Average Investor
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It could be more risking going another route. There is a lot involved to get the metals to actually be removed properly. I've seen the medical medium smoothie, but never read their book. I would be skeptical at the effectiveness of actually removing metals with the stuff I had seen. This could potentially do more harm than good if you just redistribute metals in your body. You might be better off doing nothing and fixing your health in other areas. Getting your gut health in order, then getting your liver in order will help a lot. This would be important before even considering either protocol.
Average Investor replied to integral's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It can be converted into crystals and potentially done. I didn't find much on it though. An alcohol extract would be nice and clean to avoid nausea though too. -
If you are good at buying these, then there should be no need for a loan. This would be a good way to lose money that is not even yours. If you go this route it will require a lot of research for sure. You should aim for a 15% annual return minimum, or it is not worth the effort. This is going to be the most lucrative thing for sure. Not many people get rich picking the right stock. It's usually through a business that creates a lot of value. If you have not figured out a life purpose and just want to cash in on something there is stuff out there. Depending on the Amazon business you might not really need a loan. You could just go to a goodwill bins and learn how to scan books. Be a way to build up an amazon account and get some cash together to grow it. However, if you want to sell a lot of new products the margins will be much more thin and you will need a lot more capital. You would need the account to get built up a bit anyway. I would not dump a bunch of cash into it until you figure out a niche. The thing with running an amazon business is that it really just scales with labor and capital. If you really want to make some money you need digital leverage type scaling. As in some sort of website, youtube, digital product, etc. Something that you make once and can sell a million times. It would take some more effort than going and scanning some books in the bins, but you would be much more likely to get rich that way. The more creative you are, then the more likely it will have a big pay out. The bins would give you some cash now though if you want it. I should mention to with some new product style businesses I see they only have about a 10% profit margin. You could do better, but just something to keep in mind. Might require a good chunk of change. New items are easy to sell at least though. Especially if you have the same thing. I've bought bulk new headphones and sold them on ebay with decent success. Only issue is it took $1,500 to get the product, then I had to compete with sellers in China.
Good call, that has been my experience as well. Forgot to mention that. Glad to help! I have good luck with just a bit higher dose one time per week. Might be worth a test.
@Focus That's excellent. This will really help improve your mood and your current situation. Are you taking the L Theanine frequently? From my research and experience you would want to leave a good bit of time in between use. I would recommend once a week, when you have a bad interaction or know you might be going into one. It is a lovely pair with deep meditations as well. One of my favorite nootropics. If you dose too frequently it will not be very noticeable. Was there a nutrition issue for what she prescribed? It sounded like you were also working with a counselor/therapist. As you go forward with that I would try not to involve anyone else. I had visited one, when I was younger with my mom and it really didn't get us any where. You might experience something different, but it sounds like you have got similar results. With the right therapist you can really work through some old traumas. I would be wary of any medications they try to offer though. This can be a good start for you to work on built up issues effecting you in the background. This exercise is a real gem too.
Hair tests can rule out stuff like copper poisoning, which is suppose to be similar effects to mercury poisoning. From my understanding chelating could actually cause you to collect more copper. You might find with a hair test that you just need some other minerals in general. Someone would not want to just take a higher dose of DMSA to provoke a pee test. Sensitivity could be very high for the person. However, you could do a pee test if you have already ramped up, but if you were mercury toxic I imagine you would know by then.
@Focus Sounds more positive towards the situation. How's your diet, exercise, and any mediation? These would help uplift your mood a lot if you haven't already addressed them.
Really high quality talk. Thanks for the share!
It's unlikely that you are going to be able to do anything that will change him. It will mostly come down to how you react to it and what you do moving forward. I've spent a good deal of time around similar people that have even got physically violent with me. It's not that simple, but you can distance from them and heal.
You might want to start building more space between both of you. It doesn't sound like you are quite able to just leave or get away from all of that. However, you are aware of the effect that it is having on you. I would work on minimizing all of the contact that you can with him. I realize that you are around him a lot, so when you don't have to be. This video should help: https://youtu.be/ll2DXQrVMp4 This situation sounds like it is really hindering your ability to progress in life. I would really think about all of the various ways that you could work on getting out of this situation. It will likely require you to change your job and living situations. Don't limit yourself on the possibilities. What opportunities are in other places around you? Other countries even? Focus on the things that you want in life. Write out the things that you want to happen most for you and review them daily. Put your focus and attention there.
I have the one Leo recommends for under the sink. Plus I have a counter top reverse osmosis system, which is Aquatru brand. I got it for $300 shipped new in the box from ebay, which was a great deal. I traveled to multiple states with it and I just used it because I lost an oring on the sink one. I was using it in many different hotels and preparing my own food. A bit of a hassle refilling it, but I found it much superior to a berkey or other filters I have had. I think it is the best of both worlds for portability and cleaning. Something that has more stages would be ideal, but four stages is pretty solid. The taste of the water is good as well. I would not mess around with cheap devices or simple filters for your water.
