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Everything posted by Ook

  1. Yeah, it is addictive Yeah subreddits such as those are pretty cool. But it can get overwhelming too If it's best for you then good! It can be toxic AND helpful too. I dont endorse reddit, but if you look for quality stuff, you can find it
  2. You said you used to be a pretty "scientifically minded" guy. So how did you first come to realize the limitations of science? Do you think quantum mechanics have limitations too? Mysticism vs science? What are the aspects mysticism has that science doesn't?
  3. What if your life purpose was to end wage slavery? No one likes to work 9-5. I see people being exhausted, not having enough time for themselves and being downright miserable with their jobs. It crushes my heart to see that. Has anyone thought of such purpose before?
  4. Good point @JosephKnecht Ha! Nice @aurum Great response, thank you!
  5. Omg i just today was listening to Sean Carroll for the first time. What are your views on him? Is he worth spending time on listening?
  6. Hi everyone, I will first describe my issue in short and then work it out more so it might be easier to understand my situation. Basically I am at the stage of my life in which I feel like I need to find a job that suits me. My dream would be Game Design but it's hard to find work in that industry. Now my issue is I don't know what job suits me and would like some suggestions. My personality: I am a creative person and would love a job in which I can use that creativity. You could say I'm the typical introvert haha, dreamy, shy, love working on my own tho I don't mind working with likeminded people. If anything I enjoy working with people who think alike or have the same interests as me because that's how I meet my friends. Even tho I'm an introvert I want to be more social and work on that as well. I love gaming in my spare time and my dreams are to become a GameDev someday, tho I am not sure if I will ever make that happen, perhaps I will do it on the side as an IndieDev. As you can guess I'm a geeky person. Love technology, fantasy worlds and ofc anime. So now the issue is what job should I go for? I want a job that is somewhat enjoyeable so I don't hate going there every morning. I have done multiple online tests and they all seem to point towards Game Design, Graphics Design, Web Design. Only the latter seems to have job opportunities but I'm not really sure about the programming side of things. Isn't programming pretty boring? I tried it during the one year I was in college and always failed with a score of around 48% (50% being needed to pass ofc). Are there any other jobs out there that could suit me? Thanks a lot in advance for any responses! Please bless me with thy knowledge (xD)!
  7. Like Leo said in one of his videos, it's temperamental thing. Some people like to "wander through life finding interesting things until they die". However some people want a grand purpose and are ambitious. Everyone's different. Do what works for you
  8. I couldn't help but share this beautiful piano cover. It might uplift you: Check out his channel too if you want to, many other great performances there.
  9. I had always wondered why narcissists never showed gratitude. Here's a really insightful video that explains it: Btw i'm really happy Leo shared Dr. Ramani's videos on his blog! She's amazing!
  10. Thank you so much, it encourages me! Beautiful!
  11. Are you self-actualizig? I'm at the starting point of this journey and it feels as though i'm walking into a war. Really. Has anyone else felt this way before? What has it been like for you?
  12. How did you deal with him? Was it possible to teach your dad empathy?
  13. I know! He's hilarious and sarcastic af
  14. Hello there, the person reading this! Self-actualization is a hell of a thing! It's marvelous yet it's the hardest. I remember Leo saying how movies like Braveheart, Troy and 300 choking you up at the end and getting you teared up. That really inspired me back in the days when i heard it. Are you on a self-actualization journey? Have you started it? Have you thought of starting it? This journey will be challenging as it gets. I will have times when I'll be feeling like crying, feeling down, overwhelmed, lost, etc. But what I'm after is far greater than the struggles that come along with it.
  15. @Iksander @Hello from Russia Thanks for sharing!
  16. 434

    Any 434 channel viewers here? If you're not, he talks about psychedelics, machine elves, psychology, important life issues and etc. You might enjoy them.
  17. I still watch his old videos too alongside with the new videos. I love them both. His old videos are more practical so to speak and new ones are more spiritual and transcendental, but still very practical if you can truly implement them in your life.
  18. Self-actualization is becoming your highest potential (there is still ego) Self-transcendence is transcendence of the self, the death of ego, enlightenment, realization of yourself as infinity in my understanding
  19. Absolutely beautiful visuals that left me speechless. Notice how one visual transitions to the next one. It's infinite: Even better if you watch it on a laptop with the following music (or any of your favorite music) in the background since the video's mute: