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Everything posted by Will

  1. @Nickfury7 I think I should just not say anything at all.. I dont want to come across like i know any better.. it really is there life.. Next time I will just smile to myself and move on..
  2. I love doubt and open mindedness.. I love that sense that the more I learn the more I really have no idea of how things are.. a sense of wonder and intrigue is becoming predominant..
  3. I am just identifying in them what I have done in the past.. Kinda like when you see something in yourself you start to see it everywhere.. My mistake is telling them.. they dont need to know.. Thats their life.. My initial instinct was to warn them. But I know better now.. I am happy I can see it.. And I will leave it at that..
  4. yeah I like that. I guess I have learnt to say what I think rather than what I feel I guess it also does not matter to them what I feel really, unless of course they ask.. i will refrain unless asked from now on.. none of my bussiness. Its hard cos I have been programmed for a long time to tell people how it is.. I now realise its pointless.. If I am kickass they will one day come to me for advice.. The communicating with feelings is relatively new to me and something i want to dig into further.. cheers for that..
  5. I guess my point is how do we get people to take responsibility for there own emotions and feelings.. And if they choose not to how do we help them to see there issues are not ours and that we can help them to deal with it but ultimately there own.?? At the end of the day we can ignore all the weak vicitms of the world, it is there right to be like that, but we still have to live in this world with them... hmmmm. difficult.. cos I dont want to sound like I know any better... No matter how many ways I rephrase this it keeps coming out the same way.. Dont waste any of your precious time or energy on those who choose to be safe secure and stuck in victim mindset..
  6. @Elton what is communication? Why should we talk at all?? Theres a fine line between being an enabler of behaviour and forcing others to do what you want them to do.. If you partner is engaging in behaviour that is not helping themselves or others. When is it that we should judge it?? i.e a kid that that goes around swearing.. surely thats a judgement too..??
  7. @MIA.RIVEL Yeah right... Most people are not aware of how seduction works or why.. It happens in a sub conscious part of our psychy that hardly any body bothers to study.. Including yourself.. In a similar way you have no idea what your kidney is doing.. It is finely tuning about 50 different process you have no clue about.. Thats why we are all here.. because there is so much we are unaware of.. Most people wonder why the best sex youve ever had is with bad boys (not relationship material).. and the guy you love and is really sweet bores you to tears in the bedroom?? Oh and dont ask a fish advice on fishing.. ( there are places that most woman just are not willing to go emotionally) Kinda like explaining every jokes punchline.. takes the fun out of it..
  8. Every girl like to be pleased and impressed.. In order to do both of these, blokes(masculine) need to be able to do a few things.. you need to know if she is pleased (read her) You need to be able to take control of her experience so she can relax into the experience.. you have to be able to have something she has never done before (few times, something a lil bit exciting/enjoyable) and make her feel comfortable about it.. rinse cycle repeat... Woman are all in there emotions, if he cant convince her to go into whatever role, then its just going to be boring run of the mill him getting his jollies and shes reaching for the toys.. The "what" is arbitrary, the "how" is where it is at..
  9. Just watched a really interesting doco on the yogi's of Tibet.. Interesting take outs Supposed Quote from Dalai Lama "If I had stayed in Lhasa and there had been no Chinese Invasion, I may still be isolated" Tibetan Buddhism may still be in its old ways.. I feel that their culture became attached their practice and there tradition there must be some way of evolving the practising , understanding, of their research Did they progress their practice and make them align to the modern changing ways?? I dont see any religion as doctrine any more they are all research and as time change, so do the teachings and methods.. They are very cautious not to show their research to others without prior experience which I think is very relevant However I found they limited them selve in tradition probably too much.. Im just thinking of how experimentation can lead to new discoveries. I guess they knew what could be experimented with and what could not. Got me thinking about how I meditate.. I like to challenge myself by meditating in areas that are loud and busy Further to Leos meditation vid where you identify a sense as, see, hear, feel.. I go on to identify thoughts and break each one down to an aspect of that i.e. see...... is composed of, colour, brightness, texture, ect , thoughts are comprised of aspects like justification, judgement, validation ect ect. My objective here is to not use any label that judges i.e. hate anger happiness.. I feel that all these lables like happiness , up ,down are all values judgements that are not usefull because you need to compare them for them to be valid.. I feel that there is no intrinsic positive or negative, no such thing as up or down.. up down , positive , negative need some arbitrary comparison which automatically disqualifies it from being an intrinsic feature of our existence.. Did I even explain that right?? So I am in conflict between the tried and tested culture and practices of tibetan yogis.. and new methods people are creating these days.. Some how we need to keep those olds ways, and add to them with new methods.. Things I would like to see challenged.. how quickly you can become enlightened. book of the dead digital meditation. i.e. virtual reality mindfulness or exploring the realms of psychoactive drugs ( I understand these things may be distractions but they also may hold some value too).. Lets face it technology is ievitably going to change the way we experience the world, expand our senses ect.. Kinda makes me think we need allot more Yogi's !! Yogi university..
