Average Investor
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@Phil777 Your body would naturally just ejaculate in your sleep at some point though too. So I think that would have an effect on it. I think for mine I was still taking maca root during that round. I cannot recall now, but I had tried it with and without. The maca makes it quite intense. It doesn't seem to much of a hindrance to me to ejaculate. I could see some benefits for sure on abstaining, but I think there is a balance for sure. Takes a lot of focus to get there.
One benefit I had after a few months of semen retention was that I started pissing out chunks of semen. I thought that if it continued to get more painful I was going to have to go to the hospital. I could really feel a strong alertness during this. Another benefit I got was not being able to sleep at night from being too horny. That and just being distracted during the day from not being able to ejaculate. I would also eye fuck basically any girl that was at a decent level of attractiveness. Having to restrain myself just for the sheer fact that the quality wasn't up to par. Also, if you want to up the effects of semen retention, then take some daily maca root.
Blasting yourself with a bunch of different nootropics at once is not really going to work. Not saying that is your plan, but you have so much there it would take quite awhile to test. Some nootropics can literally take months to even work just for one. That and you would really need to know all of the best practices for each given substance. You might have a bad reaction to one, or a good reaction to another and still not be sure what did it. You would want to slowly try one at a time and actually note the effects. You might have issues from them that you don't even notice if you don't give them time to really look I really enjoy L-Theanine for a calming effect. It helps a lot with meditation, but isn't too great for productivity. It's one you would want to cycle in once a week or so for the best results. You might find it helpful. Also, I feel as though diet can play a big role in this as well. So depending on your current diet you could possibly get some good results just on that. I had been diagnosed with ADHD, when I was younger and my Dad has it. I have tried some of those on there like ginseng and alpha GPC and they did not help. They were more for energy it seemed like.
I am getting ready to move out in under 45 days. Lot of bills and bullshit that I need to handle too. I really want to get a little bit of work on my car too. I owe about $800 or so in taxes this quarter. My yearly phone bill etc. I would expect it to cost me about 3k to get into an apartment too. I really don't want to sell any investments, but I might have to. My ebay sales have been really good, but it still seems like it has not been that crazy. It has made it easier. I am not sure how next month is going to look though. I started putting more sales on my items and paying a bit more to promote them. I would like to sell a lot too just because it will be less stuff I have to move, when I relocate. I have been having some anxiety about this for sure. It's tempting to stay in this town, but I know if I move to the city I want to go my income would easily grow with it. I would live by an amazing place to buy electronics at 69 cents a pound. I am a bit worried that it could be tough to get approved for a place. I make like 2-3k a month and most places want 3x rent. I would likely pay about 1,100 in rent. I also have really shitty credit because I never use it. I am going to get a credit card and build it, but that probably won't effect my credit much before I apply there. Some places probably would take it, but would want an even higher deposit. Which if I am already dropping 3k is pretty insane. I don't want to settle for some bullshit place that is not closer to this area. To be fair this is the only area I could find with a decent amount of places for rent. Anything close to me is maybe like $100-$200 cheaper, but in a bad place of town. I don't know how great it is there though to be fair. I am planning on looking into the crimes in the area before I rent too. Plus this area has clubs all around it too it seems like. I am not sure how much I want to try game or anything, but I would be a couple minutes away from some good night life.
@GrowthPilgrim You could do that for sure. Problem is if you plan to cook and drink with it starts adding up. I recall using sometimes five gallons of water a day depending on what I was doing. I would even wash off my fruits etc with purified water. However, maybe a couple of gallons for just cooking and drinking. I would imagine glass water like that is about $2 or so a liter. That would add up very fast and just be a pain in the ass to use. After a month or so of that you might as well have just bought a nice RO system.
I've never worked for a dealer, but selling cars is pretty fun. I have sold about 5-10 cars. If you are motivated and get commission this would be a fast way to make money. Get good at advertising the cars online and closing sales. This would be great sales experience.
If you intended to stop the round, then I would treat it like you stopped the round. So if you don't take anything within 4 hours the round is over.
@Alfonsoo I have no direct experience using those units. However, if you want send me some links and I can could give you my opinion.
