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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. @Schahin thoughts just appear. They appear inside the mind/body, but you are not the mind/body. (you are, but that does not define you. To say you are Schahin would be way too confining) You are aware of what is happening inside the mind/body of Schahin so much to the point of thinking that is you. Even if you no longer think it is you, you are still locked into this awareness of the mind /body in which the thoughts arise. You are appearing as the mind/body of Schahin, and you are appearing as the thoughts within this Schahin. But these can not define you because that would be too confining. Even if the thoughts were appearing as entities who are supplying you with these thoughts, you are appearing as these entities, and they are still you. Whether they are Schahin or not would be hard to define, everything really kind of blends together after a while....
  2. Not my words.... Although I guess it depends on who you ask -------------------------------------- You are everything including the appearance of the void...but you are not the void...what you are is indescribable and never a thing and even the void is a thing. But that is how limitless you are that you even appear as the void. The mind needs some way of defining YOU and the only concept it can behold is the idea of a void where everything appears...but even the void is an appearance. So, there is the awareness of absence which thought calls a void...but that is impossible as you are appearing as the void...therefore you can never be absent. So the void is like any other appearance but thought says there is no thing there because there are no other appearances… but the void is the appearance which thought also labels as deep sleep or lack of consciousness/awareness. The realisation that the void is just another appearance in/as THIS hit me like a ton of bricks. I am never empty as I am the appearance of everything! There is no dark empty void! There is no thing I am not and yet I am none of those things...including the thing called a void. I am contained by nothing and no descriptions can contain me. See there is nowhere to return to or go. There is nothing to become. And no matter what you appear as, you always know yourself. What can I return to, when I am it all! Where can I go? Even to have that thought is now ludicrous. So to fear death is just as ludicrous. To be concerned at what you appear as is the joke of a lifetime. What would "everything" be one with when it is the appearance of every thing! You can't be one with yourself, there has never been anything but you, no matter if you appear as a billion separate things! You're not an appearance - seeing as you are all that is. What would you appear in, what would you appear to, and what would you be an appearance of? Consciousness is also a concept, as is awareness. I simply AM. ~ source unknown
  3. @Preetom haha like I said later, they probably aren't too concerned about being cited. Just didn't want to upset the one who couldn't remember the author so they said it was probably best not to share it. It's all good though
  4. I'm whatever THIS is... aware and conscious seem to be a good way to describe it
  5. ?‍♂️ I feel what you are saying but I've decided that I won't claim to know. I like using THIS because it still has an inquisitive tone to it, whereas calling it awareness /Consciousness seems too definitive. Same with calling it a dream, or illusion, or a simulation. Whatever... Those words can be used to describe THIS, but even the word THIS is a misnomer, as there is no-thing to be this or that.
  6. I don't know what THIS is ?
  7. @Farnaby this is exactly my experience too. Love surrendering practice it gives you. Also opens my heart wide. The trick is to practice the things it teaches you when sober.
  8. Actually they appear to have beginnings with Tibetan monks... but in the 20's they were discovered by the west. Something like that. I'm sure the occult picked it up real fast. I have a feeling that what people call spirit guides are in fact tulpas. (correction : tibetan mystics, not monks) That's interesting about egregores. You can already say that this forum has a collective ego, so it wouldn't be too far off to make something sentient haha. jk
  9. This one's really out there.... But that's OK because so am I! Anyone here heard of tulpamancy? This article explains it great... In a way we are kind of like tulpas. To think that an imaginary being can create their own imaginary beings.... I predict in x number of years we will be having civil rights movement for our imaginary sentient beings...
  10. 1 day bump... If there's no interest I'll let it die...
  11. This works for sure. Works much better when not in depression mindset. Does work for anxiety.
  12. Hi, sorry I didn't write this. I will update the post to make that clearer. But here's my answers: 1. Not really sure about this one 2. Awareness and consciousness is a concept because these are just labels by thought to try and understand THIS.
  13. @Serotoninluv haha I guess I'll take my chances... It already has unknown at the bottom but I'll do what you said... Surely someone who has had such a realization wouldn't care about being cited right lol
  14. How about a tulpa
  15. @Nahm @Serotoninluv @SoonHei Sorry guys.... this was a beautiful message, but I after I posted it I was asked not to share it because the person that I got it from can't remember the source..... please remove. Hope ya'll still got something out of it though
  16. @ivankiss would you ever be interested in adding binaural beats or isochronic tones to your music? these tones change the frequency of the brain. Isochronic tones would be better possibly, because binaural beats require headphones to be effective. Isochronic tones work through any normal speakers.
  17. The word God can be seen in the turtle shell. The point is that how can I know if it happened completely by random chaos, or if a divine intelligence is having a good laugh? And are the two mutually exclusive?
  18. Haha this is a can of worms.... (At first I thought you wrote 'any name on it' and I wanted to say something witty like 'it's his screen name' ?)
  19. Count from one to one hundred while visualizing the numbers going backwards. Start over if you lose count
  20. haha our planet is one of the specks of dirt on the turtle's ass
  21. Where's my cute animal eating popcorn gif when I need it?
  22. sorry was just having a laugh. So what is your answer to the mind bender?
  23. oh ok, well I stick my hand out of the bubble and it ends up popping in from the other side and scratches my back. very useful thank you!
  24. @1liamo78 There would be no bubble. You can imagine a bubble if you'd like, but even if you stick your hand outside of it, you haven't reached the end of anything. Just the end of an imaginary bubble. I'm not 100% sure of everyone's use of the word "nothing", but I see it as no-thing. Endless form. There is no inside or outside, there's not even an object. And yet we also say that "everything" is contained within it. But if we say that there's no-thing, then there can't be an "every-thing" so the everything is imaginary. Does that help?