace easier. Do some heavy research in models and car buying guides. With the current issues you should not have much of an issue getting a car for 50% of it's value in my opinion. You will have many cars in your life, so learning the basic maintenance and a few simple things is really going to get you far. There is plenty more mechanics and dealers looking to take advantage of you than once that are trying to help. Follow this playlist and learn how to inspect the car fully. This will literally save you thousands and probably tens of thousands in your life time. Honestly, pick up a $3,000-$,4000 car for half the price. Learn to take really good care of it it by follow the actual owners manual on maintenance and buying good quality parts. Then run the wheels off of it. https://www.carcomplaints.com/ This is one of my favorite sites, when deciding if a car is worth the money. If you find a few brands you like, then figure out a good set of models to be after. The more you research, then the more deals you will be able to find. I spend like 3 months looking for my acrua I had at one point and I paid $3,000k and got $5,500 from insurance, when it got stolen a few months later. Was a great car, but probably more than I really needed.
  13. @Keyhole The egg would probably be a good doable start. Not sure if those are easy to obtain with the current issues haha. She is over a year old now. I probably need to invest some time to learn how to train her better, but she seems to learn. I usually just get frustrated, when we walk 6 miles and she smells the grass and ground and stops a lot. But it is getting better. She doesn't tug or anything like that usually. If we are jogging she does really well. So far I can let her off the leash and she is doing great with that. I have a big 16 pound cat called Angle that is fun. We have a recliner that has heat and massage and I turn it on for him usually daily lol. I should probably see if he could eat any better because it seems like even without overfeeding him or anything he is quite large.
  14. I would recommend that you continue to hone your skills and pursue what you want to do. I am sure if it were easy to get into the TV business, then there would be a lot more competition than there already is. There is many alternate routes where all of that stuff is very useful though either way. Look how much companies produce large things even on Youtube. So you don't have to just get some gig with a big company to achieve the kinds of viewership that comes with that. Now it might be practical to do some stuff that satisfies your survival needs until you can get that to a higher level. By taking up Amazon you are going to be spending a lot of time and energy to even get that to work. The ads showing people making $10k their first month makes it look easy, but if you can make $500 I would be impressed. It takes a lot more time and practice and I can say that because I am in the reselling industry as my full time gig. Keep pushing to what you aspire to do. People have told me for years that my pursuits would not work and the only thing that would not make them work is if I stopped. You can achieve the same results by blocking out what they say and keep training your skills.
  15. You should take into account what you think is important and meaningful. While there might be some things that are twisted, or not well documented. Really by preserving the past it helps prevent things from happening in the future. Which in turn can help mankind move forward to higher states of consciousness. I find learning about the past to be very helpful for what I am doing now in the present. I think your pursuit is well worthwhile.
  16. @Zigzag Idiot Thanks so much for reading and watching!
  17. Going to do the best that I can to get this video out today. I am not sure how it will go, but I am going to give it a shot. I have over half of the recording done. Writing out 2-3 more scripts, then a bit more shooting and I will have the footage part of it covered. I think the thumbnail should not be that hard, but we will see. The video editing is going to be the harder part, but I am getting more familiar with the software now at least. It is going to be some new stuff though, so I have not done editing to this type of footage. I am going to get on that and see how things go. Really focusing in today on my video work. Things are going pretty smoothly for the most part. I think that I need to spend an additional hour a day on the earlier days of the week though to contribute to this stuff. I don't think that I am going to be able to produce the quality I want in a short time frame. Granted some of things that are slowing me down I will improve on in the future and that will cut a lot of time out of things. It is nice to be getting back on top of this fully and making something out of my comfort zone. I just need to keep setting up these systems in place. I am really thinking that my reselling business is going to be flourishing so much soon. I want to make it where I narrow down more of what I am doing into the pieces that I love doing. I think that is really going to give me a good balance with it. That and if I keep setting stuff up like this, then the income will follow. I think the economy might be heading for a slow down though. Not sure with how much money the keep pumping into it though lol. I am sure there will be a negative result by doing that though, but only time will tell. Today I am thankful for Shooting videos Feeling pretty motivated Getting my mediation habit down more
  18. @Pilgrimage of Self I just finished it recently! He is one of my favorite inspirational people to follow! I ran nearly a half marathon listening to one of his Joe Rogan episodes. I will definitely be listening to him, when I am ready for a full one! I am working on getting some of the exercise in the book onto printed paper, then they will be going on my door, so I won't miss them. Lol I am interested to see what it contains. @Keyhole She is really smart! She gets into trouble with it fairly often too. She likes to figure out how to get under a flimsy fence that blocks off some of the grass. That and she will dig holes and such. But a lot of the time she will start to learn new tricks somewhat the same day depending on the difficulty and how I can show her how to do it. I never enjoyed having dogs until I got her. Definitely an awesome pet to have around. I love orange cats. It is a good color and I can imagine rusty has a good rust color to it lol. We are going to work on the German Shepard's diet more, so I will reference your post in the future. Thank you!
