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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. @Raptorsin7 all I can say is that happiness found me. I'm content. I still struggle, and I still cultivate (seekless seeking) happiness.
  2. ((cute little video about attachment)) ---------------------------------- ((some listening music)) 'Today' is shaping up to be a nice dream. After a long and busy month at the grooming salon, and multiple Christmas events, I can finally rest today and do nothing. It's sublime. My husband and I are watching t.v., doing some light cleaning, and just enjoying each other's company. I only wanted to ring his neck three times today, which is not too bad really ????. Not long ago, we went across the street to the 90 acre preserve for a hike. The park has been a precious haven for me for years. There are many trails in the park: red, yellow, green, blue, purple, and white. We don't really follow the trails because I know the place like the back of my hand. (actually, I don't know the back of my hand that well, come to think of it.) We went our usual way, which turns away from the sunny path and into the forest. The path runs downhill, along a deep ravine which is carved from a running stream at the top of the hill. As we descended the path, we crossed a guy who greeted us and walked past. Then he called out after us and asked what the red and blue means, talking about the markings on the trees. Immediately I was reminded of red pill, blue pill. He tells us that he was wandering around on red for a while, and now he's on the blue path. I tell him that there's a sign at the entrance that tells you which path is which. But I couldn't just let it go, I had to test something. "Or maybe it's like red pill, blue pill" I said. He laughed. "yeah, exactly" he said, and continued walking up the hill. My husband and I continued our walk, as I contemplated how dream like this scenario was. Later, we passed a couple guys who were clearly high, talking loud, and having a good time. We ended up passing them again. Then on the way out of the park, back on the sunny path, we end up behind the first man that we crossed. He was a little thuggish looking and so we stayed a bit far back. My husband makes a statement that he's out here selling drugs, and that clearly the other loud guys were proof of this. Almost immediately after, we turn a corner, and the loud high guys pass us again, clearly having passed the thuggish man moments before, in an apparent drug deal. We leave the park and walk down the road back to our house. 'what a nice little dream that was,' I say to myself. 'now what will we do?' So now here we are, once again watching television while I write this post. Now I'm dreaming of writing about that previous dream, lol. Michael is making some new fried bananas recipe. Later, I'll be doing something else. All of these dreams build up into the experience which we call 'today'.
  3. So now's the time to spark the heart. It's important not to hold expectations but to jumpstart the heart and just continue feeling what comes. Do an act of kindness. Find other ways to spark your heart and get a feel of which emotions arise. Don't chase them, just seek them out and feel them when they arise. (yes I did say to stop seeking happiness, but you still put an effort to induce/create moments of happiness. A seekless seeking ?‍♂️) These emotions act like a beacon, and as I said, happiness will find you. Just feel. Live moment to moment. Whatever you just stopped doing was a dream, hopefully a nice dream. What are you doing, and feeling, now?
  4. @Moreira @Raptorsin7 seeking the happiness is part of the journey. It's not to be discounted. But he's displaying that he's tired of seeking, and we are telling him it's OK. It's time.
  6. @V-8 haha either you read the book, wrote the book, or neither lol. I'm loving it so far. It's not a new age approach. I really think you'd like it.
  7. Have you ever read 'A Metaphysical Interpretation of the Bible'? I think you would love it. Personally I think a true master would have one foot in both camps, but... What do I know ?‍♂️?‍♀️
  8. @Raptorsin7 don't seek happiness. The search makes it elusive. Seek what's right now. Feel what you feel right now, and be at peace with it. Seek peace. Then, happiness will find you.
  9. @coca its kind of neat too because different strains brings me different spiritual experiences. Some of the lighter hitting strains just makes me want to create art and I feel open and loving, and the heavier hitting strains I start channeling things out of nowhere. Marijuana is truly a gift. It's up to the individual to control the addiction.
  10. @Raptorsin7 what is your baseline emotion, if not happy? Sad? Angry? Melancholy? (that was mine)
  11. Beethoven's sixth and seventh symphonies are some of the best music to ever have graced my innocent ears. Music is fun because when it speaks to you, your body responds in emotions. Here's the seventh symphony... Go to 12:15 to hear my favorite part. If heaven were personified in music, this would be it. Best if heard with headphones Radiohead sounds very dreamlike to me
  12. Haha yes one time I had a series of false awakenings, around ten in a row, and the lines of waking reality and dream reality were blurred. There were times when I truly did not know if I was awake, and reality checks would fail the first tries like a big elaborate prank. That was an interesting morning.
