Average Investor
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I found drinking honey in water helped a bit with symptoms. You can download a pollen tracker on your phone too. From what I know typically the morning hours would have the least amount of pollen to worry about. The tracker may alert you to another allergy you may be unaware of. Consider investing in a quality hepa filter for your room. Stop bringing your shoes into your room and if you can just leave them outside all together. Have clothes set aside for outside use only and rinse off with a quick shower if you go outside. Masks are pretty in style right now, so it would not be a bad choice to wear one while you are out and about. I assume you are trying to avoid use of antihistamines. This is a good choice for sure and I went the same route. More suffering, but you will be much healthier overall and have a much stronger immune system. The fact that you are getting this sick is actually a sign of a strong immune system.
Feeling much more energetic today. I feel like I wasted a good chunk of this week, but I am making a little progress here and there. I suppose it feels weird to not just be working as much like I was. I put together all of the stuff today to get everything cross listed to depop and it seems to be working well. I moved 20 items onto etsy and I will have to see how things sell there. I am going to work next week on getting all of my items onto facebook marketplace for shipping and depop. I will have all of my items active across five platforms then and I might able to get them cross listed to one more making it 6. I tried the shopify thing this week and I am not really sure there is enough benefit to run my store on it right now. I was happy to get business insurance this week and I did actually get all of the tax stuff done ahead of time. I am hoping the air quality clears up so I can start doing a bit more stuff like I was, but if not I have some stuff coming, so I can start picturing items that are inside. I am going to get my sleeping schedule back on track. It sucks getting thrown off it, when I really had the ball rolling for a bit. A big part played into the fact of so much stress and worry it seems like in the last week. Although, I did not go overboard with those emotions I can see that it has a domino effect on my days. I can imagine in the future if I keep practicing letting go it will get easier to overcome them. I mean in theory I could become invincible like Leo had mentioned. I did over $5,500 in sales in the last 30 days, which is amazing. I have done such a good job getting this business into shape within just a few months. I am excited to see where this will take me within the next year. I would like to make more money, so I can start making a good cash savings in this time, so I can start looking for new opportunities. I should be a bit more strategic with my money and cut out a little bit more of the pleasure foods stuff and strike a better balance there. I am pretty good at not really spending my money on much extra stuff though aside from some of that. I actually have saved a ton of money on food this week because I have not wanted to go outside with the smoke lol. I do need to have a good variety though to keep myself healthy. Days of waking up on time in a row: 0 Items listed: $25,000 out of $30,000 $2,530 out of $6000 IRA contribution $1,000 out of $3,000 savings 25 out 44 books Marathon Today I am thankful for: Getting a good deal on a stock Cross listing Good sales without listing
Getting more of a grip with things going on around me. I am handling situations with a much more level headed approach. I am taking more caution and not letting the situation get the best of me. I am so lucky that I don't have to go out and do anything for awhile. I can sustain my business without going outside. I am going to be resting more on this up coming weekend though. I feel quite a bit of fatigue right now and I have noticed it creeping up on me the last few days. I have been working my ass of the last few months, so it is time for a bit of a down cycle. I have been thinking quite a bit on what I want to do with the reselling business. Right now I am going to keep expanding it and getting all of the cutting edge techniques to implement. I want to try to grow my listed inventory to 75K and higher I think. I know this is totally doable within the next year if not more if I keep doing really well. I am just not sure what comes after it. It does not bother me really to think what if I only do this for another year. I am having fun right now and I am extremely thankful for this opportunity to do this. I can see myself meeting a lot of my financial goals in the next year with this too. I just wonder what I want to do with this gift I have here. This is really serving me well right now and I am good at it. It's going to really get me to the next step of doing whatever I want. I probably need more time for introspection and I would like to trip again and maybe work through this stuff a bit more. Making some really good progress with letting stuff go and really identifying all of the different feelings I have. It seems like it would be really simple like happy and sad, but emotions are much more complex than that. I can see how this method will really build up from little things and I can be able to work my way up to letting go of big stuff. I was working on a bit today with the stuff going on. I noticed that I was not really as scared if I lost all of my stuff again (I would be on much better footing this time around). Even if I lost all of my inventory I feel like I am plenty capable of getting this business back on it's feet with a bit of capital. Really dropping the ball on getting up early, but the fatigue is not helping the last few days. I am going to try to tough it out in the morning. Days of waking up on time in a row: 3 0 Items listed: $25,000 out of $30,000 $2,530 out of $6000 IRA contribution $1,000 out of $3,000 savings 25 out 44 books Marathon Today I am thankful for: Having a home Finding a high end air purifier at a garage sale a few weeks ago Having enough stuff to get by
Average Investor replied to diamondpenguin's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I picked up some insurance today. I would just get some good pictures assuming you have insurance and leave if you feel like it will burn down. Not quite as bad where I am at, but it is getting closer. -
It seems she maybe is more into the idea of actually being married than really building the relationship. You are not even out of the honeymoon phase yet, which lasts about 6 months. To me that sounds like something you need to really talk through and work on. You might not even really want to commit to this either. Not that you have given me much context on what the other things are like to me it sounds like you are worried by this. By how she is pushing heavily like that it reminds me a lot of my dysfunctional relationship. I want you to take some notes on this and compared this with your relationship. If I am wrong just ignore this piece. This video would have saved me a lot of grief 6 months in.
