Average Investor

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Everything posted by Average Investor

  1. You're in a dip. Basically where you are at the point where it is just hard work and not a lot of fun at least for awhile. This is exactly why a a great pianist is well admired. You should find a way to make your practice more robust and maybe join some clubs around it. But you might also decide that it isn't worth the journey and all of the work to reach the end.
  2. Feeling a lot better today and tackling a lot of issues that had been bothering me. I think this is going really well integrating this stuff and moving forward. I am glad that I spaced things out and did not rush it more to know what to expect. It did not really seem to effect habits or anything all that much overall. I am sure it could lightly persist for a few more days maybe. My meditation has been the most intense by far that it has been. These new practices and consistency is paying off a lot. I had some anxiety as part of the backlash from the trip I assume and I seem to be able to nearly remove all of it just from a session. It is very powerful and potent compared to what it use to be. Definitely, something I notice more in a more vulnerable state, than any other time. Still I am starting to get a lot of pay off from doing this. It is definitely one of the most worthwhile habits I have. My fitness has been top notch lately as well. I feel like I am getting fairly muscular and a good body tone. Not that it matters all that much, but it does make me feel good and much stronger. Having the core strength is really nice for meditation as well. Finished reading another investment book this morning and took the time to read the entire earnings call for Boeing. That was pretty fun to spend a few hours on that today. I am starting to set aside more time in the morning to make sure that I get the reading it. It seems like if I dedicate only like 5 hours or so to work that seems to be really efficient for me and the rest of the time on habits and such. I got a lot of work done even in just those hours yesterday and I work pretty much the entire time. I think that is probably how I will do it more moving forward. Still that only puts about 18 hours a week roughly into reselling. Which is like part time pretty much. I get quite a bit done and leveraged from that though. I am trying to maximize the earnings and potential that I get from adding that time. I am also not spending any time sourcing with the global issues going on, so that is less time out getting stuff. It blows me away that just within the last year I formed my own corporation, and am moving forward at a great pace. This business seems to be serving me really well and I like making progress with it. I guess my only concern is how far I want to take it. But until then I have over a thousand items that I can list. With the expansion to more platforms, then going to build graphics and add some marketing stuff into it. I think things should be going exceptional. Everything seems to be staying well on track even with backlash. It seems I have very well fortified my habits and strength to move through this stuff. Today I am thankful for Nice reading session Learning how to invest more properly Progressing with backlash
  3. @Arbolesmentirosos I hope it works out for the best. I am glad I could help.
  4. @Nak Khid Having used duckduckgo for a few years I think it is nice to have a bit of both. You would be surprised the difference in results. Now if you want a big box to show up that is more interactive with results google is better. But a lot of stuff that would have normally got pushed to the bottom comes up in duckduckgo. I seldom feel the need to go back to using google for any reason really. Like I mentioned above I liked how stocks looked, but using duckduckgo lead me to nasdaq site instead where google never suggested that and I much prefer the experience while researching a company. Just depends what you want and if you know what you are looking for I suppose.
  5. Get out of that as quickly as you can. I have been in the same boat and it is hard to escape. Especially at your age your perspectives will change a lot and more dramatically doing this kind of work. You know it is not right for you and are only allowing it to continue to not hurt her feelings. I would suggest if you can get yourself out of that to spend some time working on yourself and getting out of the habits and emotions that go you there in the first place. You are obviously not happy and want to end it. You are saying so yourself. You need to put together a plan to get her out of the house as soon as you can. Even call her parents or friends if you have to get her somewhere to stay. If you keep her there you are just going to keep crawling back to her.
  6. Work on trying to build more positive motivations and it will help you a lot with this. That and I would try to focus on small portions of your diet instead of trying to change the whole thing at once. Removing all fast food for example, then after so long once that sticks add something else to it. It will help cut down the amount of backlash that you have and help you progress at a better rate over time.
  7. I would get anxiety from caffeine. Although, I did enjoy the relentless amount of hours I could work, when I decided to have some it was never worth it. I have stopped for about a year and really don't miss it much. It usually comes at a cost later, when you stop consuming it for a period.