  10. @Ross Change the frame from kreepy dude to the dude that know everyone.. Hit the blokes up and be the life of the party, even give them a hand.
  11. @SkyPanther @Nomad Hahaha, well done peoples.. found yourself some more practice I see.. Keep up the good work.. Got into a bit of a slinging match there.. let the other have there way and open yourself to be changed.. both of you have valid views and perspectives.. your logical minds are coming up with some great arguments and justifications . but that is all it is.. was fun watching.. thankyou
  12. @Keithemson dude, what do you think is the best job you could have that you would love to do everyday . basically you would jump out of bed and could not goto sleep because you so wanted to get back to work.. maybe its robots. maybe it helping soldiers get legs back. maybe its AI or it being the best gammer in the world.. dont quit your job.. goto the above said company or person who is already doing this and tell them you are going to be the best at this one day and you want to sweep their floor until they give you a job.. once in there learn innovate and become a sponge for everything.. If you loose passion. sit down and work out why your initial feeling was wrong and correct it.. i.e. was not your own passion, it was your mums passion or something.. sit down dig deep and do the above process again rinse cycle repeat..
  13. @Jawor there is abundance everywhere. we just cant see it or access it cos we operate on pretty restrictive limiting beliefs.. thats why we are all here.. trying to strip away the bullshit..
  14. go bigger. go deeper, make them about your core beliefs about the things that really get to your core.. not superficial bullshit like cars or money or grades.. spend some more time getting to know who you are.. you will find your grades will improve if you love studying and the topic your studying. Youll love what your studying if you have a clear idea of what your doing here and why.. No matter what grades you get you will excel.. even better you will get way out in front of everyone else because you will do something unique and awesome!! You cant achieve anything solid in this life if your trying to come up to someone or or something else's standards. i.e employer or parents or friends or girlfriend or even mentor.. I have affirmations like.. everything is funny,, everything!! open my own pandoras box and watch the world around me change I can create anything I like. I love the process of growing and expanding my horizons. where am i. who am i. who is that watching everything I do.. all of these affirmations have a purpose and a carefully planned out objective according to what I want out of my life..
  15. Like Ekhart Tolle says, you will only change when you've had enough.. be conscious of the fact that a larger richer experience is out there,,, if you want..You might feel like your getting some constant short term gain now. But i cant tell you how good it feels to really get good at even menial task like practising to enjoy walking or practising to be aware of time or the spots of absolute silence in a noisy room.. its really about having a goal for what you want long term and then go for it..
  16. @Argue what is it that you like about it? list them all down.. then go through each one and understand the feeling of each where else have you felt those feelings.. think about what you would like out of your life.. (do Leos course if you have not already) Align to that and ask the hard questions.. give your most important and effective task the highest priority If you find your bored of what you come up with your bullshitting yourself somehow.. the trick is to find out where rinse cycle repeat..
  17. If you wanna get lost in the world of gaming go for it.. Just do it with a sense of honesty to yourself and keep listening to your inside self.. It will keep you inline.. Always work on how conscious you are.. One thing is for sure. sometimes those with bigger goals and more experience than you may want other things for you.. They will rather you do what they want,, rather than what you want to do for yourself.. Always keep that in the back of your mind.. Are you really doing what you want??Or are you being controlled by your ego ect..
  18. @Evilwave Heddy These things are designed to exploit your emotional instincts.. It could actually be a great opportunity once you have become adept at being aware to go back there from time to time and become aware of the tricks that they use to lure you into getting those hits of excitement and experience.. allot of what you wanted from that life are already available in life, It was just fed to you in a way in which you became dependant.. tHINGS LIKE TO BE NEEDED, WANTED, VALUED, ACHIEVING, GETTING REWARDS, STIMULATION RECOGNITION..
  19. sleep as little as possible.. find your own min sleep.. do what you have to do to minimise your natural sleep (not drugs ect), improve technique, coloured lights sleep hygene, activity during the day, diet ect. do what you can to maximise your activity during the day achieve while your asleep too (use OBE's to study your ego in your sleep) there must be other things you can achieve while sleeping.. look for balance and keep it all natural.. once you find your min sleep try it out for a while and check for any long term affects.. challenge it occasionally and adjust up or down as appropriate..
  20. Enlightenment is a relm which we can master so lets go there and master it.. same with "al"l that we can possibly experience.. It will open doors that open doors that will open doors .... forever.. the study of ones self and ones experience is all there is really..
  21. Enlightenment is a relm which we can master so lets go there and master it.. same with "al"l that we can possibly experience.. It will open doors that open doors that will open doors .... forever.. the study of ones self and ones experience is all there is really..
  22. Some other ways of becoming more aware?? Expand your horizons externally and internally.i.e. challenge yourself externally and internally as your doing so become keenly aware of as much as you can..try and involve every sense and look for emtions .. see if you can invent some new emotions??
  23. to be unbiased you did use the word lost.. being cheeky I know but id rather have fun ..