Outside where I live is completely smokey. The air quality is now at unhealthy levels. I am extremely lucky that I can run my business from the house totally. It is unbelievable how much this helps me and allows me to have better choices and outcomes for stuff. The flexibility is worth any extra work. I am running a few air purifiers, but I think it will be alright in the house. Doing a lot of work with the sedona method. I am almost able to just forget the thing that was bothering me with this technique. Small things though. Not really sure if that is just my memory though either. I notice a little bit that I do tend to forget stuff that is small. I would wonder if that is an issue or not. I think in this case though it is a good amount of actually just clearing my mind. Of course the thought to bring this thing back to my mind arises too. It is a work in progress, but I can see that this will be super powerful if I perfect this. I kind of slacked off the last couple days on the business it feels like. The smoke thing is going to put a bit of a damper on it, but I am going to pool together a few projects. I am going to knock out some of the stuff that I have been putting off for awhile like cleaning the garage space and stuff. Going to stick to projects I can do mostly in the house or garage to keep the smoke away. Days of waking up on time in a row: 3 0 Items listed: $24,000 out of $30,000 Replenished all of my inventory and exceeded the total! $2,530 out of $6000 IRA contribution $700 $1,000 out of $3,000 savings 25 out 44 books Marathon Today I am thankful for: Working from home Sedona method Still holding up good sales
It sounds like you are in the limbo phase. I would not pressure yourself too much and overthink what you want to do. I did this for quite awhile and it seems to not get much results. What did you graduate for? Do you like that topic? This really helped me in that phase.
Had a good streak of waking up on time, but things went upside down for a minute it seemed like over a pretty minor incident. Shows how vulnerable I would still be to unfavorable circumstances. Something I still need to work on is keeping my cool more in higher stress situations. I can't say I am bad though. I usually can make fairly good decisions under stress. I can see how a bad streak of luck could really tear me down. I recall when my house had flooded it really took me down a lot for months. Not that I have developed much more it would not nearly be as bad. I guess I would like to get to the point where things could be "terrible" and I am able to be content. My mindfulness work has been going well. I am notice that I am more aware of my emotions throughout the day. It is really helping my curb more of my OCD type tendencies. I feel like if this is something I can really break out of I will be very powerful. This is something that has held me down for so long. I have definitely broke out of 70% of this, but I mean the full thing. This has been life changing. I take it for granted sometimes, but I have fixed so many issues that I have struggled with for many years. I am really making some serious progress. I notice I am actually becoming a pretty good speaker. I notice that I am not able to express emotion all that well and it is something that I am working on in general. I feel like working on the sedona method is going to help me be able to do this more. It is unreal for me to look at my performance selling right now. I have sold over $5,000 worth of stuff in the last 30 days! That is touching my record month for all time and this is usually a slow month because of school starting. Even the market is down 3% on ebay from last month. I am up a lot now that I have some traction. I have a good amount of capital to spread around now. I am going to invest a good portion of this into the business to get everything that I want for this 4th quarter. I think this will allow me to be in very good financial standing soon. I can imagine that this trend will only go up as I continue into 4th quarter. I am still finding really good inventory and I am going to focus in this week still on trying to get everything active on multiple more platforms. I am investing $200 for a year subscription for item pricing research to, which was a big steep. I am going to put at least $500 into poster mailing tubes too, which is going to be a real game changer. Days of waking up on time in a row: 3 0 Items listed: $23,000 $24,000! out of $30,000 Replenished all of my inventory and exceeded the total! $2,530 out of $6000 IRA contribution $700 $1,000 out of $3,000 savings 25 out 44 books Marathon Today I am thankful for: Easy Monday Making good progress to my goals Awesome weekend
@I I think this is a trap that most will fall into at a certain point of self-development and spirituality. Especially once you get a little glimpse of what this kind of work has to offer compared to what is in most of society. I don't know based off of what you wrote here is it is a cult or not. If he has not been into this very long and is looking to just move all of the sudden that is a red flag though. From the sound of your post maybe 6 months or something he has been into it. I would ask him to share some information on their recruitment and more details in general. If he is not willing to share details on what they have or it is secretive it is probably a cult.
Didn't work as hard today on the business, but I did get some cleaning in. I am really going to work on the organization and cleaning as much as I can for a bit. I sold over $600 worth of stuff today, which is quite good for a single day. I am having a hard time replenishing stuff available to get ahead of my 23k, but I will get there soon enough. I am debating on getting a virtual assistant and trying to crank out as many listings as I can. Definitely have a lot of stuff that will bring my base costs higher, but I do want to get some good stuff going for my business. I did manage to drop my business reoccurring expenses $40 a month for now too. Going to work on making my room less available to mold. I do not really see much now, but I am going to work on preventing it in more ways. I plan on reading a book and studying it a bit more. It seems like a likely cause to many issues. I don't really have an issues I know of, but I can see that I have some stuff in my room that could allow the growth. I am going to work on setting up the new air filter too. Really like this new book so far it pairs with the emotion tracking I am doing right now. I notice that when my alarms go off to record my emotions every 3 hours I notice that I usually do not have really a strong emotion to record. It seems like for the most part the emotions are quite positive though. Spent quite a bit of time today reading stock stuff and some of the new book. Was a good fairly laid back day. Starting to get a lot closer to my 6k goal for investing too, which is just awesome. I am starting to have more money to contribute. I am working on building a decent income for dividends, so I can pick stocks regularly to buy with it. Learning a good amount about reits as these seem super advantaged to be in a roth ira. Days of waking up on time in a row: 3 Items listed: $23,000 out of $30,000 $2,530 out of $6000 IRA contribution $700 out of $3,000 savings 25 out 44 books Marathon Today I am thankful for: Getting to spend time doing stuff I enjoy Relaxing a bit Awesome sales
@NatureB That could be a good way to make some money. I see a lot of people use that very closely to gambling though. If you look around the richest investors do not trade like that either. Not saying you cannot do it, but just something to consider. I like the peace of mind and tax benefits of long term investing. There is so much to learn though and I recommend being conservative with your money if you are just getting into investing.
