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Everything posted by Will

  1. OK, I have never done anything like keep a journal for anyone elses benefit before. I hope it helps someone to see me and where i cam,e from and whats is working for me.. Good luck everyone!! Enjoy..
  2. A bit stuck in this challenge at the moment.. Not really sure what to do . I guess i just have trust in myself and keep plugging away. I am happy to have patience, but I am conscious of that just being an excuse not to take massive action.. Things that keep me going forward.. reading , learning watching actually observing what I learnt Practising it and experimenting it Things that are holding me back fear procrastination focussing on outcome ( I TEND TO PROCRASTINATE MORE IF i DONT ACHIEVE) However I do have a hightened sense of labels and judgments here, i think i still do it allot in operation of life.. I definitely feel i have allot more control , but I also have way more responsibility and I tend to beat myself up a bit.. Another powerfull thing is that now when I see challenges i dont take them so personally but i still find them challenging and can tend to shy away from them still.. consciousness is still pretty low.. cant really hold conciousness in the moment. tend to get swept up in what i am doing or trying to achieve. get really focused.. I noticing when i am talking to girls, I can get some attention and I can control the interaction some what but I dont push it far enough to get a result. i figure it will be there later.. I guess I am hiding behind non attachment to outcome.. Going for coffee. OUT!
  3. @Sarah Blakelock I think its perfectly understandable that we would feel frustrated and disappointed our parents have not got the tools required. But yeah Neither did there parents or friends. How can we honestly be annoyed when we realise that they had no clue of anything better..?? To go even further.. This actualise movement is ignorant too.. In fact we all are and always will be.. Its not possible to ever know everything there ever is.. THE ONLY THING WE HAVE IS TO CONSTANTLY CHALLENGE OURSELVES TO MOVE AND EXPAND OUR COMFORT ZONE.. And try not to believe that the path we choose is the right way.. How many dogmatic institutions have done that before.???
  4. Oh ok.. I must admit I dont understand the detail of what maslow was saying well enough.. Well ... I guess what I cater to is the people who subscribe to the idea of polarity.. Actually it might be nice to here about what people who have transcended polarity like to do then?? On a side note I am uncomfortable by some of the labels here.. healthy, unhealthy, higher level lower level.. I believe strongly we should be careful when using these.. as I have said many times before in other posts.. I personally dont think we should be giving the impression that what we do here is high or mighty.. we choose this path just like anyone else does.. all paths are correct..
  5. @reez nah get started first there lots of youtube videos to watch free.... find a wing person who is keen to learn aswell.. helps to stay focused.. skills you can practice with anyone Not giving a shit Do what you want Do it sober, helps you to remember what you did right and wrong dont give a shit about the outcome. feel the fear and do it anyways be honest recalibrate learn body language learn to be a giver and never a taker try not to take it too seriously focus on where you want to be, not on what you did wrong (just be mindfull of what you did wrong) awareness awareness awareness.. so on.. Allot of this stuff is pretty nuanced. and will take some time to get used to like writing with the wrong hand.
  6. Can be easily reframed to giving to the world.. the world will accept whatever you produce, it has zero expectations.. this is really about you deciding what you want to contribute.. You own desire to be approved is irrelevant.. I dont think we need to help anyone.. but on the other hand we can challenge people
  7. these are just models to try and understand a concept.. not truths.. of course there are those that have evolved past but its still a pretty good rule of thumb. dont get too bent out of shape on the concepts here, some are designed to generate publicity and to draw people into Personal Development.. allot of the concepts discussed here are evolutionary.. seeing that you can achieve success in these parts of your life help to show you that you can assume some responsibility for your actions.. taken out of context somewhat.. the polarity still has to be there it does not matter who takes on the role.. i.e. transgender or gay.. polarity is always essential in attraction.. thats the real take away point.. Some communication is always required in the moment to determin who is what, and yeah it can changed fluidly..
