Average Investor
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Average Investor replied to eTorro's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Preety_India I've never seen an active shooter run away from their victims. -
Average Investor replied to eTorro's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I spent several hours actually watching the defense of this case and getting a feel for what actually happened. It seems as though the person that gave Kyle the gun was responsible for the gun charges, which they got dropped because the state wanted the person to testify against Kyle. That seemed to actually help his case. He came there to put out fires, provide first aid, and protect businesses. He was carrying the gun to protect himself if he did get attacked, which he did. Honestly, if he came there without that gun and was still with the same group, then Kyle would possibly be the one dead. Assuming that things still went similarly to how they did. He managed himself very well and did not just go spouting out bullets. All of the attackers were attempting to apply lethal force to him, and one literally pointed a gun at him. I am not sure how Kyle managed to remain so calm in selecting his targets after being hit in the head so many times. If you watch his own words on the defense it was extremely traumatic to him. He has some serious PTSD from this situation. Still he shouldn't have been there in the first place, but he had just as much rights to be there as his attackers. It boggles my mind that people are protesting and upset over the people who died, or got injured from that. Sure, it is sad that it happened, but who is seriously going to defend those guys trying to kill a 17 year old that was running away from them? -
Average Investor replied to EntheogenTruthSeeker's topic in Life Purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship, Finance
So it sounds like you have some stuff to work on there then. A big part of enjoying something is really just the attitude towards it. When I worked at burger king I actually had a good bit of fun. I convinced them to let me do the register instead of preparing burgers and stuff. The customers loved me. I actually got three job offers just while running the inside cash register for maybe 6 months or so. I would try to beat the cash register on adding up the totals before it would. That and just had a good attitude and went above my position. Set some things for you to do or work on that makes it fun. Maybe you get work on trying to get the ladies to laugh? Or just to simply make it fun in some way. -
Average Investor replied to EntheogenTruthSeeker's topic in Life Purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship, Finance
It might be good for you to work on integrating this with your spiritual devlopment. Read the ten ox herding pictures if you haven't already. You could also work on reframing how you look at it. Why not build some goals with the income there? Since maybe you are in retail you could use that to get better at talking to girls? Why not practice socializing there? I've never not learned something valuable from any job I have had. Even if I hated it, or it was bad pay with a lot of work. Also, you could start applying for more jobs that you would be more passionate about, or interested in. -
Average Investor replied to MarkKol's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Apple for sure has a fair amount of exploitation in with their manufacturing. However, this initial greed is also a big part of the reason you were able to type what you wrote. Apple innovated heavily with Steve Jobs around. I've seen some BS around people losing feeling in their fingers, that work on the Iphone from chemicals. I bought my first pair of leather boots the other day. Then I remembered hearing about people not liking that. I looked it up and of course it comes from slaughtering animals. Those boots could probably help get me laid though. So I guess you have to pick your battles. -
I had a break up about 3 years ago. Took awhile to heal, but it really vaulted my growth tremendously. So just get through the tuff part and things will start to look up as you get into the next chapter. It sounds like you have a lot of the basic material stuff handled. It might be time to consider some deep personal devlopment and spirituality. It sounds you might benefit from working on emotional mastery and removing destructive habits. I personally found my neediness to wane the more I was able to improve my happiness. I found quitting weed, alcohol, and nicotine made a huge difference here for me. That and building a stronger inner peace with meditation and doing things I enjoy.
@Ramzi08 Relationships will usually dissolve over a need not being met by one party. If you notice in every relationship you have, there is some sort of thing each party is giving to each other. Over time this can change depending on what the person needs. If there is no new need that could be met, or one party is not giving enough, then it can end. I would not take it too personally though. It sounds like you have maybe only been friends for 5 months. That is really not that long of a time to build a solid foundation for a friendship. I would suggest working on finding more friends, so you are not as reliant on having one friend. You can also work on identifying the needs that you have and the friends that you have are. Then working on consciously filling and expressing those with them.
It can take some time, but you will meet people who are like minded to you. My main friends are actually just people I meet from this site. Locally, is quite lame in my town and I got rid of nearly all of my local friends a few years ago. What worked for me is just talking about common interests on here. You will eventually work into meeting people on here. I've actually had an online friend for about 3 years now that I meet on here. He sent me a message sharing a video about working out, which transpired into us talking regularly.
@Hello from Russia Reminds me of something Owen Cook would say. It was something a long the lines of "feature your flaws." Wish I could find the video, but it is encouraging to know that people can work around any issue.
It sounds like something that could be improved. I would see if you can target the anxiousness as a main goal first. I've seen people in their 70s improve with this stuff a good bit, even though it has been an issue for most of their life. It will be a bit though, but I imagine if you really dedicate to training public speaking, then you could make some serious progress.
I found myself to be much more grounded and happy without it. For me life seems like much more of a haze if I smoking even once a month. I get a lot of states that feel much better naturally now too. I would also prefer to trip instead, but even with that I haven't in a year. I haven't smoked weed in about two years. Probably starting to get closer to three.
