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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. Hey there! Thanks for calling ? So it's funny, we've actually been discussing false awakenings, and that's exactly what you had. I actually find it kind of intriguing that you have experienced mystical states that would scare the hell out of some people, but are afraid to lucid dream. But OK, let's see what we can do here... ?(just playing) Can you recall the exact feeling you get when you realize you are dreaming and begin to panic? Pull it up real quick. What exactly are you feeling? Can you find the underlying (and most likely false) belief that is causing the panic? I wonder if 'it's not familiar' is really the best answer? If so, that's fine and you'll have to start there. But to me, when I realise I'm dreaming, it feels exactly like home. really try to see if there's something underneath 'it's not familiar'. Only a tiny tiny bit when it's like I can't wake up. But that's rare, and nowadays I don't want to wake up because there's so much to do. Ok here's a weird one. I wonder if you met 'a demon' when you were a child, forgot about it, and the only memory left of it is the extreme fear-- and then that's only remembered when you get lucid. Your fear of the 'dream demon' is immense, but your adult self really doesn't even know what's causing it. You mistake it for the fear of lucid dreaming, and put yourself in an unwanted feedback loop, which ironically works against your goal of dream awareness. Which is a shame since if you could remember what you are truly afraid of, you might also remember that you can turn any demon into butterflies. Nah, probably not but that would make a cool movie... Religious minded people think of them as demons. Personally I think they are very archetypal in nature, manifesting as whatever evil shit you can consciously or unconsciously think of. I don't know why they appear in sleep paralysis. They don't always, but very very often. It's possible this happens because that's what we've been told in succession since the very first occurrence, and so the hive believes that demons come out at sleep paralysis. Regardless, they do, so we've got to do something about it. There's some options. Ignoring them can sometimes make them go away. Luckily I don't get the ominous creepy ass demons standing in the corner watching me. I may have a few times but thankfully none anytime lately. I get mischievous imp like demons that sit on me and pinch and taunt me. One time one was pinching my nipple and wouldn't go away and I got so annoyed, I finally screamed out "in Jesus's name!" or something like that. It disappeared and I was able to get up and go explore. One time it was a whole parade of people, who I understood to be guests I had invited over, something from the previous dream. I couldn't see very well or move, but they just kept coming up to the bed and bothering me and taunting me. Finally I broke free and was like "SEE YA" and flew out the nearest window, lucid. That was also a multi-reset loop false awakening like @Shinhas been experiencing, and in each reset, it was less or more people parading in to bother me. I'm not sure in which reset I broke free, but even then I reset again. Finally I was able to break free and fly over a large lake, and continued to have a lucid dream with gorgeous scenery that I still recall vividly to this day.
  2. It doesn't affect it at all except for afterglow
  3. Ok interesting, a reddit user swears by white strain
  4. Any specific strain?
  5. @Michal__ I agree with ADA and perhaps it's useful for much more than lucid dreaming ? It gave me an idea... A guided 5-10 minute 'check in', which can be played and practiced at any point of the day.
  6. I really like those distinctions too. I think I grasp what you're pointing at, at least in essence. ?
  7. Hmm.. That's interesting, pretty much how blind people dream... And this is every time? I'm not sure if I can help, but the first place to start would be to work on your visualisation skills. As far as reality check goes, hold your nose and keep your mouth closed and see if you can still breathe. If so, you're dreaming. I'd be so curious if you would start seeing when you get lucid. At first I was blind, but now I see...
  8. I must definitely be dreaming right now... * (counts fingers) *
  9. Ok, just real talk now... I've been waiting forever for someone to give me a colour reading... I don't really study spiral dynamics, but I watched a few of Leo's videos. Perhaps some of the few I've ever listened to. So I did wonder if I was blue to green, but didn't really know enough for self diagnosis. So I really have to thank you for being the one to do the reading. But as far as mob mentality I really don't know what you mean. I was answering from my heart, as I always do. Also, I'm playing a role. Sometimes consciously, someone's unconsciously. When you come on here, do you see any roles you may take on?
  10. @abrakamowse here ya go This full body relaxation video was created to be used in conjunction with WILD. You can use it directly, or just a few times to teach yourself the technique.
  11. ?‍♂️ I never said it was separate things except for in the perspective of a person. I talk about it like separate things because I'm coaching for specific lucid dreaming techniques. This is a hotline for lucid dreaming, not a place to debate about nonduality. This is a safe place, for all who merely wish to learn lucid dreaming. If someone needs to explain that astral projection is or isn't dreaming or real life or super lucid dreaming, thats really interesting stuff for a separate thread. And I really mean that, truly. If I seemed at all bothered, it was because I have been clear on the purpose of this thread from the beginning, if you read any of those posts.
  12. Gosh I hope I'm in the teir which is loving and understanding and accepting of 'lower' ones... Also which tier is good for contributing in lieu of complaining? Hopefully I can be in both tiers at once ? When I get to the one where I'm above everyone else, please shake me off the ladder.
  13. @abrakamowse I like to say it's an (in)direct method.... In one perspective you can say it's direct, and in another you can say indirect. To put it simply, you are directly attracting lucid dreams, it's just relatively more indirect than WILD method.
  14. @nitramadas Goodness I would never do that ? but since you bring it up... I do disagree... Instead of saying that WILD can be used for astral projection, you are saying it can only be used for astral projection. Unless you just want to go ahead and collapse all dreaming into the realm of astral, which I have no issue with but it's not for the purposes of this thread, then I can say from experience that WILD can also put you directly into a lucid dream.
  15. @nitramadas Thank you for your valuable input ?
  16. If you really want a direct method of lucid dreaming, then it is the WILD technique. This is like meditating into a lucid dream, and when mastered is bacically lucid dreaming on demand. I teach the direct and inderect methods as a powerful combo. The inderect methods are a style of attraction for lucid dreaming. I appreciate people's opinions but to rely solely on affirmations is not plausible to assume will work for everyone. This hotline is for personal coaching, where I and the caller will whittle out a plan for what works for them. Most likely, all dreaming takes place in Astral, however from the perspective of being a person, LD is like going within and astral projection is like going without, wheras the body and 'this reality' is the anchor in between. We won't get into discussions here about whether there's an in or out or in between.
  17. Maybe that's how Picasso saw his world
  18. How long did you stay awake? It works best for me if I stay up and watch one or two episodes of a TV show, and then I will get sleepy again. When you start to feel sleepy again that's the perfect time. Once you return to bed you can attempt WILD by meditating your way into a dream, or just go to sleep and there will be a high chance you will get lucid. If doing the second option, try to repeat to yourself "when I am dreaming, I know I am dreaming". It's not necessary, and don't do it if it will keep you awake.
  19. @abrakamowse have you been practicing wbtb? I also like to set an alarm for 530 ish and use the snooze over the next hour... Can get lots of microdreams that way with high chance of getting lucid
  20. @abrakamowse it will very likely happen to you if you keep going ? just don't be scared and embrace it
  21. Aw come on.... If I get abducted I expect a way cooler experience than that!