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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. @Peter124 what's the difference between that and (lucid) dreaming?
  2. Who would have even asked this question before apes evolved? The human's god was created as part of the Human Dream. It is simultaneously imaginary and all powerful.
  3. Awesome poetry.. Thanks ? Do you lucid dream?
  4. It's just to discuss lucid Dreaming. Members range from complete beginner to master, so you'll see a myriad of topics and questions posted... Popular lucid Dreaming authors are members too...
  5. OK, I started a dream goal thread on this awesome lucid Dreaming Facebook group, seriously one of the best I've ever found.... Join the group and then let me know if you need help finding the thread.
  6. @zeroISinfinity little children are inquisitive, know nothing but what they experience, and live in a state of wonder and playfulness. You don't have to bring every aspect back from childhood like being easily traumatised!!
  7. My interpretation would be that you merely believe that you can't trust yourself.... Let's assume it's based on past actions, right?
  8. Hahaha and their answer was 'you're joking, right' so funny! Maybe psychic after all lol
  9. Im hoping this will force me into it. Was also thinking about a dark room retreat, but its impossible in a marriage life, when the other doesn't understand.
  10. By assimilating all of it (without forming any concrete beliefs) and then using the info in your self inquiry.
  11. I think @Bittu might have checked out
  12. @Bittu what is a spirit? and guys... being psychic doesn't mean they can pick up on what color t-shirt you are wearing... yes its possible, but kind of ignorant to think that's a proving factor. For one thing Bittu may not be clairvoyant or clairsentient. Relax a bit, ok?
  13. @The Lucid Dreamer why don't you start a separate thread, and every post will update the dream goal for the week? Maybe throughout the week we can vote on the next one. I think it would be fun for everyone to be doing the same dream goal, but sharing their unique, infinitely different experiences. Maybe for the whole week we keep attempting the same goal to see if we get different results.
  14. Why don't we set a dream goal for the week, and then report back with our results? For example, the first one could be : "I become lucid and talk to the first dream character I see. I ask them what they think of me" .... Or "what did they have for breakfast?" I like to use questions that force the dream characters to come up with creative answers. But of course there's many dream goals we could try, like finding a dream guide, or summoning a treaty treat, or flying to the moon. Any thoughts?
  15. Hahaha I thought they were cute. Sometimes they would just say random things, and sometimes a quick comment on the dream I just had, or a quick 'hi' or 'hello'... Hasn't happened in a year or so though...
  16. This is a collection of works... The Seven Valleys is number two... I warn you, the poetic symbolism is dense and takes some time to chew, but so insightful.
  17. @Emerald in their writings, there does appear to be this "Beloved" or "beautiful friend" that the seeker can actually find and have a personal relationship with. And this beloved is considered God, but not 'the God that's exalted above all creation.'
  18. "Know that the reality of the Divinity and the nature of the divine Essence is ineffable sanctity and absolute holiness; that is, it is exalted above and sanctified beyond every praise. All the attributes ascribed to the highest degrees of existence are, with regard to this station, mere imagination. The Invisible and Inaccessible can never be known; the absolute Essence can never be described. For the divine Essence is an all-encompassing reality, and all created things are encompassed. The all-encompassing must assuredly be greater than that which is encompassed, and thus the latter can in no wise discover the former or comprehend its reality. No matter how far human minds may advance, even attaining the highest degree of human comprehension, the uttermost limit of this comprehension is to behold the signs and attributes of God in the world of creation and not in the realm of Divinity. For the essence and the attributes of the all-glorious Lord are enshrined in the inaccessible heights of sanctity, and human minds and understandings will never find a path to that station. “The way is barred, and all seeking rejected. " - ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá, Some Answered Questions
  19. ... For God, in His Essence, is sanctified above all ascent and descent, egress and regress; He hath through all eternity been exalted beyond the attributes of His creation, and will ever remain so. No man hath ever known Him; no soul hath ever fathomed the nature of His Being. In the valley of His knowledge every mystic wandereth astray; in the comprehension of His Essence every saint standeth bewildered. Sanctified is He above the understanding of the wise; exalted is He beyond the knowledge of the knowing! “The way is barred and all seeking rejected. His proof is His signs, His evidence His being.” - Bahá’u’lláh, The Seven Valleys
  20. Do you know about dark room retreats? I've been wanting to do one, but now would be a good excuse to do it If my area is quarantined. The coronovirus is causing quarantines. That's the relation.
  21. would you rather me start a new thread and clog up the forum page? I can if you want.
  22. how many of you will be doing dark room retreats while in quarantine?
  23. Voices are fun upon waking up. Haven't had that in a while...
  24. @studentofthegame you can make friends here and get their social media contacts. They just don't seem to want any groups formed through this media.
  25. admire away my friend I know I do. Although I'm mindful of other's feelings.