I am really going to keep working at moving out. The amount of manipulation here is becoming to unsettling. Constant gaslighting and no desire to improve or communicate. I have to admit that I am guilty of not helping out more. However, at a certain point the amount of nagging and asking for things that don't make sense, hits a point where I cannot stand it. I am actually quite calm with being around people who try to instigate arguments with me. It seems seldom I argue these days. To be fair it is just pointless to even object usually. People tend to not want to change their way of thinking or their perception. I am quite good at rejecting peoples bad vibes too. I notice I still have a good bit of this victim mentality. I don't think like a winner enough in my life. There is really no reason I cannot have a good place to live and a good income. I think I have went to easy on myself for too long with things. It's been difficult with my health and energy, but it isn't too bad now. I still wonder if something health related effects my attention or motivation. I feel more inclined to try the metal detoxing in hopes that it clears up my mind more and gives me more energy. Even then I should be able to get the things that I want in life. I think being strategic is important for this though too. I think that I have a bad perceptions on dating and relationships just from what I have seen in my life. Both of my parents are quite dysfunctional. With how they treat me, but even how they treat their spouses. The amount of just sheer manipulation and literally physical abuse I have seen hasn't helped. I have found myself to be very avoidant with relationships these days. I was watching a video and I notice that I have a lot to work on in this area. I have a hard time committing to things. I lack a lot of results in my life from just not committing. Supposedly people do that to get a feeling of power in their life, which I think I have done to some extent. I cannot be hurt by someone if I don't date them, or fail at something if I don't try. I think I have some susceptibility of dating people who are not as valuable as me. I was unconsciously using that as a way to make me valuable. Like where the other person could not lose me in a sense. I have even kind of had a small fantasy of basically just "saving" a random girl. In the sense of being able to provide so much value to them, that they cannot return it. I am not sure how to put that into wording exactly. Basically, they wouldn't want to lose me at all. There is nothing wrong with me that I could not date a high quality person. I don't need to date people that are inferior. I have done this actually quite a bit in the past.
@kieranperez I don't have any recommendations for $100. I can't imagine there is anything worthwhile. I would drink bottled reverse osmosis water and save up in your position. You could potentially try to get a smaller version of the Berkey, or Look for a deal on the Aquatru on ebay. You might be able to get one below $300. I have not explored all of the counter top pressure systems, but you might be able to find one for a few hundred too.
I would be careful going cheap on something like a water filter. Water is a big source of toxins. Too cheap and you might as well just buy bottled water, which is full of micro plastics. A lot of the lower end systems are not even able to filter out stuff like fluoride. You will want a device that has 4+ filters and ideally would remineralize your water. You can add your own minerals if it comes to it. Things like calcium is more common to be added. Also, I would try to find a unit that can kill bacteria in the tank. These types of units usually run about $600 or so. However, I have seen some stuff that suggests that bacteria could build up in the tank and get to the user. Since the tank is after the filter it won't do a whole lot of use. The units that will kill bacteria have UV light added to the tank. I have not seen other methods of killing the bacteria, but I would avoid chemicals. I would really recommend spending about $400 for something to be installed under your sink. You could spend $100 or so and have someone install it, but it can be done DIY in an hour or so. You would also spend about $300-$400 a year on new filters. If you are completely not able to install something, then there are some counter top options that work well. I would buy these though only if you cannot get one for under the sink. I would go with one that can hook into the end of your faucet if possible. Go for 4+ stages of filtration. As a last option you can get a Aquatru or a berkey water filter. These would still do the job, but not as powerful as a pressure reverse osmosis system. The berkey is a big pain in the ass to refill and wait on the water. It also does not feature as many filters. Water taste is okay, but not that great. Aquatru would be a good unit at about $300-$400 range. You will need to add minerals to the water though. It will be much faster, than the berkey and easier to fill. Seems to be comparable to quality to the berkey, but with more stages and the fast it is a reverse osmosis system it should be getting finer contaminants like nano plastics. The water taste is quite high quality. Anything really below these I would not bother with them. Some $25 pitcher is not going to give you clean water.
@Yali Given how combative and close minded you are it would be a waste of my time.
@Yali For all I know Leo is sponsored by Nestle. I don't know what my comment has to do with him. I've formed my opinions on these products before he has mentioned it.
