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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. @Leo Gura @ivankiss@ivankiss. Oops sorry Leo, just taking to Ivan here... Chew a few peppercorns before pot use. There are chemicals in pepper that bind to your endocannaboids and somehow greatly lessen or prevent that paranoia and anxiety. You can even chew them after you are high and feeling the paranoia.
  2. @Mulky @Myegolikestacos haha I work with dogs and I envy them too. Interesting though because they can have some severe psychological disorders sometimes that ruins their natural happy go lucky state. It appears they have evolved enough to start overthinking.
  3. @Preetom maybe it's not for you. If it does become religion it could still be preached hundred of years from now and by then we have evolved a little bit more to transcend the (false) need for religion and find true effortless spirituality. The religion becomes a necessary evil, just as Christianity has.
  4. @ivankiss Cool take your time. I think LD would be in your best interest for now, as you can continue to explore consciousness but take a break from conceptualizing and overthinking about what happened the other night, and prevent your trying to reach it again. Besides, the dreams could help you process and integrate this non - experience in ways that wouldn't be possible in waking life.
  5. @ivankiss hey, not sure if you saw, I did reply to you on the last page. Also curious what you've been doing since this experience. (oops not experience, but whatevs you want to call it) Backlash vs integration... Although are those mutually exclusive?
  6. There is alot of question on the difference between WILD and astral projection... The community seems split on that subject. In my experience, any time I've projected or left my body, it ended up being a lucid dream. But yes, you can enter both from the waking state through meditation. lots of people will tell you that for meditation, you must ignore the images that arise. But for WILD, you have a passive interest in them. They will become clearer and clearer and more detailed. When they are photo - realistic, you can try to zoom in on a detail and then enter the dream. Have to do all of this without moving your eyes. That's the hardest part for me. I know a good book for it if you get ready to try it. But I can verify that it's real and to step through into another reality like that without any break in between is an amazing and life changing experience. It really shakes the core belief of what is 'real reality'. Everything begins to blend together. On my LD forum, the question of sharing a dream often arises. There are some that claim to have done this, but I have never shared a nightly dream with another person, that I am aware of. If so the memory is hidden. I love talking to dream characters. Some of them are dumb as a rock and some are very convincing. I don't know if I can say a single one is a conscious being, besides the fact that the character is me expressing myself through this character. I love to ask questions that make the dream character think : things like, what did you dream last night, what's your earliest memory, when were you born.... That sort of stuff. Sometimes I get gibberish answers and sometimes a whole story is made up on the spot. Many times when getting an answer from a dream character, I can't understand what they are saying. My hearing will falter or I just can't understand them. Imagine someone talking to you in English but you forgot what any of the words mean. It's like that. I am a new dream self in every dream, yet usually still equates to 'me'. Every dream self comes loaded with tons of false memories and identity, all of which serve the story. Many times waking life memories are peppered into this identity, but that does not mean I am lucid, because I don't particularly know i am dreaming. Sometimes I do switch perspectives into a dream character, or become a third person observer, but the majority of the time I am a dream self of seeking_brilliance, but not exactly the waking seeking_brilliance. A few times I have been an animal, I do remember becoming like an eagle in a forest once. I could probably be whatever creature or character I want if I get lucid and will it to change, but usually I go straight to experimenting with dream characters or carnal pleasures.
  7. @ivankiss Yes there are different levels of lucidity. Just the other night, I realized I was dreaming. But I was so wrapped up in the story that I couldn't remember who I was outside of the dream. I remember trying very hard to remember but nothing could break me from the paradigm of the dream self. All I knew was that I was dreaming and that nothing was real. There are times when I remember almost everything about waking life, but am still succeptable to false memories. Then I wake up and laugh at how I still thought I had a blue cat when clearly I've never had one, or stuff like that. And then you can be completely lucid and have full consciousness of waking life. This is easier achieved by wake induced lucid dreaming (WILD) where you enter the dream state from full walking consciousness. And its funny that we say that full waking consciousness in a dream is 'fully lucid' when the waking consciousness is still living in delusion. So yes I have no issue with the idea of becoming hyperconscious and cognizant of being the man behind the curtain itself.
  8. @ivankiss yes I saw it thanks... I'll think about it for a while and answer
  9. @ivankiss First of all, I'm definitely not a master at this. I've been lucky to be a very vivid dreamer my whole life with good recall, and in the last few years began having lucid dreams. Yes there has been a shift in waking reality, it feels very real but I am no longer completely fooled. There are times when I can be walking around and feel like I'm in a lucid dream. That's very fleeting for now. One of my favorite lucid dreaming books talks about 'the man behind the curtain' , and likens him to the wizard of Oz. This is a veiled intelligence which pulls the strings of the dream. When not lucid, it is running the show by itself, designing every detail of the dream simultaneously and instantly. Everything, from the setting, the story, the characters, and any other experiences. The man behind the curtain is none other than the dreamer themselves, yet the conscious mind of the dreamer (the dream self) pays no attention to it. Even when you become lucid, you do not consciously control most of the details. You do not expend your energy designing the room you are in, making every decision down to every detail like the color of the carpet or the dream characters which will appear. These things just form around you and you can lucidly interact. Yes, you can willfully change the location or make things happen, but you still do not design every detail. The man behind the curtain does. And he's you. I have no issue translating this idea into waking life. The only differences between the two states is- what we call waking state has a much stronger illusion of continuity. In dreams the continuity only serves the story, and can change many times within a dream completely unnoticed by the dream-self. In waking life, continuity appears to be unbroken. I suspect it's possible that it's not, but this goes unnoticed by the 'conscious' self. Another difference is a you said, density. (maybe not how you meant it ?) No matter hard hard I try in waking life, I have not yet melted through a solid wall. In dreams, I often melt through walls (and sometimes get stuck)... when I first started trying, I couldn't do it, and it's completely based on belief. I would just keep banging my head against a solid wall which luckily does not hurt in night time dreams.... I suspect that if it were possible to do in waking life then no one has done it because they will never believe it to be possible. There are other difference but other than that the core experience is the same. Sight, sound, touch, smell, taste.... It's all there. A dream self who is experiencing the story. A waking up into the dream. Thoughts and actions. Not really knowing at which point you are in control, if ever. And it's fucking amazing! At the same time, I am stuck in this 'it's a dream' concept and I don't know if it's preventing me from going further. I suspect it does. I don't know what it is, and am starting not to care what it is. Honestly I'm more interested in dream work anyway. It's fulfilling for now.
