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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. Thanks, I love these type of games.
  2. Perhaps take a pause and try passion visualizations and exercises to remember how to tap into it.
  3. @Jay Ray here is one... I'll look for more, but the buzzwords seem to be 'visualization compositing' and 'imposition' if you want to google for more. Of course this guide applies to more than just tulpas. As far as shutting it off, I would look into how mediums break off clairvoyant messages when they want to be left alone. 'shielding' and 'cord cutting' are really powerful to learn.
  4. Well ultimately I don't think there is a mirror, but it's easier to call it that when we're still pretending that there's a perspective and reflection. Another hint is that I don't particularly mean look for images, like with eyes open. Look for another type of reflection.
  5. Last night I dreamed that Micheal and I went looking for a house to buy. It was actually one we've looked at before in a previous dream, and I always love when I can revisit dream locations. The house was really run down, and the door to the side room was unlocked so we went in. I was like... 'fine, if there's enough rooms to have a painting room, that's all I need to be happy.' We went down a hallway and I looked in one of the bedrooms. It was dark in there and still set up like someone was living there. I couldn't tell if someone was in the bed, but it felt creepy and I was ready to leave. As we were leaving, homeless people keep coming up to the house and then running away. Lol
  6. Now close your eyes and see if you find the mirror (hint, darkened room works best, though not necessary of course)
  7. No, even better... he's the leader of a team of astral travellers who work mundane jobs in the living world and meet up on the astral plane once a week.
  8. 'people' continue to surprise me, on both ends of the spectrum, non stop. And I bet it's been this way since forever. Hell, I surprise myself on both ends of the spectrum, every day. At least it's not boring, right? ?
  9. If I don't identify with age, why would you expect the universe to? ??
  10. They are definitely dreams/dream imagery. If you learned some visual projection techniques I think you are very close to projecting mental imagination onto your waking visual field, like augmented reality. Basically the images will not be popping up in only third eye, but 'all three'. I know of a instructional tek for this if interested. But maybe learn to tune this stuff out first(on demand) so that it doesn't become disruptive... Don't need to be driving and having a cartoon Bambi jumping across the road
  11. Stuff like that has started to come up during hypnagogia for me... Imagine not really being asleep and getting those weird memories and then snapping out of it...
  12. It's a practice with the end result being close to what you described. It shows that the dreaming never really ends. Also sounds like you have a tulpa friend...
  13. @Jay Ray have you practiced image streaming?
  14. Haha neat TV exercise. Maybe best for reruns or shows that are less interesting? I'm not sure if I could be someone's hair, but worth a try ? Speaking of buildings... One of the reasons I hated the newer superman movies came down to the building carnage ?
  15. @QandC Btw, the hypnagogia is used to enter dream worlds consciously...(or shifting, as some call it, or WILD.)
  16. @Preety_India @Zigzag Idiot @Myioko
  17. @nistake he sells it though ?
  18. @nistake ok fine, I don't really judge her in the way that I think she's a lesser of a person. I think for one thing I wouldn't want to look right at her so I definitely wouldnt find myself in her presence, except by chance. Again, I don't think she's lesser of a person, or dumb, I just do not resonate with it at all. If she asked for help, I would of course.
  19. That's an awesome idea... Hmm I wonder what I would pick as a representation ?
  20. I think they realized their rainbow nature ?? which transcends chronological progression of spiral colours