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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. No of course not, you can lucid dream with remembering one dream a night. It's just a matter of how often you want to lucid dream, because the more dreams you write down the more dream signs you will recognise. But I just found a method that won't require any of that. What you do is wake up between 3 and 5, and don't move a muscle! (so that silent alarm would come in handy as long as it shuts itself off) Don't move and don't fall back asleep yet. Soon, your body will become more and more uncomfortable and when you get a signal to move or scratch or roll over, imagine yourself doing it. Or in other words use your astral body to do these things. Then eventually you should be able to use your astral body to roll out of bed or any other exit technique like pulling yourself out of bed on an imaginary rope. I didn't sleep well last night, so I'm still experimenting with this one. But it's nice because it completely bypasses all the other practices and doesn't seem that difficult. Of course it should just be a supplemental thing since the tiniest physical movement ruins the whole thing
  2. @electroBeam @seeking_brilliance Hmm no I don't, I would actually like a good one. I'll see what I can find
  3. @Shin@Shin(bug) Wow I just remembered I had a dream that I was holding and bouncing a baby but I forgot to hold its head and it was flopping around, but it was OK ?
  4. @MoreLove @Michal__ @abrakamowse @Shin and of course any one interested... Let's all set our intentions each night for the rest of the week to get lucid and look into the mirror. If there's enough time, we'll also try and jump in. Then we'll report back with any results. Who's in? Report here in this community thread in order to keep this thread clear for help: By the way, if you have trouble finding a mirror, when you are lucid, stop what you are doing, turn around and expect there to be a mirror. If this doesn't work don't waste time repeating more than once or twice. Try going into the next room and expecting there to be a mirror in there. You have to like... just know... that a mirror will be there.
  5. I've heard tale that it's associated with downloading (fluttering eyelids)
  6. It's OK not everyone here actually watches Leo's videos... Although some probably should (like me ?)
  7. Great artistic thread... I'm always a sucker for reading music, but we got a picture too! Very cool ? I've only taken a psychedelic once, but your descriptions are very familiar.
  8. @abrakamowse I bet you were still a bit groggy and was accidentally image streaming
  9. You just have to learn how to re enter a dream. I used to do it as a kid, but it just happens randomly nowadays
  10. Six is said to be the average for 8 hours of sleep but i def think it could be more. Last year for two months I had to wake up every two hours to take medicine and it surprised me to have actual long vivid dreams even just sleeping from 8 to 10 pm and beyond. Honestly we are always dreaming, even when we think we are awake, we just aren't tuned into it. But you can learn how to do that as well, it's called image streaming. So six dreams is just the average that people recall in one night
  11. I had another miley Cyrus dream... This time she had all these tiny roses tattooed over her shoulder and down her back, and she was feeling very self conscious about it. Also, there was this interesting part where I was split between like three versions all sitting on a L shaped couch , two were straight and one gay, and we were matching ourselves up with lovers
  12. @Shin sounds like a wild ride. Yeah try to remember, you can even use mirrors for transportation or bizarro worlds
  13. @Shin try looking in a mirror... It's fun.
  14. As I told someone earlier about their pesky astral demons pinning them down to the floor.... Go through the floor. In your case, the very earth itself ?
  15. @Vitamine Water thanks, we'll see how it turns out ?
  16. Are you bald in your dreams? ?‍♂️
  17. @Shin yes but not the ladies ??
  18. Ah, very cool. So you also had a spontaneous dream awareness. Very nice. You could be a strong natural. I love a night of oversleeping! I don't do it often but it always leads to long vivid dreams or even lucid ones. You'll have to play with it. I use just one hand. If you are more consciously drinking when awake, then you might start finding; yourself drinking in dreams. I say give it a try if you'd like, for science ? but if you don't notice it working, then you'll have that backup of doing it in doorways. I also like every time you see the sky, or hear the phone ring. Just play around with it, it will all work intuitively based on your preferences. Honestly I'm a very lazy journal keeper, I only write the ones I really like, but please don't follow my example! I also tell my employees at work about my dreams, and lucky for me they get paid to listen ? like @Michal__ said, write every detail as soon as possible.
  19. Last night I was hanging out with Heidi Klum a little a bit, and then Miley Cyrus. Miley invited us to a house party. When we got there, she went into the kitchen and asked someone for coke. I just wanted to drink, and had brought some cheap Sangria with me. I was embarrassed to pull it out of the bag. We all sat around and chatted, and then Miley (who was sitting in her burly boyfriend's lap) got up and made a speech and cheers.
  20. @Shin you have awesome dreams!
  21. I suggest joining a Infp group on Facebook and asking this question... That way you'll get answers from more people who share the same struggles. Do you daydream alot? What work do you do and why did you choose it?
  22. @Lora I don't know about you, but it already seems like I'm being slowly tortured ?
  23. @electroBeam alright I won't creep up on ya, I promise ?
  24. @electroBeam very cool, I'll try it again and now I know where to come for pointers ?
  25. @electroBeam I can't help really but you reminded me of something... Sometimes I try and meditate instead of going to sleep. It's super hard, and I don't know if there's any benefits from it, but it's on the list of things to accomplish. Have you heard of anything like this?