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Everything posted by Will

  1. what do you want?? If you want to attract guys then learn.. If your happy by yourself then do it dont do it just coz everyone else is doing it.. Why dont you want to be a loner.??? Sounds like you dont know what you want or why.. the how is easy..
  2. Be cautious here.. dont be too flippant about things coming and going.. you may not be allowing yourself to deal with things .. denial is cunning.. its never ok to look at a relationship and say ok they where at fault and just dump it.. there is always a reason you where there in the first place and you are always 100% responsible for it not working out.. youll get down the track after ten years of thinking your perfect and all of a sudden you will realise you fucked up..
  3. @MattHayez She needs to understand she is in charge of her feelings and emotions. Not you or anything that happens outside of her.. The world can basically fall down around her and she can decide to be happy or not... If she wants to learn how to control her feeling and emotions you are allowed to teach her but only if she wants and is willing to put in the effort.. Dont let her do it for your relationship she has to do it independent of anything external.. It has to come from within.. If your not sure how to show her take control of her emotions send here here to leos videos and support her.. Dont teach her just support , if you dont know how to do it correctly you can come across as being high and mighty and she may resent you or worse look up to you.. she needs to learn we are all equalls and we all have the answers to everything in ourselves. We just need someone to show us where to look at times..
  4. @DizIzMikey Cool to see you challenging all this stuff.. You will note how much of these rules have been passed down by your community and parents and friends ect and where not actually ratifed by you first.... something to think about.. Go back through the rules and just see how many you dont get or dont agree with and you will start to see youve probably been a bit too trusting... there is no such thing as cheating.. Where probably going to become a polygamous society eventually but we have to walk before we crawl first.. I think I get what your saying though, we are all inseparable interdependent and not indivisible.. I would agree with this and say self love is probably the real perspective rather than cheating.. However society dont view it that way as of yet.. we have to evolve a bit more first.. Is this what you where thinking??
  5. @Emerald Wilkins Hmmm I dont think so.. I dont even think there are truths.. I think there are realities but they may not be permenant sooo.. its best to just admit that things are as they are and that not higher or lower or even truth its just is what it is right now..
  6. @Chives99 You hit it on the head man!! If you dont give a fuck they wont either.. Experiment if you like.. But you have to honestly believe it otherwise they will smell it on you.... If you go in there pretending they will know... You may find you have some work to do on your inner belief and confidence if you cant pull this off..
  7. think of everything as going through a maze.. there is no wrong way. there is no rejection . You only learn what did not work.. Find out why it did not work and adjust constantly.. Get used to adjusting constantly.. Dont leave the maze at the first corner. its just a corner.. turn and keep walking.. There have been time when I have had a epiphany that there is no such thin as up or down or left or right or good or bad.. Its really taught me to not judge anything just take the information thats been given to you and adjust your course as required.. The universe really does have no prejudice.. It does not give a fuck how we label things..
  8. Dont try and reduce your thoughts.. Try to let them be and dont do anything about them.. In the past you have let them inform everypart of your life and in a way your letting them run you.. Like everything in life let them be , let them talk, say thakyou but you will make up your own mind... On the same token dont ignore them but also dont be tempted to action them all either.. acknowledge them, accept them, and let them go right on by.. Decide what you want and where you want to go.. your thoughts are not you.. As for the sleep there are so many other ways to sleep.. goto bed at the same time each night (sleep hygiene) Sleep in a slightly cool environment Do so much physical exercise during the middle of the day (not just before bed) that you flake out Do not have any blue lights on a couple of hours before bed.. make sure the house and tv have the blue turned down so that the light is yellowy a couple of hours before bed Soo many other cool sleepinghacks out there Meditation is not used to goto sleep, it is used to become more aware of shit.. you may need to re evaluate what meditation is all about..
  9. Real dominance means being Open which is vulnerable which is in a way submissive.. But also in a way really BOSS!! The submissive you talking about is probably being a pussy and weak kind.. Its ok to be quiet if you driven like a BOSS.. Quiet is not submissive.. You probably need to list a bunch of qualities you define as submissive and we will soon tell you if they are ..
  10. Guys love girls who are confident and fun and spicy that respect themselves and love who they are.. You dont need to be super fit, just look after your body and that should be enough.. If you lose a guy wioth all this, chances are he is a dick anyways..
  11. @Irina Irina Begin with yourself.. Know what you love and learn to love life and appreciate everything and make sure your fully independent.. You will naturally find people you like to be with.. Start with listing all the most amazing things in life and all the most amazing things you want to create or experience.. If you dont know or have a small list your in trouble already.. Just get stuck into Leos life purpose stuff and try opening up your inner feelings and emotions let it all come out.. easier said than done.. Most of us think we are very open if fact we are not and have learnt to hide allot!!! Just going through some of leos video should get this started..