  8. So I was having a conversation with a family member the other day and they mentioned they where not happy about the way I commented about my sisters relationship.. I told it how it was.. They looked sad and miserable. So I commented that they looked sad.. offend I want to understand the nature of why we feel compelled to have an opinion and comment.. I did I feel it so important to comment on there shitty relationship I felt as though they where not being honest to themselves as people or to each other as a couple.. I guess I did not want to add to that and be fake like everybody else was.. should I have just avoided the comment .. should we avoid everything that other feel uncomfortable about, after all it is there right to stay ignorant.. Now that I have been self developing keenly for some time now. I am finding myself less empathetic for victims.. Hey.. if they are open and can see they need to change I have all the time.. but even that has limits.. Your persepctives greatly appreciated.. Any stories on what you have done in similar situations?? Rock On!!
  9. @Epiphany_Inspired awareness?? Actually I have to make a judgement, I am not very sure, it is a reflection of what i saw in my own life.. with my ex. Actually probably all the time.. I dont think telling them something they dont believe is the answer.. I think another approach would be to challenge them in a light and easy way.. " oh my god, you guys look amazing, i have never seen such a happy couple , even better than bradjelina!!" We all are
  10. @Epiphany_Inspired does still sound like we are trying to convonce others and show them our way.. I am soo cautious of this mentality.. Some part of mewants to be educated not be educating.. I dont really think what we do here is truth.. that sound too dogmatic.. I ma happy to be an agent of change but not at the cost of manipulation..
  11. @Lynnel I have the same perspective. However I am starting to realise I cant live in a shell either..we are all here for a reason.. that doesnt mean i want to convert anybody just that I would like to be converted
  12. Had a thought today to add onto my last thoughts.. Could we be giving advice or explaining things to people.. No... None of this is true or real.. we dont want to artificially reinforce this way of thinking.. Could we express ourselves.... Yes of course, but only in so far as to give to others and the world what we want and what brings us joy or value Could we make our opinion known? ... Yes of course.. There are many ways to do this.. we can relate to people at there level (as discussed above) Could we wake people out of there slumber?? Why would you bother!! They will need to want to do it for themselves.. Now for the epiphany of the day!!! What is a way of getting people to realise the crap they are in..?? Push there comfort zone a bit by challenging them a bit.. Do it in a fun non threatening way, be playfull about it.. Sound familiar??
  13. Hi there!! Soo, I have changed my approach to things a bit since last time.. I still write ideas and thoughts in note form and put into my evernote, I have started logging my thoughts on audio whilst driving around. Kinda like a blog. I have been noticving that the blogs seem to be mostly while listening to audio that I dont quite believe or i think needs tweaking somehow.. Which is kinda nice as now I am starting to see my flavour come out.. Every now and then I will scroll through and find some p[ost in the forum here to comment on. I am gravitating to relationship ones.. I guess that is because I still really want a hot GF.. I suppose that is good. because it keeps me motivated to learn about body language , and just getting in touch with being awsome.. I am learning lots about boundaries self belief What I like How Iam being needy how to communicate lots of really interesting stuff.. When I first started this is was all about getting my ex back.. That is now fading and I can see that just being awesome is becoming really important.. looking forward to getting hot chicks.. have not had sex in a while its getting a lil annoying as I would love to have some , but I am trying to use it as fuel to keep going.. been wakeboarding heaps and hanging out with friends heaps. things that I am starting to work on are my bussiness sense and how I am going to contribute. trying to develop my passion and interests and find out what I am suppose to play with in regards to bussiness.. My mate wants me to get into catering and I am like nahhh. I think at this stage I want to keep focusing on people like me who want answers on how to be better and then work on making bussiness contacts and getting some mentors.. develop some relationships in bussiness and like minded people.. time and priority are still issues.. I look at my whiteboards most days and most days I try to meditate for about 10-15 min.. working hard to distill my thoughts and emotions down and start finding patternes.. but yeah time and knowing what to prioritise is still an issue. procrastination is still an issue too.. I am probably not taking enough risks either. just coasting and justifying it by saying I am studying lots.. Im done!!
  14. @Argue Sooo much content out there.. Tao of badass Jason capital dating.. Be warned though. This stuff will change your world.. Mostly it will change you..Some of these guys may not apeal to you now, cos you have these nice guy mindsets. Rest assured these guys have tips and trick on how to get woman,,, but there big message is to "be" totally awesome in yourself and the girls will come and get you.. If you use pickup and seduction too much youll come across as needy.. Master seduction and body language and cold approach and then.... evolve to just being awesome.. what ever you do dont rely on cold approach and seduction and body language ,, just learn them and then get to work on your social circle and your contribution to the world and being the best you can be... You wont look back man!! Message me .. Ill send you some links of the stuff I love..
