Average Investor
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If you are going to tough it out there, then I would consider investing in your own stuff to keep separate. You could find all of this stuff used and fairly cheap. I can point you in the right direction of where to possibly find it too. Mini fridge Electric Stove Burner Plates, Cups, Dishes, ETC Buy something for a water source. Water purifier, or storage for purified water, etc. Some stuff to even clean your own dishes in the room. That and anything else you could use in the office to avoid contact and using that stuff. To be fair that will not give the solution to his anger. However, it will minimize the contact and how much you actually see him. You can also be strategic with the time that you would need to possibly use anything from the house like the washing machine. If he is gone at certain times. This stuff will be useful for when you move out as well.
Average Investor replied to Parththakkar12's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Tanz There already is ones that can do things better. Really depends how you define potential. It does it's current thing exceptionally well and secure. Crypto allows you to chose any network you want to be apart of. So it isn't like you need an ultimate winner to change how money works. -
I think my game plan will be to go all out on reselling at least for awhile. I imagine there will be another lock down and it should increase my sales a lot. I think once I list all of the posters and set up a fair amount of automation with the business. Like enough to cover expenses etc. I will be able to start transitioning to working on the life purpose course again. Lately, I do feel a bit of an itch to start working on LP again. I realize that I did go back this route for money and to be fair I really have needed to build more of the structure of this. I don't want to be broke and I want to have something sustainable running. I could definitely get this to a point where I even work a few days a week. Of course, I will get the most done working on one thing though. I want to keep my focus narrow, so I can get the best results. I have been seeing those results applying myself to this for sure so far. I can't help but wonder how much results I would have if I did do full time youtube or something. Or at least mostly full time. If I were to start doing the wholesale of dvds again and I had 1,500+ items in my ebay store I would definitely be able to pay my bills mostly passively for quite awhile. Adding new items here and there to keep in a flux of new stuff. I have to admit there is a bit of a desire for me to gain a good amount of money in the fact it would make me feel like I have progressed more, or something like that. I realize if if I just do reselling it can scale well and make me a lot of money if I continued to stay here. I can keep doing it to pay the bills for sure. I have an urge to do something though that helps the world. At the same time I can see how much improvement I need in myself before I can successfully do something good. I didn't really do a whole lot today on my day off. I had some really good mediation sessions. I had considered the whole day off electronics and meditation, but I did not do it. Feels like I am still slipping up a bit on stuff. At the same time though I did not play video games, which two weeks ago I would have blown this day doing that. I actually just enjoyed the day and was a lot more mindful this way. I am sure part of that is backlash to ending the games. I do feel a bit depressed, but nothing too bad. I am sure this explains a good amount of the backlash. I notice it thoughts arise that try to put me down or make myself feel worse once I hit this kind of state. I can resist them pretty well though. I notice that it is just thoughts. I can imagine a good amount of that stuff could be subconscious too that holds me back. Mediation puts me on another level from this stuff too. I can imagine part of this too is I am not really social at all anymore. I was able to let go off losing a few hundred on a ebay transaction today today. My initial reaction was not great. I was able to just let it go and I actually didn't think about it much today. What a big step up from using the sedona method. It feels good to have this kind of progress. I feel like I have not been practicing it enough, but it has been more ingrained into my day now. I allow myself to effortlessly reach my listing goal of $50,000. Today I am thankful for: Day off Projected Biden Win Going to the beach tomorrow
@Osaid It has a list of books that compliment the course.
