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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. I think I might judge full body tattooing until the day I die. I don't understand and it does bother me that I don't understand it...
  2. Look into hypnogogia. There's something very familiar with seeing direct creation. Dream memory can arise during hypnagogia and tell you that you've seen this before or that it's familiar because of that. It's familiar because it's closer to an authentic you than @QandC is.
  3. @Rilles I like the video you shared, she has a really good way to explain this... But what I'm noticing is you will want to do the full set of exercises, which she isn't doing here. And in the official explanation video, he says that it's important to do the exercises in order, because it pushes neurons up into the spine.
  4. Awesome... I have tried it before but didn't commit to the preliminary exercises, but I'm thinking of starting immediately because my legs are always painful from tension Just found this... The official instructions
  5. A possibility... Throat closing up is a classic emotional response. If you are like me and hold traumatic tension in your legs, then focusing on the legs may be releasing a subtle amount of traumatic energy and causing throat to close up as a secondary response. Have you ever tried TRE?
  6. @Hulia very good with the dream recall ? your dreams do seem pretty nice/interesting
  7. Makes you wonder if a straight back is just very rigid dogmatism...
  8. @abrakamowse we need to think of a way to induce sleep paralysis through law of attraction. I'm thinking... guided mnemonic programming, with other exercises to be played before sleep. Something like "tonight I awake in sleep paralysis." and "When I awake in paralysis, I am not afraid" Honestly I think the fear of paralysis is one of our biggest blocks because I used to wake up in it all the time, until a real scary thing happened and I wished to never do it again. guess who listened? People need to be taught to not fear the astral demons and either dispel them or get past them. Then there's infinity to explore. this one looks interesting... claims to encode the affirmations in binary code within the music.
  9. ???? Tell me how your typical Wbtb process goes, please Re: Subject : payment received Message : thank you!
  10. @Moon thank you!! I keep surprising myself, but that's half the fun ?
  11. @Muhammad Jawad the body relaxation thing has been a big issue for me, and as far as I know it's necessary. I've spent a long time increasing flexibility. I hold alot of painful tension in my legs, and they typically tense up while trying to relax.
  12. I'm very lackadaisy about practicing it. I do it in spurts, and then my interest and focus moves on to something else. Such is my burden lol. I just rediscovered the body relaxation video I made a couple years ago, and now I'm going to relearn right along with you ?
  13. @Muhammad Jawad yes:) if you are able to take it on faith, its one of the most life changing experiences you can have. at least it was for me. I can enter worlds. That being said, I have not mastered the technique, and it works best for me around 3 am.
  14. yes you will need to find the magic hour that works best for you. But a few hours after sleep , around 3 am, is really good time. They don't call it the witching hour for nothing But this method is intended to potentially learn to do it at any time, no matter the circumstances. But while starting out, certain hours are best to get into that state, and then you teach yourself to enter it at any time.
  15. @Muhammad Jawad both are very good times. mix it up a little and see which times lets your enter a hypnotic state easier
  16. @Muhammad Jawad this video can guide you into WILD method (entering a dream without falling asleep) don't be too sleepy when you try it
  17. @Rilles thank you for the video, here is mine.. It is a guided body scan
  18. Please try my daily check in if you haven't... It will guide you to full body awareness if you can relate to a narrated guided meditation.
  19. @Hulia I am in the same boat. My dreams used to be so fantastical. Now they are getting boring and too mundane to bother writing down. I think this phase will pass. But while it's here, all the more reason to lucid dream, because you won't be afraid of missing out on one of those awesome stories you probably miss. Then, when the good unlucid stories pick up, you can lax off the lucid practices. That's what I've been doing over past few years. Keeps it all fresh, in a way. When lucid, you can possibly even find the dream maker and ask for all those wonderful dreams again. The possibilities are infinite.
  20. 1. What keeps everything together? What makes the floor underneath stands? Why doesn't the universe just fly apart right now? Exactly what makes everything "work" so to speak? The rules of physics? What is grounding that? And what's grounding that?...... You get the idea Belief something that you are absolutely certain of. Like 100 %certain of. Justify why are you certain of it. Isness-beingness-awareness(one word, conveying a sentence) Is there a difference? 4. What is the context of existence? This experience that's happening right now.... Where exactly is it happening? In a computer or in a universe or maybe in an alien's dream? Imagination, or do you mean the raw data? Neither, the visible land doesn't even connect, and shape of water can't be trusted. Define knowledge.... Otherwise, read the data. All data is a self contained bio-feedback loop. If you know how, you can reach for it, whatever you want. (I made that up, and I'll also make up that accessing psychic powers will help. There, enjoy ?)
  21. Sometimes I wonder if the illusion of time, and memory, are intertwined
  22. A good idea is to base your reality checks and reminders off of something you find interesting, and try to make it fun. For example, pick an object that's small enough to carry in your pocket. Something that has sentimental or nostalgic value. Then carry it around thoughout the day and every time you notice it, perform a reality check. Every time it pats against your leg when walking, or you rummage in your pocket and feel it. Designate it as your reminder token. Alternatively (or combined) you could pair the reality checks with repetitive reminders, such as every time you walk through a doorway, or every time the phone rings, or every time you say 'I', 'me' 'myself' etc.. Then, in sleeping dreams you are very likely to remind yourself to perform a reality check when these things happen in a dream. Choosing something that already typically happens often inside and outside of sleeping dreams is best, so you won't have to wait for the desired action to start manifesting in your dreams. Journaling will help you to know what to choose, and the information in recording your dreams is useful in many ways. Then, pick a reality check that you enjoy. My main one is counting fingers. It has never failed in a dream. Maybe one or twice, but 99% success. I also like to close my mouth and nose and see if I can still breathe. This has never failed. I also check to see if I can levitate, but oddly I really only perform that when it already is a sleeping dream. There's so many reality checks to choose from, I suggest googling them and pick your favourites. Stick to just a few. I also recommend 'checking in.' at least once a day if not several. This would be an alternative to practising all day awareness (ADA) or even a companion to that practice. In the journals forum you will find a daily check in that I created. Ever since doing it nearly daily, I've been having spontaneous realization of dreaming without any signs. Just a knowing, out of nowhere. The practice is powerful in my opinion. This can all be customised to your tastes. Make it your own. The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the ride.
  23. @Muhammad Jawad here is the WILD instructions, its at least a good start. If you run into issues, I'd like to discuss them here as I'm still learning this method.
  24. have fun lol this totally 'happened'