This is just some good experience. It takes some time to learn and adjust. Just make sure that you don't overlook areas for improvement.
I've been much more out of the groove of reselling. I had been kind of riding a wave from all of the work I did. Getting close to 1,300 listings now. Slowing this down to listing 10 per day. Trying to get a more steady pace going that is not just the peddle to the floor. My new inventory system is amazing. I have a barcode scanner and new stickers with barcodes. I can scan the items as I place them in a bin, so I no longer type the name of the item in to find it once it sells. I got a big 10x20 storage unit to expand business now too. I am back into the DVD business and it's a little slow to start. I will see how that goes. I've had quite a bit of fatigue for awhile now from doing this liver detox. It's been quite intense to be honest. I wasn't expecting to feel fatigued like this often. I've been diving deeper into really understanding more of this. It seems like environmental toxins are so important and most people just ignore it completely. I recently looked into paper mills as there is one a few miles from me. I guess that is the most unregulated kind of mill in the US. It even actually puts mercury into the air and water around it. My storage unit is right by this stuff, but I don't plan to spend much time there. I am a bit extra with this stuff, so maybe I will get some pollutant mask for being by it lol. I am allergic to dust anyway, so it's a double win. I am starting to notice how much more time during that day that I waste. Even if I slept in a couple hours I still have time to really do what I set out to do in a day. It seems like I just piss a lot of time away with the pc and phone. I think I need to add time limits for this forum to. There is a cool add on that just blocks it once you hit a certain time each day. I probably spend an hour a day or more I bet. Still this is my main media site and I don't really mess around with TV or games too much. With how I have been feeling I have to take it still a bit easy. I just added a down time from 10 to 10 on my phone as start to help there. Although, I mostly just look at ebay on there it still wastes time. I check my feedback and scroll on it too often. I think there is a good balance to be struck here. It is just a nice reminder though once I hit 30 minutes or something on a site.
I got started by loading up episodes that seemed interesting, then going on a walk. Did that for several hundred walks/jogs and got some really good results so far. Not too big on the walking or running these days though.
I had stopped talking to my Dad for 7 years. We talk occasionally every few months now. I have still pondered on just dropping the contact again, but he isn't too bad anymore. He seems decent, but people can put up a front for awhile. I still think he has probably made some improvements. I don't regret not talking to him at all in my case. He had a lot of issue to work on. I almost regret talking to him again just because I feel bad for not talking to him for months. He doesn't reach out to me, but wants me to contact him for whatever reason.
If the goal is just to leave your country, then I would cut all of this short and focus on that. Figure out all you can about being able to leave and what it will cost. If this is the only the way, then it might be the best option. Still I would dig deeper into finding all of the options available to you.
Why not just work on finding a job that you enjoy more?
@Dryas Focus on one thing at a time and really get it down. Once you start to get one area of your life down it starts to spill into the other areas. Money and health are both critical to focus on in my opinion first. Hard to do much else if you don't have your health or money. Ideally if you can figure out your life purpose earlier you can focus on getting your money through that too.
@flyingguitarist Elon is more on the unhealthy side of orange. The hustle culture type advice is what he gives from what I have seen. He also participates in what seems like pump and dump schemes in the crypto markets. You also don't become the first/second richest person in the world without a good amount of orange in you. The thing that makes Naval harder to pinpoint is that he is much more well read. That comes through more, when he speaks. However, reading a lot of books does not make someone yellow.
Average Investor replied to Insightful27's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You will most likely do it if that is what you are set on. Personally, I was offered LSD and things in my late teens, but never tried them luckily. I had such a bad foundation to work with though. Bad anxiety and many other things effecting my mental health. I don't think I would have had clean enough head space to make it work. I was about 23, when I first tried them I believe. Your situation is unique to you though, so you will have to decide what is the best. It seems like your are approaching this in a responsible manner that most people at 16 would not be. Keep doing your research and find the best practices for all of it. You will know when the time is right. -
I would say he is healthy stage orange dominantly. You get almost no sense of any stage green in any of the things that he says. Someone in teir 2 would have integrated stage green as well. His view of the world is basically that it is a a well oiled machine that can be mastered and manipulated through automation. His philosophy is to just learn coding and that will solve all of the problems we have. He doesn't seem to carry much systematic thinking or views on the world or topics he discusses. He doesn't seem to carry multiple perspectives. I have listened to him in pretty great length. His information on getting rich and building a business is solid. He doesn't seem to stray that far away from that though. Edit: I listened to that Joe Rogan interview and he does carry some green with the meditation and some of the ideas there. He is against a lot of other green stuff such as progressives and things like universal basic income. I did note that he can notice multiple perspectives in things like politics and how they clash, but can't seem to look through the lens himself. Instead just backs away from them. If you had just listened to the how to get rich, then it is pretty narrowed in on orange. He didn't seem to carry many models or systems to look through at things. I did note he mentioned a "model" early on, but it was just a basic way of going through life.