  10. @ivankiss One thing I was going to mention is how when dreaming, you feel like you are in control, and then upon waking from or into the dream, you realize, wow, I wasn't in control at all. My dream self was completely following a script just like all the other dream characters. Even sometimes when lucid I seem to be following a script but I can break out of that too. I'll comment further but it's getting busy at work now
  11. @ivankiss I don't think dreaming gets enough credit really. I would love to master it one day. Most of my experience and experiments have been just taking it all in that everything within the dream is me. And I also love talking to dream characters because some of them can be very interesting. They appear to be separate, and intelligent individuals and yet I still know that they are me. It really gives a new perspective on waking life. Last night I became conscious that I was dreaming. I completely wasted it on the hot guy that happened to be next to me lol. Talk about instant ego backlash haha. It seems when you engage in these egoic acts, at least without a constant awareness, you lose lucidity too fast. But what's interesting is how all inhibitions dropped the moment I became lucid. I didn't even care who saw us because I knew I couldn't be judged. It's a very liberating feeling. I'm curious which kind of synchronicities you experience and epically the one which may have led to this experience
  12. Sounds awesome, thanks for sharing.. Reading through it stirred something within me... Same feeling when something happens and triggers a dream memory
  13. This happens to me about every day. I'll be thinking something or reading something and immediately the word I'm thinking or reading will be said alloud on TV or by someone in the room. So trippy. It's been happening for years
  14. @Truth Addict Thank you ❤️ that's my main goal, although eventually it must be dropped: is to live unconditionally. I want to be an unconditionalist. ? Thank you so much
  15. I know that the following is probably full of word salad and spiritual bypassing, but I think it's fruitful to share a slice of the journey, in case anyone can be benefited and learn better by my mistakes.... I recently received treatment of bone infection in one of my fingers. Seven weeks of intravenous antibiotics, while still working part time. There is no guarantee that the treatment worked, and we literally have to sit and wait to see if it gets infected again. There is a bump there now on the back of my finger, which may or may not go away. Sometimes I think about that I hope it's not part of the story for it to need to be amputated. I tell myself that I will accept it nonetheless, whatever happens. I can tell you what's part of the story, and that's the hope for a particular outcome of the story. In this example, the hope that seeking_brilliance doesn't have to go through that experience. Out of love and respect for that particular character. Even if he's a figment of imagination, there's an attachment to this character. I have an imaginary friend, so to speak. I have a few of them... And I think about, well, who is this I, that is attached to seeking_brilliance, or its husband, or its friends and family? Absolutely, there is no-thing, so there can be no 'I' to have friends. There can be no I, when there are no others to compare to. However, in our limited language, the closest thing to saying ALL is 'me' (or I). (other than saying no-thing) I can say, well, seeking _brilliance IS 'me', so whether it is apart of the story to hope for particular outcomes to the story, or if there were truly some-one to wish for things, it is all the same: Seeking_brilliance wanting a different outcome.......the story of seeking_brilliance wanting a different outcome.........the story of that being a story..........the story of this observance of there being this story of a seeking _brilliance who wishes for a different outcome of the story. It's all one and the same. There doesn't need to be a thing or a someone to hope and wish on seeking_brilliance's behalf. It's all blended together. It just happens. Down to the smallest particle, and up to the largest body. It's a Symphony. One everlasting movement. Absolutely Perfect.
  16. Thank you ?
  17. Thanks for the advice. I definitely agree. Unfortunately I've been nursing my pot addiction a bit heavy lately, and that's mainly when all the overthinking and word salad vomits out of my mouth (or technically my fingers ??) but it feels good to share when it arises. Thankfully I'm not this neurotic all day every day. I have been definitely taking it easy and nurturing myself. That's great advice, thanks. I know my next path is meditation. We'll see what happens.... ?. I've come to a strong awareness of how much I'm avoiding reality. Constantly distracting myself and then complaining that I'm too distracted for meditation. Go figure....
  18. could be either, but would be very hard to verify. Especially with a North Korean lol
  19. @Truth Addict Copied and pasted the share function on Amazon Kindle I think you might like this book – "The WILD Way To Lucid Dreaming: Lucid Dreaming On Demand" by slider. Start reading it for free:
  20. @seeking_brilliance But then it raises a curious question. What if you break that flow state and begin craving the dream world?