Average Investor replied to Avi Khomutovsky's topic in Life Purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship, Finance
For the short term it sounds like a different job would be a good move to help take down the level of stress and energy from your day. This is going to help you position better to make a clearer choice of what you really want to do. If you have some skills built up to make money it could be worthwhile to use what you currently have on hand if you just want to make money. Instead of trying another route and taking more time away from getting to what you actually want to do. For example applying for a higher level chef position elsewhere. I don't know all of your skills or background, but that could be a possibility. Or starting your own business in a knowledgeable domain that you have. I can relate to this a lot because I am still learning so much and discovering so much about myself that jumping right into the next thing is just not where I am at. I think just having it in your mind and building a vision for what you want to do is going to be essential. It could be beneficial to explore more fields though too as I don't fully know the extent of stuff that you have tried out. So it could be the best thing to try out these other things and not just going with the only option you know you like. I will say though that it would be good to avoid having anyone else tell you what exactly what will be a good life purpose. That or looking for approval of others on the specific life purpose you have chose. -
The ego development stuff is really interesting. This is going to be another really useful model to study. I am going to put in the work with the one again like the spiral dynamics. I think this is going to pair so well. It is so strange how complex reality gets the more and more that I study this stuff. There is so many ways a person could form a view on the world that is not obvious at all. I notice my interactions and perception of people is much different even with spiral dynamics. I have a much easier time understanding why people do the things that they do. The potential growth from this seems unreal too. I can't imagine how much I will change in 5-10 years. Getting a lot more mindful on emotions just after one day of having a timer to remind myself. I had seen amazon is coming out with a band that actually monitors your tone of voice and tracks your mood that way. I might consider something like that in the future even though I am not super big on tech stuff like that. That could potentially be a useful tool for me. I am really killing it in sales this week. I almost sold $2,000 worth of stuff in 7 days! I am starting to have a good amount more cash flow, but I still have a few big things I want to get for the business. I still want to get some more inventory to coming into winter. I am really excited to see how this 4th quarter goes. I am getting everything set up the best that I can right now to be best positioned. I am going to make it a top priority coming into next week to start migrating my items on to more platforms. I want to be active on at least 5+ at a time with all of my items. I know this is going to be huge for me not just being on ebay. Not to mention the available amount of inventory that I have available. I have done really well getting up on time a few days in a row. It is having a really good impact on my day. The main reason I struggle so much is because I meditate right when I get up and that has a good amount of resistance at that time and more so if I am tired. Not that I will not ever sleep in again I just want to really build out this habit. I have not focused on building a strong habit in awhile and I want to really nail this one down. This is very powerful for me to make use of every hour of the day. Days of waking up on time in a row: 2 Items listed: $23,000 out of $30,000 $2,330 out of $6000 IRA contribution $700 out of $3,000 savings 25! out 44 books Marathon Today I am thankful for: Finishing another book Having more time Not feeling as rushed
Getting quite a bit done with just a few hours of concentrated work. I want to try to find ways to squeeze in a bit more though. I am working on getting up on time daily, so I am going to keep track here of how many days in a row I get up on time. I think this is going to make a huge difference in the amount of stuff I get done. I do notice if I am not consistent with it, then it is hard for me to feel like doing much right when I get up. This wastes a few hours of time I could be doing anything really. I still want to have a good amount of time into prepping food, reading, meditating, and I have to ship stuff of course. I am glad that I am working on my relationships a bit more. I think this is better for me to do. I do want to surround myself with more and more optimistic and driven people as I move forward though. I don't think have a variety now is a bad thing. I need to realize that everyone is not just going to do hardcore personal development all of the time either lol. \ Skipped going to get items this week. I really need to get a handle on all of the crap that I have right now. I have so much stuff to picture, list, organize, etc. It is literally to the point where I am always steeping of stuff and breaking stuff. I have even hurt some muscles getting around some of this crap. I need to get this under control. A good thing too is that I should have about $500 to invest into poster gear soon and that will actually give me a lot more floor space and room to actually move around a bit. I am going to take it more serious this week and really get as much as I can done. I need to stop worrying about if I will be able to keep consistently getting good things or not. I have so much stuff right now that I could easily go a whole year without going and getting something if I wanted to. I do plan to town down the newer inventory soon though. This stuff is very ideal for christmas time and it gives my store a really diverse amount of stuff in it. I think this will help hold me over in a recession as well. Days of waking up on time in a row: 1 Items listed: $23,000 out of $30,000 $2,330 out of $6000 IRA contribution $700 out of $3,000 savings 24 out 44 books Marathon Today I am thankful for: Getting a lot done in 3 hours Getting up on time Getting my intense workout in
Perseverance makes all the difference. I dropped my last business with little money and scrounged up as much cash as I could by mowing a lawn and etc. Worked really hard to get it gong, but I for sure have an advantage with my living expenses etc. I would do the same thing living out of my car if I had to though.
It's always easier for me to make more money, when I have a cushion vs starting over again. Even if you were not business or investing savy you could use some of this money to start buying things you will use in bulk. Not only that, but paying bills and such in bulk to get better rates. I do this with my cell phone and such and it has saved me a ton of money a year. Traveling would be awesome and could provide some great stuff with it. I am just not so sure it would be worth spending a large portion of your money to do it, but I don't fully know your position. If you think you might need to rely on credit it just isn't worth it. I would see if you can find some ways to work on making money with this money in the mean time.