@Michael569 Nestle owns garden of life. Their products seem appealing, but just knowing all of the evil shit this company is involved in I would not mess with it. I have also seen a lot or reports for the metals as well. https://youtu.be/MRWWK-iW_zU?t=277
I run a filter queen am4000 model. I think probably from the early 2000s. I run into these pretty often at garage sales for a few bucks. I can get all of the filters for about $140-$200 per year. It really collects a lot of stuff. The charcoal filter is always full of pet fur after 6 months and I don't even allow them in my room. I am allergic to dust and I would say it really helps all over all. I am sure you could research potentially better units though. I know the vacuums they are offer are hospital grade hepa, but I am not sure with this filter. On the same not eI would say to make sure you only buy genuine filters not matter what you buy, so factor in how much those will be and how often you will change them. I would recommend placing the filter in the room that you spend the most time in. Also, there is all sorts of toxins that get into the air. Mold spores, dust (full of plastics and other harmful thing), that and just any toxic contents in the air. It is worse if you have carpet in your room as well.
@Thought Art I know the best tap water in the world isn't saying much haha. Still though, it will make it easier for your filter to collect it all and not go bad as fast. Here in the US I know there there was a year that lead pipes were banned, but they still kept the ones already in the ground legal. So When apartment hunting I try to look for places built after the ban. Same with lead paint here. Some things like this can help a lot. A lot of the cheaper apartments might seem like a good deal, but typically come at the cost of more exposure to toxins like mold and lead. I am happy to hear it. I am glad to help.
@Thought Art In Canada you also have some of the best water in the world from the tap, so I think overall it is pretty good. I have even see some videos of people turning coke into drinking water with that unit and they said it was water, so it is pretty strong. The taste was notably good even cleaning my local water that is quite hard. I did notice that water from the aquatru left no white hard water residue on cups as well. Just having something like this in general is a great step towards good health. Personally, I would find other health investments before even considering an upgrade or anything with this. You can also get rid of a lot of toxic chemicals from your life for free or cheap. There is an app called thinkdirty that will let you scan barcodes of items. It will show you all of the toxic chemicals and give suggestions on less toxic items. I would personally go that route next if you want to continue to reduce exposure to toxins.
One of the more difficult things I found, when researching these things is you pretty much would need to send the water in your self if you want to verify what is really done. From all of the research I did this unit was the best that didn't require any heavy installation. Personally, I would change out all filters every 6 months if you intend to use it regularly. That's really going to give you the cleanest water. I spend about $300-$400 per year just in filters for my under stink system. Of course if you had the option to install something under the sink, then there is better options with more stages. However, for the price and installation ease this is solid. You would be drinking cleaner water than most of the world with this IMO. I would much prefer this to buying bottled water or any of the other non-installation systems. I actually have one of these for travel and I love it.
Generally, there is just enough new posts notifications, so I don't typically spend more than 30 minutes here in a day. There is some seriously amazing stuff to be found on here. Just have to dig a little bit each day.
https://youtu.be/PMBSvs3_Bvw I feel so inspired to keep making more content right now. It's very enjoyable to make thumbnails as well. I am not really sure what I am going to do with it, or what the real direction will be, but I really want to train my speaking skills. I always say that I am going to do it and I am not really putting in enough effort. I really need to make a routine that is actually really fun for me to train with. I think just doing a video a week itself is already a lot more training, than I had been doing. Still, I want to do more. I want to compete again this year in the toastmasters competitions. I should have been training harder sooner, but this will work. I don't care too much about winning, but I really want to build the discipline to train. I notice there is some limiting beliefs in terms what is possible for growth on youtube. Of course I wish I had kept making videos since 2014, when I started. Or really had just continued any other channel I had, but those were not the right topics for me. I really enjoy learning about personal devlopment and doing stuff related to it. I suppose with spirituality, these seem like the highest things in life to pursue. I suppose one of my biggest issues is really just putting in the commitment. This time around I want to do things at pace and make sure I actually enjoy it. I feel so excited to know that I published a piece of content and that someone else could enjoy it. I have been considering joining a paid reseller group with the biggest clothing seller on ebay. I would have to wake up a good bit earlier. I really want to get some results in this area. I really want to create a business that pays all of my bills with a few hours of work a day. It's getting there, but I need to to really refine my entire business. I have been saying no to all of that shit that wastes my time, gets returned often, or just takes too long to deal with. I am really sizing up my vacuum parts sales. If I can some how figure out how to get a really nice source of vacuums coming in, then it would be a game changer. I've been ordering whole vacuums to my house now. I just need to be creative on how I go about it. I need to really stay in 5 categories. If I could even grow my revenue from 10% vacuums parts to 50% I could probably afford to take an extra day off a week, or even two to get the same revenue. I can take apart a vacuum so fast, then picture and list. I would basically become an expert in canister vacuums if I focused in more.
