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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. Why should he listen to you on what to pursue? Have you pursued and found enlightenment?
  2. What is a previous state and why would you want to go back to it?
  3. Everything is fine. Sounds like you put yourself in a light trance and started experiencing hypnagognic audible hallucinations and dream memory, yes probably mixed with a strong reaction to your insight.
  4. Exactly! There's really nothing to say, but, enjoy!
  5. If humans are still using the machines for something, especially something as awful as war, then they are not yet dealing with intelligent mechanical beings. So then it's still just the humans at war. And yes that would totally suck.
  6. They're you, silly. They aren't happening anywhere, same as you. Though please don't listen to me, ultimately I know nothing...
  7. (( wow this video.... You don't have to agree with everything it says but, damn if it doesn't hit you in the feels...))
  8. Some listening music for this post : Humanity is dreaming. No one can clearly say when this dream began, and it's certainly not the only one happening, within THIS Divine DREAM of be-ing. Darwinian science tells us that the human dream probably began when the first humanoid species picked up their tools, and discovered creativity, ingenuity, and imagination. Homo-sapiens weren't even the first 'intelligent' species on this planet. Our current species stepped out of the ashes of several other intelligent ape species, who were somewhere between our current creativity level, and that of simple minded animal, who merely seem creative due to many highly creative and intelligent natural Instincts, which are laws of the greater dream all around us, a dream of Nature itself. The human dream is happening within, and simultaneously to Nature's dream. A dream within a dream. And yet, to be a dream within a dream, it means that the dream within, is both independent and wholly part of the dreamer. Therefore, the human dream is special and independent to nature's dream, and yet it is ALSO wholly a dream of Nature. Nature is dreaming of being human, who is dreaming of many incredible things. Likely, nature collapses into its dreamer, which may or may not be a dream of a higher dreamer, perhaps in a world of its own. It truly doesn't matter, since the ultimate collapse is that this is a dream of God itself. Not some other being, but ALL of it, simultaneously in one open - ended continuum. Although nothing can be truly open ended as it will fold back in upon itself. The human dream has brought us to many different places, and yet, we really haven't moved at all, especially in relation to the massive size of the solar system, much less our galaxy. We move around 'earth' like little ants. Intelligent ones, where everything is a big deal to us and we create our own suffering. This suffering sparks incredible art, though, which is one of the pinnacles of this human dream. This dream teaches us many things. About who we are. What we do. It is self-analyzing, and self - correcting. Pain and suffering is an excellent tool for auto-correction. We tend to call it growth. Pain is part of Nature's dream, yet is inhereted and implemented in our human dream with outstanding results. Some humans have even discovered a way to dream away pain, by exerting their will and mind power. The dream teaches us growth. Expansion. Contraction. This is a fundamental and universal law of the Natural dream, which the human dream has inherited. It manifests both physically, mentally, and spiritually. It uses pain and rewards (contraction>expansion) to great success. The world is dreaming of being human. Humans are dreaming, and most of them don't understand this, because it's never been pointed out to them. When it's laid out, it makes sense. Our dream shapes our world, and impacts the layers of dream which are dreaming us. Our dream seems to be taking a personality of its own. It's learning. (Egyptians, Greeks, Americans, etc. ) Growing. (war, and peace) Fucking up. (remember the inquisition, or nazis, anyone?) Redeeming. (still working on that ? yet can be seen everyday.) It seems to love its technology and is excited for what it's creation of technology may bring. It wants to reach out and study other planets. Many of our current technologies are things that we dreamed up in the early to mid 1900's. There was a period where it was mere fantasy to think one could wear a Dick Tracy watch and would function as both a communication device and video screen. Now you can get one for a few hundred bucks on eBay. 3-d holograms are now becoming a reality... From : "Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, a dystopian novel published in 1931, features a mood-altering pill called Soma that acts as an antidepressant hallucinogen. Two decades after Brave New World came out, scientists began researching antidepressants. Almost everyone in Brave New World took Soma, which