  8. Setting up the cross posting is going really well. My items will be going out to 5 platforms once I want to do facebook market place again, so for now just 4. That is going to give me a huge amount of Independence on my items and allow me to hold out for more money on each and bring in faster sales. It has been worth it so far to set all of this up and I think it will really help push this business along. I did notice consumer spending is dropping pretty fast, so that probably accounts for a good chunk of the sales that went down and the fact it is towards the end of the month. To be fair sales are not bad overall and I did actually have a good sales amount Tuesday. Still working on infrastructure to make this a lot more efficient and allow me to spend more time elsewhere. I am integrating a lot of new stuff from that last trip it seems like. I think that is the state that I have hit and it has been a pretty big change to me. Coming almost 2 months after the actual trip. I am building up a lot more empathy and my views are starting to shatter a bit on stuff. I am seeing how this work interconnects with each other a lot more. I am really making a lot of progress with myself. I am glad that I am able to pursue this while I am still chipping away at making money and etc. I think I have made a pretty good balance and I have to admit my days are usually pretty enjoyable. A bit more painful lately with a lot more arising emotions and such I assume from the backlash of these integrations. For the most part things are going well. Habits are doing really well along with mediation and etc. I wish I was eating all organic, but I let most of it slide due to even higher costs to get some of the items. I still get a good chunk of the stuff organic, but it is just not realistic for me to get all of it organic right now. Nuts for example are 15%+ more than what I was paying for example. It starts to add up and most of them I can't even get anyway. So I can wait a bit and just improve what I can with little things. Like I have fine tuned the hot sauces I use to the most minimal ingredients with no preservatives etc. Reading is going really well for me. I am really liking reading a lot. It blows me away how much I can learn and bring it into my reality. I could learn how to do anything I want with some time and effort. I might start throwing in a fiction book here or there to break a bit out of routine. Same with adding in the painting a bit I have like 20 sheets of painting paper coming. Stuff to help me break out of my routines of doing the same thing and help me bring in new ideas. I notice even just from taking so much time to rest and relax it made it really easy to think about an integrate the new reselling system for me. I think if I keep up with that it will be excellent. I seem to get a lot done even if I spend only a fairly limited about of time focused on the work. If I give myself a lot of time for habits and stuff I enjoy the bit of time in the work is very productive. I see less and less a reason to work high hours, but I have less of a need to right now. Mostly the more time consuming stuff comes from making videos and researching for them. Although, I am sure I could make that more efficient too. Today I am thankful for Maintaining sleeping schedule. Nice day out to enjoy for awhile Improving
  9. Started on the cross listing for ebay and I already sold an item that has sat on ebay for about 2 years on Mercari within an hour or so. This is going to be really good as it seems like my eBay sales just took a plunge. I assume they deranked my listings because of returns. Which I really can't do anything about that. The up tick in them is just from buyers remorse and people having more time on their hands being at home. Oh well time to keep expanding and moving on from just using them. This cross listing software will let me post to several new sites at once to expand. So I am no longer under the whim of high fees and crappy service of just ebay. Granted the software is about $50 a month, but it should pay for itself pretty fast I imagine. I literally pay $50 a month to sell just on ebay with a 15% selling fee and all sorts of extra fees added on. The other platforms don't charge a monthly fee. Even mercari has 5% less fees than ebay and an up tick of sales is totally worth it. Going to spend a good chunk of today working on that mostly. Toast masters is going pretty good. I am getting really good at speaking I notice even in regular day to day situations. I think this is an awesome skill to work on. I am sure no matter what I do it will be quite useful for me to improve it. I am going to keep giving a good effort to these and trying to get better. I am already largely improved even from what I was doing just a couple months ago. I researched it a bit and I read that you can have a bit of a depression after a LSD trip and I think that is what I have been going through. Not that I feel really down, but definitely not what it was. It makes sense to me because I have been trying to integrate all of this more and more. I would definitely do it again, but glad that I am taking it at pace to allow me to grow and change. Of course right after doing it I felt like I wanted to do it again. It was kind of the same with mushrooms after the first use. I have been contemplating trying DMT sooner, but nothing that I am itching to do and would be in an optimal state if I did. I already feel a lot better going into this week and I have actually accomplished a lot of the stuff that I got insight on with my last trip. Today I am thankful for Sun! I might actually sit in it for awhile since I worked on my allergies. Getting up early and resetting schedule Cross listing!
  10. Yeah, I would say that would be a good way to look at things. Most are not capable of looking at things through another lens, so anything that happens is always someones fault besides their own. In a way though we are responsible for most things though in a way. Girlfriend cheated? Friend stole your money? Car got stolen? In a way you caused those things because you picked those people to be in your life. You parked in a bad neighborhood, or didn't buy anti theft system etc. Now of course things are going to happen that you have no control of, but you can still take responsibility with what you are going to do in reaction to it. It can be a bit difficult to make the transition, but I can see that more successful people tend to think this way. That and building a positive mindset is essential.
