Average Investor

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Everything posted by Average Investor

  1. @flume I hear you there. I think this is what I needed to hear. I am really strict with my eating, so almost all of those I would not do. But I do agree on the amount of variety. I love what I eat right now and I am excited for my meals. I like qinuoa because of how it cooks and the nutritional quality vs rice. I have literally eaten it for like a year straight at this point I imagine and am not tired. I feel like if I made a salad and spent some more money on organic stuff to eat on the side. I do want to make my own kimchi. I love the kimchi, but the one that I eat is $7 for a small container and it is just not that viable for me to eat it that often. That would be at least a nice mix up. Same with I want to make my own hot sauce. So I guess between those two I can make a good investment into those for some change at least. Cost is part of it too though. I mean I already allow a good amount of spending to get these. I had walked by and enormous jackfruit at costco awhile ago though and I would probably get that if they have it again. Not organic, but I would make an exception lol. I will keep my eye out for a bit more stuff. I basically stick to raw fruits and veggies, nuts, seeds, and various herbs. I don't eat anything else currently. I added up my protein intake and I get at least 70g daily right now. I did not include my protein from any of the fruits or veggies for that number. I would be getting at least 75g with the spirulina added daily for this. With my weight this is not bad, but I would like some more as I agree with my amount of activity should require me to need a bit more. @Espaim It took years and a lot of research to progress this far. It seems like there is always more to learn and revise as I go though. Good luck!
  2. @fridjonk Chickpeas would be amazing with dinner again. I guess a big part of my issue lately is the source for those seems to suck. Usually in a plastic lined can with non-filtered water. I don't believe I have seen them available any other way aside from dried, which I assume is not worthwhile. I did like having some black beans and such. I am not a big fan of the prep for them and they seem to go bad easily. The lentils are nice because they take as a long as the quinoa to cook. I probably should toss some in here and there though.
  3. @fridjonk Yeah, a lot of these items don't have a ton of protein in them. The spirulina will help a bit once that is added, but not that much. I don't eat tofu or anything like that now. I don't use any supplements for protein either. Anything that fits this theme of what I eat that could maybe add another 10-20g?
  4. I am putting in a ton of work lately. I worked like 10 hours yesterday! I felt really good and into it while doing it. I felt like I could just keep going and going. I am really starting to get some serious work in. I am still planning on keeping up this kind of output into september. I have 12 large costco storage tubs worth of space and more room I could fill for inventory. I think I might be able to list nearly $5,000 worth of items this week! I have been doing a ton of cleaning and testing to get ready to do this though. So that took a week or so as it is. I imagine I would net like $2,500 from that, but still that is really good. I am not sure on the exact worth of them yet, but I would guess at least that. Slacking a bit on my entries here. I have been in complete work mode right now. The only thing with that is that I feel as if I am not thinking enough about other life factors. I feel like I really need to get to a better financial state though. I am really willing to put in the work to get there. I will find a balance after this month or so. I am probably going to hold off on trips and such to help keep myself at maximum energy and emotional state. Once I am more in my cool off period I will be fine with tripping and stuff again. I just don't want to lose sight of the opportunity I have right now. This might be a good shot for me to get the money I want for a property or to move! I will think about it once I get there though and who knows an opportunity might just arise. Going to work on trying to be honest with everything I do. I am mostly an honest person, but I mean with even the little things. Even if it disadvantages me to tell the truth. I am already getting pretty close, but it is something for me to keep working on. I am going to keep working a lot of nutrition as well. Going to be doing a detox soon. $1,256.00 out of $6000 IRA contribution $1,400 out of $3,000 savings 21 out 44 books Marathon Today I am thankful for: Awesome weather Feeling great High energy
  5. @louhad I have the smoothie at 12pm and dinner usually at 3-4pm right now. I eat the nuts while making the smoothie. Maybe get more protein in? I am not looking to get super shredded, but some more muscle would be nice. I am mostly into cardio though anyway.
