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Everything posted by Ook

  1. @lostingenosmaze Well, it's technically nothing new, all the spiritual teachers have taught and said about it, but it's about giving up the self-image. That's important. The reason why we feel a certain way about ourselves is because we hold a self-image of ourselves in our minds. Recognize that it's all imaginary. Giving up the attachment to the sense of personal history is important too. Try out this simple practice: Ask yourself, " How I would experience this moment if I didn't bring the baggage of personal story (past history) to it?". See how you'd feel. In my personal experience it instantly makes you feel liberated. We always attach a story (or kind of like a backstory) onto the present moment, and we think it's the reality. If the backstory is problematic, we're miserable. And when you don't have a self-image (in other words, narratives about oneself) anymore you don't even need self-esteem anymore as well. Because there's no "person" there to feel good or bad about. There's only a field of Consciousness/Awareness/Presence, however you wanna call it. That's the beginning of ego-death. Of course the surface identity can still exist, you can refer to it, but the difference is you don't take it too seriously anymore.
  2. Found this video of a Merriam-Webster lexicographer sharing about the hardest word to define: According to Merriam-Webster dictionary God is: The perfect and all-powerful spirit or being that is worshipped especially by Christians, Jews, and Muslims as the one who created and rules the universe A spirit or being that has great power, strength, knowledge, etc., and that can affect nature and the lives of people : one of various spirits or beings worshipped in some religions a person and especially a man who is greatly loved or admired Do you think it's accurate?
  3. That's a good strawmaning there
  4. So I'm having some confusions around God-realization. Although it's something so utterly unbelievable, i'm opening my mind to this and starting to become comfortable with this fact. The other night when i was laying in my bed it dawned on me. "What if this is the only thing in the whole Universe? What if i'm God?" One of the first reactions was definitely "NO. NO! IT CAN'T BE! NO!". I just could't believe it. It was too radical. I couldn't handle. Still having hard time to handle. Objections that come to mind are: "But i'm too petty and worthless to be God!" or when i see something incredible, beautiful or brilliant i think to myself "Ha! I'm not that smart! I'm not that awesome. I'm not that creative." Also the idea of existence of other people, beings, that others are having their own independent experiences is so convincing that it makes me wanna deny the fact that i'm God. Thank you for reading. I'd appreciate if you could help me unravel these.
  5. "You're more yourself when you don't remember your past" - Eckhart Tolle
  6. It is Got it! Yes Of course! Good analogy! Yep! Haha yes! Love it! That's indeed wild Beautiful! @WaveInTheOcean Thank you so much for your reply!!
  7. How many people practice the Letting go technique by David Hawkins? If you do, what have been your results? I've been practicing it for couple of weeks now and I'm already in much a better place now internally!
  8. Please don't tell me pick up artistry classes are is this bad:
  9. The ones who don't mind watching porn with you don't even take you seriously or respect you just like you don't respect those girls. They're probably thinking to themselves: "Well i got nothing better to do today so why don't i watch it with this dumbass guy"
  10. I wonder how you're not kicked out already
  11. Isn't being present also a dream? Or you break free by being fully present?
  12. Hi! Just wanted to ask: Does life get any easier after success in self-actualization/fulfillment of life purpose? You once said that no matter how you slice it, life is hard. Is it still hard for you or it's a lot easier than it used to be? How do you deal with hard times of life?
  13. A paragraph from his book: "Letting go involves being aware of a feeling, letting it come up, staying with it, and letting it run its course without wanting to make it different or do anything about it. It means simply to let the feeling be there and to focus on letting out the energy behind it. The first step is to allow yourself to have the feeling without resisting it, venting it, fearing it, condemning it, or moralizing about it. It means to drop judgment and to see that it is just a feeling. The technique is to be with the feeling and surrender all efforts to modify it in any way. Let go of wanting to resist the feeling. It is resistance that keeps the feeling going. When you give up resisting or trying to modify the feeling, it will shift to the next feeling and be accompanied by a lighter sensation. A feeling that is not resisted will disappear as the energy behind it dissipates."
  14. What is god's end game? What is he up to? All this evolution towards what really?
  15. Thank you everyone for your insightful replies! I see them all, just can't respond to every one of them
  16. @Leo Gura What should be the ultimate thing that motivates you and keeps you going in life, in your opinion?
  17. @Leo Gura Thank you for the answer! Great metaphor! If you learn to be HERE and NOW, does it mean you've aced life? I've been feeling pretty depressed and unmotivated, thinking no matter what i do, life is gonna be hard and painful. Maybe i shouldn't be focusing on that aspect of life?
  18. What kind of imprvements and updates you would want to see in this forum? Is it possible or is it set in stone? As for me, i'd want to be able to upvote or like replies, so that people know i saw and read their comment, fix notification bugs (i don't get reply notifications) and etc.
  19. Do you guys use reddit for self-improvement reasons? Are you active there? Do you get solid advice there?
  20. True, reddit consumes a lot of time unless you're using it for a specific purpose Lol yeah