Crazy to see how close the elections are here. I have been watching a bit and I am usually not too into the news. I actually almost got teary seeing Oregon decriminalize drugs. It seems like we are heading towards a much more conscious society. I realize that there is a long ways to go, but this is mind blowing. I cannot believe psychedelics might start to pop up more in the US. I go to Oregon pretty often, but not sure it matters much. I mean if I could eventually buy psychedelics legally there now that would blow me away lol. On track to finish all of the comics tomorrow. What a big realize and it just shows a big milestone in my motivation and my ability to overcome resistance. I have had this stuff laying around for a couple years and I just got it all up with relative ease. I am have a bit of hard goo stuff to put up for sale, but nothing too crazy. I probably have about 10 items that I want to do. Then I am going right into posters. I could save up the $700 and buy all of the tubes that I need for them, or I can wait and buy them bit by bit. I am starting to have a bit more cash flow. Really surprised with no stimulus, but I have been getting orders from Canada quite a bit and they got one. Really starting to work my way almost fully out of the ego backlash. All of my habits seem to be coming online well. I am now back to doing my more intense physical work out as well. I know that I want to do it for good fitness and because it really does assist my mediation posture. My core strength allows me to have much better sessions. I am allowing some relaxation with the food too. Of course the "bad" stuff I eat would not be considered as such by almost everyone. I have allowed myself to loosen up to be able to enjoy it more. My breakfast is absolutely amazing as well. I made my own oatmeal daily with blueberries. I flavor it with raw cocoa powder, maple syrup, and cinnamon. No wheat with it either and it tastes incredible. I am getting a lot better at cooking in general due to how strict I have been with my diet. This has probably been one of the most rewarding habits I have build aside from mediation. I am going to have to get into it and start listing myself a bit soon I think with the posers. I am not too sure yet. I am getting quite a bit of items up right now at least. I am actually getting 10 a day for the last few. If I were to dedicate time to just listing even 5 it would start adding up to quite a bit more items up. I am trying to go all out for this 4th quarter. I want to reach my goal. I allow myself to effortless reach my listing goal of $50,000. Today I am thankful for: Semi steady sales Enjoying reading High motivation
@fridjonk Occasionally while I mediate mid day, towards the end of the session it can be uncomfortable to stay sitting up. My legs sometimes fall asleep or etc. I will lay down with the binaural beats and timer still going. Sometimes I hit that state super deep. Like my thoughts disappear totally and I am not fully asleep. I'll have to try to do this today and see how it goes. My concern with it is just falling asleep or not being able to go to bed at night, but that has not happened. Lately, once I am so tired around this time it really makes it so I don't do much besides click around on the pc for awhile. Thanks for the share!
Really getting on top of my reselling work. It seems like I am really able to much more effortlessly do the work on it. I'm not nearly encountering the same resistance. Not sure if I can attribute that to the sedona method or not. It just feels good and it seems like I am getting it done easily. I am really becoming efficient with it too. I am going to try to stop using headphones for awhile if I am working. I am going to see if this can help me get rid of the ringing in one of my ears. I notice it seemed like it made it worse today even with the sound really light. I am still unsure if it is plugged, but I kind of doubt it. It could just be permanent, but no way to know unless I go get it looked at. I probably should since I mostly recall it from just being earwax related. It was worse as well until I cleaned my ear recently. Now that I think of it my ears do feel clogged and I seem to have a slight head cold. I have had the head cold for a few weeks, so there could be a bit more to that. I am so tired once I hit about 4pm it seems like. I am not sure how I could pick up my energy towards the end of the day. I do quite a bit earlier in the day though. It is a good sign at least that my sleeping schedule is working really well. I am really tired writing this. I need to work on adding more time to practice the sedona method. I am probably going to gradually read the book again. I want to study something else though. I am reading more on EDT now and it seems to be catching my attention more. I notice now more to the extra need for patience and persistence in this work. I got much better results from the sedona method not rushing to read through, but really working to integrate and embody what was being said. I know with EDT stuff I have notes and from all of Leos videos, but not solid understanding. I know spiral dynamics fairly well, but I watched all the videos a lot and read the book.I notice I don't read my notes hardly at all unless I am looking back to remember something too. Something I should consider is dedicated time to actually read the notes. It could be possible for me to upload them into my kindle or something too. If I made a document for them that could actually work. I allow myself to effortlessly reach my listing goal of $50,000. Today I am thankful for: Getting a lot of comics done Almost done with comics! Maybe one more day. Good day
https://www.amazon.com/Cottonique-Hypoallergenic-T-Shirt-Organic-Melange/dp/B00FALOYD8/ref=sr_1_28?dchild=1&keywords=organic%2Bcotton%2Bshirt&qid=1604542729&sr=8-28&th=1&psc=1 I managed to get a set of boxers from this company pretty cheap to try out. Was going to maybe give the shirt a try. $15 each is up there, but to be fair I bought this 5 pack of the same color shirts a few years ago and still use it, so not really that high of a cost if they can last awhile. Was going to order a size up.
