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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. OK last night I was in a classroom. Spanish class, or the class was for some reason being taught in Spanish, and I couldn't get started on the work because there was only one translator device and it was busted. I think someone came and interpreted for me later. Hopefully I didn't fail the class ?
  2. @BlackMaze " I assume that realizing you are god is the most scary thing there is? " Don't let anyone answer that for you
  3. I suggest getting one of these. You can use it with the coconut oil or you can use any toothpaste... But it will also sonic the plaque out of the gum line. (well, supposedly. Also should get a waterpik)
  4. Haha I only have Facebook and this forum. Never understood the appeal of twitter or instagram, or snapchat when all that can be done on Facebook. I probably am too addicted to this forum but at least the content I'm intaking can help relax an ego, not glorify it (though I may choose a little glorification here and there) Facebook I do love because I was alienated from my family after college (it's a gay thing) and Facebook has slowly let me reconnect. I even told my grandma the other day that I was spending thanksgiving at my mother in law's house, and that was big for me and the semi hiding behind Facebook allowed that space. She took it well, or at least from her response ? Social media also makes it very easy to connect with people from all over the world. Sure I could pick up a phone but who does that anymore ?
  5. @Loving Radiance awesome report? yes one time I was lucid and I ran towards this big burly man who wanted to beat me up. I couldn't get him to go away, and couldn't defeat him, so I made myself invincible and took the pounding. He got bored and went away.
  6. Well I just think no one even considers it as option, and quite a few have already been inspired by your tales of it. Myself, it was an unbelievable experience that breathing could alter the experience so incredibly, and I still never made it past just a couple minutes at a time. It keeps coming back to the boredom and uncomfortableness of it, and I applaud your talent in saying screw all that. It's funny because I'll get real bored, but remember that if I just push through it's worth it, and it always is, but it's still enough to push me away from going again, at least currently. I am focusing more on image streaming, as it's something I've wanted to master for two years now. I have a real problem with goal commitment and focus. ? Thank you about the painting. It was a Christmas gift for my mom.
  7. @Shin OK then... Well the vampire girl is actually shin's sister., from a few years in the future. His mother made love with a vampire overlord, and the mix of wizidry and vampirism in the blood made for one powerful she-demon. When she is (will be) two-- several years in your future--she is playing with a bird and it winds up dead. This along with a few other frightening scanarios causes your entire magical school board to enslave the little girl, not only within the castle but in a pocket of time, unpenetrable by anyone except those who can activate the magical book. It was your love which activated the book, not your current love of her, but the love you will undoubtedly come to have. Love is timeless, and therefore it activated the book for you. Even after she is released, many frightening things happen around her, and she continues to get blamed for them. Eventually you will begin to see through the illusion that she is evil, and realise that there's a sinister presence hovering around her, framing her for many things she is not responsible for. This presence wishes to enslave the world, and only the pure and badass power your sister possesses can defeat this evil. But she needs someone to help her see the good in herself. She needs you.
  8. Hehe it's also called hape, looks much less racy on an English forum
  9. I should add that I definitely don't condone subscribing to conspiracy theories. All they are, are very loud noise distracting from the silence of peace. I am forced to listen to them so I realized one can do so without identifying with them. Of course I do still unconsciously subscribe to many theories, but not the ones I hear on radio. One being that there's someone here dreaming. But regardless I'm gonna go paint now and enjoy.
  10. @Leo Gura I'm sure a lot do take them seriously. But I meant me personally. But sometimes I don't identify as a person so perhaps you're right ?
  11. @abrakamowse yeah I'm in a famous artsy fartsy town in Florida, so it's pretty prefect @Natasha haha thanks. I'm such a novice if you can't tell ?
  12. I have a rape made of wilka seeds which has 5-meo and bufo, and it's completely legal to buy online in US. I haven't tried it really. Just a little sniff of the open container makes me feel strange. I would need to be away from the hubby and in good setting to really try it. I also need to make sure I'm not interested in trying it just because I've smoked some marijuana. I def don't want that combo.
  13. @abrakamowse haha well I'm only on my fifth painting so it would be an empty store. But I own a salon so I have them there for sale.
  14. @abrakamowse Ah well my lucky mother also got that one as a Christmas present ??. I probably would have put $100-125 on that one. I'm thinking $125 for my current. (its not finished of course)
  15. @Natasha yes it's been for sale in my shop but it's the one my mom just bought. Just out of curiosity would you have paid more than 80? It's 11x14, and comes in the canvas fame (the frames cost me about $11) well, perhaps 80 plus shipping. I'm thinking of doing this one next...
  16. Try meditation, corpse position, when you cant sleep. Also throw some yoga nidra in there, there's some great guided yoga nidra vids on YouTube. Don't try to go back to sleep, but allow yourself if the desire arises. Don't do anything else between the 8hr sleep window besides sleeping, meditating, and yoga nidra.
  17. Humans are dreamed to be really fucking mean sometimes. Like the purest evil is not what we see in horror movies, but what can come out of a hateful mouth. But have you also heard Loving words? They can lift you to the loftiest of heavens, much like--and also uniquely different to--your equally valuable relationships with waterfalls, pets, or thoughts.
  18. @nistake haha we are exact twinsies in this. And during the project there's what we call artists anxiety, which is when you can be at work and suddenly you want nothing more than to be in front of your piece. And it hurts lol. When I finish, I think exactly what you mentioned but also am in awe that "I made this... This is so beyond what I thought I could do"... Of course you can also go meta and be appreciative of the opportunity to channel this thing out. This is also with writing for me. Also I agree with @SirVladimir, get grounded before beginning. His suggestion is phenemonal, or you can do a grounding exercise like an awareness check in, or short meditation, or consciously count from 1-100. But the shamanic breathing will definitely open creativity.
  19. I would say yes, unfortunately some of those countries are very hard or impossible to visit. Would want a full round-the-world tour with special pieces, and in a perfect world, no one would attempt to steal it.
  20. @abrakamowse could you clarify? The one of the woods is the second one on this thread...
  21. Yeah I like it.... Two clown students of a magic school accidentally open a portal in time, which is actually a prison for a scary vampire girl, and unknowingly unleash her upon the muggle world.
  22. I love this kind of stuff... Thank you