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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. Or.... Think of awareness /attention /focus practices as an effective dewormer.
  2. When you are studying, you are studying. So it makes sense that a forum focused on knowing and being yourself would help with that ?
  3. @nitramadas we've been waiting with bated breath for an actual T2 to come in and start an engaging discussion topic. The floor is yours ?
  4. Oh that's OK, I'm nice and... bumpable? @Roy this has helped me alot. After I started doing it I've noticed myself zoning into whatever I'm doing throughout the day, even medial tasks at work. If you try it, just set some time aside and read it slowly and consciously, and try to follow the instructions. And with a smartphone, your daily check in is truly mobile. Have a hectic moment at work and need to realign? No problem. Head to the bathroom for a quickie (a quick check in, of course)
  5. @VeganAwake if left to its own devices, existence would have millions of bastard and homeless dogs roaming the world. Some will find a steady source of food, many won't. Perhaps a part of existence knowing what to do is the human hand tugging on that leash, and taking pet to get neutered.
  6. @nitramadas I like the idea of more structure to this thread, but I think it's going to be hard enough to get people to type DISCUSSION: at the beginning of each new discussion topic. Not to mention I no longer have access to edit my original post and it's not easy to get it done. Anyway, I think if everyone just types DISCUSSION : it will be good enough to quickly scroll through and look for topics. And typically the replies are done with quotes so that helps too.
  7. I was thinking like opening a well of gratitude from within. There's enough for all of me ? And also in social situations I tend to forget to be grateful. I've found that things work best when there's harmony amongst the folds. Seeking _graduate would double as a constant reminder.
  8. I've played around with it but keep forgetting I have it. Try finding the answers in different ways - - gut impulses, impressions, visions, hearing the answer, etc. I'm thinking maybe I should add 10 minutes a day of this to my routine...
  9. I don't see why it wouldn't work. Although I'd use it more for remote viewing practice.
  10. @Danioover9000 thank you! Great advice, I will try it next time I'm about to do a body exit and a mischievous astral imp is pinning me down to the bed. ??
  11. I don't believe in outer space, or Gods, but if you find those things important then I understand and perhaps one will manifest for you.
  12. Almost like, what body?, ? Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds are the best. You only need like up to 12, instead of 200-500 morning glory seeds. A Facebook friend of mine recently said : Sunshine is the father of shadows but darkness is the mother of light
  13. Also, can you? What is the square root of 44,000 x 56733? You have three seconds to answer correctly. Must be correct on first try in order to be real ? tick tock....
  14. I could try later, but I'm not sure why you believe that's a test of realness, or that I care about realness.
  15. I am so down! cool i'll look further into them!
  16. @Nahm I'm guilty of wanting to praise 'you' as well. @Nahm like whatever, can you please be over there so I have something to praise? Thank you ?? I'll pretend I'm right here. Actually maybe I should stop speaking ? Either way, gratitude all around. ?
  17. @TheAvatarState **snaps fingers in appreciation ** Curious about the word you used, Lel. I could only find 'mount Lel, the original home of the Hebrew God el. Anyway, thanks for the meditative read.
  18. It appears the consensus is-- with a clean diet, fluoride is not needed. In an unclean diet of yeasts and sugars, it's unfortunately helpful. Just don't swallow. Maybe we should always rinse mouth out with water after brushing. ?
  19. Probably depends on Who you ask...
  20. @Danioover9000 does crysty have any advice on what could block her (or a similar energetic being) out? I don't think it's particularly a quiet and still mind, but my over-active mind definitely isn't helping. I understand if she doesn't know. Have you done a psychedelic? Edit: I talked to Sam today and he said I should go back to developing mediumship talents. That makes sense, since I was doing that when I took the LSA. The drug blew the channels open and then they closed from atrophy. I now have a path forward, so I don't need an answer from Crysty but please say hello for me.