@fridjonk The unit I have, I find them a bit at garage sales and sell them usually. It's a filter queen. I am pretty impressed with it. Although, I have not researched the most optimal ones. Going used isn't bad since you can get a filter for it, but with some units the filter is almost the same price as just buying a whole set up. Once I have something set in place I really don't need to research it a whole lot more. For example the air filter just needs a replacement once a year. It doesn't require much thought. Just that alone can eliminate stuff that could cause me to be sick for X amount of days a year. All of that that starts adding up. Or it could equate to me having X amount more energy than without it a day. The gain might seem small, but if you layer enough stuff on it starts adding up. I also have allergies to dust and it will nearly put me out of commission, so having something like this is absolutely amazing and I get a lot of benefits from it. Diet, exercise, and supplements would see the biggest gains though. I've been working on this stuff for a few years. Nutrition alone and learning how to buy good food etc takes a lot of time. Not only that, but learning what gives you the best performance. So many in the world could live a happy life just from changing up a few things in their day.
Yeah, society could seriously tackle these types of things, but to be fair there is a lot of pressing issues that probably are on higher alert. Still though each thing put the rest going in a "better" direction. I actually would get athletes foot a lot because I would wear shoes too much. I get new shoes every two months because running wears them down and change the socks enough now. I prefer slippers that have a shoe bottom for working on my business etc at home. I never really considered the bras too. I can see the reason for and against them for sure. I am sure it causes plenty of issues. Could even be apart of breast cancer. Yeah, I notice that with clothes they are so powerful. I wear blank clothes a lot of them time. I have this one jacket though that makes me feel more attractive to women lol. I mean it works, but I think a good portion of that is in my head haha.
@Michael569 Lol, this is so true with this work. I wouldn't have cared at all about this stuff before, but each improvement I see something new I could do. I have spent a good deal of time looking into health, nutrition, etc and it has been very rewarding and fun. I've checked out most of the basics, but even with supplements, detox, etc it goes deeper and deeper.
@Michael569 Yeah, even on the sites I am seeing even if it is organic cotton for example it doesn't say anything about the dyes etc. Hard to justify paying 5X the price or more if it has the same stuff in it. The bits that I have got just looking into it seems like the traditional stuff is terrible for the environment. I will keep the information your shared in mind while I sort through the options.
@Rilles Gave me a good laugh this morning. @mandyjw Yeah, this stuff looks super expensive. I am see $25 for one boxer right now lol. I guess part of the issue could be is washing it with the other clothes would probably just put the chemicals into this stuff too. Not sure how much ROI there is here, but I am sure I could find a sweet spot.
@fridjonk Probably a bit more extreme to most, but I find enjoyment in researching and improving these things. A lot of these clothes does have cancer causing chemicals though. I considered the air and such as well. The main thing is reduction of the toxic chemicals. Eliminating them is impossible in the times we live in. Also, with the air I recommend a high quality hepa filter in the room you use. You could see quite a bit of gains just from that.
Average Investor replied to Parththakkar12's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
It's just technology that can enhance the world. There are so many people without a bank account or suffering from an unstable currency and high inflation. Of course you are not going to become a saint by owning a bitcoin. Means of transacting value will likely be needed in even very high conscious societies. It's like making EV cars, but this is the money form of it. -
Average Investor replied to Parththakkar12's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Tanz It already can be instantly confirmed for small transactions faster than any visa. Each trans action has so many confirmations though. No one is going to not wait for a big transaction to be fully confirmed, but for a $6 cup of coffee no one is going to try to double spend. Look into second layer solutions. All the scaling stuff you mentioned has already been pretty much taken care of. It's only getting faster and cheaper as time goes on. -
Average Investor replied to Parththakkar12's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
It can be profitable no doubt, but it really depends on where you live. Someone in china is getting the power super cheap and there is a lot of illegal mining operations. I am not sure what a landlord would do if they were offering you free electricity. To be fair a good gaming pc could mine well, but if you built something specifically for it you could definitely make some income. There is quite a bit to it I know on the last big price drop it caused a lot of businesses to go out of business over the coin price because they were losing money by mining it. Of course it all depends on your costs. There was a platform trying to do that. I think it was going to use smart contracts to lock up collateral. Lets say you would lock up one BTC and you could get a loan of so much. Only issue is that if BTC price crashes the person who got lent the money could bail on it. They will potentially use some of the cheaper and faster tech as time goes on. It really just depends how money is. The government could potentially issue a crypto currency of their own in the future. It would likely be so strict compared to actually dollars. A lot of people don't realize how much criminals love USD. -
