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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. @Truth Addict I'm working on it. I can verify it exists, just working on the doing it at will part. It's a simple as observing hypnogogic imagery without losing consciousness, and without moving. Can't even move your eyes, which is probably the hardest obstacle, especially when images are blasting past you. Then the images get clearer and more detailed, and then you are in a dream, completely lucid and free to do whatever you want. If you could do this at will, you could potentially shut off all desires in "real life" and just flow. Even the most enlightened dude out there still needs approximately 8 hours of sleep so you can use that time to do whatever the hell you want.
  2. It's a beautiful poem thank you
  3. @Truth Addict Learn to make music "in your head". Especially if you teach yourself to WILD (wake induced lucid dream) whenever you want, the music would be just as real if not better than "real life". Also you can watch an orchestra of your music, or favorite real life song, while flying though the skies, or getting a blow job, or satiate any of your guilty addictions. Need not. Want not. Sounds pretty win-win to me!
  4. Do you have ADD? try smoking a tiny bit of Marijuana and then read a little bit at a time, really focusing on what its saying
  5. @Flatworld Crusades almost like a tingling in the middle of my head. And a high pitch in my ears
  6. After coming so far in personal and spiritual development, it is so hard to see and witness my husband, who is hurting so badly. He suffers from severe social anxiety, attention deficit disorder, possibly detecting some some bipolar with highs and lows coming in cycles. Recently there have been some heavy hitters at home.... Water damage in the ceiling, which led to a nightmare of getting our hardwood floors redone. Then immediately after, I come down with bone infection and seven weeks of IV antibiotics. Then immediately after that, termites and Terminex is handling our case very slowly and unprofessionally. I've remained strong throughout, for him especially, and we are making it through. But he's spiraling now and it hurts to watch it, and not being able to help because he's very closed off to help. I know I can help him.... But he's completely closed off to it. I have suffered from all of these mental obstacles to lesser degrees. I have now found mostly stable peace, and to see him suffering weighs heavy on my heart. I know that there's technically nothing that I can do, and it will play out as it does, but I also think, (possibly completely unbased) that the story can be changed in real time (relative time) by suggestions to the (M)ind. By grace, some of them may stick. Or I can just surrender to the possibility that the wish to change the story is just part of the story as well.... I'd like to think this is his awakening, I just went through a living nightmare with taking over the family business and being very close to suicidal, mood swings and anxiety attacks out the wazoo.... that sparked an awakening but in desperation I pleaded for no more big karma burns at the business..... Just do it at home because I'm withering. I need a break or I'll wither out and die. That would be fucked up if it actually happened and I'm the cause of my husband's pain... Mostly kidding.... but now I can see him withering, and it sucks. He feels like he can't get a break. I would love to show him that everything is ok, but he's so closed off. He is trying very hard though, in his own way. So I am proud of him for that but inside he's really not in a good place.
  7. Oh ok I gotcha. I'm mostly detached and not letting it affect my own peace. I see what you mean about having compassion without feeling bad. Maybe that's closer to what I am trying to express
  8. @Flatworld Crusades yesterday I was sitting in the office and had like this weird spider-sense go off in my head and seconds later a customer pulled up. I was like..... Hmmm. Ok Although I could have been picking up on a frequency that the truck was giving off. I get the same thing from tvs.
  9. Yes thank you. I do my best on that. Sometimes his anxiety is contagious
  10. True but even if I was having a lucid dream, I know my dream characters are me but still want them to be happy. I would want to heal and integrate that part of me
  11. Thank you. I suppose there is some underlying fear on my part when I see him suffering. I love myself but there's more hidden anxieties that need to be explored. I just want him to be happy.
  12. I'm glad you were able to get on top of your anxiety. Those are good ideas and sounds like something I would do. He's the kind of person that gets overwhelmed so it's easier to ignore the issues, which sounds like you had that issue but you had the openness to do something about it.
  13. Yeah and I don't want myself to suffer.... Lol... So you may have to explain this some more. So you saw the nondual nature of your loved one and his story changed? Or you just saw through and stopped identifying with the story?
  14. Thank you. I do try and remain mindful and strong when around him, in hopes that I can set a good example and he can see what is possible with this work. But he just dismisses it because he doesn't think I've ever had it as bad as him. He sadly lost in his stubbornness. Yes it is alot to process... I have been to hell and back, but as cliche as it sounds, now that I'm back I don't regret the journey. And obviously the journey isn't over yet but it doesn't affect me the same anymore. I wish that so bad for him. It's funny I have contemplated the whole 'being the key to his mind's door'. We'll see how the story plays out, I guess.