  19. @Thewritersunion That was good. That chocked me up a bit too haha.
  20. Survival plays a big part in the need to gain that stuff. Approval of others etc. It is one of the traps in life that can make many stuck their for their entire life just chasing the cheese. I would try to get it figured out as soon as you can. By that I mean actually studying those that have successfully beat the game of money. There is a large amount of books and options on what ways you can pursue it. It also isn't that easy, but if someone were to spend a lot of time researching early on it will make a huge difference in the level of freedom and the rate that it will come at. I am focused in on it a bit myself, but I am starting to see a lot of progress. If I stick with this stuff for even a couple more years I think that I am going to be doing really well by then. I am starting to see some big results. But it all takes time. I have been trying to figure this out for awhile.
  21. Well, you are currently at a very low expense point, so if you can build up a decent income it would be quite easy to save up a few thousand. If you are wanting to get the freedom without high expenses at the start you could consider a trailer and see how much it would be to park it at a lot. I imagine your expenses would be a good chunk lower than an apartment that way too. That would be a decent route to do it. You could get a RV if you have nothing to move it with. The only issue is expenses and repairs on something like this can really add up if you have no knowledge of working on it. You should figure out a general direction of what you would enjoy to be doing for money and utilize this time of low expenses and pursue that.
  22. I would retry the test a few times and use a few different ones. You will know when they click well with you though. But it might be worth a shot to analyze them and see if they are your top strength and how you can best utilize them if they are.
  23. @Jj13 I'll check that out! Thank you! @okulele Thanks so much! I have autobiography of a yogi coming up in my to read soon! Those others sound great.
  24. Got logged out from here and just took a break. I took a few days this week worrying about fixing this pc. I am pretty sure I got it solved, but I don't know lol. I mean it is a lot better than what it was. But I suppose by the time I invested that time into it I could probably just buy a different one being as it is not really that expensive. Oh well though, I have a couple parts coming that should repair this to optimal performance and quite cheaply. Really getting the ball rolling on my reselling business I feel like. I am really working on a getting all of the factors I want in place. I don't really see myself too far off from doubling my income this year if I keep at it. I want the high savings goal still, but I have changed one of my goals to getting $6,000 invested into my roth ira. I think this is going to be really worth while. I am over half way done reading the intelligent investor and I am really starting to learn a lot. I think I will be able to set myself up for a good retirement account in the future. Plus this is really fun. I had some really bad allergy issues this week that set me back quite a bit. Never had this bad of issues, but it was literally like a flu almost for a few days. I seem to be able to keep really good track of all of my habits and stuff for the most part now. I am getting everything on track it feels like for me. I am building up a lot more discipline too. Today I am thankful for Getting bills paid Feeling better Good sales
  25. @DivineSoda It's one of those topics that many shy away from. Feel free to pm me if you want. Not that I am a marketing expert, but I could probably help.