  12. From a blokes perspective?? I am a visual creature.. Its nice to be teased but not too much. maybe like tease for a bit and then go hard then stop for a bit.. Thats always fun.. Heaps of sensual attractive looking gear. again its all about the buildup.. poses and role playing is always fun. photo shoot. games. in a naughty or not normal environment. maybe somewhere where you can get caught?? Is that what you mean??
  13. @reez check out tao of badass
  14. makes me laugh... As if there even is one.. sometimes I have these feelings during deep meditations that where all the same one... Kinda makes the ONE a pointless idea!!!!
  15. How the hell do you think she is going to get any enjoyment if your not engage and treating her like a fuck toy?? Obviously if your paying attention to her and pushing and experimenting and reclaibrating as should be at all times you discover what she wants.. Sounds pretty one way to me , But i have no context and am not there so hard to know.. Im sure she has things she like and its for you to find it and exploit it.. She may have no clue what it is , But thats our job as men I guess.. Search and DESTROY!!!! In the niceset fun most fun way possible!! hahahahaha!
  16. dont think of anybody else as dysfunctional.. Its victim mentality.. Dont think of anybody as better than you though either.. Learn to accept all as they are.. It just is what it is.. If you dont like what is change yourself!! Do what is required to master what you want.. Your dysfunctional relationship will then become amazing!! Because you have done the work required to make yourself amazing!!! If she is a lost cause she will walk away herself .. Always respect people for the journey they are on and NEVER EVER Try and change them, Unless of course they ask you and they are willing to do what is required.. Do not try and fix the world .. ITS NOT BROKEN Only try and bring about and or create what YOU want to.. Aaaaaannndddd Im out!!
  17. Lets not label External validation as low or lesser it just is.. However we are conscious of it and we know about its uses .. Waste of time??? hmm interesting.. Any interaction is never a waste of time... its only what you do with it is the waste of time.. Sounds like you need to step up your closing abilities.. you may think your getting on well but I dont know.. Sounds like your results speak for themselves. Its funny how life shows us we could be doing better.. your lucky your aware in this situation.. Sounds like you would like to get a bit more closes happening.. Obviously its possible and there is plenty people here that can show you how.. My fav at the mo is this guy called "tao of badass" Got some awesome content.. I am sure once you line up 6 or 7 hotties you'll be over it and get back on course for actualisation though
  18. @carlo As above. I guess there is allot to assume.. It could be an awsome opportunity for you here.. You could learn allot and have an experience that not many get access to.. Of course it may change the dynamics going forward but you have to see it as an opportunity to expand not only for you but for here too.. its clear she is keen to experiment and discover more about herself and you.. I think its a great opportunity.. If you lose that relationship. who cares..Plenty of fish in the sea.. I think its a fair price to pay for helping her find herself and for you learning something about yourself?? Of course if you dont need or want to learn about it then so be it.. In general though when people around you want to try something new, why would we want to restrict that. I feel you had an opportunity to be intimate with one another on a different level.. So many sides to this though, like everyone one above it could mean so many things.. Up to you to know yourself where you would like to go what you would like to experience.. I would not be trying to hold someone back though that will always end badly.. In conclusion, never hold anyone back. If you cant go with them maybe time to let them go.. what do you think???
  19. I have the feeling she was attracted to his career and his leadership in his career and also that he was detached from the relationship.. I can imagine its nice for a woman to have the ability to desire a guy if she chooses.. whereas its pretty rare that girls get the chance to be with a guy who is so detached.. BUT.. he is probably detached for unhealthy reason like inability to be vulnerable and very closed off.. I think once she learns why this is an unhealthy thing she may understand that that is a dependant relationship and can never be a sustainable thing.. He has a bit of growing to do..
  20. Progress Update So have not checked in here for about 10 days. Ive been reading and still watching a tonne of content What I am liking so far.. Sadhguru,, Really cool badass yogi!! Obvious Leos videos.. Heap of inspirational videos from team fearless Plus all my favourite hobby / interest videos like TED or Mighty car mods What I am noticing is that I am not taking them all in verbatim though.. I listen to them and as soon as I find something I dont like or dont feel good about I either elaborate on it or discount it.. I have also been taking one or two things and actually trying them out. The experiment mindset really kills allot of negative doubt or restrictive beliefs.. I always finding myself saying hey try it out you dont know unless you give it a go..!! It is so true that you always think things are worse than they actually are.. I have started to notice that when I think about girls and business some of those fears that where holding me back are now starting to evaporate.. I still have a few more excuses going on like I dont have enough time or I am tired ect but slowly and surely I can feel the tide turning.. I am trying to be conscious to not compare myself or feel like i have arrived or that I am getting better.. I prefer to be in the mindset that I am in charge and that I really respect people for the places they chose to be in.. That is there business.. I only want to help people who want to be helped.. That would mean they have to at least ask me how to get better before i would bother reaching out.. Its not for me to go out there and help the world.. Because the world is perfect.. I think daily about ideas (write them down and record them) and what i want to create in the world and i dont feel guilty for it either.. I can do have create anything i like... I go out with my mates and find now that when I approach girls I am starting to experiment allot more to.. Pulling them in signalling them to come over and generally doing as I please.. I love hanging out with these guys that do the same thing and there are guys at different stages which is really helpfull... So all in all going really well, enjoying each day, obviously some days I feel crap and bummed out but I try and see if I can turn those around when they happen as an experiment.. sometimes I can but days when i am tired I find it a bit harder.. Still going hard with my notes . I have about 10 whiteboards with the whiteboard markers scattered around with different things on them.. Idea. todo lists, lists of values, list of things that I want in the future, what is important to me.. All on whiteboards so I can update regularly and add or edit as I go.. helps allot to keep me focused on what is important.. I am being the best I can be but even better than that I am improving a bit each day.. which is a great feeling.. Even if yesterday i did not get as much done or felt crap I still feel i came away from the day growing a bit... chat next time..