erased feelings of unhappiness. In the real world, the first link between depression and chemicals in the brain was established during 1951" And here's another interesting one : " The first use of the term "credit card" goes back to Edward Bellamy's 1887 novel, Looking Backward. The use of credit cards in the US originated in the 1920s. In Looking Backward, the main character falls asleep in 1887 and wakes up 113 years later to learn that his home has turned into a socialist utopia. At the time, imagining that someone could just swipe their card to pay for an item and get a receipt for the transaction was considered science fiction. But Bellamy got a lot of things right, even predicting that it would be easy to use one's credit card in another country. The first universal credit card – one that could be used at a wide range of places – became available in 1950, and it took several more years before credit cards became an integral part of American society." And another good one : " . In the 1953 novel Fahrenheit 451, author Ray Bradbury wrote about "seashells" and "thimble radios" that resemble earbuds and headsets with bluetooth capability. Millions of Americans today listen to songs and take phone calls with Apple's wireless AirPods. Bradbury described the Seashells as capable of producing "an electronic ocean of sound, of music and talk and music and talk, coming in on the shore of [your] unsleeping mind," according to The New York Times. Fahrenheit 451 made references to other innovations that have since become common. For example, the novel described people communicating with friends through a digital wall, which bears some similarity to the sharing of messages on platforms like Facebook." Humans are dreaming. This is a simple fact that is often overlooked, as we tend to focus so much on our daily personal lives which are intense and take much or all of our focus. This is why we need to take time to think about things outside of our personal lives. The bigger picture, so to speak. If we are indeed nature, and nature is dreaming us, why do we work against it so much? I weep for the day when we finally cut down the last free forest. It's horrible. We throw millions of pounds of plastic away, without a second thought. Recycling should not be a choice, it should be mandatory. We can work together to make that happen, but we don't. It's easier to ignore it. To hide it under the rug. But in our ignorance, we destroy our beautiful world. In a way, you could say that nature (in this case, earth) is destroying itself, but why? Does it not love itself? Does it truly wish to be reborn on another planet, through human colonization, and destroy the mother body through self Annihilation? If predictive trends of science fiction can be considered, then it's definitely possible. Especially if it is encoded in our collective consciousness as humans, through the generations who are growing up with these science fictions. Our human dream makes these predictions a reality, sometimes completely under our noses. If we love the earth, it must love itself. But there's not enough of us who are fully aware, and not enough overall awareness of what we are doing to ourselves, both as humans and as the earth itself. Never forget : humans and earth are one. We walk among it but our cells are 100% made of Earth, and will return in a never ending (?) cycle of rebirth. But if we destroy earth's nature, what will our cells regenerate from? This dream is long, horrible, amazing, bleak, exciting, predictable and unpredictable. If we wished to end it, we could. We have the technology to do so. But we don't have to be so miserable to end it. It could go on indefinitely. What if we just found a way to enjoy it? To savor it? To grow as a species, and perhaps one day we won't even call ourselves homo-sapiens anymore. Aren't we excited to find out? Sweet dreams everyone, and Merry Christmas!
  9. @Nahm manifestation of a metaphor for 'reboot' Just kidding, I dunno... I remember a couple years ago a bad hurricane came through florida. I was convinced (through communication with guides) that I was going to absorb the energy from it. Back then I was really into awakening christ consciousness or whatever... Power was out for a week. What's weird is that after this I gradually left the whole mystical thing for perhaps different experiences and now getting back into it all.
  10. Wow, looks so good I want to say it's CGI but I guess it's not ?‍♂️. Now match this agile body with the ever learning wits of Sophia and we're well on the way to mechanical offspring ?
  11. How is a dream not the perfect example of formless form?
  12. @Hulia thanks, I'm glad you liked it! The white horse with wings (pegasus) is what's flying animated across the constellations on his robes. To me the king looks alot like the old forest versions of Santa Claus. He's a very friendly king, I promise. Just wants what's best for you ? and of course he's not a human king, he's a fairy king. They're alot nicer.
