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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. Thank for bringing awareness to this - I can intuit what you are saying
  2. @Leo Gura @Nahm Thank you thank you thank you!!! ??
  3. @Nahm I don't believe that the brain produces dreams, I'm only trying to get to the bottom of how memory is involved in the creation process. But no one will tell me what memory is, or how it's transmitted /received... again the Zoltar machine breaks down. And I don't believe that the body produces awareness. I notice there is awareness and I notice that a camera construct (the eyes) are very easily misleading into thinking that the awareness is inside the body. From my experience with dream work, I'm well aware that isn't the case. Although being lucid I can 'get this' but while the body is awake it's all a guessing game
  4. @Nahm well, I mean I guess I could say that my husband is a dream character who happens to tell me about interesting dreams, but I haven't had an awakening so I shouldn't speak on that kind of stuff. But I can't help myself so I'm going to add that I'm also a dream character of my husband ??‍♂️
  5. Its hopeless ? but thanks for conversing with me, or whatever ? at least now I can maybe settle down a bit.
  6. Lol why do I feel like I'm being set up here? ? Ok fine... Mu... I would have to engage thought to say 'I dreamed this' and 'my husband dreamed that'. Of course, he could just tell me his dreams and I can compare... But again I'm not trying to talk about nonduality here, unless that's just unavoidable... And, sorry I haven't made a dream board. I don't know what I've become conscious of creating besides my own suffering by believing thoughts, and sometimes pleasant things as well which can be manifested through imagination. I've been trying to become more conscious of creating during a lucid dream but it is taking alot of experimentation or just isn't possible beyond small instant manifestations.
  7. Hmmm ? ok I'm going to take that as a koan and not try to gleam any meaning since that's where I seem to get in trouble ?
  8. @Neph after I started facing my fears in my dreams and not running from them, I no longer have bad dreams ?
  9. Is it not interpreted that the act of observation, even the illusion of observation, changes ordered 'form' into chaos or vice versa? Which could eventually reduce into individuality? Or am I missing something? I didn't say it explained the overall hallucination, or whatever And by individuality I don't mean separateness, I mean various expressions of reality within itself.
  10. I'm so sorry to hear that ?? dreams are the spice of life! Just curious : are you right handed and predominantly 'left - brained'?
  11. @Inliytened1 @Serotoninluv Phone bug @Nahm I dunno ?‍♂️ no one ever asks 'do you want to forget yourself and enjoy this coming dream?' it just happens... And sometimes I become aware of it, and sometimes I don't. (Speaking as the character who remembers the dream in the morning.) BUT to answer your question, I sure hope so!
  12. @Inliytened1 thank you ?? @Serotoninluv yes sorry, it's confusing when you can either be talking about awakening into the dream, or from the dream. thank you, that's the best, most comprehensive answer I've ever received on the subject of night dreams and it's bleed-throughs...
  13. @DreamScape just talking about the basic functions of ego which protects the body and keeps it out of jail haha. I was just messing with ya ?
  14. @Serotoninluv thank you we have similar experiences with dream work? (speaking solely in dream talk, as if I'm someone asking you on a random forum) Do you think that the dream self/character becomes lucid and is one and same as waking character, or is still just a dream character who will poof away upon awakening? Of course this depends on lucidity level... I am typically never fully completely my waking-self even when lucid, except that one time that I stepped into the dream fully lucid. Yes this waking reality can act very dreamlike and I don't trust it's 'realness' ... funny because realness is an imaginary idea... ??
  15. And thank you for a direct answer... It's frustrating when you think you are asking curious questions and everyone just shuts down like I broke the Zoltar machine. (which is very dreamlike might I add)
  16. Ok I get you I promise. Can you at least tell me if it's all related to the double slit experiment? Beyond that I think I'm ready to just go into experiencing mode. My mind is too wrapped up. The questions are too heavy to carry...
  17. Yeah maybe he meant that the ego will protect you at work and is OK to trust a healthy ego. A healthy ego wouldn't smoke at work to begin with lol
  18. I think individualism is just one of those mysteries that perhaps can't be explained... Whether there is truly an individual or not, that's not what I'm asking. Something colors 'my' nightly dreams differently than 'yours' . Individualism is stored 'somewhere/nowhere' even if there's no brain. Even if that very storage itself is an illusion through repetition?
  19. Yes, but I don't really consider night dreams and day dreams to be separate experiences, just different kinds of experiences (flavored, or colored differently, so to speak) with different rules and regulations. Sometimes I am aware, and sometimes not. I'm not saying there is a brain, anymore than my nightly dream body has a brain. And yet somehow the dreams are individualistic, that's what I'm seeking.
  20. @Leo Gura yes, but that seems like a non answer... The same non answer I tend to get. But go and check out my dreaming reports. Those dreams are individualistic. How and why?
  21. @Aaron p I could make ayahuasca if and when I really am ready. So that little bit is enough for a trip?
  22. @Neph do you mean you are afraid that others are in your dream and spying?
  23. Actually, yes we are dreaming all the time in the background, and you can learn to tap into it through image streaming by Win Wenger
  24. (some listening music:) Had some dreams last night, but kind of personal and probably not that interesting to others ? so here's a cool lucid dream I had last year : Last night, I got lucid after this person was showing me their pet tiger. It was huge, and not very nice, but didn't attack anyone. I flew away, and realized it was a dream. So I did what I've been wanting to do for a long time : find a dream guide. I tried the method of spawning a dream guide by looking behind me expecting one to be there. I was still up in the air from flying, but when I looked behind, I only saw a woman walking to her car on the ground. I flew over and asked if she's my dream guide. She agreed, and I got into the car with her. It was a convertable, and we drove for a while with the wind in our hair. I asked a few questions, and was determined I would remember what they are... (darn it), but I just got the sense she was giving me generic answers and wasn't too interested. I woke up. (and didn't write down the dream so far dang it!) I went back in, determined to find another guide. This time i decided that the dream guide would come and tap me on the shoulder, because the method of looking behind me wasn't working, and I was in a crowded city street. Two men tapped me on my left shoulder, a few seconds apart, wanting to be my guide. I awarded the job to the first one. Another man comes up and wants to know if I recognize him from another dream, but I don't. I then realize that he is really familiar looking, but can't recall which dream it would be from. He seemed surprised that I couldn't remember and said it had a hilarious storyline. He walks away and I ask my new dream guide for the details of that dream, but can't remember now about it, but involved a handgun. I guess I woke up again, or lost my guide, or something. But then I was out in the street wanting another guide to tap my shoulder. This time it was an older man who was doing paintings on the side of the street. I go over to his little area. He seems to have picked up 'dream guide' as a side job, and didn't know too much about what to do. I asked him to take me somewhere. (this is one of my preselected requests, that the dream guide take me somewhere of their choosing). I think he did take me somewhere(can't remember) because I remember coming back to his art stand a couple times afterwards. So all in all it was a good experience. I like the new technique of letting the appropriate person tap me on the shoulder, although not 100% sure I actually got any 'sentient' dream guides as opposed to random DC's. Too bad I didn't wake up and write anything down in between, but that will probably come as I get more confident of returning to a lucid dream to achieve my goals. At this point I'm so scared I only get one shot that I try to let it go on for a long as possible.
  25. @DreamScape let me know if you need any help finding a method Also, do you ever wake up in sleep paralysis? That is a special backdoor to astral and Lucid dreaming.