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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. @KurtisLey hi I was raised Baptist too... Feels like I could have written the top part of your post.
  2. It's just too hard to answer. Yes, no, maybe? Maybe they are accessing DNA memory?
  3. The problem with this is that your brain (or whatever) can come up with an elaborate story in a millisecond. Does so several times a night while dreaming. So ultimately there really is no proof. Even direct experience couldn't be trusted.
  4. A few mystical experiences, and then falling into a deep suicidal depression after taking on a business that I knew nothing about. Biggest hurdle is the monkey mind. I've always had obsessive thoughts and not much self discipline. I think this will work itself out naturally, but YES I'm still waiting to get into psychotherapy.
  5. You can't stop religions from forming. It will happen in the natural order of things. Just as resisting the formation of religions. It will all happen naturally, just let it flow as it should.
  6. I think even if you don't give a fuck anymore, its still wise to be kind and gentle because it relaxes the ego that you are trying to teach. Of course some egos need a heavy hand. And so not every teacher is for everyone. I would personally prefer a bit of both.
  7. I bet I could bring my brother around to this conclusion..... Just got to think where to start. He already believes in a god that encompasses all, but has no concept of oneness.
  8. What is happening Must be another one of those dreams...
  9. is a wonderful hub for learning. But if anyone follows someone as an infallible teacher, then they will always be deceived and disappointed. Let's stop bitching and arguing if this site or any other is good enough or not, because they all will fail under these expectations. Go live your life, learn, grow, and use these sites as a hub of information, not as your sole authority on teaching. And remember, these sites are as good as the effort you put in. If you aren't seeing quality posts, then perhaps you aren't posting quality posts.
  10. How can something be ruined if it's unfolding naturally? Saying that it's ruined is projecting your expectations on it. If it's not serving you now, come back later. If it's not serving you later, find a new teacher and come back even later. Or don't come back at all. But Leo's project will continue to unfold naturally, and no, it will no longer be generalized for wider audiences.
  11. I have a feeling that if aliens become nesseccary for the story they will manifest and then it will be as if they were there all along... Something like that
  12. @Aakash oh interesting blog post. I like this part: sometimes I like to think about how all THIS - could come and pass as quickly as one of our nightly dreams (in relative time of course). And we have on average 4-6 dreams per night. And every time a dream is manifested, an entire universe is manifested, although for nightly dreams I'm not sure how much of that universe is manifested at once, probably only the parts needed for the story. But it really puts things into perspective that all of THIS that we hold so dear is nothing but a blip in infinity. So awesome.
  13. Could you summarize it for me if I'm too lazy to look it up?
  14. No its very normal, in fact if you continue to stare your vision will go fuzzy and white. Eyes need movement, even just micro-movements, to register sight
  15. Well he said the visuals appeared, not that he had eyes open and saw the paneling on walls breathing... But I could be wrong
  16. Hypnogogic images is a well known fact among lucid dreamers. No need to contact a professional. @peqkno you were experiencing hypnogogic imagery. The wood grain texture MIGHT be some kind of symbolism where your subconscious is communicating with you, or it's just completely random. I've seen carpet texture as if my face was lying directly on floor. Didn't take much meaning from it though.
  17. I have no problem with Jesus being a real person that lived 2000 years ago. There's not much proof for it either way. But just as my life as seeking_brilliance, if written down for millions to see, could be an allegory for something or another, it doesn't negate the fact that Jesus's life was also an allegory for development of consciousness, although it was most likely largely fictionalized to suit the agenda.
  18. what would you like to know? Might be more helpful if I knew where you are in your practice and what issues you are having. as far as stabilization techniques, rubbing your hands together works really well. Also, you can continue to do a quick reality check, mine is counting my fingers but that can get distracting. Holding your nose and breathing is a quick one that won't take your eyes off the rest of the dream, so it will be less distracting. Also, some find that saying out loud to the dream "clarity now" or "stabilize!" will instantly stabilize the dream. Clapping your hands together while doing this helps too.
  19. In my opinion don't count out the delusions. There is nothing wasted. Just don't take them as truth at face value. Take them as symbolism to be worked out. When I am experiencing delusions on psychedelic it is very similar to dreaming. Therefore it's all symbolism for your psyche.
  20. @Bryanbrax I say live your teen life. Make your mistakes. Sow your seeds. At the same time, practice meditation and learn non - attachment. You will have to unravel your psyche at some point, and this will give you a great head start.
  21. I wish this was mainstream for Bible interpretation.. At least the part that it is all an analogy for your consciousness. Then people will be free to draw any conclusions from that
  22. It's funny because , yes there's alot of bad things presented subliminally in commercials and entertainment, and yet there is so much hidden truth I see too, mostly in adventurous or scifi movies / TV show.