  13. oh i forgot to mention, you may want to tape it to your chest so you can relax your hands.
  14. oh really? cool! I'll collect them like snowglobes. you sure you are finished with it? @Myioko @Hulia @abrakamowse Ok here's what I feel is a well rounded example of what we can do with this and were we can take it. TDLR: In this session, I start with the grounding technique and then go and visit my mind palace. While in the mind palace I practice psychic reading and channel a message for which, ta-da, happens to ALSO apply to myself. How convenient. @SirVladimir stirred up an inquiry for myself that I've been chewing on, so I ask Sam about it. The writing styles varies from guided visualization to journaling to just whatever, and some literature dialogue thrown in for good measure. I also interact more with the physical body, showcasing what I mean by bilocation. *************************************************** Reclining in bed, I lift up and through the ceiling, and am now over the cul-de-sac. I can see the houses and 90 acre park beyond. I fly towards it and keep flying until I see Lake Alfred. There it is, so I decide to dive bomb straight down towards it, faster and faster like a bullet-- and it draws ever closer. Splash, I break the surface and head straight down through the murky waters, down, down, until I'm in Earth, and I shoot further all the way to the center of Earth's crust. I arrive in my grounding house. (looks like a generic hobbit hole, pale yellow walls) I forgot my silver cord, so I send an astral hand up to get it. Here in the bed I see the hand, like "Thing" from Adam's family. It extracts the cord from my navel and disappears with it. The cord hangs over me and straight down through the floor. Now back in my grounding house, I walk down the corridor to the scarlet door on the end, with the words 'grounding room' on the door. Inside is a cavernous room with ambient lighting around the stalagmites. In the center of the room is the OM tuning fork, which I know to be rooted in the center of the Earth. I wrap my cord around the two prongs and tie it off. For the remainder of this dream, it will absorb negative energies and patterns, and send them down into the Mother Earth for purification. I can feel it pulling stuck energy from my body. I am fully grounded into heart center. So now I crouch down and then shoot off, straight up through the domed ceiling and the tunnel which leads straight back up to Sky. Before I know it, I'm already above the houses. I want to visit the tree loft. I have been thinking about replanting the giant tree into the 90 acre park, but haven't picked a location yet. So instead, I create a portal in the sky and fly through it. It's pitch black on the other side, and after flying through for a little while, it was like flying through nothing. If I was flying at all. For all I knew I could be frozen there in superman position. So I yelled out-- SEND ME TO THE TREE LOFT! And suddenly a skyline appears. I fly towards it and now I can see the giant tree growing nearer and nearer. Its like a big oak or something. There's a crystal pendant hanging around my neck that I bought years ago, and I put it back on today. I decided I wanted to store Sam and the tree loft in it, so I'll do a ritual soon to complete that. I mean, of course it doesn’t really mean anything but the ritual will put a spell on my mind that whenever I touch the crystal, I'll instantly be more connected to Sam and the mind palace. Whatever works right? I land upon the balcony facing the huge windows. There's a wooden thud as I land and I can feel the pressure on my soles. I walk to the door on the left and enter. The loft is before me. It's carved out of the top of the giant trunk. On the other side, the entire back wall is the library, and I walk across the loft to the rows of bookshelves on the other side. The hanging mediation pod is in the center of the room, and it swings when I bump my elbow against it. There is a large fireplace in on the back wall, surrounded by rows of bookshelves, with a gentle fire. "I choose the book titled "MESSAGES FOR ACTUALIZED.ORG MEMBERS"" I'll go to the pod and practice. I walk to it and climb in. It glows with a soft blue ambient light, popping up somewhere from under the cushion. The book pages glow so I can easily read. I flip to the first page. Printed as the title, is says again "Messages for" Here is what I read: (went into my version of automatic writing, or in other words I listen for a string of words, not knowing what the next word will be and just write them as the come. This is how I do much of channeling) It will take two years to formulate a gestation of periods. In other words, Listen! Stop arguing and listen! (Me) we don't listen enough. The book: it's not a doing, it’s a love