Was so busy with shipping today that I did not get the chance to do much else. I did sleep in a little, but even then I was not able to do much else today. I can see this is going to be persistent this holiday season. I am up 50%+ in sales from this time last year, but I am mostly just getting better items. I am working a good bit, but I think the system I have in place plus the good items is really what is making this go so well. Also, those sales do not consider the extra money coming in from my second platform, so I would guess up at least 60%. Going to work on getting the shopify set up and start expanding onto more platforms. I did find a niche for me on Amazon I can do a bit too that should bring in some good money. I think using this pandemic to capitalize on my reselling skills is well worthwhile right now. I still ponder what the next thing will be. Money seems less important, but only because of the security I have living here. I imagine that if I were to move out it would be much more of a grind. I suppose that is why I want to stack up so much money. I am good enough now though that I could probably make it fine with this business. Really need to work on this and I am going to get it down. Money is such an important thing for me to knock out in this phase of my life. I guess my main thing is the fear of being too far sucked into making money that I won't pursue something better. I guess just thinking that will help me avoid it, but it's on my mind a lot. I thought while packing stuff today that this isn't exactly what I want to do, but I do like a lot of aspects to it. I would much rather do this than a job. I am going to work on building an even better mindset around making money. I am going to keep improving this to get where I want to be. Items listed: $23,000 out of $30,000 $2,330 out of $6000 IRA contribution $700 out of $3,000 savings 24 out 44 books Marathon Today I am thankful for: Sales so good I spent the day packing Progress Improvement so far
@Lyubov I recommend the book the toxin solution. It has helped me get much better insight into toxins. It has a good mix of detox protocols and alternatives to avoid toxins. I have not researched it super deep with this one being the only book I have read on toxins. It definitely opened me up to changing a lot of things I do. I would recommend getting a shower filter as a start. With it only being about $30 I have had a good improvement in my well being from that. Less itchy skin has really improved my mediation and how I feel. Switching deodorant to one without heavy metals or toxins. A lot actually contain aluminum, which is linked to things like alzheimer's disease. I use a Himalayan salt stick. Getting rid of fluoride as it effects the nervous system and is shown to even lower the IQ of children. A lot of good alternatives. Take some time to use an app called "think dirty" to check for what products are causing you harm. You can get better alternative suggestions in the app too. I think one of the main issues with toxins and such is it does not feel like it has much of an effect. You could stand under an airway watching planes for hours and probably feel fine, but you will be absorbing lead into your system. Lead is linked to all sorts of issues and was even potentially linked to high criminal rates. A lot of these things could be having an effect without much knowledge to you as things can feel normal. I mean you can receive a lot of lead just by being the child of someone with a lot of lead in their system. It's hard to raise alarm to something that you don't really notice happening.
I am willing to spend more this time around redoing my supplements and now I have a bit more knowledge. Here is what I am looking at possibly getting. Would love suggestions and feedback. With the fish related stuff of course heavy metals are a concern with freshness and potency. I can see I could get ones that are distilled, but it would seems like a waste of nutrients and they seem to add fillers back in to replace them. I look at it as a way to get the nutritional content with a large reduced exposure to those metals. On Target Living Alaskan Cod Liver Oil https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07JC7QZ69/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A28V1DMX12R67G&psc=1#customerReviews Really expensive, but I am thinking I will get what I pay for on this one. Global Healing Center Vegansafe B12 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00RXEW7R0/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B00RXEW7R0&SubscriptionId=AKIAIPFZKKNXUR5ABTTA&linkCode=as2&tag=bestprodtag90285-20&th=1 Have to admit I am not as brushed up on the best sources of B12, but this seemed like a higher quality version. NOW Supplements, Glucosamine '1000' https://www.amazon.com/NOW-Glucosamine-1000-180-Capsules/dp/B0013OUOYY With this one it seems worthwhile with the gmp facility and non gmo. I am also taking zinc picolinate from Solaray, which I did see could have potential damage to the liver long term, but it is the most bio available. I take this one every other day. Another supplement I take is Now brand vitamin d3. Would not mind dropping this one if I can find something higher quality without the olive oil in it. (just discovered that now reading the label lol) Would love to hear thoughts, opinions, and suggestions.