Those expensive colleges are literally a scam. If your not planning on becoming a doctor or lawyer, then your college is really not going to be that critical. You can get a much better education by just buying $3 books off ebay with some serious drive to learn. He does have a point though with those kind of connections. You could literally become a billionaire just by having the right connections. However, I would not place all of my bets on just finding the right connections, but it sure does help. Your friend sound very heavy into spiral dynamics stage orange. Probably more on the toxic side. You really don't need any more than like ten million to live a comfy life without worries of money. If your friend just endlessly chases money his entire life, then he will have a rude awakening if he actually does reach the billionaire status of how meaningless it is. Most billionaires did complete college, but some of the most notable ones like Steve Jobs had dropped out. I am sure if you had some serious drive and were placed around the right people at a college it would help. However, it doesn't sound like your goals involve being a billionaire, so I would not worry about it. I went to a local college myself and never complete the degree. It was actually super valuable to me because I tried out a bunch of career paths. I did some automotive and all sorts of classes that had me try out different stuff. I was at college and had been running my own little hustles on the side. I realized that I wanted to go into business from doing all of that. That was really worth any amount of money I had paid there. I guess my lesson here is just to maximize what you have. Don't worry about what some other kid is getting. The thing that is more valuable is your drive and desire to learn and better yourself. It might be tempting to be envious of your friend. It is good that you recognize those emotions. However, you can live a much better life, that many would envy. Just the sheer fact that you have stumbled into this personal devlopment work will put you miles ahead of this guy. He will probably be chasing his tail for years just trying to get rich. https://youtu.be/UF8uR6Z6KLc This is one of my favorite videos of all time. I recommend you listen to this.
It would cost a bit more, but you can find ones that will protect you from the mercury more. When I was reading Andy's book from the 90s his general rule of thumb was ask how they were going to protect themselves from the mercury, then that should give you an idea of how well they will protect you. If you goal is to get rid of mercury, then I would just pay the extra money to ensure that you have someone who will properly deal with it. Most people in general will not be concerned about these metals or toxins in general. It really defeats the purpose of spending thousands of dollars to remove the mercury and all of the suffering from doing the protocol, if you got a bunch more from removing the filling.
Well, first of all don't take your life. Call an emergency number and get assistance if you feel the need to. You'll make it through this for sure. Keep working on yourself. You can make your life very enjoyable without the need for anyone really. That would be a good aim to go for. Then once you aren't banking all of your happiness on one person, then you could have some amazing relationships. There is so much to life that it would be a shame to waste it being upset that one person doesn't want to spend it with you. Take the time to really heal and relax. Don't just rush into doing something to distract yourself. Try to make a vision on what direction you want to go next with your life.
@Michael569 @King Merk Yeah, I got to stop writing these out haha. Basically, if you go on youtube everyone is going to tell you to buy a berkey and will conveniently be selling it themselves. So it would take you a awhile to get even the information I shared. I have spent over $1,000 on various water systems at this point.
The problem is that someone carrying that extra weight would not already be in good health. It would suggest that they are not eating right. You would basically want to radically transform your health before considering doing heavy metal detoxing. The results just from getting rid of that weight and eating right would already be great. You could consider getting a sauna to help start your detoxing. I know those ACC groups don't let you mention that, but even Andy Cutler at one point said that you could even get rid of some mercury with just a sauna. This would help your natural detox systems start to get more into working order and it would help with the weight loss as well. I would even consider doing it while heavy metal detoxing just for the fact that you are really ramping up a natural detox pathway. There are plenty of options to actually get a good budget one for even a small apartment. You can make a infrared one for a couple hundred bucks. You should also really be starting with a gut protocol, then a liver protocol. The thing is that these two areas are going to be hit hard while trying to get these metals out of your body. You want all of your channels of distribution working properly. I know the ACC groups doesn't mention this, but even proper fiber intake would be huge with a protocol like this. You should be aiming for 2+ bowl movements per day to help get out as much toxins as possible. That and a good intake of water.