I did have a bit of a self care day today. I did some dental stuff and found out I was actually missing a pretty big piece on the back side of one of my teeth. Pretty sure it had been like that for a few years and I did not notice. I am going to get it filled in and a teeth cleaning soon. I am so lucky to be able to have a service like this. I am really going to take good care of my teeth and not take them for granted. Sales have been amazing. I am surprised with no stimulus. I have sold more in the last few days than I did last month. I did take a bit of today off, but I really need to get back on it. I want to be crushing it this 4th quarter. I need to keep myself at a high level, which to be fair resting today will aid in that. I am getting so close to being done with the comics and I am pleasantly surprised they are worth as much as they are. I fucked up buying them in the first place for $1,200, but they have been sitting around for a few years. I should actually make some decent profit on these by the time it is all said and done. For context though in the future I would probably pay like $300 for this many comics. You could find anything in a batch if you know what to look for (I don't) I just know how to have a quick process that does while I am breaking them down now. I have like 5 that are signed to still do and a few runs still. So in a way I just stored myself some money for the future I guess, but it did cost me some work and time lol. I am not really sure what the margins are, but I can tell from the time I am putting in it is worth it. It blows me away how much my perspective and reality has altered. I feel as if I am an entirely different human being even from just a year ago. I cannot fully put into words the profound shift in my awareness that I have even received since my last trip. My love and appreciation for this existence is becoming more and more profound. I am just so fucking lucky to even be doing this work. My love and appreciation for learning and growing is becoming much larger. I am able to build and achieve pretty much anything that I put my mind towards. My health is fucking incredible. I am so much more mindful and calm during the day. I rarely feel even stress it seems like. So many things to discover and learn in this life. I am sure that I am just hitting the tip of the ice berg with this. I can see my whole life just being this gradual course of improvement. I had thought a lot about why would someone even bother to learn nearing death and I can see why now. Reality itself is something so interesting that even if you were going to lose knowledge of it all, just a bit more of soaking in this amazing thing is worth it. I allow myself to effortlessly reach my listing goal of $50,000. Today I am thankful for: Sales still coming in Relax day Dental work coming up
@Schnaby I have been there before. I was a door mat for a good portion of my relationship I had previously. Not to say that I was perfect either. I wasn't even nearly as evolved. Those relationships can be addicting. It's up to you on how you want to proceed with it. The fact that you have even made these posts shows how much you are concerned about this though. I was very fortune not to get tied into an apartment with my ex. Them not paying for example could tarnish your renters history etc. It's a huge commitment to be with someone and sign a lease with them. Something to very seriously consider if you are having doubts and there is a big trail of abusive behavior. One of the more painful parts is breaking it off if you decide to. I felt sad for quite awhile after the fact. It also hurt to see another human suffering. It isn't like I hated her or something. The relationship was just dysfunctional and she had a lot of issues, but I did too. She was actually evolving a bit just by being with me. I was being gaslighted from her getting me to believe that other people would think I was a liar (She would habitually lie). She would treat me like crap and talk down to me and cuss at me. She had hit me once, but I told her I would immediately break it off if she did it again. The workload would have been immense to get her to improve herself enough to even have a healthy functional relationship with me. The best thing I ever did was leave that. It has catapulted my growth immensely. I would suggest that you research domestic violence a bit too. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestic_violence Realizing what a cycle of this actual looks like will help you break out of the manipulation from it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cycle_of_abuse