I determined it off of what I eat, so trying to fill gaps of micronurtients I might be missing. Trying stuff for more of a nootropic benefit has been hit or miss for sure. I have tried a lot that did not get me results, but I only take two different nootropics currently that work wonderfully for me. I would have to say that the more I spend on eating healthier is totally worth it. Now just making more of that transition in my supplements. I make more money from my energy through my business and not only that I have cured myself of many issues. It would be hard for me to go back to not doing so. Being cheap with this stuff was incredibly hard for me to break out of, but it costs so much more in the long run. A big thing I had to do was work on breaking out of my mindset that I could not afford to eat like this. I spend a lot of money on food a month for one person. I spend $400 or more per month most of the time and that is with me preparing all of it and buying bulk. Adding higher end supplements and such onto that adds up, but I can't say it has been a bad investment at all. Health is one of the most valuable things to have in my opinion. I highly recommend you work on getting your diet optimal as a primary ahead of supplements if you have not already. Supplements will only be a band aid if you are not eating properly. If you are going for supplements I would look to see what micro-nutrients you might be lacking currently and use it to help there. Working that in with a balanced diet will give you massive results from other things you might want to add to work on performance down the road.
I would say nearly all of the life on earth is effected by heavy metals. You can get a heavy metal like lead into your system just be being under an airplane because it uses leaded gas for example. You would get metals passed on to you at birth as well. Heavy metals get into all sorts of things. A big source can be tap water too. You can get tested to see the levels of metals you have stored in you. Metals can cause all sorts of diseases and issues. Worthwhile to research for sure. Not only are metals an issue, but all sorts of various toxins from things like plastic, cleaners, fragrances, etc.
@Michael569 I will take a look for sure. Yeah, both parents ate the standard American diet for a long time, so I imagine it is a lot of it. I am unaware of the other relatives with these issues. I mostly just wanted the best source. I did not really know enough to transition the supplements. I am definitely not a purist because of supplements. I try not to get lost in the terminology too much, but it makes it easier to convey what I eat. I am not knowledgeable on those alternatives really. I know much more about food than supplements. I would take krill for example if it were to benefit me far more than the plan based options. It just depends really. Something for me to dive deeper into research on.
I will keep experimenting and expanding. I appreciate the insight. I will definitely keep that in mind as I keep looking into this stuff. Do you have any books on supplements by chance? Both of these are an issue. My dad just has arthritis and he had some thing where he had to have surgery on his hand to stop in from bending inward.
@Leo Gura Yeah, I can see your point. I will probably go with krill then. I know the cod liver has some heavy metals too, and only the super distilled ones that lose all the nutrients get rid of it lol. I can imagine since the liver processes so much stuff it could easily contain even more than just the metals in those too.
Got 10 miles of hiking in today that was great. I am going to start hiking more again and this will be a good start to climbing larger mountains again. I am planning to do a more intense one this winter, but I am not going to do any of the rope climbing stuff. I am thinking about still doing the sky diving, but I have to admit my stomach sinks a bit just thinking about it. I have been thinking about death with this a bit and honestly the though of dying does not seem to really matter. I think about what it would feel like to actually die and I imagine that this would all just disappear. I mean in a sense it is kind of a relief as if whatever is done here does not really matter. So by looking through that lens it seems a little less scary. I do need to work on taking more time out and hiking and stuff again. I have been way too cooped up with the virus and not talking to people. It is really easy to start cutting off everyone it seems like and just get sucked into work. This is something I need to fine tune a bit. That and taking more time for mediation on the weekend. I have had a difficult time carrying out my mediation days recently. Sales have absolutely on fire this weekend. Over $1,000 in sales! I am not going to reduced the listed value, but just updated it once it progress to the goal as it would be annoying to re-update that with each post. Items listed: $23,000 out of $30,000 $2,330 out of $6000 IRA contribution $700 out of $3,000 savings 24 out 44 books Marathon Today I am thankful for: Awesome hike Great sales Mind reset