letting. Receiving. I'm laying in bed here thinking this sounds like Sam. While I was, I saw him pop up out of the book in my hands in the pod. Going back to the pod, I rub my dream hands together. I take the book. Sam is inside the book, like an illustration. (Me) Sam, why do you think we don't listen enough? (I ask this twice more, and get an answer I didn’t like, and it didn't feel like Sam was connecting. ) I ask if he wants out of the book. "Ok yes of course Sam can come out and into the pod with me. Hey sam." "Hey, thanks. Finally, yeesh." "Sorry I was just trying something creative. I should have asked. Ok now, Sam, why don't I listen?" "You just need to find the arrow." (this is what I kept hearing when I didn't like the answer, because its something that commonly comes up when I surrender to receiving the words.) "Ok, what does that mean, you keep saying it." "It means don't wait for the answer, seek it. How hard is it to teach yourself to listen? Yeesh." "Sam, I notice you are being silly. Yeah yeah. So how about this? I'll turn out the light and we'll sit in the pod together, and I'll listen. I'll listen for whatever. For you. For me. For the wind, whatever." (so I do this) (insight ahead!) .....Ok, laying there, many times I realized I wasn't listening. I was on one train of though after another, and I had to keep reminding myself to be in the pod with Sam and just listen. Then I realized… listening isn't something I do… listening is all I'm doing. I'm only ever listening. Its just what I'm listening to is the problem. If I listen to thoughts, then I'm on another train. If I listen to silence, (or perhaps music) then the train passes by. (or there's not even a train) Ok, going back in… (...) ....Well I still wasn't great at listening to silence but I did hear the following phrases, as if coming from someone else-- "we stole bicycles" "Chris is a dog" Also, Sam and I laid side by side in the Huckleberry position, touching elbows to feed each other energy. He said something--oh-- I asked what is surrender, and he said its when you dance in the moment. Then when I repeated that to myself to remember, he interjected at the end with "and sing". And I guess its true… that is more my flavor of surrender. Not that I'd dance in public of course! (i did last year at a party and it was very liberating) Ok, I’m ready to end the dream, and ask Sam to come up and hang out with me for a while. He says he'll be around and fades away. I climb out of the pod, and look around the loft once more. Then I make a portal and zip through it. I am now back in one body, and when I'm finished writing this I'll rub my hands together to ground myself in this place. Goodnight.
  15. One good thing about the synthetic voice is that it keeps you hanging on the words because you have to actively listen to her to catch everything. But I promise I sought out the best free, most natural sounding synthetic voice and spent long hours manipulating it into a pleasantly customised voice. Plus, I prefer female voices for this kind of thing, and I'm male. Also I don't like my voice, it's not soothing and I have a strong southern USA accent. You know it! I weren't about to do it for free!! ?
  16. @Zigzag Idiot here's it I was just kidding about tulpa, but basically it's a thought form or dream character that sort of takes on its own semblance of intelligence and independent thought. Also basically, it's a way of channeling your own insights and creativity, while also having a 'spiritual companion.' Also, basically, I think it's very similar to the A.I. bots that assimilate data and spit it back to you in a digestable form. I think that's why I was so interested in that philosopher a.i.. Also I feel like seeking_brilliance is a tulpa of something nameless. But that's another story
  17. So for me I guess it's both. I'm definitely a mental masturbater. I'll admit that, but I also feel like I live a full and enriched life so I don't demonise it. I do like to talk things out, but in doing so, it's like a spring of insights bubbles up within. The talking and obsessive words kind of coax that spring out of the depths. I keep telling myself that one day I'll buckle down and sit in stillness and then I'll see which quality of insights arise then. I do agree about surrender. For example, the lucid daydreams I'm presenting get so much more fun and interesting when I surrender to the story and let it flow through. I guess I also trained myself to switch between active writing and surrender writing, on demand. I don't know if i( as Justin) will ever be the type that surrenders to silence, it remains to be dreamed ?. Although last night I did go to my mind palace, hopped up into my meditation hammock, and attempted to meditate there, it was nice. I think I may pursue that angle for a while.
