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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. haha maybe just write anonymous at the bottom of quotes from ol' Jim ... (just kidding mods)
  2. God/consciousness/spirit/shen/energy/life-force/intelligence/love/qi/chi/etc.
  3. hmm this is off topic a bit but I wonder if Jim Newman cares if he's properly credited. If so... hmmm.. at the same time I can understand why its good to do that on a public forum.
  4. um maybe you could tell us what you mean by killing God and yourself.
  5. This is very interesting, but just know they could also be completely your own creations. Doesn't make them any less cool or important though. If they want to show you the light, let them. Hmm maybe see if they can come to you in your dreams and tell you that you are dreaming. Would be useful hahaha
  6. We read a story, invest in its world and characters, and yet never once believe that it's real life. You experience both, at the same time, each one bringing a different flavor to the experience. Each 'flavor' has its own independent values, and also can combine and complement each other, harmoniously. So you have a point about saying ' we ' and you can make it into a little running joke, because that's all it ever will be until we give up language and communicate telepathically. But who knows how long that will take ?‍♂️. Go ahead, you can use the 'we' thing in your posts.. We'll all get it, if we do. If someone doesn't, that's an opportunity to show them how much God loves them, oops us.
  7. The social tribes evolved independently of each other, not even knowing of each other's existence until much later on. We are now living in a peice of evolution that no one talks about. An almost complete blending of the world. This is unprecedented and happening right under our noses, without considering the implications. Anyway, imagine if you woke up and had no memories and were asked to go on an epic quest of good verses evil... Wait that's the plot of almost every fantasy rpg. Let's back up a bit. What if you suddenly awoke, as a human, with no memories of before and no idea what you are. It could take millenia to seek that out. Along the way, as there are more and more of you, social hierarchies form and the lot of you begin imagining ways of which the first human came into existence. At this point you may or may not live in an area which has apes, so the conclusion between our ancestory isn't discovered until very late in the game. But that's OK, because we spent the first good beginning portion of our evolution focusing not on the origin of our bodies, but the origin of that we all share : consciousness. We explored the shit of of that early on and then forgot most of it while we pursued the body. We are still on that stage but the scales are very obviously tipping the other way, or balancing out. Let's decide that together.
  8. The best stories have interesting, loveable characters.
  9. Can someone tell me more about the throat chakra? What are its actual functions, blockages, and methods of opening (balancing) ? Is it really tied to speaking your truth, or is that some sly mumbo jumbo as a hidden path of self help? Please refrain from the 'helpful' comments like that I should search on Google. I've been seeking for upwards of five years. Part of the issue is trusting what I find on Google, so I would like to hear from more like - minded persons.
  10. And why can't we ask, "what did I do today?" in the context of what was experienced through @Nak Khid perspective? Whew that's a mouthful
  11. ok so tell me what you did today and how you are feeling using only those pronouns.
  12. sounds like you are trying to force a non-dualist state of mind. A true non-dualist uses common pronouns, and just "knows" the meanings behind them. We talk and communicate in stories, and for there to be a rich story which is easy to understand and follow, you can't be so strict on the pronouns.
  13. I understand what you are doing here but can you tell me why you want to change all the pronouns? In your own words please... It kind of makes it really hard to communicate...
  14. you are having dreams of this happening during sex? and what do you mean hallucinating a lot of colorful lights? what are you doing when these lights show up?
  15. @Consilience wow our stories have really aligned. I have almost the exact same relationship with weed as you have described, but still enjoy it so much to quit... yet. I took about 3 weeks off this summer and honestly didn't notice much except being more content with being sober. Dreaming has been mostly unaffected. my memory is great. synchronicites out the wazoo.. even while sober but I wonder if with daily use if you are really ever sober...
  16. hey you mentioned more synchronicities while sober, does this mean that you were primarily having them while high? Or just not much at all until you stopped?
  17. Just seeking in general... and one of my main issues is speaking confidence, especially in front of my employees. This has been an issue since school, where I somehow weasled my way out of the mandatory oral communications class. Thought it might be tied to a blocked throat chakra but I also still don't 100% suscribe to the idea that the balance of chakras are based on psychological aspects.. ?‍♂️
  18. @Nak Khid Nak Khid was imagined, so...
  19. @FoxFoxFox how has your relationship been with your family within the past five years or so, and how has your view of 'them' changed since your confirmation?
  20. @Dumuzzi ah gotcha. I don't watch lucifer but I do love supernatural so the name has probably popped up on there lol. I haven't fully developed my free writing, and this is first time doing it in like a year, so who knows. Could be ego fantasy but I've found that it still helps psychologically when that happens. I dunno. He offered me a wish.
  21. @Dumuzzi hey do you know of an Azriel within the elohim? It may have contacted me within free-writing... I wasn't even thinking about the elohim, well at least not consciously. I see the name is associated with the angel of death.... ?