  6. Took the day off today, so that was much needed. I think that my body is detoxing some stuff as I seem to have the signs of it doing so from what I am learning. I am going to go through a much more through detox program soon, which is exciting. I hope that I can clear up a lot of my brain fog and get more energy. I am sure there is plenty of toxins to remove. For anyone reading this read the book the toxin solution. I am going to partner with my younger sister on a smaller business venture. It ties a bit into what I am doing already anyway. I gave her the option to 50/50 with me. I don't want to take advantage of the situation for sure though. I want to be mindful with what I am doing with it and how I am going about it. None the less it will be fun. She seems to have some good ideas and keeps up with the trends and such. I have a good amount of business skill and can sell stuff well, so I think it will be fun. I typically avoid any partners, but I could see how we would mutually benefit each other. It will be small time for sure, but who knows with results we might really make something of it. Going to work on setting a better sleeping schedule. I need to work more on limiting some electronic stuff. I notice that I am probably too focused on doing everything and not taking some time to just have a little fun. I need to give myself some opportunity to just watch some entertainment and stuff. It probably is not good to just be always into business etc. I notice a good chunk of brain fog lately and I notice it a lot lately while speaking. I assume it is from detoxing though. Just something for me to note here as I do want to investigate it more if it persists longer. $1,256.00 out of $6000 IRA contribution $1,400 out of $3,000 savings 21 out 44 books Marathon Today I am thankful for: Relaxing Excellent weather Good sales
  7. Completely redid my photo set up today and now I can easily photograph large items with the white background. This was a pretty big upgrade for me to finally have. I want to get another light going and I think it will be excellent. I have come really far with the quality of my listings and stuff. I am looking to have over 50-60 items cleaned, tested, pictured, and ready to list this week. That is really good considering some are large and did a few repairs. I am going through an suv full a week it seems and keeping pace. My work balance is really good. I still feel like getting in a good amount of work even at the end of the day and I am not tired with it. Going to do some more detox stuff in the near future. I am going to start working on minimizing my exposure to toxins as much as possible too. Going to work on replacing a lot of chemicals and such with as many alternatives as possible. I got myself some work gloves, so I stop touching plastic as much too. That will be a bit of a start. I am debating on using a small air purifier in my car too since I found one the other day lol. It is mind boggling how much stuff people are exposed to. I am going to keep researching this stuff and see what I can do. I am going to work on storing a lot of my bulk stuff in glass now too. Still having some trouble getting into deep contemplation. I think I might read the book of not knowing soon and see how I can improve. I think if I can get this down better I would see much better results even from trips. Speaking of which I feel very stabilized from my last one with it being over my two month wait I usually do. I am going to wait to do anything with my working so hard right now. I think where I am at physically and mentally right now is just ideal and I don't want to push that stuff for a bit. I have had quite a few trips already this year anyway. A break would be much needed a feel and it will be nice to not be as much of a high and low feeling periods, but more stabilized. That said though I am going to go for a more intense trip next trip next time I do with a day of meditation in preparation. $1,256.00 out of $6000 IRA contribution $1,400 out of $3,000 savings 21 out 44 books Marathon Today I am thankful for: Really good book Daily progress Efficiency
  8. Working really hard into the week. I think I might need to change when I do these because it is usually too late to write them. This is by far the most stuff that I have be able to move at once. I am thinking that my sales goals should be really obtainable. I am still pacing myself well and not over doing it. I have a lot of tasks at hand to take care of though right now. A lot of stuff that needs to be worked on. I really need to clean and organize a lot this week before I get more inventory. I need to really bust through these expensive items as well. It will be interesting to see how my income changes going at it this much. I feel really good with it right now. I might have found some potential for a life purpose. I notice that I am super interested in health stuff. I am reading a book about toxin stuff right now and I am really into it. I have done tons of research on diet etc. I am able to really follow this stuff and learn a lot from it. I see a lot of potential to really heal people with alternative medicine too. I am not really sure how this would look in practice, but is an idea. It seems to pair my idea of maybe a healthy food company. I feel like most people want their "doctor" to have a degree. It's ironic because the stuff they teach does not really get to the root cause of the issues. It is something to ponder. I know I would not want to do a bunch of school for stuff I would not use though. Going to try to make some deeper changes with my toxin intake. Doing a lot of research on it at the moment. I seem to already avoid most of the preventable stuff. The biggest issue I run into is just the contact with plastic. Plastic is literally everywhere anymore. I am going to work on being a lot more mindful of the places I go as well. I am going to invest into some more gear slowly but surely to rid myself of more toxins. I am going to work on some more detox stuff in the near future too. $1,256.00 out of $6000 IRA contribution $1,400 out of $3,000 savings 21 out 44 books Marathon Today I am thankful for: Getting a good amount done with limited time Sticking with toast masters Good sales considering it is a bit slow
