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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. Define 'something' and /or 'nothing'...
  2. I get ya but not so sure about that instant hypnosis the street performer is doing...
  3. Its still a bit early in my experimentation, but I'm starting to be a huge advocate for the gateway experience by the Monroe institute. I'm only on the first wave of lessons and feel different. Gaining focus. And I DON'T meditate. (although the lessons are technically meditations)
  4. its one of the foundations of civilizations. Do you see any surviving civilizations that didn't have a strong morality backbone? Not that their "morality" was exactly what we consider moral... but surely you get the idea.
  5. try the hemi-sync gateway experience by the Monroe institute. I think your trained mind could master it in no time.
  6. who cares? you can do whatever you want in the astral realm, a less 'dense' realm of consciousness. Why do people complain so much about the physical realm? You literally can experience both. Each one compliments the other and makes the other more valuable.
  7. Make sure when you begin that your eyes are equally staring into the darkness. Mine tend to shift to my dominant right eye, which causes strain. Teach yourself to look evenly in the darkness, and then to stop looking with your eyes at all.
  8. Are you real? Are you separate from the psychedelic realm? ?‍♂️
  9. @zeroISinfinity its consuming you, and not in a good way. This desire to transcend 'this life' and experience will never satisfy you. You already are nameless. You already are zeroisinfinity. Just see what happens. Don't ruin it for yourself with obsessive desires for unobtainable outcomes. (are they unobtainable because they are pushed away by thought? Hmmmm...) At the same time don't detest thought and wish it away. Find harmony.
  10. @zeroISinfinity you just need a break. Your mind has obsessed over this for too long. You know the way, but the thinking gets in the way. Stop explaining what things are, you never will anyway. Just hang out with us and appreciate your unity. Let it all go-- the need to understand, or that you do understand. No one cares. And I mean that nicely. Its nice that no one cares. Enjoy it. Share insights with us as they arise.
  11. Lol I wanna pull that up in my vr screen
  12. They have a heavy body load and tend to be 'darker' in nature to lsd... Well I've never had lsd but just going off of others reports.
  13. Most of my synchronicities are around the number 33, to the point beyond just desired outcome. Many times when I check posts here or on Facebook, it's been 33 minutes since last reply or is the 33rd comment, etc. And that's just social media... Clock is often on the 33rd minute, etc.
  14. Or you misinterpret and accidentally jump straight into the bus's path. Better to LOOK for yourself.
  15. Oh I can tell left or right, I just can't tell you left or right, or you may get hit by the same bus
  16. there must be a point of reference for there to be a left, or a right. If we were to stand looking at each other, your left is my right, and vice versa. so there is no left or right. its just made up silliness.
  17. 'The Principle of Polarity' "Everything is Dual, everything has poles, everything has its pair of opposites, like and unlike are the same, opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree, extremes meet, all truths are but half-truths, all paradoxes may be reconciled" -The Kybalion "I form light and create darkness, I make peace and create evil. I the Lord do all these things" -The Book of Isaiah -The Hebrew Bible "Light and Darkness, life and death, right and left, are brothers of one another. They are inseparable. Because of this neither are the good good, nor evil evil, nor is life life, nor death death. For this reason each one will dissolve into its earliest origin. But those who are exalted above the world are indissoluble, eternal" -The Gospel of Phillip -The Nag Hammadi Scriptures
  18. What did "I am born bad" mean? Do you feel like you are on some kind of redemption cycle?
  19. Yeah that can be tough, but it's good to come out with something lest you forget..
  20. Subjective ?‍♂️ to me.
  21. @deso nah, just as long as you can calm the turbulent mind, should be fine. Do you ever see images when you meditate? If so, what clarity level would you say they are, 1 being barely visible outlines and 10 being full blown hd colored images.
  22. well like I said I can help with learning to step into a reality where you can play god to your heart's content, but as for some kind of enlightenment experience you'll have to stick around and ask the wiser ones. How good are you at meditating?
  23. @deso oh good. So are you looking for an experience?