  11. Having the day off almost entirely from electronics is nice. I took some extra time to catch up with sleep and recover a bit. I am doing a lot better with the allergies now too and I managed to go for my 6 mile run today too. I only jogged a bit over a mile, but it went really well. I did not have any issues with my muscle that was injured, so it could have possibly fully healed. I am still going to take it slow with jogging out there and try not to over due it. I am happy that I found a way to manage this without taking any crappy medications as well. I am still kind of diving deeper into what my purpose could be. I should try to focus my aim more on comparing what I like about the things I am doing and find what I want to stick with. I am a bit stuck with reselling in terms of income, but I could honestly put as much work into it as I want right now with more or less and be okay. It can mostly run itself, but obviously if I want more money to invest and stuff I have to list some more and keep it updated more. But even with the amount that I do it is not bad. I am doing to spend today moving my listing over to a new platform with a tool that pretty much just copies and pastes them. If it lets me do all 700+ I am sure I should see a good spike in sales from now on just from that. But I will see how it goes. That will be the best way to use even a few hours of my time to just put my listings out there a bit more. I feel a lot better from all of my rest and thought this weekend. I am going to prepare myself for a trip fairly soon. I want to use it to dive deeper into what I want to do with my life. I imagine I will have a lot of satisfaction by sticking to one thing and it will give me the best results over time. It is hard though to manage time as effectively as I want with two businesses and I get exhausted at the end of the week. I am going to keep producing the videos for now because I do like it. But just unsure of what I really want to do. I know with reselling there is only so much of it that is really that fun to me. It shines more light on it with the quarantine that I am not the biggest fan of all of it, but I do like that it generates a living for me without a lot of restrictions. Today I am thankful for Getting outside and getting some sun Feeling a lot better New opportunities to expand
  12. Been using it for a couple years and it is nice. I like some of the suggestions on google like when Iook up a stock. I use it combined with brave browser and it is pretty nice overall. Brave has some stuff with too many shields up that cause and issue every now and then. But it has tor built in, which is pretty convenient.
  13. Sure, life is pretty meaningless. The more reason to get out there and make it exactly how you want it to be. If you had all the time in the world, then you wouldn't be nearly as motivated to create an excellent life. Do what feels right and explore more avenues.
  14. Mindset and thinking can sabotage success critically. Try listening to this every day for 30 days and see if anything changes.
  15. @Armand I might do some bonds and those sorts in the future, but trying to scoop up deals myself mostly right now. I am into cryptocurrency as well. I have been doing a little indoor growing with lettuce and it has been pretty fun. I can imagine being fully off grid would be awesome. That sounds like a really awesome low cost life style. Did you build the house too?
  16. What is your plan with your stimulus check? Here are some options I think would be wise: 1. Pay down high interest debts 2. Start a rainy day fund 3. Invest into self help material or your own business! 4. Invest into the stock market (I would suggest a good low cost index fund like the S&P 500 through vanguard or similar low fee) The S&P 500 averages about 7% a year. You can calculate potential long term earnings here http://www.moneychimp.com/calculator/compound_interest_calculator.htm I suggest you do some research on it if you are unfamiliar, but this is one of the less risky index funds that out performs many investors. Also, if you start a roth ira you can have no tax on the gains if you wait until you are 59 1/2. Although, keep any mind any investment is risky. I am going to use mine to have some extra padding into my business and personal account. Then the rest is going to go into the S&P 500. I have no debts and have been investing plenty into myself and my business for quite some time. I see the priority of the list above as 1 being the greatest, but it depends on the situation. Rainy day funds are very helpful as you never expect to need it. I'd love yo hear your plan and if this will help you make a decision!
  17. Feeling a lot better and started doing a flush to my sinuses with salt water. So far it worked really well and I actually walked 1.4 miles outside today with a high level of pollen out. I will see how I hold up tonight, but this might be a good way for me to meet in the middle and still get out and do the stuff I love to do. I want to sit in the sun and read tomorrow if this goes well. I want to start creating a heavy vision for what I want to do. I do enjoy making the youtube videos. It gives me a lot of satisfaction in the work. I realize that the stuff I do regularly leans me towards it anyway. It is kind of a strange thing because I do have a compelling urge to just make a businesses that is based off of larger products as well, I mean I already have that I suppose. I just kind of wonder what all the options are. But I do know that I enjoy this and it is probably worth me sticking to it for at least the year I committed myself to. I am not really in a big rush to make a lot more money as I really could just spend a few more hours on the reselling business a day and get more if I really needed it. I think the reselling is growing quite well as it is with the time I dedicate to it now. If I don't end up pursuing this it won't be the end of the world. I think it would be a good way for me to keep pressing out of my comfort zone though and I think no matter what it will be a net positive for me. I am going to go back over it and work on it. It was really nice having some time to reset from this. Going to implement a cross posting solution on Monday and start working on spreading out my 700+ listings to new platforms. This coupled with my more efficient listing should increase sales a lot. This will make me have access to millions of more buyers without all of the extra hassle of doing so much to list on each. I have needed to do this for awhile, but this will be a big milestone for me to pass. That and it would be really cool to actually finish off the new graphics and all of that too. Today I am thankful for Partial allergy solution Time read and relax going to take off tomorrow fully to think and read Starting to understand stocks a lot better
  18. Vision is highly important. Something I am working on myself. A lot of things can change in 10 years specifically if you set a good course for yourself. I have not worked a regular job in several years and am doing quite well without it. But it has taken a lot of time and energy to build up a skill set to get me this far. I almost take it for granted at this point, but I could never work another job again. I am so much happier and have built a great amount of well being for myself. Most of my efforts are not just dumped into making money either. I work on one of my businesses to earn money about three days a week.