  21. Today I am diggig through why I am having issues with finding my passion. I can see others here are having the same issue. So I am trying extra hard to find the underlying emotion. what I have so far is I cant make a definite decision on my passion and go for it. There is some feeling that is preventing me from making a commitment I have no problem making a commitment in other areas of my life a belief has pooped up around inequality in life, why should I think about having more and better when soo many other are suffering which lead to me thinking about why am I judging the world as having unfortunate and fortunate people. straight away this put me under enormous pressure to justify my position and feel guilty about having such a great life.. I fight back against this by countr justifying that In the big picture life needs to have inequality to function. I just have to choose which side of the line I choose to sit.. This brought to my conclusion of what paths I can choose Sit and do nothing like I have for the past years of my life and just try to cling on to this comfortable life give it all away and try and balance up the inequality ( I think this is ridiculous as I would be miserable because I offer such low value to those around me) Find some middle ground and work on myself a bit and dedicate myself a little more to equality.. go all out and be the best I can be regardless of the world around me and hope I would make a greater direct and indirect contribution than if I was to do the other options.. To be honest I think trying to makes things more equal is kinda like trying to tell the universe it does not have the balance right.. The middle path seems to tick most boxes, but it does not feel right ( I have not dug deeply enough into it to know if it is a logical basis or an emotional one) The going all out seems like the best one but I feel like I am waiting for someone to tell me that being the best I can be is the best way to go.. Has anyone else got any similar experience or has been able to get past this ?? Its hard to make a decision, kinda feeling like confusion ..
  22. @FindingPeace Cheers for that.. Its great to get other perspectives. I realise its useless to think like this .. I am just digging around in these concepts to get a better understanding.. If you have any methods or excercises for actually experimenting and seeing it first hand or if you have any experiences yourself that would be great too.. Thanks again!!
  23. oh oh!. That sounds ominous,, haha I have been devouring everything I can get my hands on for the last 8 months.. I have been dragging my feet on the Purpose course too only upto 7th run through values assessment.. I get bogged down in wanting to really feel it and understand it.. Ill get the so good they cant ignore you done next week i would say. I love audible.!! @zenny Thanks for that I have not heard of Ben!! Thanks also for some more tips, I especially resonate with the part about the world is not fair.. I get a pretty deep sense that the world is neither fair nor unfair.. "It just is".. I ... Guess I am still trying to unlearn Maybe today is one of those days when it just seems far off.. I will focus over the next week or so on getting more of the life purpose course done and keep putting one foot in front of the other..
  24. I just answered this in another post.. Maybe we are good at a bunch of things.. possibly try one of the things you can do even if its not amazing and just develop that one thing?? I guess not everyone can become amazing but what else can we do with our life.. we may as well just get moving and see what happens.. We all want to offer some value and be on the edge of development because thats where successful people who have lots of amazing experiences. I have that feeling of can I too have that amazing feeling of purpose and fulfilment?? Its tricky because , maybe we dont need to actually have arrived at our goal to have that sense of fulfilment.. I am hoping that If I just make a choice and go for it I can get that feeling of fulfilment. I actually do get a small level of fulfilment just from trying to get better.. I thought it would be more but maybe thats all we get?? Ever since I have discovered leo some months back I have been really throwing myself at this, the days I really do it I must admit are my better days.. What about you??
  25. Yeah.. I have that same feeling.. cant seem to identify anything more than all things.. Everything is cool.. The only thing I have not tried is maybe that I dont have to reinvent the wheel maybe i'll just pick something and give it a try.. I guess I am worried Ill never find that 1 passion, that will work. I guess there is a chance I wont But what else do we have?? It does hold me back when I here speeches from people about there passion, but you know what I have noticed recently, no one will tell you that they had that passion from early childhood.. I think when entrepreneurs tell you you must have passion, I think they may mean that you must focus on the things that you like rather than do the things you dont like.. Maybe that holds me (possibly others) back because I am interested in many things. You know what stuff it.. I am going to just go and see some of these interests I like and see where it leads me.. Sitting here worrying about finding the perfect has not ever helped me in 20 years.. I may as well try something..