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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. @LfcCharlie4 a psychedelic changed and fixed my life, although not sure about the advice of starting with a psychedelic... I think the mind and energetic system should be purged and purified to an extent before introducing a psychedelic. I was suffering almost two years straight of mild to deep depression and becoming suicidal (while also working on PD) and took a psychedelic and was instantly no longer suicidal and was set on a clear trajectory to reclaiming my life and getting out of the victim mindset.
  2. @Dumuzzi thank you ?? Question : is it possible that many of us avatars are soul fragments of this Enki entity, simultaneously burning off karma for it throughout all space and time? Also, do the Elohim take credit for the creation of this physical dimension/universe, or more directly for the development of the human species and just being mistaken as creator gods?
  3. I do by breathing through anxiety when it arises. A guided relaxation meditation is a great way to practice conscious relaxation, which you can then take with you throughout the day. Here's one I made:
  4. wow I loved that answer. Hmm next time you are in contact, I wonder if you could ask if they are seeking me out. I have been asking for a guide for so long. One that actually talks to me ya know. All this self guided crap is getting old. But nothing has appeared.
  5. @Dumuzzi @Dumuzzi Is it possible that you formed a picture of the elohim/annunaki in your mind, from all of your research and experience, and created a whole race of thought beings, backstory and all... Who stimulated your kundalini and connected you back to source through the loophole of creative manipulation?
  6. @Dumuzzi what does it mean to have a daughter if you are a non to semi corporeal entity?
  7. @Dumuzzi in the paradigm of time, are elohim our future selves? In other words, is this what the human species will evolve into?
  8. @Dumuzzi thank you, I see it several random times a day. Didn't know if there's a message in that or just cosmic humor. Can the elohim phase in and out of this physical dimension? Do they feel separate than yourself?
  9. This was beautiful. Could you tell me any importance to the number 33? How have your dreams been affected?
  10. You as a consciousness were never born, because consciousness exists in a land of no time: it (you) have no beginning and no ending. The body which you think you are, is part of a billions upon billions of years long production, in a land of time, which you (consciousness) designed. You are from the land before time, and used yourself to imagine and create the land of time. It is not separate from you, but exists within you, as all things do. So in order to enjoy it, you had to forget who you are, in order to become a resident in this land of time. Let's pretend that you walled off a section of yourself , a section of your consciousness that doesn't remember its true self, and we'll call it human consciousness. (because that tends to be where this ignorant walled-off consciousness pops up). Billions and billions of years after it's conception, this physical production produces a cute little human baby. It's made of pure consciousness (yourself) but looks like a bunch of atoms and molecules. It cries when its hungry, or for a lot of things, actually. A name is slapped onto it, and with it an entire lifetime of expectations. You (consciousness) experience the lifetime of this human, but since we are pretending that we forgot, a human consciousness springs forth inside the human child, like out of nowhere. It's completely individualistic and absolutely beautiful and amazing. It discovers the internet, and eventually, and creates the character of @Meister_Eckhart - an extension of this human consciousness which springs forth from within the human body. Here it learns many things, about life, about reality, and about itself. You hear that you have never actually been born, and the human consciousness cannot understand it fully. "Humans are born everyday." you say to yourself. "Has everyone been lying to me this whole time?" But who are you, really? Are you this human which frequents the internet under the character of @Meister_Eckhart? Or is Consciousness (truly you) playing a game of forgetfulness, in a land of time which you have designed?
  11. @Strangeloop unfortunately the universe spits out all these people with these brains that can get corrupted, like a bad disk on your computer. No one has ever truly figured out schizophrenia because its too similar to mystical experiences. In my opinion it is a type of mystical experience but colored incorrectly by a corrupted disk (your brain). So with this in mind, pursuing mystical experiences with a corrupted disk will be so misleading, it will only further perpetuate the schizophrenia! This is why it is important to seek help. As much help as possible. If you don't go on medication, you will need a strong helper to keep what is "real" apart from what is a schizophrenic delusion. Even if you realize it is all imagination and a delusion in the end, for your own immediate survival, you MUST learn the difference between what is your character's delusions, and what is 'actually happening'. Only then will you have the discernment to judge mystical experiences, and continue to advance in spiritual work. My two cents.
  12. There's always talk on here about Leo's 'followers' just parroting everything he says, and blah blah blah. Even if this is true, surely you realize that this is a normal evolution of things. Hell, we evolved as a species because of our incredible ability to parrot everything we see. This is going to happen on this forum and there's no way of stopping it. But blaming certain figures in authority here is completely unbased and a disservice to yourself. Take the teachings and apply them. Don't worry about who's right or wrong, just follow your intuition. The parrots on here will be fine. Their intuition will work things out for themselves as well. I do feel you on the elitism. I don't think it's intentional, and is probably mostly (or completely) illusionary seeing that the only one hurt is the ego who wasnt given the attention it thinks it deserves.