  15. @Argue She is not going to tell you.. If she does it wont be fun exciting for her.. yeah she might get what she wants but its like someone telling you the punchline before the joke!! There is soo much seduction stuff out there.. Go and do your homework and then give it a whirl.. i.e. Tao of badass... learn to read her body language Learn how to push in a respectful and considerate way Learn how to seduce Learn to recalibrate if your out of line.. Keep practising Learn what stage your in and dont skip any steps unless you know what your doing.. dont go straight for sex GIVE GIVE GIVE Its all about surprise and titillation and excitement AND for crying out loud.. READ HER SIGNALS.. We need to learn how to read her signals.. If she is freaking out stop !!!. Learn to recalibrate. its all part of seduction..
  16. I dont know if any of us should really be trying to give any advice at all.. I think its cool we get to share and swap ideas and stories but at the end of the day we all only have our own unique perspective that cant really be framed relevant for anyone else.. that would impose our judgement on their reality. remember these are just models and concepts. There are no truths here and we dont want to go down the track of saying what we do here is the correct or righteous path... Yeah there are definitely advantages to becoming enlightened.. But the universe as a whole really does not give a shit.. I think we discussed some great techniques for getting a message across.. And compelling people to this way of thinking.. I just dont think thats what we are here to do.. We are here to compel ourselves.. We can do that by sharing and comparing and seeing other perspectives.. What do you think..?? So we probably dont even need to talk at peoples levels.. at all.. Maybe we should do more listening??? We could listen to them and empathise and show compassion and let that give us fuel for our own journey.. We really dont need to help anyone else or intervene at all..
  17. @Philip Nah its good here cos It helps to identify what we did.. Cheers!! Appreciate your persepctive..
  18. interesting.. I was under the impression we allow these things to be there . Are we suppose to deny these egoic things (ignore or deny) or just let them not affect us?? Its kinda confusing cos you use the term "dont want that in my life..." hints at denial or something.. we need another word for it. like transparent or something??
  19. @abrakamowse Doh.. Would be nice to see where it comes from
  20. Yeah but you have obviously hit a point in your life where enough is enough and you want better and this seems like a vehicle to do that.. I guess many others are still stuck in a daze of comfort.. Why?? Surely thats just you thinking you've found something others should have... I dont know but I reckon its really crucial to let people live in denial if they want to.. So many religions are out there pro porting that they know the answer.. look how much grief it has led too.. You just cant beat the old saying you can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink.. sooo true.. WHat do you reckon.. ?? do you think this is universal truth?? I dont.. I just think its mine... If that makes any sense..
  21. @abrakamowse I am curious.. what compelled you to chime in?? @Philip
  22. Pointless?? How so?? I kinda get it ... But yeah I know what you mean.. I prolly dont have a deep experiencial understanding of it yet.. nice to know that its coming though..
  23. I do empathise, of course i want the best for them. but i also realise its there own path.. Is that what you mean?? Such as? I imagine I just need to acknowledge and continue on..?? Is it?? Why would I feel like I know better than they?? ?? Not sure what you mean here.. Cheers.. I love it when I dont get things.. shows I am about to learn something..
  24. @Socrates Yep nailed it.. I have no interest in imposing my perspective any more.. I actually like the idea of protecting their desire to stay sheep.. Obviously i dont want to identify and a wise and strong lion and others as lowly weak sheep.. I guess that label is not required either.. This is not so clear to me.. the above one was pretty obvious.. I am not actually very sure what is going on here.. Is that guy foolishly atacking the lion or is he sacrificing himself for the good of others.. I guess stage orange in spiral dynamics is the lions of the world devour all in there path. forcing their dominance ?? Beautiful piece though
  25. Yeah , but I think only if they are really willing.. I guess if I become awesome enough they will wanna emulate.. Yeah I like this one.. I guess what I did not get,,is that I dont have to intervene to get the benefit.. I only need to reflect on how it makes me feel and learn from it that way.. That has now sunk in.. Oh , yes I totally agree with you.. its not a matter of qualified.. There life is there's alone.. I have learnt now it has nothing to do with me.. I was curious to investigate why I felt compelled but i think I have worked out now its not necessary..