Yeah, I would let them know what is going on. It would hurt them much more to just ignore them. You can get past this though too. I use to have terrible anxiety in stores and places like that. It will take some time, but this kind of work you are seeing on the forum will put you on the right track. I get really bad anxiety with consuming even tiny amounts of caffeine. Not saying that is the cause, but life style can play a big part in this. So something to consider would be to work on your diet and exercise if you can. Mediation is amazing for anxiety as well.
This guy sound super lame. I admit that I was not that great with women, when I was younger. This is pretty bad though haha. You might need to watch the how to get laid video and start using some of the pick up techniques in this forum on him. Maybe even some kino escalation, to get the kiss.
Average Investor replied to blessedlion1993's topic in Life Purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship, Finance
This would expect you to get about a 8% return on your money. The other 4% pays for inflation etc. If you just drew 4% and made 4% your money would actually have less spending power yearly. So that is why the 4% rule would imply that you got 8%. Sure, right now even granny could do 10% in the stock market I bet. However, the markets don't always move like this. Sure, really the main ways to get rich are investing, business, or being some sort of celebrity. So you just really need to knock it out of the park with one of these. If you could build up something like a nice real-estate portfolio of a few buildings that make closer to 15% return a year, then that could make some serious cash. Compound interest is nice as well. So the sooner that you get to investing the better. Keep in mind though that with investing you are not just limited to big stocks or real estate. You can invest in local companies and earn through them as well. Multiple sources of income is really the most ideal. So even if you had a nice chunk of change invested to do something like the 4% rule it is hard to rely on that. Especially if the markets go down. Even a really good stock picker is going to have some loses. So I would not just rely on something such as picking stocks unless you intend to master that. The richest people are always really diversified with their investments. I have found for myself it is a lot of headache sometimes to go out and look for new investments. It hogs a lot of mental energy and thought as well. I intended to be more diversified as I grow my capital more. -
Don't rush into that just because you hit some certain age. Wait for the right opportunity to present itself. You don't want to rush into something and lock yourself down with someone like that. Let things happen naturally and really ponder what is best for you in life. What would be wrong if you married at 38?
I live in a similar sized town. I occasionally meet a girl that is attracted to me. Not much to pick from though. I have went to the bars here and it is super lame. No friend circle locally really. Doesn't really have a whole lot of value here.
@Leo Gura It works now. Thank you!
I got this too. I imagine this is effecting more people as well. I would just wait to see if it gets fixed.
With removing the Amalgams it probably saved you a lot of the potential pain of your increase in mercury. In my case I don't have any of those. However, I have lived by a paper mill most of my life. Which turns out to put mercury into the air. I have also cleaned up a florescent light that boke as a kid, which exposed me then. I've read most of Cutler' s 1999 book on it and done a good bit of research so far. I'm still hesitant to just jump right into it, but I am open to it. I did go into that group and asked about people giving testimonials for issues I had. I was referred to the search bar, which actually yielded very little. That group is too restricted to even have an open minded discussion on it too.
@PurpleTree I would recommend taking the time to do proper testing and investigation on the topic. Also, before even considering it I would work on gut and liver health. You might also have other conditions that are bothering you that need to be addressed. Getting your overall life style to a clean level would make a massive difference for most people as well. I'm in the same boat as you, but I have made some massive progress doing all natural processes to heal. However, this protocol seems to have a good amount of validity. It makes it tough though reading a report like this without a really clear result. It really depends what you are trying to get out of it and what issues you have. Brain fog, fatigue, and things like that might be much more easily addressed with something as simple as getting better sleep. However, they are not the only solution.
@somegirl I've been watching this thread for a bit. Glad you finally asked him out! Good work! Have fun!
By the time you are so loaded with debt (depending on country) and get things stable, you are looking at like 10 years. You could probably just land a decent job and work your way up, while doing all of your art on side. You can get creative with how you monetize the art too. You can make tutorials, teach, coach, etc.
@Javfly33 I think more of the issue is revolving around this, then porn in general. You likely have some trauma that you have not dealt with that is allowing this to linger on as an issue in your life. You should consider doing some shadow work on this to really help get some results. You might be able to amplify this kind of work with psychedelics as well.
@EntheogenTruthSeeker No problem. I should caution that if you believe you have SIBO that gut protocol will not help. I did actually do it with SIBO and it did help temporarily, but it has stuff that feeds SIBO in it. You made no mention of that, but it seems common on this forum, so figured I would say that warning. I also recommend that you deeply familiarize yourself with Amalgam Illness and The mercury detoxification manual by Andy Culter if you plan to chelate. Don't mess around with this stuff until you have a good understanding of it. The gut protocol and stuff I mentioned is much more forgiving though for sure.
@EntheogenTruthSeeker Try out the book The Toxin Solution By Joseph Pizzorno. That would give you a good start. It does have protocols in that book as well.