Average Investor replied to Average Investor's topic in Life Purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship, Finance
@Yarco Sadly the costs are almost identical in my small town to a big city right now. Although, it should go back down a little I imagine. There is hardly any places to rent here right now. I am starting to do wholesale DVDs again, which requires little time and effort. Buying about 4,000 units at a time and selling by the 100. I have a store that will split the profit and another I can place them in for $135 a month. So that is a good start. I pay about $10 a box and can easily get $35 each. I was getting $50 a box pretty quick if I took pictures of the inside and meet them. However, I am not interested in that. I don't check the contents of them either, but sell as is. About 90%+ of the box has the disc in usable shape. I did have someone help me with listings the last year. It ate up a fair amount of capital and I am not sure how worth it is. I am about 2X more efficient than them. Most of the time is more, cleaning, sorting, and taking photos. A big part of the issue is that the area I live in does not have consistently the same kind of items or high availability. I would be much more efficient if I just found one category of stuff all the time. I basically know about all sorts of electronics from kitchen goods, home audio, video games, printers, etc. That and a good mix of other one off items. I do a lot of stuff like parting out canister vacuums and such. I had actually found a guy on youtube that does about the same thing as me. He sells 30k in a month some months. The last month I sold 10k, which is the most I have done. I get about 50% profit margins on that too. The places he can go to are way better than mine though. I simply just don't have that kind of access to those places here. I have 3 stores close by. Anything else is over an hour and would require me getting up at 4am, which is not really that practical. I have done that though. One store by me though I have a good connection at, he sells me quality items for $1-$5 each everyday. I don't think that is the route I want to go, but that might be the most viable way that I know to make a living right now. I've been debating on trying to sell most of my store, which is 1250 items plus about 300-400 unlisted this quarter 4. I would have at least a decent chunk of change around to maybe take time to learn new skills or start a different business. If all fails once summer starts to roll around I would be right back into it with ease. Edit: That and with anything that I have learned about making money this just doesn't seem that good. It requires too much labor and money to scale anywhere. I need to find something I can make or do with zero cost of replication to really scale well. That's not to say I can maybe do some of this in the mean time. I want to build a business that I am passionate about that scales much better than this. -
I've been into reselling online for a couple years now and it has started to do fairly well. I'm pretty getting fairly close to being able to sustain myself independently. It's a bit of a bottle neck living in a small town versus near a large city for what I do. So I think if I did get closer to a better area, then there could be a lot of potential to be financially independent from that. This business is pretty fun and I don't mind it too much. It's really repetitive though in some sense and a grind. I feel kind of a sense to move on from this, but I really have nothing else in motion that would replace it. It makes more sense to me to continue doing this versus working a job. I've been working with the life purpose course of the last couple years. I didn't fully complete it, but I have fully restarted it and I am closing in on completion pretty soon. I have read almost all of the life purpose books as well. It's been on my mind a lot and I have a pretty good amount of clarity on my top values and strengths. I've had life purpose in mind for probably close to 4 years now. I realize I need to hone on this more and really get to it, but it's been a bit tough being on the grind with my business. My zone of genius is solving problems. Problems for other people at least that is what I have got out of it. My top values are health, wisdom, and personal growth. I've been taking little bets with stuff. I've done some business coaching free for a couple years with pretty good success. I tried some life coaching, but not enough really to get a full taste of it. I'm a bit too young to really teach someone or guide someone through that many facets of life. More so health or business if I were to specialize in something. I have been into toast masters for a couple years. Started from doing youtube videos about personal devlopment. However, I lost steam on that after burning out and just needing money really. That seemed pretty fun and intriguing. It's been on my mind about doing a business there, but it seems kind of impractical cash wise. I would probably hone in on health as a niche this time around. That path in general seems pretty intriguing. However, I have lacked deep commitment to any field. I've got a bit of ideas floating around, but I have not really come up with a business idea that I needed to seize. Nothing really outside of the scope of doing youtube or something similar has come to mind. I could probably start just about any copy and paste business if I wanted, but I am not looking to piss away more years of my life. It feels kind of like I have been in this same loop of trying to figure this out for years. I've made some serious tangible results in my life in the mean time, but it feels like I have just hit a celling because of this. Finances and really a solid direction of what I want to do with my life. I feel like I am just pissing most of time away with reselling. Sure, if I keep working at it there results will be getting better and better though. What would you do to get past this? You guys guys give some pretty solid advice here, so any ideas, suggestions, etc are welcome.
Average Investor replied to Average Investor's topic in Life Purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship, Finance
I have updated the thread with the post now. -
You have to make it a top priority. For me I would rather not eat if I cannot buy my healthy foods. I will do whatever it takes to make more money to buy the foods that I want to eat. What would change in your life if you ate this way? More energy? Better Health? Better figure? You need a good vision of what you are going to get from this. If it is so important you will make sure that no matter what that you eat healthy foods. Consider saving up and investing in a bit of cookware too. I would recommend an instant pot because it is fairly minimal in counter space compared to what it can provide. A good cutting board and knife would be a good investment as well.