  18. Haha. I don't know if you read my thread about my astral guide, 'blue', but back when I was experiencing all that I was getting practice after practice. In a way I think I split my clairvoyance into this manifested astral companion, so that I can still experience life as someone who receives the insights and can choose to ignore my own sage wisdom, which happens quite regularly ? I'm still going through my old journals but I do think Blue told me he was my heart, so there ya go. I did buy a stethoscope but never stuck with it enough to see any benefits. Now I don't know where it is.... There's another option: download a sounds amplifier app on your smartphone. It sends the audio from the mic on the phone onto your headphones. Place the phone on your heart. It's not quite as good as a real stethoscope, but works in a pinch. Thank you for the recommendation. I covet your focused and analytical mind...I'm just not a very studious reader. I may look into it, but I also am gracious for Mr Zigzag who comes on here and condenses what he's learned for me. Thanks! (wait are you a tulpa? ?)
  19. @Zigzag Idiot @Zigzag Idiot I'll share something with you, it's silly but... A couple years ago an insight I received was to lay with a stethoscope on the heart and use the heartbeat as isochronic tones. In other words the alleged brainwaves should sync with it, or however that could be interpreted. In the very least, the act of it would be a type of spell casting.
  20. I visited there last night. Felt like returning home. I hung out for a while in my hanging meditation pod (hammock). Putting down the pen, I closed my eyes and joined bodies with the dream body, and I was there in the hammock with my library on the left and large windows and balcony on my right. It was cool. I'm very happy you had the white butterfly appear in a vivid dream. I call that dream incubation, and is the primary function of the videos I made. (the secondary function of them is that they are fully immersive Astral vacations) Try a video or vladimírs book! In my videos, as long as you can understand and accept the computer voice I had to use, everything is there for you to relax and journey to another world. We actually go to the balcony of my tree house at the end of "lucid flying"
  21. To hear you expand on the topic ? Jk, my ideal would be that even though we don't all get along, that there could be something which unifies us.... Oh wait....
  22. Also, for anyone wanting to bilocate into an expertly handcrafted dream, (like all you have to do is show up and dream) please try @SirVladimir's awesome book of short stories (literally they are dreams!) Also, you can try one of mine :
  23. @Shunyata well I still don't understand the concept of past or future lives besides the dream of them... so sure!! So for example, send yourself through a time tunnel with the intention of perceiving a past life. If anything doesn't come up, like a location for you to visit, then send yourself to a museum filled with artifacts of a previous life. Walk around and observe what you find. At the end of the day, whether or not the 'past life regression' is successful or accurate, it's fun and you will still receive lots of inner guidance, which I assume is what you are seeking ?
  24. @Hulia @seeking_brilliance (oops) @Myioko Some more tips to try-- just like when in a lucid sleeping dream we rub our hands to stabilise the dream. Try rubbing your physical hands, or even your daydream hands, (or even both ?) this should increase the visuals and ground you. ( ok scratch that. You rub the hands together of the dream body you wish to be grounded in. But it wouldn't be a bad experiment to go back and forth between the two... for science! Or try rubbing your physical hands first to remember the feeling, and then do it with the daydream hands for a stronger grounding.) Then, if you try the scribbling during the trip, try this : have your dream self yell out. Maybe something like "clarity now!" if the dream is fading. (same thing we do in sleeping lucid dream). But here's the trick, scribble harder and wildly as you are yelling in the dream. This will intensify the intentions and create a feedback loop between the dreamer and dream. For more ideas, look up what to yell out in lucid dreams. (i swear it's a thing ?)