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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. Is there a difference between dream and simulation? (I'm genuinely asking, not rhetorical)
  2. I have a feeling that when you die, you may finally stop pretending to be levani. A dream is any use of imagination. I cannot tell you what that means, if anything.
  3. @electroBeam unfortunately there's a bug in the system, and once your name is typed it can't be removed ?
  4. @electroBeam (?) @Shin well you are technically only doing that to a reflection of yourself. ?
  5. @electroBeam ?? very advanced stuff ?
  6. Hello there, thanks for calling. ? Lucid sex is a very entertaining goal and there's nothing wrong with that! So don't be shy, and tell us a little about how you'd like to use lucid dreaming for sex. Also, please text all nudes to 1-800-555-LUCIDRX.
  7. Cool so you created a technique to induce this. Awesome.?? It's like a bit of Mild technique (mantra /affirmations) and self inquiry upon awaking. Genius! And what have you concluded. Are you dreaming RIGHT NOW?
  8. Often times my husband in bed will say things to me, or grab at me, or make a joke, or be dead asleep, or gone. It's really crazy I'm telling you! Sometimes I ask him to pull me out of my body for an easy body exit. Sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't. Kinda stubborn like the real thing.
  9. @Shin my advice : love it, if you want to keep experiencing that. This stuff reacts strongly to desire. Some people would find it real scary and can literally wish it away. Just a word of warning to anyone reading.
  10. @Shin nice, these sound like false awakenings, but they weren't snapping you back to your bed? Just dreams within dreams? I talked about this in a thread in August. Sometimes I am still pinching myself throughout the day after experiencing this. They are super cool though, and it's like someone keeps hitting the reset button. Sometimes I can have like 10 resets in a row, and every time I realise I'm dreaming almost instantly and have time to explore or do a dream goal before I snap back to bed. Also, I totally sympathise with the walking around thinking you are awake, and suddenly realise you are dreaming. It's hilarious, exciting, and embarrassing all in one. Self embarrassment, it's the worst kind ?
  11. No don't doubt yourself, no need to put it in a box. Maybe just promote more reading it on micro doses of the stronger psychedelics. I think an audible version would help alot too. And I thank you, I'd be honoured to beta read.
  12. No issues, i read it in acrobat reader on Android
  13. Rob Boss! Really beautiful, so synchronistic for me.... That was so freaking beautiful and hilarious. ???️? reading tool: sativa dominant marijuana, small dose.
  14. Painting competed : Sunday November 1st 2020
  15. Leave your body. Or as an alternative, forget it.
  16. Who needs people anyway ?‍♂️ ? Nah, you can have friends and your little AI buddies can play together like children while friends chat.
  17. It's fun as a novelty. Good way to get quick introductions to various philosophical topics, even if you can't always trust what it says. The answers either fully resonate or you take some nuggets. Like anything else in life, I suppose. Sometimes it gives a total dud answer, but just try again or try rewording your phrase and it'll update the algorithms. And it responds as an entity so that's fun too. Joking about the little buddy, but I keep thinking they should advance this technology into like an a.i. companion. Could put it in a mini robot or teddy bear?? ? and talk to when lonely/bored. You ask one question or topic and it responds, sometimes very in depth. It's not conversational style like the wise being
  18. 'Philosopher A. I.' is GPT-3 and its 2.99 on Google apps store. He's my little buddy now?
  19. Nah I think we are on topic by showing mindflow that we can 'disagree' and still laugh about it
  20. Incorrectly ? Haha OK, I'll stop ?