  13. the short (or possibly long) answer is- it depends on who you are talking to. That being said, individuality is so goddamn effing amazing.
  14. If crystals can hold memory, I see no reason why water couldn't. Well... unless it just can't.
  15. Lesson Four: In this lesson, you will begin to transition into moving images. After you feel confident in seeing the dancing flame, you will have an introduction to image manipulation. By combining visual memory with raw imagination, this lesson will teach you to go beyond what you remember seeing, and into a realm of infinite possibilities. This is where the true magic begins! Please follow the instructions provided within the video, and enjoy!
  16. I have just finished a guided exercise for learning to visualize. This is a very useful skill for lucid dreaming, self help, manifestation, or for anything in life, really. One of the tricks to learning to visualize, is to understand where the images are projected in our minds. There is a misconception that we should see these images on the back of our eyelids, in full color and high definition- as if viewing the images in "real life". This is so wrong, and can lead to many people giving up, thinking that they will never be able to achieve this. This is actually a technique called projection, and is a much more advanced form of visualization. The images just happen to be projected onto the back of the eyelids, but the source of the images are from somewhere deeper. In this lesson, we will learn to access the source of the images. The secret is, you already know how to do this! You have been doing it all your life. In fact, you have been doing it for so long, and are so good at it, that you no longer realize you are doing it. It's called memory visualization. When you are remembering something visual, you see a flash of this visual somewhere in your mind. Try it now: what were you doing 20 seconds ago? To answer this, you most likely visually thought back about 20 seconds, and "saw" what you were doing, in order to report back. This area, although nearly impossible to pinpoint, is the source of your visualization images. Much later we can learn to project the images onto the back of our eyelids, or onto reality. Please follow the instructions provided inside the video, and enjoy!
  17. I find this all very interesting. Would be awesome if there was some sort of compiled list of practices to naturally enhance your body's chemical production. Kind of sounds like alchemy.
  18. (hint : it's really easy. Because technically everything you do or don't do is an exploration of consciousness.... So if you enjoy a hobby, say... Gardening, or video games, tell us what you like to do and how this exploration of consciousness affects your life. Does seeing these hobbies as an exploration of consciousness make you think about things differently?
  19. EVERY exploration of consciousness is a noble and worthy act. Including the ones who are partially deluded and believe that they are interacting with a spirit or a demon. Or even ones who are stuck in a strict materialist paradigm, but continue to explore consciousness as a curiosity. Humanity has pulled away from exploration of consciousness , ironically at a time when we need it most. The majority of people don't even care about what they can do with their imagination , or about their dreams, or about seeing what's right in front of their face. Because it's easier to live in ignorance, and to distract themselves with the highly emotional roller coaster that is unconscious life. The punchline is that you ARE consciousness. Mirrored in infinite ways. You cannot be unconscious to YOURSELF. you are only being Yourself, as one of the infinite refractions has dictated the story to be. So why do we shy away from exploring OURSELVES? Trust me, it's pretty awesome. There are many ways to start. The simplest way is through self development, where you learn to observe and grow. Just the mere observation of consciousness is an exploration of consciousness. Another method is through visualization. Whether it's reliving a memory, seeing and feeling as much as you can- to letting your raw imagination take over and show you things, there are methods to achieve this. Then there's psychedelics. These are well known ways to explore consciousness from the waking state. I don't have much experience with psychedelics, besides Marijuana and LSA. Next, is dream work. This starts simply as becoming more aware of your dreams, recording them, and continuing your self development through the symbols and patterns you find throughout your dreams. Now comes the fun part ?. The more you become aware of your dreams, the more you begin to awake in them. This is called lucid dreaming. This itself has several levels of mastery and there's many practices that work for different brain-types. But it is also your window into infinite creation. The powers of God are at your fingertips, and you can create and destroy whole worlds. Probably universes. And yet there's several levels of mastery to this as well. The dream does not spoil you right away and give you full control. Many times you are denied your wishes and intentions. But this only takes practice, and there is nothing which you cannot imagine. Lucid dreamers are called oneironauts. Fashioned after 'astronaut', oneironaut means an explorer of dreams, or consciousness. Pretty cool, huh? Let's be oneironauts together! What are others ways you can think of to explore Consciousness?( besides the obvious 'just go live life' ?)
  20. @Virtually I'm glad you liked it?. Could you share what practices you do to explore consciousness?
  21. The other night, I got lucid. I didn't know what to do because I'm getting used to this, so I just walked around and saw what was happening around me. At one point I'm leaving a room full of people, and I turn around and ask a girl what it's like to be her, and me at the same time... And how it's possible... She just got really annoyed and was like 'how do you not know this already?' or something...
  22. Open your minds, dear children, brethren, and friends. For there is nothing(,) which you cannot imagine.
  23. It doesn't change what's true, but they can live in such a grand delusion for an entire lifetime
  24. Sure, people do it all the time and delude themselves.
  25. *there is nothing... Won't let me edit lol (nevermind?)