Average Investor

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Everything posted by Average Investor

  1. I experience this a bit sometimes too. I have a bad allergy to dust and I did a huge amount of dusting and cleaning vacuum cleaners and computers yesterday. So my sleep wasn't that great and I feel some fatigue today. Just writing that I realize I should take some of my allergy herb. However, this morning I slept in a couple hours because I took melatonin at 2am. It's been a slow cycle. I have sat on the pc for awhile and I don't particularly have much I have to do right away. However, I got myself to do some yoga, meditate, and sure I did waste a good amount of hours on the pc. I think a lot of it is just the aimlessness or avoiding the emotion with myself in this situation. If I just focused on reading a book or something I would feel great. If I had a video that I set out to watch and did that would feel good too. Just aimlessly being on the pc does not put me in a good state. So maybe more acknowledgement of this will help you. That and even just actually committing to relaxing or resting will feel much better. Instead of being stuck in a loop of how much I could be getting done, or how much time I wasting. I would even feel better playing a game if that is what I wanted to do. Rest and rebuild the morale. Most people act without much thinking at all, so these don't sound like things you are struggling with. The more you love yourself, then the easier it will be to make choices in your life that creates more love. Enjoy your JRE
  2. More so letting go of the thoughts and stories that are perpetuating that feeling. Sometimes things don't always go as planned, but you will look back on it and realize that it ultimately lead you in the right direction. Make an action plan going forward of what you are in control of and take action to get the life you want. Maybe take some time to reflect on your feelings and what you want. It's not all about just stuffing down your emotions and being productive. A good day of relaxing and rest might be of more use. You could also consider doing something fun or creative.
  3. Work on adding some other teachers into the mix that you resonate with. I have had good periods of time where I did listen to Leo daily. I have listened to a ton of it at this point. I don't find myself needing to listen to it nearly as much these days. More focused on getting things into practice. It's nice though to refresh on topics that I am working on and check out the new content. I think a big part of this kind of work is really just getting the theory down. Depending on how long you have been doing this it can take awhile. A lot of this stuff is not in modern culture. You will reach a point after a few years where you have consumed a lot of this and are ready to really put this into practice. Try to find a good balance though. Just listening to this stuff all day will have some results, but if you put effort into things discussed that is where you will get the big results. Try to take action on the practices presented in the videos. Maybe even study a video a few times while you are working on it.
  4. @Leo Gura I was doing a liver detox and my pee looked like an energy drink for a few days lol.
  5. I would need to build my income higher for someone to want to rent to me in an area like that. Have a few things to work on with that. I would expect it to cost several thousand to move to somewhere as well. The cheapest apartments I have been seeing are about $1,200 a month in a city. Generally most places will want you making 3x or 4x that. Not sure how much I really care about doing game either. Don't feel any need for women really. Don't feel a big urge to go get some sex. It would be good for my growth though.
  6. It's pretty hard to believe how much my reselling business has grown this year. It feels like I have finally got my health right and my work ethic. I can basically work all day, but I slug around a bit in the earlier day. I've made so many improvements to the business and I am still working on it a lot. I've finally started to say no to a lot of categories that distract me and start focusing in on a few niches. I think if I can keep going with the niches, then I could really have something going with this. My DVD business has been doing phenomenal. I actually had a hard time keeping my DVDs in stock recently, which is just amazing. Sucks a bit that the guy I work with there owes me $600 though lol. He's been good at paying me and I have made a lot from this so far. I am basically in at pure profit on these at this point just from the amount of leverage they have given me to get inventory. I'm going to start making youtube videos again, but more just for fun and expression. I don't really know what route that I want to go with that, or if that is even the thing. I don't want to overdue it like did last time. Just have a fun creative outlet for me to try something. I could dream of something like that being my income though. Some sort of residual income from making something like that sounds amazing. In the mean time though things seem to be going well enough with what I am doing. Not to say that I am not wanting to pursue an LP. I just need more time to actually dip my toes into stuff. I haven't really been taking my speaking training nearly as seriously as I could be either. If I had to make a speech each week, then that would really boost my skills. I feel like I have really been missing out on a lot of reading from working so much. I think that I have to make a better effort to put that to the top. I have been loving the stuff I read. I think so far my favorite thing to read is biographies. I am going to really keep at it this month as this is quarter 4. Hopefully, I can really kill it with sales. I feel like I could hit a record month possibly with the momentum that I have going. However, I do feel an urge to start to trip a bit again and really contemplate where the next direction in my life should be. I can't just burry myself in work all the time, but it is hard not to.