  9. Just keep applying and go for it. Not sure how it works in your country, but my guess would be that you going to rehab will not effect any employers view or judgement because they likely will not know. I think it can be better to not work with friends or family honestly, so I would agree with skipping out on their firm too. I don't see any reason that you cannot do that. It sounds like you have been improving yourself since I had last seen you posting. Just be responsible and don't drive under the influence and I think you will be fine. It sounds like a relaxing job that I think will be beneficial for you.
  10. Finished another autobiography of a yogi! That was a really good book. I can see why Steve Jobs recommended it so highly. I might eventually read the biography of Gandhi that was recommended in it. I am going to read into toxins and health stuff next as a break from a few of these types of a books. I think this one will be a quicker read too. Sales really picked up. I was able to put up almost 50 items on Friday and they are selling fast. I am going to work on some new strategies for reselling. I am really working the space I have right now and redoing a lot of my storage systems. I am going to be able to store way more stuff. I am almost at 15K worth of items listed, which is a good stable amount of stuff to sell. Of course I am selling items too, so I have to continue to list to keep the number high. I want to reach at least 30k by christmas time though. I don't think that will be an issue at the rate I am going though. If I can keep up energy wise I should surpass that without an issue. I have an suv full and a ton of stuff sitting on the sidelines to go a this week. I will be busy for sure. The shower filter was a really good investment. I am less itch now and that has helped my mediation quite a bit. I know I can do a lot more research on this stuff and really refine how I live. It seems like there is so many things that we don't even think about that harm us daily. I for sure still want to do juicing, better water purifier, and I still need the spirulina. The actual stuff I am eating is great quality too. I have spent a lot of time researching it. $1,256.00 out of $6000 IRA contribution $1,400 out of $3,000 savings 21 out 44 books Marathon Today I am thankful for: Reading over 140 pages! Relaxing Great weather
  11. Getting a lot of stuff done. I have a really strong flow of inventory coming in right now too. I think this was by far the best choice for me to make doing this right now. I just need to keep at it and not fall off in my consistency. I am going to rest well this weekend and get prepared to go at it again next week. I am finding such good stuff it is unbelievable for me. My inventory up for sale is expanding really fast too. I am really getting the hang of this system and keeping things in place. I think the plan will be to list as much as possible, then I am going to try to get the shopify and any other platform I can get on live. I am getting very good at controlling my reactions. I notice that I run into negative situations usually once while I am out sourcing. The way I handle it is excellent. It shows how much progress I have made with myself. I notice that I am not really ruminating about stuff much at all currently either. My state is just amazing. I feel like I am in a slight meditative state while I am out sourcing and it gives me so much power. I set up the shower filter today and it seems to actually work. I did notice a bit of a difference in how the water would feel. I am sure all of the results are not just going to happen from one shower though lol. I am hoping that my skin will feel a lot better (it already is amazing from improving diet etc). This will be one of the last things I think really holding it back. I am going to keep investing into myself and my business as much as I can. I need to get the spirulina next as I canceled the other because it was not organic. Time to catch up on some much needed rest. I worked a lot today. $1,256.00 out of $6000 IRA contribution $1,200 out of $3,000 savings 20 out 44 books Marathon Today I am thankful for: Finding really good stuff Consistency Feeling good
  12. @herghly I subscribed to him. I will check out some of that content soon.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_BglGkVZFyLs2G9ZA_Bsrw I found this guy by typing in nootropics in my pod cast app. I have listened to all of the episodes and I highly recommend watching him. The guests he brings on the show have a wealth of knowledge. I have made some serious upgrades with my supplements and nutrition just from these. I am honestly surprised he only has 12 subscribers. I would say this channel is a gem so far and I have listened to a lot of different health information.
