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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. Intuitive knowing. It's one of the five main psychic senses.
  2. Ah OK, utilising claircognizance. Reality checks are not 100% necessary if you are claircognant inclined. But they are still very useful, especially in increasing the likelihood of lucid Dreaming. The goal is to trigger a reason to perform a reality check, and then then the check fails you are clearly dreaming. The realization is the same whether it happens spontaneously or is triggered.
  3. Hello sir, we are happy to help. Do you remember anything which could have triggered this awareness?
  4. @Flexible hello there, we are happy to assist. Here's some questions to start : Do you have vivid dreams on a regular basis? Have you had a lucid dream before? Why do you want to lucid dream? How much work are you willing to put into lucid dreaming more frequently, or even on demand? (advanced techniques)
  5. @SirVladimir you are right, it's too slow for shamanic breathing, even at 2x, but I think could be good training for beginners
  6. Found this video, it reminded me of your visualisation of the ocean waves. And of course if it's too slow you can increase the video speed ?
  7. What is it exactly you would like us to ask you? If I can contact my own guide through meditation, why ask you anything?
  8. How do I connect with a guide? Is my only current obstacle the inability to relax enough into trance?
  9. I recommend Beyond the veil :the complete guide to conscious sleep - - by Daniel Allen Kelly on kindle.
  10. Well you only need one funeral that represents 6 billion people ? and renting your clothes and hair would technically be free besides the cost of the clothes (you know I meant ripping your clothes and hair right, old mourning practice)
  11. Hold a funeral, or you can try it old style and rent your clothes and hair.
  12. @kag101 thanks!
  13. I never said dream characters are real, or am trying to force anything on you, I promise! I just said that to inspire me reflection. But it's absolutely true that you made blandana up. (the persona) Also, go to bed!!
  14. Why would something be separate for interaction? All it takes is a bit of imagination. Are dream characters separate? Do you interact with them?
  15. Blandana is not real, period. No more real than Santa. When you are saying you are real and are God and are alone, who is the 'me' you are referring to?
  16. Blandana is not real, period. No more real than Santa. When you are saying you are real and are God and are alone, who is the 'you' you are referring to?
  17. .
  18. @Eph75 @Eph75 that's a cool experience! If you don't want to enter the dream consciously, you need to trigger yourself to question if you are dreaming. Reality checks are useless if you don't know to use them while dreaming. The reality check practice when awake is mostly just to trigger - -" am I dreaming?" while asleep - - and then you perform a reality check.
  19. Ok good you know some great reality checks, but what about your reminders? What did/do you do for reminders to even perform the reality checks? Every time you looked at clock? Or at numbers? What else? Months ago I had a semi lucid dream, actually I'd say I went more meta than lucid, and it started drizzling. I could see the drizzle so clearly! So you see the first dream of the night forming? But when you transition you lose all memory and create new ones? Or do you black out for even just a second and then come back as the dream self? This is an important detail because you must be able to remain conscious through out the entire transition. Even the shortest blackout is enough to kill you. If you aren't sure, check tonight. I feel that!! Yeah I kind of naturally stopped attracting lucid Dreaming for a while because I was missing the story lines so much!! I absolutely love my non lucid dreams!!! Haha cool. Though trust me it's a bit different experience when lucid and you can go anywhere you wish. Funny enough I still haven't really taken advantage of this. I have some YouTube videos that can help with that. I made them myself, and I had to use a customised synthetic voice to narrate them, but if you can get past that I think you'd enjoy. Here's one you can use for programming at any time of day. I recommend headphones because some have said the voice is too quiet. Technically you don't have to hear exactly what it's saying for it to work.
  20. I have consciously induced vibrational stage before, but have never astral projected from it, unless we are considering WBTB technique. I have also awoken in heavy vibrations or sleep paralysis. (sleep paralysis is typically post-vibrations I think) like you, mostof my astral projections have been unintentional. But with WBTB I have occasionally slipped straight into body exit after a small bout of vibrations. I remember one time my legs just started floating all the way up over my head, and I suddenly realised that was strange and then rolled out of bed in Astral. My biggest obstacle has been relaxing body and mind enough. Hopefully the breathing will help with that.
  21. They are very close to the vibrational stage like when I'm about to Astral project. I'm thinking this breathing activates that. I think it happens real quickly for me because I'm doing this a bit too fast and aggressive. And I didn't get cramps yet but my stomach started gurgling all night the other day and I was almost sure some stuff got activated down there ? Oh and thanks I totally love myself too!!
  22. I've been practicing... Gonna work my way up to 5 mins. I think I'm doing it too forcefully so one of my obstacles has been slowing down to a sustainable pace. I like your visualisation idea so I'll try that! Another issue is that the tingling gets a bit overwhelming after about a minute. I wonder if that's also an ego trap