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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. @Shaun I think you would be very successful at kriya since you are already sensitive to the energy. Just make sure you are doing lots of shadow work so there is less tension in the body because you don't want to overload your circuits. Do you have the guide book? Just start slow
  2. This is what I was getting at, but the question is, do you teach them all that from the beginning? Does it just become a dogma, because the child doesn't have any other way of living to compare it to? What would a person be like who was never scarred by suffering? Would they have empathy?
  3. Yes I planned on mentioning that, but didn't want to sound like rambling. Was mainly focusing on the illusion of a body and feeling emotions in various parts of it opposed to how we feel thoughts happening in the brain. That they feel separate but there is no boundary. I can see how my post was confusing, the questions I asked were mostly rhetorical, but that can be too misleading and now I have to waste a post explaining the intent lol. Oh well I write silly sometimes, it happens
  4. @dinone yeah, not sure what level of non-inteference he suggests.... Like no discipline or anything? Yes, any morals or conduct we may want to bestow upon our children is a bunch of cultural programming and seems counter-productive, but in an orange to blue (maybe a little green) world, the programming is a necessary evil, to ensure survival, to propel the evolution of the human species. Although I guess you could say that when he says to let things happen naturally, perhaps he just means trust your own programming and parent your child exactly as you do. It is all working out perfectly.
  5. They are a feedback loop.... And where do emotions happen? In the mind or in the body? There is a physical sensation with all emotions, but physical sensations are thoughts after all. Is there a thought of emotion?..... Or does emotion arise independently, which thought labels?
  6. @Aldo I don't know much about Leonardo DaVinci, but I'm giving a bump because I'm interested in more answers...
  7. This is something that was posted by someone on Facebook today... I guess they were making some public announcement lol.... -------------------------- If you’re having sex and you’re not married, you’re not dating, you’re fornicating. “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate,” 1 Cor 6:9 I say this with ALL LOVE ------------------------- Wow the irony.... Although you have to admit the book they are given is way too flawed or heavily coded..... and they really do just want people to be happy.... Sad....
  8. @GabeN I actually sat and meditated yesterday and it felt pretty good. Body gets too stiff though so I end up stretching instead but mindfully
  9. You are in all bodies. You (sausagehead) began with the same blank slate of consciousness as I (seeking_brilliance) did. Also the same as my dog Luna started with. Immediately through your (sausagehead) experiences, your blank state began to diverge and take on your (sausagehead) personality. You (GOD) forgot your divinity and became lost in the illusion that is called sausagehead. Now it feels like you (sausagehead) are an individual human who has thoughts and desires. You ask yourself how you came to be in this body instead of a dog or cat. You (GOD) is getting a good laugh at that.
  10. Thanks... Guess I won't count reincarnation out then. And I'm perfectly fine with not understanding it ?
  11. Yes this is what we told 'sinners' why they should be saved 'today'
  12. @ivankiss don't worry... I don't want to be enlightened... I don't even know what that means. And I definitely don't care when this human body dies. The body just hopes it won't be painful ?But you are saying that an enlightened fellow understands reincarnation?
  13. Yes but they are so tasty... Although the milk leaves a sour stomach
  14. @ivankiss who gets reincarnated as a fish? Or is this just sarcasm? Serious question now... Because lots of people talk about reincarnation and I used to buy into that, but I don't understand how an illusion pretending to be human can be reincarnated as something else.
  15. @GabeN haha trust me... I've given up trying to answer that for myself. I realize it's part of the story for me to be lazy and not disciplined, and it will be part of the story if I get my ass in gear. I know that's full of spiritual bypassing but still, it is what it is. At the same time I am aware of my undisciplined nature and am aware of all the benefits it would bestow to me if I change. Sitting still and silent is my number one issue. There's even times when I'm SO EXHAUSTED from running in circles/thinking and I am CRAVING a chance to meditate and learn to be still. And I'll either ignore that craving or give into it. But when I give in, the meditation never lasts long. My mind is a wild monkey.
  16. Not really ripped it off but just reminded me of it. Its an amazing book. We had to read it in school. Here's a short synopsis for anyone interested: The Giver is a 1993 American young adult dystopian novel by Lois Lowry. It is set in a society which at first appears to be utopian but is revealed to be dystopian as the story progresses. The novel follows a 12-year-old boy named Jonas. The society has taken away pain and strife by converting to "Sameness", a plan that has also eradicated emotionaldepth from their lives. Jonas is selected to inherit the position of Receiver of Memory, the person who stores all the past memories of the time before Sameness, as there may be times where one must draw upon the wisdom gained from history to aid the community's decision making. Jonas struggles with concepts of all the new emotions and things introduced to him: whether they are inherently good, evil, or in between, and whether it is even possible to have one without the other. The Community lacks any color, memory, climate, or terrain, all in an effort to preserve structure, order, and a true sense of equality beyond personal individuality.[1]
  17. @DrewNows Will there be "birthers" who's job is to have the babies, although not raise them? We could pick only the smartest and highest consciousness women for this role. Have you ever read The Giver? (theres a movie too)
  18. @Nahm great answer thank you ?
  19. @Nahm ok i gotcha. Ok, let's say your kid is experiencing bullying at school. Do you : Teach the kid to love the bully, and how to not be traumatized by the experience. Teach the kid to fight back and stand up for themselves. 1 and 2 combined.
  20. Yes, this is important of course. Lots of parents want to teach their kids this, but they don't even know how to do it. They are teaching conditional love
  21. I can see the value in that... Yes I think you can leave out the non duality teachings and let them discover that. But I completely agree, meditating should be taught in schools, along with anxiety management and self improvement. One day hopefully
  22. I would love a thread which explores the non dual teachings in the Bible and its extra-canon... @mandyjw @Kushu2000 'Why do people in the Christian faith deem everything that's not Christian demonic?' Because this is what they are taught in church. They truly love their God and truly believe they must accept Jesus christ as their savior in order to go to heaven. Some denominations believe you have to ask Jesus into your heart again every time you sin, in fear that they will not go to heaven. My denomination believed that once you are saved, you are always saved, but you should still ask for forgiveness of your sins. And all this neurotisism for those that already believe! On top of all this, they truly want to save the world and don't want to see anyone go to hell. Especially the people they love. So they spread their neurotisisms around the world like a Christian plague. Praying is good. Helps you focus your intent into something. As long as you realize that at the end of the road, you are praying to yourself.