  14. I had a girl in college walk up to me and tell me I was cute. I literally just said "thank you" and walked away lol. She was actually really attractive, but had just caught me off guard while I was getting out of class. I don't recall ever seeing her again though after that. I have been pretty bad with situations like that in the past. I don't do any pick up really. But I do practice talking with them and just being comfortable holding eye contact well. I usually wave or say good morning to everyone I run past while jogging too. I have had a lot of attractive girls shoe interest just from that. can't say I am really interested in any relationships right now, so for me it is just a little bit of practice.
  15. It is surprisingly not hard to cut out all oils after awhile. From what I have gathered on oils I just decided to not use any. Even cooking some stuff in the oven is not that big of a deal. I don't really cook much out of a pan though, so I can see how that would be difficult. Most of what I eat now is uncooked. I think it has been well worth making the change. I have used the coconut oil for dry hands on occasion, but I would like to just switch that to liquid aloe vera.
  16. @Nak Khid Mostly DVDs for stores actually, but I have cooled off on that right now. I can provide that stuff cheaper than anyone who would mail say a big thing of 2000 dvds to them. Plus they can pick through my inventory and take what they want. I will go back to doing this more in the winter though. No longer using any storage units, but I was storing excess inventory there. Since posting that awhile ago my business has expended quite a bit. Just started selling on Amazon and several other platforms.
  17. @Nak Khid An IRA is an individual retirement account. As for the numbers that is my progress towards the goal.
  18. I think this is the right direction for me at the moment. I feel so energetic and on top of things. I do debate on making videos. I think my biggest issue is just not knowing what exactly I want to do. I think just using it for speaking practice is the best route for now. I feel short on time, but I really only work on reselling for maybe 5 hours per day. I am working the whole time right now though and really making some serious progress. I am probably brewing a batch of close to 30 large times to put up for sale! That is a significant amount for me. Considering the fact that all are cleaned thoroughly, tested, and will be professionally photos, then price check and listed. I am sheering away from smaller batches I think from now on for me to maximize my results. I want to get back on track with life purpose stuff this weekend and spend more time exploring that. I am redoing some stuff and just seeing how things have changed for me. I know that my answers were telling me to do the video type stuff, but I don't really know. I know that I want to have a specific niche and make something valuable. I feel like even with my reselling it can only be so valuable really. I mean most people could go do it, but it does require a lot of drive and knowledge to form something worthwhile. Comparing that to have my own branding or something like that it would not come close in the long term in terms of value. Sure, I can scale to larger things, more employees, larger space, and more expensive items. It isn't like I could not make a good living doing it. Especially seeing how things are now the future is even better because less and less people will likely return to brick and mortars. It would be better to do something unique while I am here for this time. For now I am not complaining though. I just need to keep this on my mind, so I am not just getting sucked in by money. For now money will be excellent though for my future progress. This autobiography is giving me a bit to think about for sure. I had found a guy on JRE with similar interests in this stuff and his own content seemed to kind of resonate. I'm not sure that I am looking for a religion per say, but I will keep my mind open to things. It seems all of the spiritual work in general is worth pursuing. It is just hard to know what I want. I am not sure how to go about getting enlightened if I want that. I a mean I do kryia yoga daily and have excellent eating practices and such. I do a lot of meditative driving now, which seems to put me on a much better level. I am just not sure. I don't really know enough about this stuff to look at it from a intellectual standpoint. I also don't have a big grasp on it implicitly I suppose too. I think I have had a partial awakening to infinity though and my 3 years of meditating is starting to really have some pay offs. It has been tough for sure though. I think I am going to expand to more kriya yoga practices and study some more of this stuff though in books. $1,256.00 out of $6000 IRA contribution $1,200 out of $3,000 savings 20 out 44 books Marathon Today I am thankful for: Getting stuff moved around and processed Finding a few good things Getting a lot done today
  19. @louhad Absolutely! Was just a stroke of luck finding it. I have already put some good stuff from these into action.