  15. @Flatworld Crusades thank you for sharing. I feel sympathy for him because I've been to hell and back, but oddly I also lose sympathy for him because of his complete lack of reception to help. He gets meds but refuses therapy from doctor. Thinks meditation or any other spiritual advice I have is whoo-whoo. But he's a good person and can put on a good front. Most of the time. That being said I have noticed some positive changes. He has been walking more and taking probiotics. Lol that's a start trust me. For him it is anxiety and depression which are reliant on each other
  16. ya'll should play skyrim on Ninetendo switch, so you can take it anywhere with you. so much better than being tied down to a tv
  17. How good are you at image matrixing? If you don't know, image matrixing is the ability to see pictures in randomized images or randomized patterns of color in nature. It's also believed to be a factor in how phosphenes with closed eyelids get translated as hypnogogic imagery. It also has to do with rorschach tests, and reading tea leaves by seeing pictures in the ramdomly places tea leaves after swirling around the cup. For example : seeing faces or images in the clouds... In wood grain, marble patterns, etc.... I suspect it also accounts for all the constellations... perhaps our ancestors really actually saw these animals and gods in the stars, through image matrixing. In my shower, there are many faces and images in the marble wall. It's almost comical how obvious some of them are. I've been thinking of drawing them, just so you can see what I'm seeing.... Like the angry Buddha scowling at me with raised arms, and long monk robes hanging from his arms. Or the predator head. There's a wookie head. A rabbit. A witch head. A smoking (cigarette) skeleton head..... Like it's crazy how these obvious-looking images are hidden within a complety natural canvas. A couple years ago, a pipe leaked in the ceiling of the guest room. It made a water stain around the ceiling fan, with varying shades of brown. In it, I could see a landscape image which looked alot like the Legend of Zelda game. It was an open feild and a large Boulder, and a labyrinth type area beyond that. To the right of this, was a small thicket of trees, and beyond that, a road which winds away to the right. There was a car on the road, like a jalopy from old timey cartoons, and a cartoon bunny was driving the car. I really wish I had thought about drawing this before it was painted over, but I did get some pictures. I forgot about all of this for a while, but then Last night, I was playing star wars battlefront and on the loading screen was a planet. In the clouds around the planet I was seeing different faces, until finally I found a very detailed image of a cat's head. You could see everything, the eyes, nose, triangle ears... A perfectly detailed portrait of a tabby-like cat. It was so detailed its hard to beleive that the clouds were painted on randomly when making the image. It's hard to believe the artist didn't intentionally sketch out the image of a cat's head when drawing the clouds. I've been looking for this image online so I can draw exactly what I see. You wouldnt believe it.... Anyway so does anyone else see these images? What are your favorite examples?
  18. Even though dreams are the same as reality in actual experience, I still consider them to be a mirror of what is happening in what we call 'waking life /real life'. In other words our nightly dreams are a 'dream within a dream', and rely much more on the dreamer's consciousness and psyche than the waking dream, which I see more as a shared dream, like a MMORPG. However, we have no proof that the shared dream isn't another dream within a dream, making our nightly dreams a dream-within-a-dream-within-a -dream, or infinitely deeper.
  19. It's definitely a neat little nod. Hollywood is peppered with this kind of stuff
  20. cool! I like that @Dodo what did it look like? silver cord and all?
  21. Don't take it too seriously though... Im pretty much making it up as I go ?
  22. Are you depressed because you didn't get a magical unicorn last night? Stop resisting what is. We don't all get magical unicorns.
  23. Have you ever had a dream where lots of awesome things happened and some awful things too? Only to wake up and realize that every experience of that dream was a creation of consciousness/imagination? Relatively, inside the dream, those things did happen. It felt very real and the dream self, aka "you" was very convinced that it was real. Then you wake up and are like, "wow.... that magical unicorn I was riding was not made of physical matter, but completely of dream fluff. I never left my bed!" Well what you may not realize is that you think you have woken up, but you are still very much dreaming. This dream is called "real life". It is very convincing because it appears to have a continuity from the previous day. You get out of bed and go to work, and your boss yells at you. It feels very real, and relatively, to you, the dream self of "real life", it is happening. This happens when you are convinced that there is a such thing as "you" or "others". When the "you" and "others" falls away, it may turn out that what is happening is a complete fabrication of consciousness/imagination. There is no difference in actual experience between what we call dreams, and what we call real life. Conditions appear to be different, like gravity, physics, and continuity, but the actual experience is one and the same. If we say that what happened in a "dream" isn't real, than how can we say with certainty that what happens in "real life" is real? But real is relative. Depends on "who" you ask.