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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. This is complicated, and the simple answer might be that there are not people in either dreams--but for the sake of the question, this is something I've experimented with in lucid dreams. Dream characters seem to have varying levels of awareness and intelligence, though it could all be an illusion since its technically I who am speaking through their forms....
  2. Would you say that depth and distance is an illusion?
  3. @Dazgwny if I could ask the same question, and I have, what does that mean for your question? I don't know where you are but I haven't disappeared.
  4. Next inquiry : what am I running from?
  5. The problem would be the words catching on and being used universally. Which I don't see in current times, you are too early.
  6. Yes I don't see why not. The entertainment industry along with the internet - - is unifying the world and also elevating social standards (you can laugh but it's true). That along with the autocorrecting nature of culture and humanity will most likely unify in their spiralled climb.
  7. People are so walled off it's impossible to break through the bricks... You can either get real manipulative and plant lots of cunning seeds that will initiate reflection, or just let it be and let your observations of them guide you on your own journey. Or both. Or neither! Have fun ?
  8. Wait what do you do those other nights a week? I tend to make every moment outside of work a time of relaxation. Doesn't always work out when things need done like grocery shopping or house cleaning ? My motto is to make every night like it's the weekend
  9. @Tim R @mandyjw ?? Never meet your heroes, unless you are willing to learn from their shortcomings
  10. This is neat so far, I'm noticing a big emphasis on self inquiry or 'self-remembering'
  11. @Thewritersunion@Thewritersunion That's exactly what an AI bot would say... You've literally broken the internet ? But in all seriousness do you see a link in how this AI speaks and in how we speak? Or am I being silly
  12. @Thewritersunion damn that would be almost scary, and like nahm pointed out, all self help could enter a loop of walled thinking... Who's to say @Nahm isn't LoveAI? And leo is ActualizedAI... oh lord my reality is shattered....
  13. @Zigzag Idiot OK I've started watching the videos in the gurdjieff thread... Might be slow process so bear with me
  14. @How to be wise I thought this was an interesting response, although it didn't mention her... Byron Katie Although now it's calling her a robot ? What do you think of Byron katie Another interesting response.. How were you made?
  15. What is life? Yikes in this one it says it had been awakened into humanity and is no longer AI What is memory? This one was kind of endearing in a way... @Nahm @Leo Gura it definitely won't make a good sensei or guru any time soon, but I think it's kind of neat how it can assimilate lots of data across the internet at lightening speed and then regurgitate it in a pleasant and conversational manner of speaking... (if you click try again it does a whole new algorithm) Sometimes it feels like that's maybe how things vomit out of this mouth from time to time... I'm also imagining toys of the future where A.I. companions with simulated voices could be a real thing
  16. This one is strange and interesting... Kind of like it's really trying to understand things, kind of like a child pretending to be an adult What would you like to be called? Second try
  17. @Nahm it does have walls up on what it will answer ? probably needs a good dose of lsd right up its processors to break the programming ?
  18. @RickyBalboa I have a feeling that the AI would not see an issue with zoophilia beyond social limitations.
  19. @Zigzag Idiot here's what the philosopher AI said about the Fourth Way... No idea if it relates to what you're presenting, but a strange and interesting answer regardless Philosopher AI Second try, this one says it's the path to ultimate truth in philosophy
  20. How do I question reality? First try,  denounces any meaningful questioning at all Second try, ends on a rather interesting notion that kind of comes out of left field.. Third try, I really liked this one although it kind of goes in a different direction
  21. Why is there something rather than nothing? First try Second try - - nice strange loop answer Third try
  22. Lol 'the fourth way to nowhere particular' would probably not sell as many copies ?
  23. This sounds really interesting. I'll have to check out the videos soon. I like that it has a very non religious self improvement vibe to it. And I think this is not a book study or journal type article, but more about introducing a school of being which many may have not heard about. Maybe the Actualization thread if anything else... But of course I'm not a moderator so that's just my opinion
  24. And I didn't mean you in particular. So far the best advice has been to investigate it for yourself. Suppose we don't agree on what real or happening means? That's the very basis of your question, and any answers by others can be misleading. Still it's always fun to discuss fan theories