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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. @DrewNows I've also gotten the sense that exposure to higher consciousness could raise that in sensitive animals ??
  2. Must those things be mutually exclusive?
  3. @datamonster I am not completely against eating animals but I completely detest the industry and how shameless it is And yes there are some very uncute human pets who need love too ?
  4. @mandyjw nothing more familiar than the meat suit... Well actually many aren't too familiar with their own human pet.
  5. @datamonster @Member just as dogs and cats don't know they are pets, we may never know this either ?‍♂️ But also, you are the alien. @datamonster they are delicious, but yes it's a shame. Micro pigs are smart and so cute!
  6. Friends make good pets. Family. Lovers. Animals. Thought. We make pets of them all. What is this drive for pets? A lonely cry for a semi-controllable companion?
  7. @ivankiss from ( - - - - "In other words, we seem to perceive things less at the moment that the heart clenches and pumps blood through the body. Directly after, though, when the heart relaxes before the next heartbeat, we can register sensations more clearly ."
  8. Well, the heart is built first ??
  9. I won't judge someone for dreads but yeah in my opinion they are gross ?‍♂️ though I'll admit that's conditioning and I've never really seen them up close. Maybe they are beautiful. I imagine a long time ago they were more popular due to lack of hair products and cosmeticians. It's all just vanity and of course you should follow your heart
  10. I can blow pressure out of my ears, sounds like wind blowing out. I don't even know how I do it but I can ?‍♂️
  11. Leo is #nobabies. They're cute tho
  12. How to start living more intuitively.
  13. I wish we could collectively stop referring to God as 'he'. Maybe that's step one
  14. ever heard of Déjà rêvé? It means already dreamed. Its not so much like premonition dreaming, but the way I experience it will be like things I see in dreams that seem random will actually appear the next day. Had two today, simultaneously, at work. To explain it would be hard because I'm a dog groomer, but for example: I dream of a blue butterfly passing by and the next day there's one dead under the bench.
  15. @ivankiss ha yeah, I've always been stuck in that 'left hand, right brain, more creative' mind set. Probably because I'm left handed ?️
  16. @ivankiss @mandyjw do you think insights are biased somehow towards one of these paths, or towards what you hear people say the most? although I am talking about genuine insights, not regurgitation.
  17. @ivankiss cue the eye rolls, but do paths a and b resonate based on left brain, right brain dominance? Path b is very intuitively driven. (not that path a isn't, to a degree) what are the major traps of path b?
  18. Of beauty too, not that mental illness isn't beautiful ? ???. So true. Was just noticing it in my husband earlier, which of course was because I was noticing in myself. Would you like to talk more about this interaction with your parents? Are they in a dogmatic religion? I'm confused, what does your dad want to happen? You need to prove the power of God for him to finally believe and accept you again? How old are you? You can objectivey women anytime, if that is the desire which arises.. Who said you couldn't? You've never had a lucid dream and screwed a hot piece, not caring that they are you? ?‍♂️ Also, you can't suspend belief like when watching a movie or play? You say you aren't depressed, yet I am picking up on a cynical melancholy. Why do you need total control? So you can control the things in your life bringing suffering? Are you bored? I'm totally calling my deja vu 'dejaVuddha' from now on I'm curious how much experience you have with lucid Dreaming and /or astral walking
  19. The nature of dreams : I am sitting in a room, eating cake. -me: yum, I sure did put alot of work into this, and it paid off! This chocolate cake is delicious! -chocolate cake : if you think I'm delicious, you should taste yourself! Mom walks in and I suddenly remember that she spent hours making this cake for me, and I shower her with gratitude for the delicious chocolate cake, which I now remembered has toasted marshmallow spread across the top. Mom really knows how to cook! -mom : I'm glad you like the cake, child, it's your birthday, remember? And so it is. Happy birthday.
  20. I'd start examining false memories and how they basically instantaneously build the dream