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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. @Natasha thank you!! Will work for praise!!
  2. Number one: Great Idea!! There's a float tank about 30ish minutes away but I still have not tried this. OK, I like the ocean theme the best... the forest theme is nice but I wonder if its a bit too stimulating? Or perhaps that's something desirable to keep from passing out? Edit: ok i listened to more of the forest theme. when the smoother music kicks in it was really nice... It was just the very beginning, that first note made me jump so I immediately took the whole track as less relaxing. Edit: oh the listener's ears are underwater? wow I didn't even consider that. That makes this even neater. Did you experiment to see how much of the tone of your music is still hearable?
  3. @SirVladimir haha yeah that's why I also cried at my statement Someday I'll try shrooms. Hey I just got an idea, "shroom-Zoom meetings"!!! @fridjonk well, in this echo chamber, I have also noticed the tension and hostility flaring... it'll either fizzle out or go with a bang.
  4. Leave that thing you grew up believing was your body, and go exploring.
  5. (Second part) 6:49 According to the author, one would be able to check in(side) at any moment and find a feeling/emotion, whether or not it is screaming loud. It should be there. 6:50 Exercise: (going to type while checking in): As I listen to my reading music, I love that its pretty and also calming. It kind of annoyed me that my dog walked in and distracted me for like two seconds, but luckily she's gone now. I get kind of bored when I sit with my eyes closed and am trying to feel into how I feel. Then I get annoyed at the thoughts which arise that I'd rather be doing something else. Then I get annoyed that I'm subject to that nasty cycle. There was a pain in my wrist from resting on the laptop and it was enough to annoy me, so I moved. Wow I get annoyed a lot, and that annoys me!!! 6:51 Exercise: well, I'm actually quite versed in apathy, so I figured this exercise should be quite easy. I kind of practice this thing randomly throughout life, but not enough. I can kind of turn off feelings for things that bother me, if I really concentrate, but while listening to the music it was very hard to turn neutral to how pretty it sounds. 6:52 Basically, this is as difficult as it is to suspend thoughts, and that's because both are closely related and both are conceptual in nature. The goal of this book is to recognize and break free of all conceptualizations, including those subtle emotions and feelings and thoughts which dominate our experience by the second.
  6. @SirVladimir I want to do mushrooms with you ???? @Nahm ❤️ ---------------------- I love that leo is a real person (?) never meet your hero if you are going to judge them, I suppose... I don't find his speech to be toxic but perhaps I also don't take offence to things that might even be offensive (if I cared). @Martin123 you're an awesome person and I hope you will stay despite some of Leo's (hurtful?) (off-putting?) (human?) statements.
  7. @WonderSeeker here... This one sounds fun Or this Or
  8. Painting started : October 11, 2020
  9. Makes me think of in sitcoms, the characters sitting in the car and the scenery moves past them ?
  10. We hurt ourselves habitually. Sometimes this manifests as hurting others, but only as a means to hurt ourselves further.
  11. Painting completed: Saturday October 10 2020
  12. @Pateedm glad you like it ?
  13. Infinity gave me the ability last night to fall out of my body, through the floor into an endless void, and then into a new world which I explored. Also, a statue of a woman bit the hell out of my finger and I decided to surrender to the pain before waking myself up. That was fun. (here's a tip, don't watch a scary movie before astral projection, it's just not responsible!! ????) Also, I suppose you can say infinity is how there was an apparent me to experience any of that.
  14. Pence's hair is very obviously painted on, pairing perfectly with his robotic nature...
  15. @mandyjw ❤️ these genetic memories are so cool to think about. Some dogs are so over bred they are extremely neurotic and nearly untrainable. In my opinion they don't focus enough on weeding out the neurotic ones when breeding. Thankfully I'm a bit of a mutt which I think makes me more well-rounded ? batshit crazy, but well rounded
  16. You can definitely look forward to believing them less and less
  17. They do say that cats like to meditate with their owners and can even astral project together ?
  18. @UNZARI that sounds like a cool dream!!! I love Kermit! I hope he got away ok?