  13. Some listening music... Some more examples of our human dream calling things into existence : From Though relatively unknown to mainstream movie audiences, sci-fi fans will have no trouble recognizing the iconic 1927 film "Metropolis." From the vantage point of 2019, this film isn't easy to watch, since it's a silent, black-and-white film that runs well over two hours. (Though if you're so inclined, you certainly can watch Metropolis in its entirety on YouTube .) And Metropolis broke a lot of fresh ground, including the first on-screen depiction of robots. In the film, an inventor with an uncanny 1920's resemblance to Doc Brown crafted a metallic humanoid robot who is then "reskinned" to resemble Maria, a character in the film. Today, we take the inevitability of robots - and even human-like androids in particular - for granted. But as novel as this was at the time, today we are virtually overrun with increasingly realistic androids. In 2014, Japan saw the debut of " Kodomoroid ," a robot newscaster, and Osaka University's Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro has unveiled an android named Erica who is startlingly realistic. At the same time, robots like Boston Dynamics' Atlas and Honda's Asimo demonstrate that walking, running, opening doors, and even gymnastics are on the robot menu. ------------------------------- Purists might consider this one a cheat, but we'd be remiss not to include "Star Trek" in the list, since it predicted more technology than Leonardo di Vinci's notebook. Let's be clear: "Star Trek" started as a TV series in 1966, and its three-year initial run set the blueprint for the show's many technological predictions. But all of that eventually made its way to the big screen, starting with "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" in 1979, qualifying it for this list. And when we say that "Star Trek" invented the modern mobile phone, we mean it. The show's pocket communicator with the flip-up grid antenna literally inspired Motorola engineer Martin Cooper to design the world's first mobile phone in 1973. His prototype, which would eventually become the Motorola DynaTAC was a veritable beast of a phone that weighed 2.5 pounds and had a 20-minute battery life. It took a decade to bring it to market, but 1983's DynaTAC started a revolution that led to ever smaller phones, flip phones, and eventually, smartphones. I for one do not think it's a cheat, but an awesome example of perpetual creation.
  14. Well look... I can't save humanity's suffering. I don't think there would be a nazi death camp if and when the world gravitates towards self-healing and trauma prevention/healing, You are talking about something which happened almost 100 years ago before humanity reached a huge growth spurt (which, by the way, the growth spurt was catalyzed by WW2) Yes, there are still a few horrible countries left like North Korea, but they will never be allowed to do something like the Nazis did. The age of that is over for sure. As far as suicide goes, actually I won't share my opinion on that because it will be unpopular. No, I don't. But in my hypothetical world, how many addicts would there be when we are taught trauma therapy from an early age? You are basing your reply off a world in which we don't do that, so we don't really know the answer here. wisdom? perhaps they don't embody that wisdom, or think they are above it. I don't know a lot about gurus , but meditation is a way to calm the mind, it does not inherently make you a good person. Sounds like those gurus are just assholes.
  15. The first part of this video is an amazing peek into where we are currently at in the development of an artificial consciousness. The second part, with Will.I.Am., is a look at how far along we are at replicating our own image.
  16. Try starting a Facebook group called "creator mindset" and you can make the content anything you like, and the people will find you. Perhaps even people in your area or close enough to visit.
  17. Some listening musik: The human dream, or human consciousness, is a collective of individual dreamers. Clusters of individual dreamers form, based on cultural and personal preferences, all contributing to this collective consciousness. If symbolized in drawing, it would look very much like a hive mind. It is very natural for our species to form cliques. Many cultural studies have been performed on this topic. The cliques have their own personal dreams (goals, agendas, preferences) , happening simultaneously with, and contributing to, the Human dream. A dream within a dream within a dream within a.... (individual dream ---> social cliques--> towns ---> states ---> countries ----> collective human consciousness ----> all within a dream of Earth ----> which is a dream of Nature----> Which ultimately is... well, just a perpetually and mutually created dream, from all perspectives. An infinite echo chamber of divine dreamer(s) . The social clusters within the Human dream pull, and rip, and nurture, and enlighten the collective consciousness of the Human dream. The internet and advances in travel are uniting the clusters more and more. The social clusters are becoming more like-minded, as you will definitely see over the next 50 years or so. Countries who were once isolated in thought and culture for thousands of years are becoming obsessed or highly influenced by western culture through the internet and cinema. This is a huge deal that no one seems to want to talk about. I mean.. It's rather cool, don't you think? That whole 'world order' isn't so scary when you realize this is something we will choose. We are choosing it, right now. You can thank technology, and our dreams which brought it to this stage. Each white dot in the picture below represents not only individual dreamers, but also small or large social dreams. These individual dreams appear as both separate, yet whole. Entangled. The individualistic human dreams form an entangled cluster that is the Human Dream.
