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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. @Leo GuraGura(phone bug) Trump's attitude that America is broken and needs to be 'rebooted' (reloaded) and fixed, is catching on, drawing a strong crowd.
  2. All roads lead to Rome. Why would it matter which chariot he takes? The results are so subjective they don't even matter. Leo could claim to be more awake, more enlightened because of 5-meo-dmt, but I bet Peter Ralston doesn't exist so much he wouldn't care or feel like missing out. Stick out your hand and take the reins. Which chariot do you prefer?
  3. Do you mean life changing or do you mean taken more seriously, or what? Tell us how you think life might change after an awakening experience, regardless of if it happened 'sober'. Side note, does sober exist? We are always pumped full of chemicals, most of which we make up ourselves
  4. Well, I thoroughly enjoy lucid Dreaming, there was a time when I would spontaneously remember I'm dreaming several times a week or month. Kinda comes in waves. I still appreciate a lucid dream when it arises, but the trade off is I missed all the wonderful stories my dreaming mind comes up with, so I no longer use LOA to attract lucid dreams. I have stepped consciously into the dream world, but my biggest obstacle with this technique is quieting the mind and relaxing the body without going to sleep. I'm always wired mentally, so that's still a learning process for me. Image streaming really is the best thing to develop, as you can carry the dream world here and observe it at any time (once mastered) Einstein mastered this.
  5. @Adamq8 practice image streaming to improve inducing hypnogogia ? If you master image streaming, you can dream without going to sleep at all. And you can also use this skill to enter the sleeping dream fully lucid through WILD method. Otherwise you can use law of attraction (reality checks, dream journaling, visualisation techniques, mantras/affirmations, etc) to backdoor and awaken within the dream.
  6. @Adamq8 you can take two paths, or combine them : directly enter a dream fully lucid, or back-door waking memory into dream self. To start, do you see images when you meditate?
  7. @Adamq8 do you have any experience lucid Dreaming?
  8. @Proserpina on my phone, I can't erase a tag box or a quote box, until the next post.
  9. @Chris365@(phone bug) Please use responsibly ?: This thread was sadly underutilised.... Maybe time for a reboot
  10. @Moksha I mean, I guess it helps work things out maybe...but then there's just too much intention put on some kind of intellectual understanding. Maybe the ego needs everything out on the floor in order to sweep it all away. But also maybe new-comers can get so lost in all the fan-theory floating around that they miss the message of finding out for yourself.
  11. @Moksha ? My post was for those arguing about things Well, plus all the man 'splaining
  12. In a world of no separation, why must we keep making distinctions between doing /not doing, little self/other self (that' supposedly more real) , choice/no choice, etc. It's not separated, it's meshed. We don't need more knowledge about this. Asking anyone to explain it is spinning wheels. Instead ask, 'how can I become aware of this myself?' If you can grasp it intuitively, there's no reason to put into words. No need to argue about it. Those who argue can be shown the question-- 'how can I become aware of this for myself?'
  13. Replace 'Jesus' with whatever you like : All to Jesus I surrender All to Him I freely give I will ever love and trust Him In His presence daily live All to Jesus I surrender Humbly at His feet I bow Worldly pleasures all forsaken Take me, Jesus, take me now, I surrender all I surrender all All to Thee my blessed Savior I surrender all All to Jesus I surrender Make me Savior wholly thine May Thy Holy Spirit fill me May I know Thy power divine I surrender all I surrender all All to Thee my blessed Savior I surrender all I surrender all I surrender all All to Thee my blessed Savior I surrender all I surrender all All to Thee my bless ed Savior I surrender all
  14. @Thestarguitarist14 it shouldn't be about adopting any new beliefs, we have enough!! You don't have to believe in loa for it to work. BUT a strong disbelief (which is actually a belief in disguise) will sheild you from seeing what's right there. What's important is the open, curious mind, which does not make the distinction of 'does work /not work' 'real /not real' and doesn't need to prove either way. If it's working, it's working, and if you see it, you see it. If you are open to the experience of law of attraction, it will be a very real experience for you. If you are open to the experience of a Christian God who answers your prayers and grants wishes like a genie, that will be a real experience for you. If you are open to telepathic communication with a rainbow coloured light being from another dimension and planet, that can be a very real experience for you. And there will always be those who don't see what you see. And that's OK.
  15. In not a loa supporter ?‍♂️. I don't consider it true/not true. I wonder if you consider yourself open minded?
  16. @Consept when you hold the position that either can be true /not true, you no longer consider them as true /not true. Again, if it works it works.
  17. @Consept @Consept why would I care if Jesus rose from the dead? That's exactly what I at least meant to portray. Read it again, with an open mind ?
  18. True open mindedness wouldn't consider if it's horse shit or not.
  19. @Consept actually I didn't mention loa, its just a pretty general statement left open for interpretation. I would never say that loa is true or not true, because truth is undefinable in words. However I do believe in using what works. Loa doesn't have to be 'true or real' to work. It will never work if you say it doesn't. Or perhaps when you say it doesn't, you are attracting that outcome ??‍♂️ I will also not tell you what it works for, besides what I can verify myself which is psychological function.
  20. There will always be resistance to that which could change your life for the better. So much easier to be miserable.
  21. @Someone here the homeless person could probably manifest enough food and transportation to get to a town with a shelter. If they desired that. That being said I don't know much about homeless people or shelters...