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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. @Preetom if only we could have memories arise of other bodies and lifetimes, it would instantly put things in perspective, at least for people who are suffering in this one. Then again, I'm a different person and body every night so.....
  2. Oh well, the (sometimes obnoxious) overabundance is part of IT too
  3. it's possible. awareness comes and goes, no matter if dreaming or not, so just accept it and have no expectations. Its also possible that the lucid experience unlocked a buttload of subconscious things for you to process, which accounts for the bombarding of dreams. And don't expect to get lucid a lot, 1-3 times a month is normal for experienced lucid dreamers.
  4. Been there done that ?, actually it was hbw, but close enough
  5. Best answer so far, even though this is what @cetus56is getting to as well, I think
  6. There is not even a concept, but a concept of a concept. And there is no one to hold this concept of a concept. This is fun, brown bear ?
  7. yes, but perhaps you can get them to investigate the nature of thoughts and how thought shapes and distorts reality. That's easy enough to understand and to get someone started
  8. Ok awesome, well I'll stop hijacking this thread now
  9. Probably forum was slower back then but nowadays topics can leave the first page in a matter of hours
  10. Well I don't want to encourage them to step up censorship of our posts and threads, because I love the freedom and open-mindedness of this community, but the forum is very active and many good threads get lost... Out of sight and out of mind. It could just be kinda understood that this subforum is related to meditation and consciousness, and people could still post these type threads in that one at their own risk. That way the moderators don't have to worry about the extra work of moving the threads around to the correct forum.
  11. "enlightenment" is an empty label, and a paradoxial word. There is no one to be enlightened, so there is no such thing as enlightenment, unless you like to use that word to describe "____" (God, reality, all that IS, etc.)
  12. Sorry this is off topic, but didn't want to start a new thread... Could we PLEASE have a subforum for these topics: Lucid Dreaming, Alternative Healing, Paranormal, New Age, etc. so they don't keep getting lost in the neverending sea of new threads? Please?
  13. @Cepzeu awesome, I have thought about using affirmations in my own voice but never got around to it. Did you come up with the idea or did you read about it somewhere
  14. marijuana is great for making latent subconscious traumas bubble up to the surface. Great for healing.
  15. Here's another dream video I made... this time you can dream about being in a futuristic space station . Detailed instructions are on the youtube page.
  16. Q:what's beyond infinity? A: absolutely nothing.
  17. Yeah that's funny. Glad the brown bear noticed thoughts of the tree being beautiful in the end. There's hope yet
  18. Loved this article
  19. @ivankiss there's lots of info online on how to find your hypnagogic imagery and explore it. It's one technique for lucid dreaming, so those forums will have information.
  20. Love love love this! Imagination is so underrated. Even if just talking about what goes on in one person's head, or you know, whatever. Ever explored hypnogogic imagery? It's amazing what comes up, usually always surprises the heck out of me
  21. yeah true, that's definitely an inner hearing. Ok, I was just referring to how we say we "hear our thoughts"
  22. Hear should be another one.. we use it too often when referring to thoughts. Too bad there's not a better word for it, since the word 'hearing' tends to imply something audible, when thoughts aren't audible(unless the body happens to be using to the vocal cords to express the thoughts) There is only awareness of thoughts, as they arise.
  23. I can't think of any right now but it's a good thread so I'm bumping to see what others say. I guess one could be "I know what you mean." Chances are, I don't.
  24. @SoonHei hehe I know... It was a good insight.