  20. I think teaching people those things can create an impact, but not so much the investing itself. Most of the stuff the generates the most money is low conscious stuff. It is really easy to deceive yourself into thinking that something is really make a difference or is good to do. I have done it myself a lot with my past businesses. Especially once something is paying your bills every month. Investing is a good tool though to help free up people to enjoy life more and not being stuck working or grinding to make ends meet. I have thought about maybe in retirement opening up some kind of retreat or something if I do well on my investing. If I average close to 12% annually I would have about 6 million in retirement from investing if I am able to invest the amount I want and invest well enough. Granted I would want some wealth built up to sustain my expenses and such, but it would a cool way to use it. I am not really sure what I would do with millions of dollars aside from that.
  21. I'm 24 now, but I would probably have pursued financial freedom more and worked a bit harder. I am trying to get into a better in position financially now. Although, I was not terrible at it. I wasted a lot of money and time in relationships. However, I learned a lot and grew from that. I did not really have a sense for what I wanted to do for a life purpose and I still don't lol. I am trying out some stuff though on the way while I am working on getting my self in a better financial position. I did do a good amount of self discovery and such plus I gained a lot of skills. I definitely would not change that. Exploring in college with different majors. I really lucked out by failing an automotive class, or I would have went to be a mechanic. I would hate working on cars every day. I don't mind it occasionally though. Money is pretty tough. I have had times where I had a lot and a little even in just the last several years. I think I am coming towards a bigger wave of it as this point and I know how to manage it much better. Well, experimentation can lead you to finding a purpose, which will bring you to financial independence. I still recommend learning investing, managing money, and live very cheap especially while you're still young. I think anyone in a 1st world country can live very well with even an average salary. It will come down to doing what you enjoy and love. With what I do right now I still enjoy it, but I feel it is not my calling. It's still great to get up and look forward to what I have to do that day, so it is a start. How old are you? Depending on the age and where you are at with the kind of work you might not change a whole lot. It will make it a lot easier for you to find a purpose I feel like. I know for me my life has drastically changed even within just a year.
  22. Going to stay on focus going into this week. I want to clear up as much space that I can and get the most leverage for my time that I can. I am starting to build some really efficient processes and getting more out of my time. I am trying to get rid of my other car and just move out as much stuff as I can. I want to make everything organized and efficient. I want to minimize the stuff I don't need anyway. I only need the one car for my business anyway. I am going to save all of the money from my stuff that I sell extra too. It will be a nice boost to the savings. The more I am going into the autobiography of a yogi I am seeing more of the possibility with this kyia yoga. For some reason lately I have just hit such a deep state of flow with my life while doing this practice. I am not as attached to emotions or the reactions of others. I notice my contemplation is ramping up a bit too. I was not really able to contemplate deeper topics there for quite a bit, but I am doing a lot of what is death lately and it is strange. I think of what it might be like to actually die and what actually dies. It's strange to think of reality in a way that it is not so much me as maybe I am just like perception or something? I think I might read the book of not knowing next, but I might do a lighter read in between. I have a shower filter coming to get rid of chlorine and I am going to try adding in Spirulina into my diet. I am going to work towards getting a juicer next and I still want a better water system. I am taking as much action as I can and I am trying to invest more and more into this. My diet is getting super refined, but I want to find even more super foods and add them in. I am actually starting to enjoy a lot of the healthier stuff and the taste is not an issue. I actually managed to find some really good organic hot sauce too! I still want to make my own in the future too. $1,256.00 out of $6000 IRA contribution $1,200 out of $3,000 savings 20 out 44 books Marathon Today I am thankful for: Rest Playing chess for the first time! ( I think) Was a lot of fun Back into my workout routine
  23. Probably going to be fairly tough to get in, but I would see if you can get some sort of housing voucher. This would give you some stability while you recover and try to get back on your feet. You would have to be really persistent with all of the filing of information. I would see if you can find someone locally who can help guide you with as many resources as possible. I would call around and see what you can find. I have lived in abusive homes growing up and it is tough. You will get through it though. I would suggest while you are there practicing building up tolerance to their behavior and try to understand why they act the way they do. The better that you get at not reacting to it, then it will get better. I would keep your distance and lower your contact with them while you are going through it. If you can build a good kryia yoga practice that would help amazingly with your emotional control.
