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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. (I was really hoping readers would at least post their exercises on here for study and comparison) Exercises: What do I believe? Well I guess I could jump straight to the root of it and I believe that there's an I to believe in something. It is held as true because for what is supposed to be 35 years I have identified as a person who grows up, experiences many things good and bad, and navigates Earth in a body. So another belief is that I'm in this body, controlling it. (that's not to say that I now think I literally AM the body and nothing else, I Just believe or assume that I am currently inside it, giving it commands.) This gets reinforced constantly, for example when I woke up this morning with stomach cramps and had to rush to the toilet. Pain is a steady reminder. What's true about family? Gosh this is a loaded question. Half of my family has been estranged for 15 plus years, because they are Christians and my homosexual lifestyle made me feel alienated. Much of that has broken down lately, although I still can't talk about it to my dad or both surviving grandmas. Fortunately, I do have the family experience with my mom and my husband's family. So what do I actually believe about family? I definitely think we should be there for one another. I think that there are family bonds that can survive even the worst scandal (thankfully) I think that sometimes family has too many unfair expectations. I'm ok with the fact that these are all beliefs. What do I think about my country? Wow another loaded question… I live in USA. I feel that USA is a young country, but has been on an accelerated growth spurt. It's definitely experiencing major growing pains right now, in fact. It elected Donald Trump, completely flubbed the whole corona-virus debacle, and now currently the west coast is ablaze. We went to many wars, some of which I think may have been completely unnecessary. However, it did play a major part in defeating the Nazi regime. Again, I'm willing to admit these are merely beliefs.
  2. There is absolutely zero difference between two enlightened masters arguing over the details of it, and two children fighting over which barbie doll to play with.
  3. @dflores321 I use it more for affirmations. Like for example you could put that you will have an enlightening experience today, or that you will lucid dream tonight. I also felt no effect as far as feeling high or something. The creator though, says that some will be more sensitive to the subtle energies.. Though I wouldn't rule out the power of suggestion #whatever works
  4. so glad he dropped the voice... mostly or should I say "they"
  5. @-empty- well I just kind of feel bad for them... we apparently have this superpower by retaining semen... do they have another way of storing this energy or are they just out of luck?
  6. @kai0 in a way, you could look at Intuition as the wisdom of the ages, all the experiences and lessons learned, passed down by all of your ancestors through DNA memory (or instinct) , very much like how a spider is never taught to build an intricate Web, but inherently knows exactly how to do it.
  7. Intuition. It runs through all filters and none at all. You are trying to think too logically about this. You won't get a satisfying answer if you keep trying to take the trip literally
  8. @rav don't ruin poetry ? shhh, God's speaking!
  9. So your doubts stem from not trusting the hallucination you had of your dead friend being alive. So balancing on that, it invalidates the possibility that psychedelic insights are truth. Well let's investigate it... For one simple and possible answer, you could say that not everything that happens while tripping are insights or to be taken literally. Perhaps you simply slipped into a waking dream where you dreamt of your dead friend. Perhaps he provided you with an insight but you weren't listening. On psychedelics it kind of all blends together and I would think the point is not to pick apart every detail of the trip and say 'well that seems legit but this other thing is totally bogus'. You assimilate it all and the take-away should be very intuitive and holistic.
  10. @Someone here I wasnt pointing out anything, just being curious. I could never validate or invalidate your experience... I just like to ask questions don't mind me
  11. Perhaps it's cultural programming that has made some kind of 'autonomous human'. And this human wants to share all its found. In this case, it's culture / society who needs Zen
  12. @Someone here what's the difference between my mind and your mind? I hope you know I'm asking curiously, not trying to be facetious or anything.
  13. Is the body actually doing anything? Why would it do that? It seems really intelligent!
  14. @Someone here ah gotcha ? the body is rather showey, huh
  15. Now this is not to be rude at all, but why did you feel like sharing? But also, ❤️
  16. Honestly some of the worst suffering is human interaction. ? Sorry bad day at work ?
  17. Here's a great example of how it could be made into a companion toy, (along with a stuffed animal body and AI voice) although it looks like some kinks need ironing out... ? (holy crap I just invented the teddy bear from Stephen Spielberg's Artificial Intelligence
  18. @Leo Gura and @ all the moderators Sending love... I know this can't be easy. But someone's gotta do it
  19. sounds like a whole lot of complaining about nothing jk, in other words, there is only presence as long as there's experience. Now that you are present and aware, you are somehow still not satisfied with reality. This has led to awareness not being as sharp because your mind is once again divided. Meditate the hell out of it. Contentment rises, (or unveils) you don't find it. Be aware now so you won't miss it. Then latch on and explore it.
  20. please join in my book study, I think this will be right up your alley lets explore identity together
  21. Creating a Conceptual World Chapter Six: 1-10 6:1-3 Play is an inherent nature for many mammals. We observe it in cats, dogs, squirrels, monkeys, rabbits, etc. For human children, it is also inherent to create imaginative worlds in which to play. But make-believe is not merely playing, its like an autonomous life-training for the ability to conceptualize. "Just like kittens becoming cats, what are adult humans good at? Conceptualizing!" 6:4-5 Along with play, the imaginations of children allow them to soak up cultural knowledge like a sponge. This time in their life is when they learn many of the things that will haunt them into adulthood- like that "knowledge, talent, and possessions are evident of a "deserving" person…." 6:6 These lessons are internalized and then present themselves in the play. They invent roles to fulfill these cultural life lessons, such as playing doctor, mommy, store clerk, etc. 6:7 This carries into adulthood, except we forget we are make-believing. Its true that most of what we "know" is make-believe, but we've been doing it for so long - (in fact childhood precedes our memory of it) -- that we no longer recognize it as such. 6:8 Simple acts like dinner time are not inherent truths of reality, but merely cultural phenomenon, something passed down through the ages. (although its definitely starting to break down if you notice). So lets just say "eating dinner". Its not an inherent truth. We have been told when to eat (three times a day is most popular) so we think that between 5 and 7 we should eat dinner. Its all made up! 6:9-10 Its good to root out many other make-believe that we take for inherent truth, such as: 'I am thinking', 'emotions are what we say they are', 'disease can be cured', 'animals have emotions', 'my self is unique and meaningful', etc. It's important not to take this information as conceptual evidence, but to continue to explore this and have continuous experiences and insights into how much of our reality is make believe.