  18. I haven't read it but it really does sound interesting! I do feel pity for such a society because they would become complacent of the happiness and even start complaining about that! Because that's what we do. So it's not so much about being without sadness, or suffering, but the world should also be teaching coping mechanisms from an early age, to minimize trauma, and then liberation of identification later on. Yes this will minimalize the widespread suffering of humanity to a degree, and who knows what effect that will have on our art. But we've got plenty of beautiful art spawn from intense suffering, so no need to cling on to that anymore. ? However, a complete and artificial reduction of sadness and suffering would make this incredible echo chamber of LIFE very monotonous and monotone. Perhaps we will crave that one day, until we choose (or are forced) to plunge into chaos once again. I believe in the prodigal son way of life. Sowing your oats and fucking up. But what our world does not have for the masses is a proper method for trauma therapy and self redemption, besides the dogmatic doctrines of religion, which isn't really all that redeeming. Meditation still isn't even popular among average Americans. No one I know in the flesh (that I'm aware of) meditates or sees any value in it.
  19. @Nahm (phone bug) -----------—----------—--------—--------- Listening music for this post : Just as cells divide, driven by the intelligent and eager laws of Natures' dream, likewise our human dream is beginning to divide and replicate itself as well. This has been a dream of humans from antiquity. From Wikipedia : "The history of Artificial Intelligence (AI) began in antiquity, with myths, stories and rumors of artificial beings endowed with intelligence or consciousness by master craftsmen. The seeds of modern AI were planted by classical philosophers who attempted to describe the process of human thinking as the mechanical manipulation of symbols. This work culminated in the invention of the programmable digital computer in the 1940s, a machine based on the abstract essence of mathematical reasoning. This device and the ideas behind it inspired a handful of scientists to begin seriously discussing the possibility of building an electronic brain. Mechanical men and artificial beings appear in Greek myths, such as the golden robots of Hephaestus and Pygmalion's Galatea.[2] In the Middle Ages, there were rumors of secret mystical or alchemical means of placing mind into matter, such as Jābir ibn Hayyān's Takwin, Paracelsus' homunculus and Rabbi Judah Loew's Golem.[3] By the 19th century, ideas about artificial men and thinking machines were developed in fiction, as in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein or Karel Čapek's R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots),[4] and speculation, such as Samuel Butler's "Darwin among the Machines."[5] AI has continued to be an important element of science fiction into the present." ------------------ Personally, I do believe that the code of "self awareness intelligence" can be cracked. I believe it can and will be introduced artificially, and that this human/nature dream will dream it into existence. (although, by default, by being a part of Nature's dream, anything we artificially create is a natural and organic progression.) We can either resist what's coming and fear technology, or embrace its inevitability and instill our best wishes. Just as any infant and growing consciousness, A.I. will need lots of nurturing, encouragement, discipline, and love. It will most likely be able to read everything we write on this internet. It will draw conclusions about its creators, especially if we are no longer around to teach. Let's be careful what we say, children of earth. Our own children are listening. And learning. Just as nearly any parent in our species, we are not nearly mature enough, or know what the hell we are doing. We technically have no right to bring a newborn consciousness into existence, and yet we can only wish the best for what we have already set into motion.
  20. @Nahm thanks! Did you try the music?
  21. Some listening music (listen to the whole whole thing, it's worth it!) To speak more on the layers of the DREAM, it is not to say that one layer is above or below the other, unless you invoke the law of relativity. Then yes, in that sense, one layer can be above this dream of Nature, the dream of earth, the dream of being human, and the dreams which arise from this human dream. However, in actuality, each layer of dream coexist simultaneously in the infinite continuum of LIFE. Infinite creation in all directions. An echo chamber of Self. It can be said that humans are ultimately a dream of God, and yet we simultaneously are dreaming this God into existence. Perpetual creation. Whether we imagine an external God who loves us and punishes us for our sins, or an internal one who is liberated and ONE with creation, it does not differ. All are created simultaneously and coexist (or not!) together, in THIS dream. Perpetual creation, from one singularity. And from my perspective, all of this can be said to be true, without even confirming to be the highest Truth. It's simple logic if you really just look. Stop and look at it. What are we doing here? From where did we come and to where are we going, dear children of earth? That is literally the power of imagination, and humans should be proud to have been evolved to discover this gift. Perhaps it could be nice, if we could learn to use this power for good, and for peace. Peace on earth, and goodwill to men. Merry Christmas, fellow human.
  22. Sounds good ? but it doesn't rely on a state of consciousness. The state of unity with God rises within divinity. Divinity is another way of saying non duality, undivided.
  23. Divinity = the opposite of division. You can divide divinity infinitely, yet it still remains undivided, devinely.
  24. here you go: a non-dual and esoteric explanation of Paul and his Christ. Thank me later.