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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. @Keyhole I agree, I'm glad he found his connection to inner child.
  2. @justfortoday ok I take one thing back: it was very memorable when Rey accidentally used the force to bring down the ship in a fit of anger and then thought that Chewie was on it. I kind of connected with that. Yeah 1-3 were slow, but I love Natalie, Hayden, and Ewan and their characters so much I mostly forgive any of its faults. I still enjoy the story-lines, as opposed to 7-9. The music is spectacular. Nothing may ever touch the original trilogy in terms of adventure, excitement and imagination.
  3. @justfortoday @Leo Gura (not leo) They were good reflections of what came before, but like in a fun house mirror where when you look closer things are completely distorted and strange. The main character was absolutely forgettable, even if while you're watching it you like her. That right there is enough to tank the trilogy. I can't even think of one interesting or memorable thing she did or said. Kylo ren was not a fun bad guy at all, imo, and mostly whiny and annoying. Definitely not a good reflection of darth vader. The other big bad was tossed aside like trash. Then we get the emperor in last movie but it was so shoehorned in, and coupled with how crappy Kylo Ren was as a baddie, the entire thing fell flat for me. Forgettable leads, forgettable baddies, forgettable trilogy.
  4. So when do I get to will the remote into my hands? And also, 1-3 were not so bad compared to 7-9 ?‍♂️
  5. Would you say the Fourth Way is like another retelling of the middle path? Yes, the open beta has ended, but I wanted to support its awesome development so I paid the 2.99 for the Google app. Here, I asked it again for you-- And here's what it said about self remembering (side note, why does this forum crash many times right as I'm hitting the submit button, I'm not dreaming am I????)
  6. Leo does not command anyone to do anything. That would be craziness. You are on an open forum, where 99% of us are a bit whackadoodle. Welcome to heaven. Observing trends and mob mentality on this forum reflects the real world perfectly. If someone is pushed away, it is sad, but leo did not personally command anyone to act dogmatic. He even does not have manipulative control over the mods, despite all the fun conspiracy theories. Just be an adult, and use the forum to better yourself. If that means forgiving leo for not meeting your expectations, then you've already learned how to use the forum. Enjoy!
  7. @UDT thank you ? so far two out of five applicants have showed, making my decision so much easier ?
  8. Lol, just my luck, both interviews didn't show today. Oh well, I have three scheduled for tomorrow.
  9. .
  10. @Sounds of a Sphere thanks for the tips:) one day I'll climb out of my hobbit hole and try it out. Keep experimenting! Are there typically underwater speakers in the tanks?
  11. many religious people will live full and happy lives and never want for nothing. I wouldn't mind that. though many will live lives full of hate, bigotry, and self loathing. ...and both statements can be made for non-religious people as well.
  12. just beat it out How do you know that the daily masturbation took a toll on your energy and social life? Is this something you became directly conscious of or is it something someone told you is a result of masturbation? Kind of reminds me of the old "your palms will get hairy"
  13. sometimes the garden weeds itself, sometimes a hand is needed.
  14. @EmptyVase a watched pot never boils ?. That sentence there is enough to 'turn them off' indefinitely. Kind of like the last time I woke in sleep paralysis, I was so terrified I didn't want it to happen again. Now it's even harder to turn it back on
  15. @mandyjw  ?????????. It's so hard without pictures, but also the mystery is kind of fun
  16. Agreed, but who is @Gesundheitand why should you care what it thinks? Yes that was definitely an example of unhelpfulness. But not everyone who tries to make the situation or topic into a learning (introspective) experience is doing it with bad intentions
  17. If, on a self help forum, many suggestions of self help are seen as abuse, God help us all...
  18. Thank you!!!
  19. Thank you mods for all your hard work. To be fair, that was a dumb topic.