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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. Perhaps prediction and creation is not mutually exclusive
  2. Let's write it up on a dreamboard ?
  3. Haha I liked the picture.. Btw am I the only one who doesn't get notifications on this forum?
  4. @PurpleTree @aurum Cool! Here's some better viewing instructions : Nasa said people should look for them low in the south-west in the hour after sunset when “the two giant planets will appear just a tenth of a degree apart – that’s about the thickness of a dime held at arm’s length.” Tucker explained what to look for as “a thin crescent moon and two bright objects right next to it”. Fans can start practising now, because the planets are already edging closer together. All that is required are a night with clear skies and a vantage point with a clear horizon – no buildings or trees in the way, according to the Cambridge Independent.
  5. I hope to observe the great conjunction this month, they are hoping it will form a Christmas star! And you know what?
  6. Why does a health store like walgreens only sell junk food and push candy bars on you at check out?
  7. I'll let you know if any arise, otherwise I just enjoy exploring. Yes 'sucky' things continue to happen, but I no longer really question them. They are met with love and let go. I like the 'how' and 'why' questions and answers but they are just fun for speculation, like discussing fan theories on your favourite TV show. Think : Doctor Who- The Beginning
  8. I identify with this But not this, I actually enjoy the banter. It's refreshing. I am guilty of ignoring the things I don't resonate with, but that's more universally typical. I think what's important is to either shut out all the noise and focus, or invite it in for growth, then shut it out. Even growth is ultimately a story, no? I don't think either way is necessarily wrong. Some roads to Rome are longer, but with some interesting scenery as well. In my opinion, there's way too much distaste for 'wrongness' around here, instead of replies which redirect with an exercise of introspection. Too much explaining around here, no one needs to hear all the best details. They should be guided towards inquiry, IMO
  9. They are great questions... I'm curious who will step up as some kind of master ?
  10. It's you, silly, if there ever is one. ?
  11. It could be as simple as you have outgrown the interests of the people you surround yourself with. It happens. Though one trap is to believe there's no value in what can manifest with these types of people.
  12. A good excuse. Wrapped with a bow of love. Also, what makes you think some other dimension would be any less populated?
  13. ? Possibly, I'm strictly speaking here of light from fire /sun or artificial sources ?and the opposite, which we call darkness. In my experience, darkness is much harder to find than light, but even the light fades if you stop moving the eyes. If speaking of light as in Awareness, I do still trust that, for now ? @electroBeam and/or its all one and same.
  14. When I close my eyes, I don't see darkness. I see myself. Almost like a mirror, but not even. I'm already there, and it's not a reflection. It's me. In 'darkness' I see all there is to see. We say that darkness is the absence of light, but I've not yet found myself in the absence of light. Even with my eyes completely covered, it's not dark. Phosphenes dance in a prismatic display of expression. Then the tunnel comes. I call it the blue blob or the tunnel. It's never truly dark, or pitch black. And in light - - if the eyes are stilled, the vision turns back to (MYSELF)--the 'populated' emptiness we mistakingly call darkness when eyes are closed. Even light cannot escape me, and the blue tunnel forms with little effort. I don't trust light or darkness. And light is cunning. Even if you cut it off it finds a way to pop up. Whole worlds spring up along with it. That being said... I cannot tell you how much it's all loved. The appreciation for light /darkness is boundless. I just don't trust it, not really.
  15. I'd be in but wouldn't trust myself to be trained in 3 months... I really need to try this though, there's a location nearby but it's about 45 mins away
  16. Going to a psychic is like visiting a dreamboard in character form.
  17. @arlin neuroplasticity is commonly accepted with materialists
  18. Wow even materialists don't usually believe that