Average Investor replied to Parththakkar12's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@snowyowl No one person or entity is and that is the point of it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_banking_crises "Regular banks & currencies are as good as the governments which regulate them" The creation of bitcoin came from the 2008 crisis. The miners to a degree do this for validity of transactions, which protects it from double spending and 51% attacks. There is a system of governance, but is is spread out to all of the users. So if a change is being made a majority of the users would have to accept and use it. BTC has not successfully been hacked ever since it's creation. Individual users are. It is a lot of responsibility to be your own bank. You can spend bitcoin anywhere just like a visa. There are cards that offer that service. It is actually easier to travel the world and exchange BTC to the currency of the country you went to, than USD to the other. Faster and cheaper. It simply functions as more sound form of money. There is not enough people using it for there to be a lot of price stability. I believe a lot of banks purchasing it at the moment is one of the main drivers for the price. You would have to research that though. I mean it's unique functionality is that it is not the dollar that deflates. https://www.investopedia.com/bitcoin-halving-4843769 This will give you a good overview of what drives the price from a more fundamental stand point. If we were just mathematically speaking this would make me rich. I should say my point here is not to persuade you one way or the other. I would not say it is a good or a bad price. I am just sharing the information to your questions. Bitcoin is quite complex. It is an interesting technology to explore and learn about. I would say you would need a better fundamental understanding of how the US dollar actually works to see the point of it. It is much more complex of a system than it seems on the surface. Bitcoin itself is quite complex as well. -
The last thing you want to do is get stuck in some rental agreement with this guy. I mean you might need to experience it to believe it, but I honestly hope that you are able to get yourself out of this. Take a step back and review the stuff I mentioned on the other thread and what others are saying here. You don't want to be stuck trying to fix this guys issues. Someone threatening to hurt your cat is very close to hurting humans next. No one who is spiritually evolved is going to be threatening to hurt/kill animals in my experience. Acknowledging the problem is a start, but that is does not mean it is going to change. That is a big shift for someone to make. It could literally take years for someone to develop out of that and possibly they won't. You don't want to gamble your own well being on that. This type of behavior is very common for abusive people.
Average Investor replied to Parththakkar12's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@outlandish Like 3 years ago I use to do youtube videos on all of it and keep up with all of the news and stuff. I was using in it in 2014 as money and it seemed pretty cool then. The main person to follow in the space is Andreas Antonopoulos for sure. While I don't usually keep up with him, he is a systems thinker from what I have got out of his books. Anymore though, I just check the price every now and then, but I don't care too much about it. I realize I have a bit of bias on the tech because I own it, but I don't currently add more money to any crypto investments. In my opinion bitcoin would be fantastic if it were just limited to large transactions. It is much more efficient to move millions of dollars in bitcoin, than any other currency, if the network is not under load it is pretty fast and cheap (For that size of transaction). I think it is a good alternative to gold (big polluter too) and it will probably pave the way for some amazing tech. Really it is just the speed at which it really evolves. It is pretty slow compared to how we see things change in the world. It could use proof of stake if 80% of the network or so agreed to it and there was a great second layer solution for it. That is also why you see things like Bitcoin Cash for example is a disagreement on stuff like the block size for example. There is a lot of tribalism and politics that are involved with getting users and merchants to want to adapt to changes in the network. The people who work on Bitcoin are not paid either, so it isn't like everyone is jumping at the chance to work on it. There are other alternatives to the second layer solutions and I bet stuff that has not been invested yet. I can agree with the concern on the pollution though. All it is doing right now it working as a "money" storage. Granted I know a guy that lives on just bitcoin, but finding anyone like that is typically highly unlikely. -
Average Investor replied to Parththakkar12's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@outlandish No doubt, this is pretty much the Model T of cryptocurrency. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightning_Network It's gradually getting better. It's pretty slow though in how fast it progresses, but it also makes it the safest in that regard usually. You could do a cross chain swaps with a proof of stake network potentially. Even this integrates smart contracts, which was a second generation crypto currency feature. -
This person sounds abusive. This is a major red flag to have that kind of behavior over some music. Imagine what he would do over a big disagreement. If someone is acting like that, you are going to have to tip toe around them to even get a point across. So literally begging to ENJOY something. Is that how you want to live your life? I am just some guy on a forum, but I would be worried about much more the longer you stay with someone like that. I would recommend watching this and some other stuff. Take some time to really reflect on their behavior.
Average Investor replied to Parththakkar12's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@outlandish What if cleaner energy is used? I would imagine the amount of emissions caused by the dollar is much higher. I don't have a source on that though. Imagine all of the resources printing, guarding, storing, and transporting. I could see proof of stake and other alternatives moving past this in the future too. Also, I would assume second layer solutions would still help curb and reduce this and cross chain compatibility.