  19. Keep trying over and over. You can look at many success stories and you will see that they usually failed the most. May great inventions took thousands of tries to get them right. But you can also work on your self esteem a bit and work on building confidence in yourself. That would help quite a bit with just the mental aspect of it.
  20. I think mostly I have just hit a bit of an emotional low, which is fine. I had felt good for quite some time, so I suppose it is time for the other end of the spectrum. I will probably wait to trip though as I am not in a rush and would rather feel up to my best to do it. I think this played a big role in my thinking with the videos. I suppose there is a good degree of uncertainty and not really enough planning. I think that I am just over complicating it though really. I am getting really good and I have enjoyed the process of making this stuff. I really like making the thumbnails too. I think a big part of it is just by this part of the week I feel a bit burnt out it seems like. I am not really sure why that happens as much. But I should check to see if there is other thing health wise I could do to improve this state. I have struggled a lot with the allergies causing fatigue and flu symptoms a lot lately too, which I don't plan to take any medication for. That is probably a large chunk of the issues. I am going to power through it and rest myself well this weekend. I should be able to upload today. I know that I can do it. I have the speech and everything down, so it is really not going to be that hard. I will have everything set up better, so the quality is good too. Have been fighting to keep my meditation practice up. It has been a lot harder emotionally to just get myself to do it, but I am pushing through it. The allergies shit does not help, but I am going to get myself to do it. I did get all of my sessions in yesterday, so that was great. This one is a lot more emotionally challenging to just do it, but once I ma there it is not bad at all. I like doing it. It is tough in regards to maintaining that kind of posture for that long though. But I can tell just by doing it that way I will see much larger results. Have to do some tasks to get ahead with a few bills and such. I will probably do most of that today if I can. I really need to get on top of that stuff. I did research it more and if I make too much health insurance would roughly cost like $200 a month. That sucks a lot because that eats up a lot of profit, when I really don't make a whole bunch as it is. I think it will be wise for me to just keep reinvesting the money as much as I can, so it keeps my income low enough to get it for free. It sucks living off not much every month, but the business needs most of that reinvested anyway. I hardly buy much for myself. The only new expense is usually stocks lol. Everything else is just healthy food and living expenses. But if I did have extra money to buy stuff like heavy metal tests and things like that would be great. I do have a few assets I am probably going to sell that won't add into my income too, so I suppose it won't be a big deal soon. Ready for the weekend to be here, so I can just read and relax. Today I am thankful for Some time to relax Feeling better Hopefully less pollen soon
  21. @okulele I will check those out! I appreciate the share.
  22. While you have the chance in school try to take any class you can that you have any interest in. That will help you get some more experiences and help you get a better idea of what you like. I hated my last years of high school. I was doing college for a whole year and ended up failing some tests that got me removed from the program, so I had to go back to regular high school. I only had 3 classes because I was so ahead in credits. I probably skipped about 3 months of school and all of my grades were about a D-B level. I actually almost did not graduate because one of my classes was 60.xx% with just less than percent less I would have failed lol. I just had to power through it and get it over with. Unfortunately, it is something that we basically have to do in society if you ever need a basic job. I would just try to make the best of it and learn what you can. The school system itself needs a overhaul not you.
  23. On the investment side I would avoid any new and hot items coming into the market. But if you can find a good company who is moving into that market with good finances, debts, and are priced well according to their assets and revenue, then it could be worth a purchase. I don't have any actual information regarding the 5g itself. I think their is a ton of opportunities in many other bleeding sectors with great companies that are being offered for a good value.
  24. @Chumbimba That's the whole point of getting out of your comfort zone. Try out that toast masters I was telling you about. I think even that might be a big step in the right direction. But watch some of the best comics out there and they will tell you they felt the same, when they started.
  25. Go give it a shot! You don't have to move. I am sure there is a place to start right by you. Not to mention you have a large amount of ways to practice or try from just going to a club. Check out some stuff on youtube about getting started.