  24. Very little of the population has a good grasp of what spiral dynamics is and even if they do most cannot teach it. It takes a lot more than just reading a book and even watching all of Leo's spiral videos a few times for me. I still don't have the highest grasp of turquoise. I also lack some understanding of stage red more deeply and identifying when I am talking to someone in it. I would imagine I would need to study some more books and content created by each stage to take it to the next step. I have some really in depth notes though. The reason I enjoy Leo's content is just the fact that he can articulate this type of information with depth. I imagine with myself I could probably put together about a 10 minute speech on each stage with some more studying and preparation and that would be pushing it lol. Most would lack the knowledge, skill to articulate, and a lot of people are not trying to reach a stage yellow audience as well. Spiral dynamics is so versatile that it would change the world completely if more leaders had a good understanding of it. It would need to be taught I think to younger generations to have the full effect though. As in an actual structural change to education. I notice even with myself watching Leo's series a few years ago was nothing compared to what I understand now adding in the book and a lot more application. Getting someone to do that process and not being overly judging of others by teaching them on video would be hard. I thought I knew a good amount of it then from the videos and I am sure I could study it more for a better grasp. I had searched around more for others sharing stuff and the only thing I had found that was decent was a blog post on it. There was not much content regarding it that was worth watching besides Leo's for me. I am going to read some more books on systems thinking and probably study more material from each stage. A good way to learn from it is just getting good at identifying the stages too with the content you watch and people you interact with.
  25. Keeping myself at a really high pace with the reselling business. I am going to go through with maxing this out I think going into Christmas time. I want to be in a better financial position and this is going to put me there. I am still going to be open to changing the route I am going, but it will be much easier to evolve this. It is something that I can put a lot of time into and contentiously have rewards from it even if I slow down on it. Right now is the time for me to strike for sure. I am still really liking this though right now. I have had some incredible luck with finding items lately. I found close to $3,000 worth of inventory for about $300. I am going to try to kick it into gear to get a video up this week if I can. I am going to work and outline a speech. I have been really off from this work it seems like lately. Strangely it seems as if I am not getting less done though as I am not really in my head about it. I am just kind of going with the flow on things right now. I feel really good and energetic. I am not sure what is over me, but I just feel a lot of drive to really put in the work and I feel great about it. I have been doing a good amount of research on supplements lately and making a lot of good progress. Really raising the standards of the quality of stuff I take plus adding in good stuff. I am moving towards mostly taking pure supplements. My diet is getting even better lately too with a good addition of a lot of high quality greens. I tried out some L-theanine today again for this first time in months and it went well. I felt like the effects were not super long, but they were noticeable with 200mg. I might try it once every 1-200 weeks. Funny enough with buying it pure for $15 I got 500 servings of that and it was at very high quality. Buying that in pill form that type of money would have got me a small fraction of that for that much money. My habits are going pretty well aside from the journal posts. I feel like I don't really have a lot of time to even browse here or do much on this site, but I am going to try to make more entries. It would be nice to help some people on here if I can too. I am doing really good with meditating right when I wake up as well. I am cutting out any phone use for the first hour of the day as well. $1,256.00 out of $6000 IRA contribution $1,200 out of $3,000 savings 20 out 44 books Marathon Today I am thankful for: Rest day Reading Recovery