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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. Isn't that just remote viewing? (though definitely a more advanced version of it)
  2. What is nothing?
  3. That's where the arrow is shooting, but I can't tell which way it's going (backwards, forwards sideways) ??
  4. Grounded Openness Chapter Five: 23-33 Definitions of "open". 5:23-25 It's not enough to be conceptually open, because this can lead to issues not immediately noticeable on the surface. It's important to learn and practice true openness, an openness that's grounded in experience and not intellectually. 5:26-27 Open goes with honesty. One must be honest with themselves to see if they are really open. Conceptual openness leads to false truths about experience and hollow answers. One must operate from openness instead of trying to appear open. 5:28-33 There is also groundedness without being open. This is people who have experiences (grounding) and become stuck in their opinions which have formed. Not open to new ideas or that they are plainly wrong. Balance is absolutely key. Questioning Chapter Five: 34-40 --The only zen you find on mountaintops is the Zen you bring up there. -- Robert M. Pirsig ---- 5:34 It's important to see the difference between true questioning and data search. I.e.-what time is it? Or Where is Alaska? Are examples of mere data search. 5:35-36 Pretty self explanatory. 5:37 Questioning is a very real and personally deep experience, with openness to the possibility that you may discover something you didn't already know about the object of inquiry. Such questioning "remains unattached to any answer or outcome." "…questioning demands real wondering, and wondering demands not-knowing." 5:38-40 I am to now stop and use my tool of not-knowing to really inquire into what is questioning. I will do this and report when I do the exercises from this chapter. --The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a magnificent world in itself-- Henry Miller--
  5. Nothing is true, everything is permitted-- the assassin's creed.
  6. @4201 marijuana was enough to bring back inner hallucinations and voices for many months after LSA trip. Still does but much more quiet now (it's been 2+ years since that trip) but to answer your question, may be best to seek your own experience for the answer.
  7. Listen to this for your answer
  8. Are you in the body you think you are? Besides the notion of indivisibleness?
  9. @Into The Void she sounds like a good friend ?
  10. @Hungry wait what? Does this artist have a personality?
  11. Here's some I'm particularly fond of:
  12. Take a look at each of these pictures of animal eyes. Isn't it so cool they look so much like celestial bodies? (some more abstract than others, of course) That alone is just breathtaking... #3 is incredible ... A fun fan theory to speculate is that maybe the eyes manifest in such primordial patterns because it is the only thing it can't see---itself. (at least through visual sight). (even in a mirror, how much time do you spend actually looking at your eyes?) Without the visual feed of itself it hasn't evolved past its primordial appearance apart from the necessary survival evolution changes. Anyway, despite what's true about eyes, they are heavenly. Perhaps that's the only truth to them...
  13. @Mafortu loved that ?? @BipolarGrowth one of the best things you can do right now is stop saying 'he' in relation to God. Not that I can sit here and explain to you what is God, but I don't even see how there could be a God of something indivisible., ?‍♂️
  14. @Leo Gura ah OK perhaps 'the great climb' or "the great spiral ride" could be a better moniker, if it needed one