  7. @Alfonsoo That's setting the bar pretty low with the average American diet lol. I would imagine there could be some complications with only eating meat though for an entire life span versus the SAD diet. Even with the SAD diet being so bad people still live pretty long.
  8. Disciplined long term investing is well worthwhile. Trying to get rich quick in the markets is not. It really depends what you are looking for with investing. How much time you dedicate to investing is going to generally effect the return you get as well. What you invest in will also play a big part in that. Most businesses could be started out with a few thousand dollars. Most of the markets right now are close to an all time high. I doubt many are going to be moving that fast. It takes a lot to get a few hundred bucks to turn into a few thousand dollars with investing. It is doable, but if you bite the bullet and just work to make the money, then that is more ideal. Generally, you have to work your ass off to get a business working well. 60-80 hour weeks are not uncommon to start out a business. That's really what it is going to take to get your project off the ground. Investing would generally would take 40 years of consistent investing to live off, or have a consistent quality stream of income.
  9. You might be able to find that the item could pair nicely still with something like red wine vinegar uncooked. This would give you stuff like resveratrol and leave it undamaged. Plus still give you that taste. You could maybe pair the dish with a small glass of red wine too. I'm not sure of negative effects from cooking the alcohol, but I do know that it would diminish the benefits of something like red wine vinegar. I would probably be more concerned with eating high amounts of red meat though.
  10. The average person in the US consumes about 5 grams of plastic per week. Most of that plastic is coming from tap water and bottled water. Plastic is potentially linked to all sorts of harm to the body, so it would be worth considering something to remove them. Problem is if you go with a really cheap filter it is not going to get the plastics, or fluoride usually. Plus whatever old stuff is in the pipes or tank that your water is coming from too might get in. I would recommend getting glass bottles as that would be a cheap start to move away from that. Stainless steel is fine too, but some of the coating on that type of stuff seems to be plastic as well. This would be a decent start to getting away from that. A reverse osmosis system is going to be most effective at removing nano plastics and microplastics. I find a reverse osmosis system to be much faster than something like a Berkey as well. If you are short on space and you cannot install something, then I would get a Aquatru personally. It will set you back like $400, but it is totally worth it. If you can install something then get a good under counter system with about 5+ stages. Something that will add minerals to the water is good as well. Just make sure you look into what is being added. I've owned quite a few different water systems now. I have had a berkey, and various pitcher ones. I have a 6 stage under the sink system currently and a Aquatru for travel. The problem with this kind of stuff is that it just gradually poison's you. It makes it hard to justify $400 on something, then go through all of the hassle of researching and setting it up.
  11. @Vision A well diversified portfolio is good. You can get a good range of ETFs and other assets. It will come down to your knowledge, risk tolerance, and capital. I would recommend a fund that will allow you to pay the least taxes on the gains as well. Something like a Roth IRA.
  12. I love some sad music, even if I don't feel sad myself. Listening to people articulate that emotion can have it's own beauty to it. Maybe there is some type expression of sadness that you enjoy?
  13. Back when I worked at burger king a big plastic bag from the nuggets fell into the fryer. It disintegrated into the oil. The manager didn't care and I am sure a lot of food went out that was cooked in that for the day. This kind of reminds me of that lol. I would avoid even heating your food on a plastic tray in the microwave. So much plastic gets into your body as it is. Plastic is potentially linked to all sorts of things like diabetes and cancer. Not to mention, when you are heating it up like that you are causing other chemical reactions and making it easier for it to leech into your foods.
  14. https://www.fiverr.com/ A good logo won't be 5 bucks, but this a good place to go.
  15. Maybe it could have been an experience of remote viewing. I have seen myself from another angle in a room one time. So maybe it was something similar to that.
  16. I have a bit of an issue with this too. I run an air purifier all the time and it typically takes away from me hearing that.
  17. I did talk with @TheSomeBody about how to do this technique. It seems pretty promising. If I get some results I will for sure post back here!
  18. @Adodd Those two videos won't be of much use until you understand the stages. Start with watching the stage purple, then red, blue, orange, green, yellow, and turquoise. I would recommend reading the book to get a deeper clarity and understanding of the model. His videos that were released earlier did not quite cover as much in the book. Plus it takes a good 50 hours of studying this to really understand it.
  19. I did apply for the apartment. I am ready to move out. I know it will probably take a bit though since I have basically no credit. Hopefully, someone might consider it though.
  20. I have seen people have good luck kissing this kind of bosses ass. However, no one likes to be around that. Work on getting what you can from that location and do what you can to move on. I had a similar boss one time and it did not last long for me. The guy was pretty crazy though mixed with the style you were talking about. He basically hated all of the men and went off on crazy things. He would harass any women there and eventually the company got sued for him sexually harassing them. The guy who owned it would drive that guy around like it was his evil henchmen to all of his franchise he ran of the same company. Most older men I have encountered are like this. I can imagine they are just passing it down from other generations of beating their children, drinking a lot, and doing the same mundane job for 40 years.
  21. I've been stuck in rut for a bit it seems like with my motivation, but it seems to be coming back. I am working on designing a dream board and really starting to focus on stuff that I want. I had just looked today and I actually had seen an apartment for $950 a month, which is actually really cheap compared to what I have seen here recently. This one would actually be nice. I have stayed there before actually. It's only about 3-4 minutes from where I live now, but I would be fully independent there. It had two rooms too! I could have one youtube room, one ebay room, and shit I could sleep anywhere really lol. I really need to get on building credit as soon as I can. I am going to research more, when the best time to get an apartment at the best price would be. If I had to guess it would be summer time right now. It would make more sense, because when my lease ends it would most likely be summer time again and I could find another one for cheap. Plus this gives me a bit of a run way to work with. I think I could handle this now if I did go though. I would really be working my ass off though. I have been starting to get more thought on doing youtube more. I am starting to pick out all of the gear that I would need to start doing it. It's a bit tough because I am still quite focused on my reselling business, but I think once I get some more systems in place I could do it. I feel like I am ready to start doing work in my life that I can channel more focus and energy on. I want to make something that I just really enjoy doing. There more and more I have learned with everything is that I need to just be content with myself. I can't rely on anyone to make me happy or fill my time. I enjoy time with others, but with something like this I can create it how I want. Something that puts me in the direction I want I suppose. Like a compass for my life.
  22. When I was in vegas there was almost an attractive girl every few minutes I could find it seemed like. I spent a week there and encountered the most amount of attractive girls I have seen in my life time lol. I see certain times of the year I can literally fly down there for $60 and some nice hotels are literally like $50 a night. I plan to go back and practice some game at some point. Although, I might move to a larger city to practice first. @Leo Gura Have you every found high volume of girls that are near tier 2 devlopment?
  23. I have had some good luck with brining the room temp to 67F. I heard there was studies on it that proved it helped individuals sleep the most. I would recommend turning on night shift on your pc and phone a couple hours before bed. Adjust it to be more amber for sure. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B097XVQNDZ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Try out these bulbs in your room and other places. It will take a little to adjust your eyes to them, but it helps a lot. I notice myself being able to sleep much faster. I also do a 15 minute meditation before bed to help calm my mind more. I keep some spare melatonin in my room for those nights that I know I might not be able to sleep well. I've had some tremendous results doing this. I was even able to train myself to sleep on my back every night with adding this stuff, which cured all of my wrist pain that I have had for years.
  24. I would have a suspicion that edibles could be a cause for low energy. Stress can really play a big factor in that too. If you are able to maybe go try a float tank, message, or just invest at least a day into some relaxing recovery. With cutting out substances I know how it can get energy wise. You sometimes just have those days that are rough. It took me a few years to not have any sort of nicotine withdraw. Although, after the first month or so it was substantially easier.
  25. @Raptorsin7 I should note that I never did look up why the riot took place. I don't watch the news and only looked into this because my friend mentioned it. I would consider myself more of a progressive, which doesn't seem to "fit" my view point on this. I would still hold the same view if this guy was completely decked out in Donald trump clothing. Although, maybe a couple hits in the head could have been deserved.